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64. WH Sat May 7, 1791: I have seen, and I have not seen. By the late governor Livingston.
I have seen several of our assemblies endeavoring at public economy by lowering the salaries of the officers of government, and other littlenesses of the like nature; and costing the public more in their own wages, by the time they spent in making the reduction (which ought not to have been made at all) than such reduction finally amounted to. But I have not seen one of them calling to a serious account the sheriffs who have defrauded, by pocketing fines; or the commissioners for forfeited estates, who have plundered us of thousands, by trading with the money, converting it into real estate, and afterwards paying us at a great depreciation. Why are not these people immediately compelled to pay this money according to the value at which they received it? This would really be an object worthy of a legislature. This would go a great way towards filling the fiscal coffer [sic, mean cosser?], and eating the poor citizen in his taxes.
I have seen tories, members of congress; tories, fitting as judges upon our tribunals; tories representatives in our legislature council; tories, members of our assemblies.—But I have not seen them bribed with British money; nor was such actual vision necessary for my conviction that they were so.
I have seen our soldiers marching barefoot through snow, and ice; I have not seen them duly recompensed for it; nor America so grateful for the inexpressible hardships they suffered, as I thought she would have been.
I have seen congress recommending to the several states, such salutary measures as would have been of infinite service to the union to have adopted. I have not seen the states adopt those measures.
I have seen commerce declining, and, worse than declining, prosecuted to undoing; idleness prevailing; self-interest predominating; luxury increasing; and patriotism languishing. But when shall I see the true spirit of republicans emerging from its late ignobly-contracted torpor; and blazing out with the same splendor, the same world astonishing corrufcations [sic, corruscations?], with which it for gloriously illustrated the first morning of it’s appearance?
I have seen justices of the peace, who were a me____tlesque [unreadable] upon all magistracy. Justices illiterate—justices partial----justices groggy—justices courting popularity, in order to be chosen assemblymen—and justices encouraging in litigiousness. But I have not seen any joint-meeting sufficiently cautious against appointing such men, justices of the peace.
I have seen four times as many taverns in the state as are necessary. Those superabundant taverns are continually haunted by idlers, and are confessedly so many nuisances. All well-regulated governments would abolish them, and yet I have not seen any of the courts that license them, willing to retrench the supernumerary ones.
I have seen the regency of Algiers, making a cruel and unprovoked war upon the united states. I have not seen the secret hand of Great Britain in exciting those infidels to this war, to render her own bottoms the more necessary for carrying on our commerce, and for other purposes by the said act intended.
I have seen paper money emitted by a legislature, that solemnly promises to redeem it, I have seen them afterwards depreciate it themselves, and therefore I believe, that I shall never see the honest redemption of it.
I have seen assemblies enacting laws for the amendment of the practice in the courts of justice. But I have never yet seen that practice really amended by them.
I have seen; since our revolution, tories promoted to offices of trust and profit; but I have never seen the man, who dared to avow either the justice or the propriety of such promotion.
I have seen hundreds paying their debts, with continental money, at the depreciated rate of above sixty for one. But how many have I seen, who had too much integrity to avail themselves of that subterfuge which the law unintentionally afforded them and who, instead of infringing the golden rule, though protected by human edicts to sin against it, nobly disdained to violate the solemn dictates of their own consciences, and against light, and knowledge, and gospel, to defraud their neighbors of his due? How many? Not enough to constitute a legal jury.
I have seen congress necessitated to borrow money from France and Holland; but I have not seen this state take proper measures to discharge its proportion of those engagements.
I have not seen any of our continential officers, who were, during the war, posted upon our lines for the express purpose of preventing the illegal commerce with the enemy in New-York, themselves carrying on that infamous traffic.
I will not tell all that I have seen. The veracity of an historian is often called in question, when he speaks of disorders in government that appear incredible. He is obliged to relate facts, which, because extraordinary, though true, are received as exaggeration and romance. I hope, for the future, to see virtue and patriotism resume their primaeval glory; and our independence, procured at the expense of so much blood and treasure, for ever and ever established in righteousness.

