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Windham County Connecticut
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691. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: Just received, and to be Sold at this Office, (Price Two shillings and Eight-pence) God’s Awful Warnings, To a Giddy, Careless, Sinful World. Being a Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times, Particularly of the present time, the present war, and the prophecy now fulfilling, (year of the world 5913.) Written under the direction of the Lord God, And published by his sacred Command, by Richard Brothers.

692. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: Port Republic Bridge, To be erected in South Carolina. Carpenters, and labourers, who can be recommended for their industry, may find employ for the winter season, in erecting Port Republic Bridge. The terms may be known by applying to Jabez Hazen, of Windham, or the subscriber in Norwich. Application must be made immediately, as the subscriber expects to sail in a few days. Richard
Avery. Norwich, October 6, 1795.

693. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: Notice is hereby given, that the hon. court of probate, for the district of Windham, hath allowed six months, from the 26th of September, 1795, for the creditors to the estate of John Salter, Esq., late of Mansfield, deceased, to exhibit their claims against said estate, properly attested, or be debarred a recovery. John Salter, Adm’r.

694. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: Broke into the enclosure of the subscriber, the 12th of October, a year old mule, of a lightish colour. The owner is
requested to prove property and pay charges, and take it away. William Trobridge. Pomfret, October 31st, 1795.

695. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: Good Saltpetre, made and sold by John Brown, Windham.

696. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: List of Letters remaining in the Post-Office Pomfret, October 28, 1795. Polly Plank, Pomfret. Hadlock Marcey, Esq., Ebenezer Tuttle, John Holbrook, Jesse Penniman, Woodstock. Jonathan Russell, John Fuller, Joseph Jewet, Thompson. Rufus Stebbens, Ashford. Abijah Sessions, Union. Doct. Trumbull Dorrance, Hampton. Sampson Howe, Esq. Killingly. Lemuel Grosvenor, P.M.

697. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: Extract of a letter from a gentleman in New-York to his friend in Hartford, dated Oct. 26. “We have the pleasure
to inform you that the late Epidemic has almost disappeared; not one death reported yesterday, and we do not know of a single new case; and
indeed we know of no one that at present is sick. People here think no more of it than if no such sickness had prevailed, business is going on
as usual, and the town is very lively.

698. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: Windham. Married, at Canterbury, Mr. Thomas Spalding, aged 76, to Mrs. Amey Smith aged 55.

699. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: Windham, Died, at Pomfret, on Monday the 26th ult. in the midst of an useful and active life, Dr. Jedediah Ensworth, __at 37; and on Wednesday his remains were interred. A sermon pertinent to the occasion, was delivered by the Rev. Walter Lyon, to a large concourse. The Brothers of Moriah Lodge, of which he was an officer, esteemed and respected, attended with their usual badges, and performed the obsequies with a decorum and respect due to a worthy brother. A short, but comprehensive eulogium was pronounced at the grave, by brother Wm. P. Cleaveland. The tokens of respect manifested on the mournful event, evinces the regret of a feeling public who sincerely sympathize with the afflicted widow, children and relations in the loss of an affectionate husband, parent, brother and friend.

700. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: The subscriber begs leave to inform the publick, ,that he carries on the Auger-making business as usual in the
same shop where he used to work, and that he has built a shop near Mr. Thomas Swift’s mills, on the road that leads from Mansfield to Ashford, and has procured a workman to work in said shop, who has been approved at the black-smith’s business, especially edge tools, and all persons who will favor me with the custom the ensuing year, may depend on having their work done with neatness and dispatch: cash or country produce will be received in payment, and the least favour thankfully acknowledged by the publick’s humble servant, Frederick French. Mansfield, November 5th, 1795.

701. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: Ran away from the subscriber on the night following the 25th inst. an Apprentice boy, named Joseph Horton, about
17 years old, and about 5 feet 6 inches high, with an up look, and dark short hair. Whoever will return said runaway to me, the subscriber,
shall receive one cent reward, and no charges paid. All persons are forbid harboring or trusting said runaway, at their peril. Benjamin
Leonard. Ashford, October 28, 1795.

702. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: The Brethren of Moriah Lodge, are hereby notified to meet at the dwelling house of brother Nathan Grosvenor, in
Pomfret, one the 12th day of November next, at 9 o’clock, A.M. by the W.M.’s order. Test. Jedediah Johnson, Sec’ry.

703. WH Sat Nov 7, 1795: The Proprietors of Windham (first society) library are desired to meet at Mr. John Staniford’s on Tuesday next, 5
o’clock in the afternoon. Samuel Gray, Librarian. Windham, Nov. 5th, 1795.

704. WH Sat Nov 14, 1795: Augusta, (Geor.) Oct. 10. Extract of a letter from a gentleman of veracity, in Washington county, dated October 3. “We arrived at Carr’s Bluff on Monday morning, where we found that the evening before there had been a skirmish between some white people and 8 Indians; hear that place we saw one white man killed, one mortally, and several others slightly wounded; we were fully satisfied that 7 Indians were killed and thrown into the river, only one escaped. I never saw the frontiers more alarmed; I have just cause to believe, there are no less than 29 Indians killed in the same manner, and am well informed of a scout being out at present endeavouring to find more. This the Indians bring on themselves; they come over the line among the settlements, insult the people, and endeavour to plunder and murder them.”

705. WH Sat Nov 14, 1795: The following is a recent instance of a person’s changing his colour. Richard Moss, of Virginia, about 40 years
of age, was descended from black parents, on both sides, and was himself originally of the same complexion. About four years ago, white spots
began to appear, here and there upon him. These have extended, until the greater part of his body, face, arms, legs, and hands, are become white and unusually fair. The process still continues, and there is little doubt, but the remaining spots of black will finally be changed.

706. WH Sat Nov 14, 1795: Windham. Married, at Lebanon, Mr. Ralph Badlock [or Badcock], to Miss Polly Kingsbury.

707. WH Sat Nov 14, 1795: We the subscribers being by the hon. court of probate for the district of Windham, appointed commissioners to receive and examine the claims of the creditors to the estate of Mr. Roswell Terry, late of Lebanon, in Windham county, deceased, represented
insolvent, hereby give notice to the creditors of said estate, that we shall attend to the business of our said appointment, at the dwelling-house of Capt. Dennison Wattles, inholder in said Lebanon, on the first Tuesday in each of the months of January, February, and March next, at one o’clock afternoon. Elkanah Tisdale, David Trumbull, Commissioners. Lebanon, Nov. 7, 1795.

708. WH Sat Nov 14, 1795: Drugs & Medicine. Benjamin Dyer, has lately received a fresh additional supply of Genuine Drugs & Medicine. Which he now offers for sale on the lowest terms, at his Store in Windham, Among which are the following: Genuine Lockyer’s Hooper’s and Anderson’s Pills; Turlington’s Balsam of Life; Bateman’s Pectoral Drops; Godfrey’s Cordial; Hill’s Balsam of Honey; Stoughton’s Elixir; Bateman’s Cordial Elixir; Duffy’s Elixir; Frounch’s Elixir; Eaton’s Cordial Styptic; British Oil; Harlem Oil; Essence Pepper Mint; Essence Burgamot; Essence Lemon; Oil Cinnamon; Oil Cloves; Oil Lavender; Hungary Water, Rose Water, Lavender Water, per bottle; Huxham’s tinct. of the [bark?]; Best Red, Yellow, and Common Bark; Glauber’s Salts; Crem Tartar; Opium; Camphor; Columbia Root; Borax; Jalap; Sena; Castor; Flor. Suphur; Quassia Root; Flakely and Common Manna; Aether Vittiol; Flor. Zinc; Gum K[ino?]; Caphalic Snuff; Hair Pencils; Sorted Tooth Brushes; Ivory and Pewter Syringes; Tooth Instruments; Surgeon’s Needles’ Smelling Bottles; Horse Fleams; Gold, Silver, and Brass Leaf; London, Birmingham, Shell and Spring Lancets. Likewise, Tamarinds, Raisins, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Alspice, Pepper, Rosin, English Glue, Brimstone, Common Varnish, Sealing-Wax, Wafers, Ink-Powder, pomatum, Black-Ball Crucibles,
Black Lead Pots, Pearlash, Sponge, Shaving Soap, Court Plaster, Gold Seaters’ Skins, Durham Mustard, Rotten Stone. Paints: Spanish White and Brown, White and Red Lead, Umber, Stone, Spruce and Patent Yellow, Verdegrease, Vermilion, White Vitriol, Litharge, Ivory and Lamp Black, Prussian Blue, Venitian and India Red, Carmine, Drop Lake, Flake White, Brown Pink. Dye Stuffs: Log Wood, Fustic, Nicaragua Wood, Ground Madder, Ground Camwood, Nutgalls, Oil and Blue Vitriol, Annatto, Argel, Cochineal, Aqua Fortis, Allum, Copperas, Carolina Indigo, Clothier’s Jacks, Press Papers, &c. &c. Madeira, Sherry, Lisbon, and Malaga Wines. Windham, Nov. 10, 1795.

