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The Willimantic Journal

An Independent, Local, Family Newspaper.

Published Every Saturday Morning

Office in Franklin Building, Up Stairs

********The Willimantic Journal, September 1861 *********

[first two Sep 1861 issues missing]

871. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Gen. Lyon. The remains of Gen. Lyon passed through our village last week on their way to Eastford for burial, escorted by two military companies from Hartford, headed by Colt's Armory Band. There were also a number of notables of this and other States, besides many military officers of high rank in the procession, Gen. Lloyd E. Baldwin acting as marshal. A large concourse of people from this and neighboring towns were present to witness the arrival of the funeral cortage, all of whom were evidently anxious to get a glimpse of the coffin which held the illustrious dead - a brave and patriotic son of their own country. It was evening when they reached Eastford. The military unloaded from the wagons about a mile from the centre, formed in order and marched up through the village, and deposited the corpse in the Congregational church on the hill. A throng of people was patiently waiting lights were placed in the windows, flags trimmed with crape were displayed, and the churches and principal buildings were hung in mourning. On Thursday morning at an early hour, long lines of people in groups on foot, in processions of wagons, and in cavalcades of horsemen, wound up and down over the hills from all the surrounding towns of Windham and Tolland counties, and the multitude was the greatest ever before seen in this section, numbering from 12,000 to 15,000 people. Addresses by Hon. Galusha Grow, Judge, Elisha Carpenter, Gov. Sprague of R.I., Gov. Buckingham, Henry C. Deming, and others. After the addresses were concluded and a bountiful repast partaken of by the soldiery, which was prepared for them by the citizens of Eastford, the funeral procession formed again and proceeded to the cemetery, where they arrived about four o'clock in the afternoon after a tiresome march. Once arrived, the military formed about the family burial ground of the Lyon family; the body was lowered to its final resting place; the burial service was read by Rev. C.C. Adams of Eastford; the mourners took a last lingering look; the grave was filled; the Hartford City Guard discharged three volleys over the spot, and the funeral was over. There he lay, never more to lead his brave companions in arms on to battle and victory, yet to "still live" in the hearts of the people and the history of his country.

872. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Willimantic. We are happy to learn, as we do by a note from Mr. Evans, the editor, that the Willimantic journal is not to be discontinued, although the editor has enlisted and is off for the wars. Under Mr. Evans' management the Journal has renewed its youth. Both he and the Journal have our best wishes Norwich Courier. We thank you kindly, friend Courier, for the compliment you pay us, also for the correction and your best wishes. We owe you one, though not off for the wars yet, where, probably, ere long secesh will be knocked into pi, or squabbled, at least. To say that we enlisted is true, but on certain conditions, and if they are met then we are with them, and rough it as we have before.

873. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: A New Book - The "Knights of the Golden Circle," or History of Secession from 1834 to 1861. This is the title of a well written expose, by a member of the Order of the K.G.C. This work is one that, at this time, will attract the attention of the whole world, from the fact that we are now reaping the fruits of what was started by this organization twenty-seven years ago, and been prosecuted to its culmination in secession. As it is desirable that all should read this wonderful revelation, the publishers have put the Price at 25 cents and will send it post paid on receipt of that amount. They likewise want a good, competent man in every county of the United States to sell this work. A good salesman can clear two dollars per day in its sale. All orders must be addressed to Clarke & Co., Indianapolis, Ind.

874. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Washington Correspondence. Washington, D.C. Sept. 10, 1861. ... The City during the week has been full of excitement regarding a probable battle on the other side of the river. Cannonading has been distinctly heard at different times, and knots of men on the street corners might be seen discussing the fortune of our arms in the supposed battle. It turned out to be only a little skirmishing among the pickets - the enemy trying the range of their cannon on us, and in one instance being answered by a few shells from our boys which doubled some of them up, while the rest retired for safe keeping. .. One New York (Anderson Zouaves) and three Wisconsin regiments are now occupying the ground, and very fine soldierly looking fellows they are. If they don't shorten the memory of some of those confederates, then there's no virtue in Uncle Sam's pills, administered with Minie muskets. From the hospital (Columbian College) about twenty five or thirty ambulances left, while I was there, with sick and sounded. The patients were taken to the depot from whence they go by R.R. to the hospital at Annapolis. Poor fellows! On my way home I came across the McClellan Dragoons, from Chicago, just pitching their tents. They number 130 men with horses and full camp equipages. They are certainly the finest body of cavalry I have yet seen. Great activity prevails at the Navy Yard. Commodore Dahlgren is crowding in an increased force, and has organized a double gang of men to run the works night and day. About 1700 hands are now employed. Over 14,000 shot, from 50 pounders down, are cast per day, and three or four hundred shells are finished every ten hours. From the top of the ship house can be seen the secession flag flying at Munson's Hall, and with a glass the drilling of artillery can be distinctly seen. The prohibition of liquor selling to our troops has brought out the ingenuity of some of our citizens, especially the women, who want to turn an honest penny when they can. The manner of smuggling liquor into camp is alarming to one of delicate sensibilities. Just think, Charley, of a woman of twenty-six pop bottles tied around her waist, several thicknesses from the surface, filled with whiskey! When the bottles were disclosed, with other things not to be mentioned, she declared it was mineral water; but on the bottles being broken and emptied - on the ground I was going to say - John Barley addressed himself too strongly to the nasal organ to be mistaken. The soldier, by the deprivation of this camp comfort, has his scent for the "cretur" wonderfully sharpened, in fact it is now at long range and the article can't come near the camp but the air whispers it to them, and a general hunt begins. They of course follow their noses, which take them - no matter - I won't take your readers there. A woman a few days ago went down to Alexandria. On the same boat were several soldiers. When they landed, the men, I noticed, followed her up pretty closely, as though they "smelt something." The men approached and spoke to her, but she said to them in a sort of confidential whisper to "go away; I ain't got nothing," but that did not satisfy them. She had the joy dispenser about her, and they "knew it by the smell." The woman, fearing an attack hastily retired into an ally, when those horrid soldiers made a charge, which resulted in the disentombing of three bottles of old rye. She had then concealed under her - what shall I say - garments. I was unfortunately there but I turned my back during the exciting search for the contraband. Oh, the women, Charley, "that we can call these delicate creatures ours and not their appetites." Yours, fraternally, Ned.

875. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Sickness in the Rebel Army. The New York Herald says the fact cannot be gainsayed that sickness, debility, prostration and death have taken hold of the rebel army to such a degree as to cause the greatest consternation among the officers and soldiers. As additional evidence of this fact to what has been heretofore published, we gather from late Southern papers the following in relation thereto: The hospitals at Fredericksburg, Va., are crowded with sick soldiers from the Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee regiments. The hospitals in Richmond have been full for some time, and they are obliged to quarter the sick whenever they can find a shelter. The Mississippi brigade, which was composed of forty seven hundred men, has only twenty three hundred on duty. On third of Johnston's divisions are prostrated by disease. The small pox is raging violently at Lynchburg and Lessburg, and two thousands men are in the hospitals at those places. Prov. Post.

876. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: He Gave All. The will of the late Gen. Lyon gives all his property, some $30,000, to the government. Can we hear of another instance of this devotion to country which yields up life, and everything that makes it desirable, to the support of our country and its institutions?

877. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: When we asked a man, a few days since, what induced him to make a law student of his son, he replied: "Oh, he was always a lying little cuss, and I thought I'd humor his leading propensity."

878. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: A Brave Boy. - A letter from the Federal camp at Ganley, in Western Virginia, to the Cincinnati Gazette, says the rebels, although not in force, cause great annoyance by killing scouts and messengers between the camp and General Cox's command. Two mail carriers have been killed. The last was a small boy from Weston. They surrounded the little fellow and ordered him to surrender. His reply is worth to be handed down to posterity: "I will never surrender to rebels." After this reply the brave Virginians shot him.

879. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: The following is an inscription on a grave stone in Winslow, Maine: Here lies the body of Richard Thomas, an Englishman by birth. A whig of 76. By occupation a Cooper. Now food for worms. Like an old rumpuncheon, marked, numbered, and shooked. He will be raised again to be finished by his Creator. He died sept 28 aged 75. America my adopted country, my best advice to you is this. Take care of your liberties.

880. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Lost. A gold cross between the Stone Bridge and A.B. Adams' store. The finder will be suitably rewarded. Enquire at this office.

881. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Dividend Notice. The Windham Bank has declared a dividend of three pr. Ct. (3) payable to stockholders on and after the fourth of September next, by order of the Board. Samuel Bingham, Cashier. Windham Bank, Aug. 28, 1861.

882. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Notice. This may certify that I the subscriber have this day given my son Edward M. Weaver, a minor his time, and that he is free to act for himself in every capacity that he would be if of legal age, and I hereby given notice that I shall pay no debts of his contracting from this date. Joseph E. Weaver. Willimantic Sept. 11, 1861.

883. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Commissioners' Notice. District of Chaplin. Probate Court, Aug 27th, 1861. Estate of Mahitabel Palmer late of Chaplin in said District deceased. The Court of Probate for the District of Chaplin hath limited and allowed six months from date of publication hereof, for the Creditors of said Estate, represented insolvent, in which to exhibit their claims against said estate; and has appointed Philip Barrows of Mansfield Tolland County and Ephraim Kingsbury of Chaplin in Windham County, Commissioners to receive and examine said Claims. Certified by Erastus Rindge, Judge. The subscribers give notice that they shall meet at the dwelling house of Ephraim Kingsbury in said Chaplin on the fifth day of November next, and on the fourteenth day of march next at ten o'clock in the forenoon, on each of said days, for the purpose of attending to the business of said appointment. Philip Barrows, Ephraim Kingsbury, Commissioners. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to Needham Slate, Executor.

884. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Commissioners' Notice. District of Windham, Probate Court, Sept. 9th, 1861. Assigned Estate of A.W. Dexter of Windham in said District. The Court of Probate for the District of Windham hath limited and allowed two months from the publishing hereof, for the creditors of said Estate, in which to exhibit their claims thereto: and has appointed Abel Clark, and John E. Barrows, Commissioners to receive and examine said claims. Certified by Wm. Swift, Clerk. The subscribers give notice that they shall meet at the store of Merrick Johnson in said Windham on the twenty-third of September, and twenty-eighth of October at one o'clock in the afternoon on each of said days, for the purpose of attending to the business of said appointment. Abel Carl [probably misprint of Clark], John E. Barrows, Commissioners. All persons indebted to said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment to Merrick Johnson, Trustee.

885. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Probate Office, District of Windham, Windham, September 9th, 1861. Amariah W. Dexter, whose estate is in settlement in this Court, having complied with the requirements of the statute, thereupon applies [unreadable] Section of the "Act for the relief of Insolvent Debtors." It is hereby ordered that a hearing be had relative thereto at this office on the 30th day of September A.D. 1861, at 9 o'clock A.M. and that public notice be given of this order by advertising the same in the Willimantic Journal and by posting a copy hereof on the sign-post in Willimantic at least two weeks previous to said day of hearing. Certified from Record. William Swift, Clerk.

886. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: At a Court of Probate holden at Coventry within and for the District of Coventry on the 9th of September, A.D. 1861. Present Andrew K. Brown, Esq., Judge. This Court doth direct the Trustee on the Assigned Estate of Charles Carpenter of Coventry in the said District, represented to be insolvent, to give notice to all persons interested in the estate of appear, (if they see cause) before the Court of Probate to be holden at the Probate Office in said district, on the 27th day of September at 1 o'clock P.M. to be heard relative to the appointment of Commissioners on said estate by posting said order of notice on a public sign post in said town of Coventry nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt and by advertising the same in a newspaper published in Willimantic in the county of Windham. Certified from Record, A.K. Brown, Esq., Judge.

887. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Marriages.

In Norwich, Sept. 11th, by Rev. J.P. Gulliver, F.A. Dorrance, Esq., and Mary, daughter of Hon. Amos W. Prentice.

888. TWJ Fri Sep 13, 1861: Deaths.

In Willimantic, Sept. 13th, Mrs. Lois Holley aged 72 years.

In Willimantic, Sept. 12th, Mr. Ephraim Hayden, aged 80 years.

In Windham, Sept. 12th, Wealthy Armstrong, aged 78 years.

In Lebanon, Sept 7th, Betsey Cook, aged 61 years.

In Mansfield Centre. Sept. 10th, Miss Emily Salter, aged 61 years.

In Hampton, Sept. 7th, Abram Wyllys, aged 70 years.

[following issue is printed as Sep 21, 1861, but might be misdated. Should be Sep 20, 1861]

889. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Still Another Revolutionary Patriot Gone. At Canterbury N.H., Aug. 21st Col. Asa Foster, aged 96 years, 2 months and 18 days. Col. Foster was with Benedict Arnold at West Point, and at the time of his desertion was a member of his staff. He was born in Andover, Mass., but when a youth removed to Canterbury where he ever after resided, beloved and respected by all. He retained his physical vigor to a remarkable degree. Up to within two or three years he prepared his own firewood from choice. About two or three years ago he _____ to a bog meadow, some half a mile from home, his foot slipped, and he fell into the ditch sinking down in the mud and water to the arms; by his own efforts, before assistance arrived, he extricated himself and started for home. He retained his mental faculties to the last, taking a lively interest in the present struggle, and was anxious to hear every item of news and would freely and intelligently commend upon it. When the news of the fall of Sumpter reached him, he declared if he was younger he would shoulder his musket and again march to the defense of his country. The wife of seventy years survives him at the age of ninety, in the full enjoyment of every faculty. (We obtain these facts from Hon. A.B. Calef of this city, whose wife was a granddaughter of the deceased - Middletown Constitution.)

890. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: It is estimated that 5,500,000 persons have during the last fifteen years emigrated from Great Britain to the United States, principally from Ireland.

891. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Union Meeting at Hartford. Last Tuesday a large concourse of people from all parts of the State assembled in Hartford to attend a Union meeting and to listen to addresses from Hon. D.S. Dickinson and others. Several of the speakers announced were not there, and among the number was Thos. F. Meagher, who sent in as an excuse for his absence, that he had done with talking and was going to the wars to fight. Major General James T. Pratt presided over the meeting, assisted by one hundred and thirty Vice Presidents, representing all the political parties of the State, and the various interests and professions of the people. At an early hour the people of the country towns began to throng into the city. The places of business were generally closed, and flags were flying in every part of the city. Men, women and children crowded to the place of convention, notwithstanding the indications of convention, notwithstanding the indications of the morning were prognosticating a storm, which finally commenced at about two p.m. The loyal sentiment of the State is fully aroused. The peace meetings which have so disgraced Connecticut, are at a discount. Traitors have no place among us.

892. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: A meeting of the Windham County Temperance Alliance was held in Brooklyn on the 13th inst., and the following officers chosen for the ensuing year. President - Ezra Dean. Vice Presidents - H.L. Danielson, R.S. Lathrop, H. Johnson. Secretary and Treasurer - Rev. Mr. Walker. Executive Committee - Rev. Messrs. Burleigh, Davenport, Barrows, Pratt, and Dr. L. Williams.

893. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Mr. N. Frank White, of Seymour, Conn, will speak in the Spiritualist Church next Sabbath, forenoon and afternoon.

894. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Rather an exciting scene for our quiet village occurred at the depot, last Tuesday. A New London company bound for Hartford to join the 8th Regiment had to lay over for two hours or so, the Providence and New London cars not connecting at this place in the afternoon. The result was that some of them got top-heavy and quite ungovernable, and it was with difficulty they could be got aboard the cars when the time arrived for their departure. The bell run, the whistle blew, the engine started up, but the would-be deserts were striking out right and left, dragging and shoving each other along, until some of our Willimantic boys came to the rescue, who very soon dumped them aboard and put an end to the disgraceful proceedings.

895. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: State S.S. Teachers Convention. The fourth State Convention of Connecticut Sabbath School Teachers will be held at the Central Baptist Church, Norwich, commencing Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 2 o'clock P.M., and it is expected will continue for two days. Pastors, officers and teachers of the Evangelical Sabbath Schools of Connecticut are cordially invited to attend. We learn that the citizens of Norwich are hospitably arranging to provide entertainment for members of the Convention. Those who intend to be present are desired to send their names before Oct. 12th to Lewis A. Hyde, Esq., Norwich, that they may be properly cared for. The Central Committee of this Association consists of John Woodruff, New Haven; G.F. Davis, Hartford; and A.F. Abbot, Waterbury.

896. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Departure of the 6th and 7th Regiments, C.V., from New Haven. By hurrying up matters as rapidly as possible the 6th C.V. Col. Chatfield, were enabled to start for Washington on Tuesday evening. Owing to the rain there was not the public demonstration which was expected, and the soldier wore their overcoats and rubber blankets to cover their knapsacks and shoulders. The 7th Regiment followed up the 6th promptly and started for Washington Wednesday evening. This regiment is commanded by Col. Terry and is the best regiment in materials and intellectual yet sent out of Connecticut. Both of these regiments are armed with Enfield rifles, with the exception of the two flank companies of each, which are provided with Sharp's Rifles. They are thoroughly equipped with baggage wagons' horses, &c.

897. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: The Rev. Daniel Waldo of Syracuse, N.Y., a native of Windham, a soldier of the Revolution, the oldest living graduate of Yale College but one, and late Chaplain of Congress, entered his 100th year the 10th day of this month.

898. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Look out for counterfeit half dollars. The Hartford Courant says that on Tuesday they were freely circulated in that city, and that a slight examination shows their baseness.

899. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Obituary. Mrs. Lois Holley, of Willimantic, who departed this life on the 13th inst., had been for many years a consistent member of the Methodist Church. As a wife and mother she endeavored to perform the duties of life in such a manner as to meet the approval of Him in whom she trusted, and there is every reason to hope she is now in the enjoyment of that reward promised to those to whom it was said "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give the a crown of life."

900. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Letters, mail or express matter, for the Fifth Regiment, Col. Ferry, should be directed to "5th Regiment, Conn. Vols., Gen. Banks, Division, Laurel, Maryland."

901. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: The Connecticut Volunteers. Adjutant General Williams has published a pamphlet of some 120 pages, containing a catalogue of all the volunteers in the first five Connecticut Regiments and the two companies of cavalry, making a total of about 4,600 men. It is noticeable that the ages of the great bulk of the volunteers were from 18 to 23, very few indeed being over 35. New Haven furnished by far the largest number, and the towns of New Haven, Hartford, and Fairfield counties at least three quarters of the whole number.

902. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Drafting is seriously talked of in Connecticut, and in Stonington a preliminary examination was lately had by the authorities to ascertain who were liable to military duty should the Government decide on that measure. Stonington being one of the few secession tainted places of the North, the young men were not anxious to volunteer, and when medical examination was made, one hundred and twenty ablebodied youths - the flower of Stoningtonians - were discovered to be afflicted with hernia - at least, each of them wore a tightly braced truss of the newest patient. - Chicopee Journal.

903. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Fatal Accident. A member of Capt. Russells company, 8th regiment, C.V. named Andrew Chastlet, from Newtown, was fatally injured Tuesday morning, about 9 o'clock, on the down Naugatuck train. Just as the train left the Derby Station, he stood upon one of the car platforms, clinging to the side railing. Swinging his body off to look forward he brought his head against the side timbers of a bridge. He was taken back to Derby in a dying condition, as we learn from the palladium.

904. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Major Horato G. Wright has been appointed a Brigadier General. Connecticut has now five Brigadier Generals in the service: Gens. Totten, Mansfield, Bonham, Sedgwick and Wright. These are all West Point men, and all but Gen. Sedgwick members of the Corps of Engineers. Totten is from New Haven, Mansfield, Bonham, from Meriden, Sedgwick from Clinton.

905. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: It is reported that typhoid fever has appeared in the government hospitals at Washington, attacking nearly all the sick and wounded.

906. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Marriages.

In this village, 4th inst., by Rev. Wm. Kellen, Raymond Baldwin Esq., of Mansfield to Mrs. Mary A. Moulton of Willimantic.

907. TWJ Fri Sep 21, 1861: Deaths.

In Bozrah, the 19th isn't., Miss Marian Baldwin, aged 36 years.

In Coventry, 14 inst., Susan Durkee aged 74 years.

In Willimantic, 14th inst., Margaret Flaherty, aged 69.

908. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: Our Prisoners at Richmond. Capt. Hurd of the Second Kentucky Regiment, who recently escaped from Richmond, makes the following statement in regard to the treatment of the Federal prisoners at Richmond, as we learn from the Buffalo Advertiser. "Capt. Hurd states that there are 1,700 prisoners confined in five large tobacco factories. They are supplied with sufficient rations of bread and meat only - no vegetables. No tea, no coffee, and nno blankets or bedding of any kind, are allowed them. Such as have money are at liberty to get materials for comforts and bed quilts and to purchase such articles of food as they please. Since the Hatteras Inlet affair, all privileges of leaving the prisons under guard on parole, &c, have been withdrawn, and no one is permitted to leave the building, buy a newspaper, or send out any letter, unless inspected. The treatment is becoming constantly more rigid. The health of our prisoners is much better than that of the Southern troops. The climate appears to agree with them, and almost all of our wounded men and officers are out of bed and able to get around. Col. Corcoran was perfectly well and never was wounded. The condition of the building in which Capt. Hurd was confined is disgusting. It is a three story building - the upper one occupied by privates, who, having no change of clothing, are of necessity very filthy; the second by 70 officers - gentlemen - many of them wealthy. The vermin which crawl on the poor men in the upper story fall through the loose flooring upon these officers. In this connection I will state that I was informed by a lady in Washington that Mrs. Rickets, wife of Capt. R., of the U.S. Artillery, taken prisoner at Bull Run, a member of the Lawrence family, refined and ladylike is compelled in order to be near her husband, to stay in the same room where five wounded officers lie in their beds and is not even allowed to retire at times when, if her love for her husband did not outweigh her modest inclinations, she would certainly be out of the way."

909. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: The Battle Record. It is the cry of the croakers, and England especially that the North is getting whipped; that it gets the most of every battle and skirmish. The fact seems to be quite the contrary; a gentleman in Lansing, Michigan who has kept as accurate account as possible, estimates that, of thirty three battles and more important skirmishes since the war began, the Union men have been victorious in twenty-two, the rebels in five, while in the remaining six neither party can claim a victory. The number of prisoners taken by the Unionists is about 3,200 and by the rebels not quite half as many. Of the killed it is impossible to obtain anything like accurate knowledge of the losses of the rebels. The Union loss is something over one thousand; and the rebel loss is believed to be twice that number. This don't look much like the North getting whipped.

910. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: The Confiscation Act. Mr. Secretary Seward has written a circular explanatory of the Confiscation Act from which we extract the following: It will be seen from an inspection of these provisions of the acts of Congress, that no property is confiscated or subjected to forfeiture except such as is in transit or provided for transit to or from insurrectionary states or used for the promotion of the insurrection. Real estate, bonds, promissory notes, moneys or deposits and the like, are therefore not subject to seizure or confiscation in the absence of evidence of such unlawful use." All Bank property belonging to Southern parties is therefore exempt from seizure.

911. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: The Attorney General of the Rebel States goes by the name of J.P. Benjamin. An old resident of Rochester gives sundry reminiscences of his early life; how he loaned him money in 1827; how he ran away without paying it; how he cheated his landlady, and how he still refuses to pay her, although she is a poor widow of 86 winters.

912. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: Late intelligence from Richmond indicates that the rebels are becoming discouraged, and specially disaffected towards their new Government - so much so that the discouragement and disaffection fine vent in open grumbling.

913. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: The National Fast was observed here by religious services at the several Churches in the forenoon and a Union of the whole at the Methodist Church in the afternoon under the supervision of the pastor Rev. Mr. Kellen, assisted by Rev. Messrs. Willard and Bently. The stores partially suspended business. From Mansfield and adjoining towns we learn that the day was generally as strictly observed by suspension of business, and the performance of Religious services, as the Sabbath.

914. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: A Baltic Company, numbering ninety men, for the 10th Regiment, Capt. Branch, passed through our village last Tuesday. A great portion of them were three months men, and will, beyond doubt, give Secesh a potion of their experience in the shape of leaden pills.

915. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: Fatal Accident. On Tuesday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, Benjamin Whitford, superintendent of the Willimantic Gas Works met with his death in the following manner: Mr. Whitford, with a number of men, had been discharging coal, and it seems there were some empty cars which required to be moved in order to bring loaded ones to the place of discharging, which was done by pushing them along by hand, Mr. W. on the cars to put on the brake when sufficiently out of the way, and in attempting to jump on to the forward car, which was detached from the rest, he placed his foot upon a loose plank, set up edgewise against stakes for the purpose of holding the coal on, when it tipped over, throwing him between the cars, his head striking on the rail, the wheel of the car passing instantly and partially over it crushing it in a shocking manner. He expired immediately. Mr. Whitford has been a resident of our village for three years and is spoken of as having been an agreeable, sober and industrious man, a doting husband and father. He leaves a wife and four helpless children to mourn his loss.

916. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: Messrs. A.S. & G.F. Swift of Mansfield are putting in new flumes, and making other improvements in their grist and saw mills.

917. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: Death of a Connecticut Volunteer. Private Charles C. Potter, of Woodstock, in Company H., (from West Killingly) 5th Connecticut Regiment, died at Darnesville on Thursday, of typhoid fever.

918. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: The Northern Railroad between Norwich and New London is being straightened, in order to be ready for the steamboat trains, which will begin running on the first of October, when the Norwich boats will stop at New London.

919. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: H.C. Stevens, of Connecticut, has been appointed Brigade Surgeon in the Army.

920. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: For the Journal. Mansfield Centre, Sept. 26, 1861. Mr. Editor: Among the many items of general interest published weekly in your paper, I think a brief notice of our "Gamma Nu" would not be out of place even in these times of treason, civil war, and staunch patriotism. Gamma Nu is the name given to a debating society organized by the members of the Select School here, under the auspices of their teacher W.C. Johnston A.M. a graduate of "Yale". Its regular meetings are held in Conference Hall every Tuesday Evening commencing at 7 o'clock. The preliminary exercises consist of, Secretary's report and criticism of previous meeting, declamations, and an Essay, all of which are sometimes spicy and amusing, but always entertaining and instructive. The next proceed (after choosing a president of debate, for the evening only) to the discussion of the question selected for debate, which is opened on both sides by the regularly appointed disputants. After they have disposed of it, the debate becomes general by the house, and as there is always a full, and sometimes a very crowded house, containing many talented speakers, the debate does not lag nor loose any of its interest. It is really surprising with what seeming ease, and real ability the youthful members take hold of and thoroughly and understandingly discuss the most knotty questions of History, Philosophy &c., &c. Their marked improvement since last Fall is as remarkable as it is commendable, and adds, if it were possible, to the already high and enviable reputation of their talented teacher. I believe a Lyceum in connection with a School one of the greatest auxiliaries to intellectual improvement, developing all the latent talent, and laying the foundation of future eminence in all the walks of life. P.P.H.M.

921. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: The 8th and 10th Regiments. Capt. Charles L. Russell, of the Winthrop Gards of New Haven, now attached to the 8th C.V. has been offered the Lieutenant Colonelcy of the 10th. He was Adjutant of the 2d for three months, and is a capitol soldier, but he hesitates about accepting an office which will remove him from the company he has raised. Andrew Terry, of Plymouth, has been appointed Major of the 8th Regiment; DeWitt C. Lathrop, of Norwich, and J.V. Huntington, of Sterling, are appointed Assistant Surgeons in the 8th. Four or five companies of the 10th are already in camp, and no less than three companies for it are nearly full in this city. - N. Haven Journal.

922. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: Haytien Cotton. The Manchester American says that samples of Haytien cotton have been examined by Waterman Smith, Esq., agent of the Manchester Corporation, and other good judges of the article, who all pronounce it to be of excellent quality, fully equal to the Gulf cotton. The British Cotton Supply Association is encouraging the production of this staple in Hayti, by sending out improved machinery and offering premiums to growers.

923. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: Fatal Affray at Winsted. Mr. E.R. Beardsly, telegraph operator at Winsted, sends us an account of a brutal murder which occurred in that place yesterday afternoon. It appears that two men named James Tuttle and Lucius Woodford, who had been at enmity with each other for some time, met, and during a personal altercation, Tuttle was shot by Woodford, and died shortly after. The latter immediately surrendered himself to the authorities, and is under arrest. - New Haven Journal, 23d.

924. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: Horatio G. Knight of Easthampton, Mass., has offered to give $50 to single, $100 to married men of that town, who will enlist in the company now forming in Northampton. A part of the money will be paid immediately if needed, and the balance at the expiration of the term of service.

925. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: A Connecticut Soldier Pensioned. George H. Bugbe, a private in the 1st Connecticut regiment, C.V., who suffered a fracture of a portion of his shoulder, at the Vienna reconnaissance, under Gen. Tyler, has had a pension of $8 a month granted him.

926. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: War and army labor severely taxes the endurance of horses. Fine, spirited animals are run down and rendered useless in a few weeks. A sale of condemned Government horses took place on Georgetown Heights, a few days since. The prices ranged from 37 1-2 cents to $10.

927. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: The 6th and 7th Regiments. Acting Quartermaster Charles W. Allen, returning yesterday from Washington where he has been to conduct a squad of laggards belonging to the 7th Regiment, and deserters from the 4th Regiment. He says the two Regiments are encamped on the old old grounds of the 2d and 3d on Meridian Hall, Federal street, Washington, and are in first rate condition. They are brigaded with two Massachusetts regiments, under Brigadier General Horatio G. Wright, a Connecticut man and an army officer. They are actively engaged in drilling, and will soon be ready for duty. - N. Haven Journal

928. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: Births.

In Willimantic, 22d inst., a daughter to Mr. John Williams.

929. TWJ Fri Sep 27, 1861: Deaths.

In Mansfield Hollow, 23d inst. Willie E., Son of Charles and Harriet Broadhurst aged 8 months.

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