65. WH Sat May 7, 1791: London. March 4. The number of convicts, who are to take a trip this season to Botany Bay, amount to twelve hundred, of whom two-fifths are females. The expense to government attending this voyage will exceed 120,00l.

66. WH Sat May 7, 1791: The United States of America have begun their payments to France—Two Millions One Hundred and Sixty Thousands Livres have already been paid.

67. WH Sat May 7, 1791: London. An elopement has taken place in the neighbourhood of Grosvenor square. John, as he attended his young mistress last Monday in a morning promenade, having persuaded her to accompany him to Scotland to be there hammered into wedlock on the Rev. Anvil for the coupling Blacksmith of Gretna Green. The lady went off about one o’clock at noon, and her pursuers followed about seven in the morning. She is only twelve years of age, and the valet is about thirty! This is the consequence of trusting fashionable children to the care of fashionable foot-men.

68. WH Sat May 7, 1791: Fredericktown, April 16. On Monday last passed through this town on his way to the eastward, from Kentucky, Mr. James Talbot, who informs, that on Sunday the 20th of last month, an amiable and respectable family named Harris, consisting of nine persons, among whom was a young lady, 19 years of age, were murdered on the west side of the Alleghany river, by a party of Indians. Our informant further says, that the scenes of cruelty which took place in the massacre of these unfortunate persons, were of so horrid a nature, as to draw forth the tear of pity and compassion from a number of persons who came from distance to examine and view the mangled remains of a family respected and beloved by all who had the pleasure of their acquaintance.

69. WH Sat May 7, 1791: Worcester, April 28. At the Supreme Judicial Court holden in this town, last week, the noted Stephen Burrows, lately employed as a Schoolmaster in Charlton, was brought to the bar on four indictments—two for attempting rapes on his pupils, and two for the most wanton and lascivious conduct. He was convicted on three indictments, and sentenced by the Court to sit one hour on the gallows, to stand two hours in the pillory, to be whipped ninety stripes, to suffer three months imprisonment, pay costs of prosecution, and to be bound for good behaviour for three years. The objects of his brutal attempts were sisters, one in the 13th and the other in the 13th year of her age.

70. WH Sat May 7, 1791: Died at Middletown, the Hon. Jabez Hamlin, Esq. aged 82.

71. WH Sat May 7, 1791: Cheap Goods. The Subscriber has just received a supply of English, East and West-India Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, &c. which, in addition to those on hand, makes a handsome assortment for a Country Store, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms for Cash, or good produce. Frederick Stanley. Windham, April 30, 1791.

72. WH Sat May 7, 1791: Peter Webb, has just received a supply of goods suitable for the season, and to be sold at the lowest rate for cash or other ready pay: Among a variety of articles, he has Calicoes, Chintzes, Shawls, Jaconet and book Muslin Handkerchiefs, Jaconet and book striped and figured Muslins, plain Lawns and Lawn-Handkerchiefs, green, blue, black and white Sarcenet, Royal Ribb, Jeans, Nankeens, Taffety, Leghorn Hats, Imperial Buttons, white and black, plain, figured and striped Gauze, Jacket Patterns, Cravats, Wire, Bibles, Loaf Sugar, a great variety of Files and Shoe-buckles, Iron Shovels, blister’d Steel, refined Iron, Sickles, Pipes, Wool-Cards by the dozen or single pair—and West-India Goods. Cash given for bees’-wax and old pewter. Said Webb wants to purchase by the first of June next, 300 yards of check linen shirting, for which pay will be made in the above articles at Cash prices. Windham, May 3, 1791.

73. WH Sat May 7, 1791: Sometime after the conclusion of the late war, a young American was present in a British play house, where an interlude was performed in ridicule of his countrymen. A number of American officers being introduced in tattered uniforms, and barefoot, the question was put to them severally—What was your trade before you entered into the army? One answered, a taylor, another a cobler, &c. The wit of the piece was to banter them for not keeping themselves clothed and shod; but before that could be expressed, the American exclaimed from the gallery “Great Britain bean by taylors and coblers! Huzza!” Even the prime minister, who was present, could not help smiling, amidst a general peal of laughter.