709. WH Sat Nov 14, 1795: The subscriber hereby gives notice that he will be at Windham, from the 16th to the last of the present month, for
the purpose of settling the accounts of Alfred and Ralph Isham. All those that have unsettled accounts with the said Ishams, are desired to
call and settle the same. Alfred Isham. Nov. 12, 1795.

710. WH Sat Nov 14, 1795: For Sale. A valuable farm lying in Coventry, (first society), about one mile and three quarters, north of the
Meeting-house, lying partly on Willamantick river; containing 90 acres of land, with a suitable proportion of mowing, pasturing, plowing, and
wood-land, two good orchards, and a house and barn. The whole well watered. For further particulars, inquire of the subscriber living on
the premises. Daniel Dorman. Nov. 12, 1795.

711. WH Sat Nov 14, 1795: Notice is hereby given, that the honorable court of probate for the district of Pomfret, hath allowed six month
from the date hereof, to all persons having any demands on the estate of Isaac Perkins, Esq. late of Ashford deceased, to exhibit the same
property attested, or be forever debarred a recovery. And all persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment to me,
Tamison Perkins, Exec’x. Nov. 3d, 1795.

712. WH Sat Nov 14, 1795: Wanted. An active boy, about 14 or 15 years of age, as an apprentice to the Taylors trade; who may depend on good treatment and employment, by applying to Nathan Dresser, jun. Pomfret. Nov. 9th, 1795.

713. WH Sat Nov 21, 1795: Windham. Last Wednesday afternoon, Ann, a negro girl between 12 and 13 years of age, was commuted to the goal in this town, for the murder of a child about 5 years old, daughter of Mr. _____ Clark, of Pomfret. The deed was perpetrated on Tuesday evening, about dusk, while the rest of the family were absent. It seems by the confession of the negro, that the child had affronted her, while at
play, and to be revenged, she determined her death; to effect this purpose, she took a sharp knife from the buttery, and cut the child’s
throat to such a degree, that she expired in a few minutes. The negro immediately alarmed Mr. Clark, who was but a small distance from the
house, but alleged the murder against a straggler, whom she said had been in the house. This story was at first credited by the afflicted
father of the child; but from some circumstances appearing, which she had not art enough to conceal, she was suspected of being the
perpetrator of the crime, and being closely examined, she at first strongly denied it, but finally confessed the truth. She stands committed to have her trial before the superior court in March next.

714. WH Sat Nov 21, 1795: Windham. A very singular instance of mortality has lately happened in the family of Mr. William Carey, of
this town (Scotland society.) Since Thursday, of last week, he has buried his wife, and three daughters; the eldest daughter 22 years old.
The disorder which occasioned their death, we understand, was the throat distemper.

715. WH Sat Nov 21, 1795: Windham. Married.
On Wednesday evening, the Rev. Eljiah Waterman, to Miss Lucy Abbe, daughter of Shubael Abbe, Esq.
At Lebanon, on the 11th inst. the Rev. Ludovicus Weld, of Hampton, to Miss Betsey Clark, daughter of John Clark, Esq.