74. WH Sat May 14, 1791: The following account of Capt. Jonathan Carver, (whose Travels we have promised should commence in this paper) we hope will not be unentertaining to our readers. We insert it by way of introduction to the work.
There is a disposition peculiar to every mind, that early predominates, and continues its influence through every period of life. Many circumstances may, indeed, obscure or divert its progress, but on all interesting occasions this constitutional bias will recur, and exhibit the natural character and genius of the individual.
Jonathan Carver, the memorable traveler, was grandson of David Carver, who, about the year 1720, came with his family from New-Plymouth, in New-England, into Canterbury, in Connecticut. David was directly descended from, or nearly related to the Hon. John Carver, who, in the year 1620, was appointed governor of the colony of New-Plymouth, and was the only person of that name who sustained the office of governor in New-England.
David Carver had two wives: Jonathan and Samuel, and one daughter, were children of his first wife –Jonathan was the natural father of the traveller, but soon after the birth of his son (which was in the year 1729 he left Canterbury, and went to Taunton, in Massachusetts, where he married, and had several children, some of whom, with their descendants, still reside in that part of the country.
Samuel, removed to Bolton, in Connecticut, where some of his descendants now live.
The second wife of David Carver, was a sister of the late Colonels Thomas and John Dyer, of Windham County; by her he had several children; some are still living.
The mother of Jonathan (whose name was Sarah Givins) was, by some misfortune or other, reduced to very needy circumstances, whilst Jonathan was quite young, insomuch that the selectmen of Canterbury, thought proper to take Jonathan into their care, and when at a proper age, indented him as an apprentice to a shoemaker, whose name was Bradford.
Jonathan early discovered a sprightly, active genius, too much so, to be confined to the narrow limits of the shoemaker’s shop; and the spirit of bold enterprize and adventure which seem’d to be his ruling passion, made him continually uneasy with his situation; in short, displeased with his occupation, and not treated with the greatest lenity by his master, he quitted the business before he had arrived to the age of 21 years; soon after which he married a person by the name of Robins, of Windham; but this new apprenticeship soon became as troublesome to Carver, as the first; for, instead of that prudent behavior and winning disposition, necessary for preserving the affections of a man of Carver’s spirit, quite the reverse was practiced by the person to whom he had bound himself in wedlock; however, he soon quitted her, without much ceremony, and at the commencement of hostilities between France and England, in the year 1755, enlisted a private soldier, and marched with the troops sent to defend the northern frontiers of New-York. Here he distinguished himself as a brave, active soldier, and soon after the close of the campaign, had an appointment of ensigncy in a regiment to be raised the following year.
In the year 1757, he was in the army under General Webb, and fortunately escaped the dreadful massacre at Fort William Henry, where nearly 1500 brave troops were destroyed, in cold blood, by the indians in the French army, under Gen. Montcalm.
In the ensuing year, 1758, a battalion of light-infantry, commanded by Col. Oliver Partridge, was raised in the province of Massachusetts Bay, by order of governor Pownal, for the purpose of invading Canada, in which Carver served as a second lieutenant in Capt. Hawks’ company.
In 1759, he was with the troops under the command of Gen. Wolfe, and was at the siege and surrender of Quebec; where he distinguished himself with great reputation.
In the year 1760, he was advanced to a captain of a company in Col. Whitcomb’s regiment of foot raised in Massachusetts Bay, and 1762, commanded a company in Col. Saltonstall’s regiment.
We have not been able to collect any anecdotes of Carver, during his military services; but from written recommendations of persons under whom he acted, he appears to have acquitted himself with great reputation, and much to the satisfaction of his superior officers. These recommendations are not confined to military conduct merely; they uniformly introduce him as a person of piety, and of a good moral character. Throughout the narrative of his travels, indeed, an animated regard to the duties of religion is evidently prevalent, which must procure a credibility to the facts he mentions, that might otherwise be suspended.
With so many favourable requisites for success and advancement, endued with courage, sagacity, and a spirit of enterprize, rarely united in one individual, it might be an object of enquiry, why Captain Carver, whose conduct was so excellent, in a moral as well as in a military view, should never have been promoted above the command of a company. But the naturally brave is naturally modest; whit is innate, does not present itself to the imagination as its own; it neither begets vanity, nor excites ambition; and thus great endowments, which might have been cherished, and returned to the most important advantages, are frequently neglected, and lost to society. Whatever natural or acquired excellencies were possessed by Captain Carver, not only seemed unnoticed by himself, but were accompanied by a diffidence, which in some instances was extraordinary indeed; and the reader must be convinced of this, when he is informed, that Captain Carver died through want, with three commissions in his pocket.
The year after his commission under Col. Saltonstall was signed, the peace of Versailles took place, namely, anno 1763, when Carver, having discharged his military obligations to his country, retired from the army. But his natural turn for enterprize, and the pursuit of novelty, did not suffer him to enjoy a life of useless ease; he began to consider, to use his own sentiments (having rendered his country some services during the war) how me might continue still serviceable, and contribute, as much as lay in his power, to make that vast acquisition of territory, gained by Great-Britain in North-America, advantageous to it.
In his descriptions of those vast regions of America through which he travelled, he seems to have embraced every opportunity of pointing out the advantages which might be derived in a commercial view, from a just knowledge of them, and of the policy of the various tribes who possess them. In his picturesque view of the scenery round Lake Pepin, his imagination, animated as it was by the magnitude, the novelty, and grandeur of the objects, is not so far transported, as to interrupt the most scrupulous attention to the situation, as improveable for commercial and national advantages.
In the midst of a new and rich creation, he suggested the probability of rendering this lake, and its variegated environs, the center of immense traffick, with a people whose names and tribes were scarcely known to the commercial parts of either side of the British empire, but whose dispositions and pursuits seemed calculated to promote and secure this interesting and national benefit.
The lake, which is about twenty miles in length, and fix in breadth, and through which the Mississippi directs its course, is about two thousand miles from the entrance into the gulf of Mexico, and as many westerly from Quebec, Boston and New-York, it is situated between 42 and 43 degrees of north latitude.
From Captain Carver’s long residence in the neighborhood of Lake Pepin, among the Naudowissie and Chipeway Indians, he acquired a knowledge of their languages, and an intimacy with many of their chiefs, which with his spirited and judicious conduct in acting as a mediator between these two nations, conciliated their attachment and friendship; and as an acknowledgment of their grateful sense of his happy interference, the Naudowissies gave him a formal grant of a tract of land, lying on the north side of Lake Pepin.
Soon after the above period, Carver concluded to return to Boston, where he arrived in 1768, having been absent two years and five months, during which time he had travelled about seven thousand miles. After digesting his journal and charts, he sailed for England, and arrived there in the year 1769. When he visited England, he appeared with the most favourable credentials of his character, in every respect: but that which seemed to promise the most beneficial advantages, was conferred upon him by General Gage, and, in consequence of a petition presented to the king, and referred to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, our traveller had formed the fond hope of seeing his labours so far rewarded, as to be reimbursed those sums he had expended in the service of government.
In a large, free, and widely extended government, where every motion depends upon a variety of springs, the lesser and subordinate movements must be acted upon by the greater, and consequently the more inferior operations of state will be so distant as not to be perceived in the grand machine; whether Captain Carver’s disappointments resulted from these principles, or that government did not estimate his services in equal proportion to his own idea of them, is not so easily ascertained, but that he thought himself not only neglected, but treated with injustice.
The condition of a suppliant is what his mind must have submitted to with reluctance. Men of superior endowments are liable to be jealous of the least inattention, which they are apt to consider as an insult on their distress. A feeling mind, like his, conscious of its dignity and superior merit, might not be able to stoop to that importunity and adulation, which are sometimes requisite to insure the finiles [sic] and favours of those in power; otherwise it might naturally be suggested, that his extensive acquaintance with America, and with the customs and languages of the Indians, in the interior parts of that vast continent, then the theatre of an unnatural and bloody contest, would have pointed him out as a most useful instrument in the hands of government.
With the advantages, however, of an intimate knowledge of Indian affairs, he united a determined loyalty to the king, and a fixed attachment to his American countrymen; and thus the principle of acting agreeable to the feelings of conscience, would equally operate upon him respecting the contending parties. He had repeatedly risked his life in the service of his prince, against whose government he was equally averse from drawing his sword, as against his transatlantic brethren.
Persons of ingenuity, however oppressed by their sufferings, in a busy commercial country, may strike out some means of subsistence, but, in a domestic state where many depend upon the industry of an individual, the difficulty of procuring support is not only rendered more affecting to the feeling mind, but likewise greatly augmented. Captain Carver, after having exhausted his fortune, had now a family to support, without knowing how to turn his abilities to any means of succouring them. Distress of mind begets debility of body, which is still aggravated by penury, and a want of the common necessaries of life. His constitution, naturally firm, gradually grew weaker and weaker, but his regard to his family animated his spirit to exertions beyond the strength of his body, which enabled him to preserve existence through the winter of 1779, by acting as a clerk in a lottery-office; but the vital powers, succoured as they were by this casual support, diminished by certain, though imperceptible degrees, till at length a putrid fever supervening a long continued dysentery brought on by want, put an end to his life; which happened on the 31st of Jan. 1780, at the age of 51 years.
In size, Captain Carver was rather above the middle stature, and of a firm muscular texture; his features expressed a firmness of mind and boldness of resolution; and he retained a florid complexion to his latest moments.