716. WH Sat Nov 21, 1795: Bulkeley & Taintor, have just received from Boston, a fresh supply of Goods, consisting of Baizes, Coatings, Serges, Flannels, Kersimeres, Forest-cloths, a great variety of Chintz Shalls, Ladies Shoes and Slippers, Callicoes and Chintzes, Vest Shapes, Humhums, Camblets, striped and plain Wildbores, and many other articles in the Dry Goods line. Also, Ginger, Chocolate, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Wines, Brandy, &c &c. Windham, 17th Nov. 1795.

717. WH Sat Nov 21, 1795: Came into the inclosure of the subscriber, the 11th of November instant, a dark brown or black Mare, three years old, about 14 hands high, paces and trots, shod before. The owner is desired to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. Samuel
Badcock. Coventry, November 18, 1795.

718. WH Sat Nov 28, 1795: At the Annual Convention of the Fellows of the Medical Society of the State of Connecticut, holden at the
Court-House in the City of Hartford on Wednesday the 14th of October, 1795. A List of the Fellows of the Medical Society chosen and returned by the several County Meetings for the ensuing year, viz:
Hartford County. Elihu Tudor, Eliakim Fish, Mason F. Cogswell, Solomon Everett, Josiah Hart.
New-Haven County. Eneas Munson, Jared Potter, Abraham Tomlinson, Elnathan Beach, William Gould.
New-London County. Theophilus Rogers, Philip Turner, Simon Wolcott, John R. Watrous, Philemon Tracy.
Fairfield County. James Clarke, James Potter, Giddeon Sheppard, Jaems E. Beach, William Shelton.
Windham County. Elisha Lord, Elisha Perkins, John Brewster, Joseph Baker, Jonathan Hall.
Litchfield County. Seth Bird, Daniel Sheldon, Samuel Woodward, Samuel Rockwell, Nathan Perry.
Middlesex County. Thomas Mosely, John Osborn, John Ely.
Tolland County. Ichabod Warner, Joseph Parker, Lewis Collins.
The following Officers were chosen for the ensuing Year, viz: Eneas Munson, President. Elihu Tudor, Vice-President. Mason F. Cogswell,
Treasurer. James Clarke, Secretary.
The following Gentlemen were chosen Committees for the examination of Candidates for the practice of Physic and Surgery for the ensuing year, in their respective Counties.

Doctors Eliakim Fish, Lemuel Hopkins, and Mason F. Cogswell, for the county of Hartford.

Doctors Obadiah Hotchkiss, Bildad Beach, and Elijah Munson, for the county of New-Haven.

Doctors Theophilus Rogers, Elihu Merwin, and Philemon Tracey, for the county of New-London.

Doctors Joseph Trowbridge, James E. Beach, and William Shelton, for the county of Fairfield.

Doctors Joseph Baker, Jonathan Hall, and Jared Warner, for the county of Windham.

Doctors Joseph Sheldon, Nathaniel Perry, and Jesse Carrington, for the county of Litchfield.

Doctors Ebenezer Tracey, Elisha Phelps, and William B. Hall, for the county of Middlesex.

Doctors Jeremiah West, Asa Hambleton, and William Grosvenor, for the county of Tolland.

719. WH Sat Nov 28, 1795: A few days since, the wife of Mr. John Pray, in the State of New-York, was delivered of her fourth child (within less than 18 months) two of them sons and two daughters; all hearty promising children. Query - are not the father and other entitled to a
patent for an exclusive privilege.

720. WH Sat Nov 28, 1795: Windham. Died, at Lebanon, Capt. Elijah Tisdale, aged 74.

721. WH Sat Nov 28, 1795: The subscribers being by the hon. court of probate for the district of Pomfret, appointed commissioners to examine the claims of the creditors to the estate of Mr. Caleb Lyon, late of Woodstock, deceased, represented insolvent, give notice that six months from the 30th day of September last, are allowed to the creditors to exhibit their claims, and that we shall attend said business at the
dwelling house of Elijah Williams, inholder in said Woodstock, on the 2d Tuesday of January 1796, at 9 o’clock in the morning. Daniel Tilden, Sylvester Gilbert, Commissioners. Hebron, October 6, 1795.

722. WH Sat Nov 28, 1795: The inhabitants of the Town of Windham, that have accounts for support of the poor, and repairs of bridges the year past, are desired to exhibit them to the selectmen at Maj. John Ripley’s, on Monday next, at 10 o’clock.

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