75. WH Sat May 14, 1791: Charleston, April 13. Extract of a letter from St. Thomas’s parish, dated April 10. “Two Negroes, one the property of Mr. Miles, the other of Mr. S. Wigfall, of Santee, were apprehended and tried for an attempt on the life of a Mr. Welch of this neighborhood. He swore to the identity of the negroes; and further evidenced that having missed his horse, took his tract and followed with his rifle and two dogs: coming near to Half way creek he discovered him hoppled, and was loosing the hopple when the growling of his dogs caused him to look up; he then saw the two negroes within fifteen yards, advancing boldly towards him; he caught up his rifle, presented her at the foremost, and probably would have killed him, but she snapped. The fellow who acted most resolutely seized him, when his dogs attacked the other and kept him some time at bay; being pretty strong, in all probability he would have overcome the one, but the other having disengaged himself from the dogs, came up and with a large stick gave him three blows, one on the hip, another on the arm, and the third on the temple, which stunned him; in the interim they took his rifle, powder horn and shot bag. Having recovered in some measure, he discovered his horse providentially standing near; on him he sprung, and rode off as fast as he could; when he had got some distance he looked back and saw the negro in the act of priming. They did not deny the attack, but the most active pretended he only intended to disarm Welch, that he might get out if his way; the other, though an accessory, did not appear capable of the act, but was a mere instrument. The negro of Mr. Niles was sentenced to be hanged; the other to be cropped, branded and whipped. When sentence was pronounced the former was prodigiously shocked, and has discovered the perpetrators of the murder of Mr. Murrell of Santee; in consequence of which his execution is postponed. The greatest secrecy being observed, the culprits are happily apprehended, with the evidence before whom they boasted of the atrocious crime. All are in safe custody near here. Great expedition has been used, for the negroes under sentence were tried on Friday last, and those now for trial are already brought from Santee river. If the murder of Murrell is proved, the negro under sentence of death is promised a petition from the court to the governor for pardon, on condition of his being shipped off.”

76. WH Sat May 14, 1791: Albany. On Monday, Zephaniah Heaton was arraigned for the murder of his brother-in-law, but there appearing to the jury some mitigating circumstances, their verdict was man-slaughter. Penalty branding in the hand.

77. WH Sat May 14, 1791: Montville, May 11, 1791. About four weeks past, a dog was discovered in this town which, from his conduct in biting and snapping at every thing that come in his way, it was conjectured that he was mad. He bit a dog belonging to Mr. A. Whaley, and another belonging to Capt. S. Fox, both of which run mad and were killed—a cow belonging to Doct. Holmes, lately died having all the symptoms of madness, and a valuable cow belonging to Mr. J. Allen, having the same symptoms, died this day. These circumstances ought to alarm the inhabitants to be on their guard against those venomous animals, for the bite of which no certain cure has been found.

78. WH Sat May 14, 1791: At Northford, in the county of New Haven, twelve hundred runs of silk were raised the last year, which at three runs to one yard will make four hundred yards of silk. It is not more than seven or eight years since the first Mulberry Trees for this purpose were set out in that place.

79. WH Sat May 14, 1791: Ebenezer Backus, has just received a supply of English, East and West-India Goods, Groceries, Hard Ware, &c. which, in addition to those on hand, make a handsome assortment, and will be sold for Cash, or good pay, as cheap as at any shop in town. Also, good Indigo, by the quarter hundred or less quantity. Wanted, by the 2st July, 40 firkins of good Butter, that can be warranted to the best families in New York. Also, Bees’ Wax, Old Pewter, Geese Feathers, whiten’d and brown Tow-Cloth. Windham, 11th May, 1791.

80. WH Sat May 14, 1791: For Sale. By the Subscriber, the following stock, viz. One Yoke large Oxen, five years old. One pair three-year old Steers. Three Cows, and a large two-year old Mule. For particulars, enquire of the subscriber, or of Vaniah Hyde, in Franklin, who lives on the farm where the Cattle and Mule may be seen. John Barker. Windham, May 11, 1791.

81. WH Sat May 14, 1791: Will Cover at the stable of the subscriber, in Franklin, the noted Horse called the Panther; he is of a dapple-grey colour, fifteen and a half hands high and proportioned accordingly. He is the fame Horse that has formerly been owned by a Mr. Utley, of Mansfield; is remarkably sure for foals, a good sire, and equal on every account to any horse in this state. The old Ranger was his grandsire, of the true Arabian breed, and came out of a noted Narraganset mare bred in Pomfret. The price will be Six Shillings the single leap, Twelve shillings the season, and Eighteen Shillings to ensure a foal. Lewis Hewitt. Franklin, May 10, 1791. N.B. The above-mentioned Horse will be at the stable of Capt. William Young, inholder, in Windham on Monday the 23d of May, instant, and once every fortnight during the season. Good pasturing for mares, on reasonable terms, may be had at said Hewitt’s and Young’s.

82. WH Sat May 14, 1791: The noted imported horse Recovery, belonging to Thomas Pool, of New London, will be at Mr. John Staniford’s in Windham, on Wednesday, the 25th May inst at about 10 o’clock, and continue there for two hours. Said horse will be at the above place at the above hour, every day he leaves Canterbury, through the season. May 11, 1791.

83. WH Sat May 14, 1791: Just published at Norwich, and to be sold by the printer hereof, (Price One Shilling) Hymns on different spiritual subjects. Particularly adapted to the Baptist Worship. By Elder Benjamin Cleavland.

84. WH Sat May 21, 1791: Pittsburg, April 23. By Mr. Stewart Wilkins, who arrived here the 20th instant, up the Ohio, from the Kenhawa, we have the intelligence, that just before his leaving that place, a man had come in almost dead with fatigue and hunger, who was one of 40 militia that were coming up the river in a boat loaded with provisions for the French settlement at Galliapolis; and that 20 of these whose turn it was to walk on shore and hunt, were fired upon by a party of about 30 Indians concealed in a thick bushy place, and most probably all cut off but himself. The boat, probably, with the rest on board, had returned down the river. This happened on the 27th of March, nearly opposite the mouth of the Sciota on the Virginia side of the river.

85. WH Sat May 21, 1791: May 16. Accounts from Fort-Pitt, state, that the depredations committed by the Savages, within these four months past, exceeds all former mischief – that twenty-three white people have been killed this side of the Ohio, since November last, without counting those who fell a sacrifice in going down the river: In consequence of which, the inhabitants of Pittsburg have been so much alarmed, as to keep a body of militia constantly patrolling, apprehending a formal attack by the enraged Savages upon their town. Accounts from that quarter further state, that the purchasing Commissary for the army, is now laying in large magazines of provision and forage, in the neighborhood of Fort Pitt, and that every thing is getting ready for the campaign intended against the Indians the ensuing Summer.

86. WH Sat May 21, 1791: Hartford, May 16. Last Thursday the anniversary Election of Supreme Magistrates, and other Officers, for the government of this State was held in this city, when the following gentlemen were elected: His Excellency Samuel Huntington, Esquire, Governor. The Honorable Oliver Wolcott, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor. Roll Representatives for Windham:
Windham, Mr. Ebenezer Devotion, Mr. Jabez Clark.
Ashford, Mr. Simeon Smith, Mr. Samuel Spring.
Brooklyn, Mr. Ebenezer Scarborough.
Canterbury, Mr. Benjamin Bacon, Mr. Asa Witter.
Hampton, Mr. Jonathan Kingsbury.
Killingly, Mr. Sampson Howe, Mr. Zadock Spalding.
Lebanon, Mr. Elkanah Tisdale, Mr. Asahel Clark.
Mansfield, Mr. Constant Southworth, Mr. Nathaniel Atwood.
Plainfield, Mr. Josiah Shepard, Mr. John Douglass.
Pomfret, Mr. Thomas Grosvenor, Mr. Samuel Crafts.
Thomson, Mr. William Dwight.
Voluntown, Mr. Robert Dixon, Mr. Joseph Wiley.
Woodstock, Mr. Nehemiah Childs, Mr. Jeffe Bolles.

87. WH Sat May 21, 1791: New London, May 19. On Friday last, Jacob Johnson, a transient person, and William Jacklin, a transient negro, were taken into custody at Colchester, and committed to said gaol for passing counterfeit dollars; and a third person is under bonds for being confederate with the above. The negro has been a pretended money digger, &c. for a year or two past, and by his subtilty, impudence and art, has gulled a number of credulous people in Lyme, Colchester, &c. out of considerable property. One person, it is said, has lost 30l [as in 30’L’] in time an expenses, by his fallacy.

88. WH Sat May 21, 1791: New London. About 15 minutes past 10 o’clock, on Monday evening last, a shock of an Earthquake was felt in this town, and about 5 minutes after, a second; but they were light.

89. WH Sat May 21, 1791: Last week, on Thursday, the dwelling-house of the widow ----- Dunham, of Mansfield, (North Parish) took fire, and was unfortunately consumed, together with about 50 bushels of grain, which was in the upper part of the house. The accident, it is supposed, was occasioned by a spark of fire from the chimney lighting on the roof.

90. WH Sat May 21, 1791: Last Monday evening, about half after ten o’clock, two shocks of an earthquake were felt in this town. The first was very considerable; it was preceded by a very heavy rumbling noise, like distant thunder, and appeared to come from the south-west; the shock greatly agitated the buildings in this place, but we cannot learn as any damage was sustained. At East Haddam, it is said to have been much heavier; insomuch that the tops of several chimnies were thrown to the ground. The second shock happened a few minutes after the first, but was not near so heavy.

91. WH Sat May 21, 1791: A return of the number of inhabitants within the district of Connecticut, taken the first Monday of August, 1790, by the Marshal.
Free white males, 16 years old and upwards, 60,523
Free white males under 16 years of age, 54,403
Free white females, 117,448
All other free persons, 2,808
Slaves, 2,760
Total, 237,942

92. WH Sat May 21, 1791: Fresh Goods. Jonathan Jennings, has just received from New-York, and is now opening for Sale, a compleat assortment of Spring and Summer Goods: among which are – A compleat variety of Patches and Calicoes, Linens, plain and chec’d Muslins and Muslin Cravats, Plain Lawns, needle-work Lawn Aprons and Handkerchiefs, Modes, India Persians, Taffeties and Sarcenets, striped and plain Nankeen, newest fashion’d Vest Patterns, a neat variety of Ribbons, Silk Mitts, Shawls, Sattinetts and Lastings, Cotton Hose, Silk and worsted do. [hose], Leghorn Hats, Looking Glasses, Brass Kettles, a compleat assortment of Crockery and Hard Ware, Wine, Rum, loaf, lump and brown-sugars. Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate, good Indigo for Linen—Cotton Wool, Raisins &c. &c. The above Goods are to be sold very low for the ready Cash. Wanted, brown and whiten’d Tow-cloth, fine check’d Linen, Butter and Cheese, Bees’-Wax, Mustard Seed, Clover Seed, &tc. Credit given on low terms, to substantial Customers, that will make punctual payment in the fall in good Produce. Those whose accounts are of long standing, are desired to make immediate settlement. Windham, May 20, 1791.

93. WH Sat May 21, 1791: A New Store just opened a few rods south-east of the Court-House, Containing a good assortment of English, East, and West-India Goods, Groceries, Hard Ware, &c. which are now selling on the most reasonable terms, for Cash or good Produce, by, Henry Webb. Windham, May 21, 1791.

94. WH Sat May 21, 1791: Wanted, as an apprentice to the Hatters’ business, a smart active Lad, about 14 years of age.—Enquire of Thomas Tileston. Windham, May 18, 1791.

95. WH Sat May 28, 1791: Hartford. Last Monday night, about half past ten o’clock, an Earthquake was felt in this town. The shock was preceded and accompanied with a rattling rumbling noise, usual on such occasions. The shock however followed the sound in a few seconds, and was rather of a jarring than of the waving kind. It lasted but a few, perhaps eight or ten seconds. After an interval of about four minutes, a second, but feeble shock was felt. The course of the sound is differently described by different persons; but according to the account of those who were abroad and most likely to know the truth, the course was from a northerly or westerly to an easterly direction. The night was perfectly serene, and the moon shone with uncommon brightness.

96. WH Sat May 28, 1791: Married, near Poughkeepsie, Mr. Amos Reed, to Mrs. Roby Jenks. It is remarkable, that immediately after an elegant procession and conclusion of the marriage Mrs. Reed was delivered of three male children.

97. WH Sat May 28, 1791: New Haven, May 18. A shock of an earthquake was felt in this City about eleven o’clock last evening – it was so severe as to jostle the pewter and other moveable articles; and considerably to shake the houses. A Gentleman from Guildford informs that a shock was also felt in that town; followed by one less severe soon after.

98. WH Sat May 28, 1791: Danbury, May 16. Sunday of last week the wife of Mr. Daniel Mallery, jun. Of a dropsical case, had taken from her 55 quarts of water, which weighed 123 pounds. In perfect health, Mrs. Mallery was supposed to weigh about 100 pounds.

99. WH Sat May 28, 1791: New London, May 26. The National Assembly of France have decreed that all males and females throughout the kingdom, shall hereafter be co-heirs of their parents’ property, and that it shall be divided among them in the most equal and exact proportion.

100. WH Sat May 28, 1791: The Hon. Roger Sherman, Esq. is elected to represent this State in the Senate of the United States, in the room of Dr. Johnson, resigned.

101. WH Sat May 28, 1791: A law is passed, prohibiting in this State the sale of Lottery Tickets of other States.

102. WH Sat May 28, 1791: Forty Thousand silk-worm eggs, to be sold by the subscriber, in Mansfield. Joseph Whittemore. May 26, 1791.

103. WH Sat May 28, 1791: Just published in Hartford, and to be sold at the printing-office, in Windham, price 7d. An oration on domestic slavery, delivered at the North Meeting-house in Hartford, on the 12th day of May, A.D. 1791, at the Meeting of the Connecticut Society for the promotion of Freedom, and the Relief of Persons unlawfully holden in Bondage. By Zephaniah Swift, Esq.

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