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The Willimantic Chronicle - Year of 1884

Published every Wednesday.

McDonald & Safford, Editors and Publishers.
Office, Hall's Block, Main & Union Sts.
$1.50 per year.

M. Wallen, A.H. Freeman, O.G. Hanks. Prompter: O.M. Richardson.

Chronicle, March 1884:

403. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: About Town.

Sheriff Pomeroy has removed to his new house on South street.

J.A. Stillman is improving his dry goods store with the paint brush.

Dr. T.H. McNally has been appointed town physician by the selectmen.

Rev. S.R. Free will preach at North Windham next Sunday at 2 p.m.

Mrs. T.J. Taft has removed her boarding house from Centre street to her former location on Hanover block.

Warren Atwood has sold the old lockup property on North street to the W.G. & A.R. Morrison Co., for $2,335.

The St. Joseph T.A. Society have removed their headquarters to the hall in third story of Commercial block.

Foley & Brennan, the meatmen have dissolved partnership the latter continuing the business and the former removing to East Hartford.

The new Singer sewing machine is still ahead and rapidly distancing all competition, as may be seen by Mr. Bowman's notice in another column.

It's as good as a street show the way those fellows raise the telegraph pole; and Main street for the last two or three days has been lined with spectators witnessing the operators.


404. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: George G. Standish, of Danbury was in town yesterday shaking hands with his many friends here. He is confident that Standish & Thompson will establish a large business in that thriving city.


405. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: A pound of chocolate rolled from the top to the bottom of a pyramid in Wilson & Leonard's large plate glass show window Monday and left an ugly crack in the glass from one side to the other.


406. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: The Willimantic Farmers club will meet at the residence of David Jacobs in Pleasant Valley Saturday evening March 8th for the choice of officers for the ensuing year. A full attendance is desirable.


407. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: After three or four adjournments the case of the town of Windham vs. E.M. Thorn to recover for provisions furnished to his wife, tried before Justice Conant, it was decided in favor of plaintiff. Defendant appealed to superior court.


408. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Isaac Sanderson will have an auction sale of carriages and harnesses at his stable rear of Atwood block Wednesday March 12th at 11 o'clock. He will sell out the entire equipment of his stable on that day without reserve to the highest bidder.


409. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: The members of the Society of the Knights of the Sacred Heart (now defunct) are hereby warned to meet at the room of the St. Joseph's T.A. Society in Commercial block on Sunday March 9th, at 3 o'clock p.m. As business of importance is to be transacted.


410. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: There are 279 cases on the Superior court docket for this little county. The lawyers evidently don't mean to be out of business so long as they can prevail upon the court to continue their cases and they get their retainers. There ought to be a half dozen Judge Hoveys on the bench.


411. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: The St. Mary's T. A. and B. society of Norwich will present Dion Boucicault's great Irish drama "The Colleen Bawn," in that city March 17th under the management of John Crawford of this village. The posters compliment him thus: "The play is under the direct management of Mr. John Crawford of Willimantic, who is well known as one of the best amateur actors and managers in Eastern Connecticut."


412. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Hall celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage at their residence on Union street, Saturday. It was an informal affair got up by friends as a surprise to Mr. Hall. About one hundred persons attended and under the skillful engineering of his pleasant wife, it was a complete surprise upon Mr. Hall. The evening was spent till a late hour in socialty and discussing a bounteous collation. A pleasant incident of the evening was the gift of a fine pair of gold bowed eye glasses to Mr. Hall by the Praying Band, ex postmaster John Brown making the presentation speech in a happy vein. It was requested that no presents be brought, but many disobeyed and the respected couple will be reminded in after days of their "tin wedding" by numerous substantial gifts.


413. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: At the annual conclave of St. John's Commandery No. 11, K.T. Willimantic, held in their asylum Monday evening, the following officers were duly elected and installed for the year ensuing: Chester Tilden, E.C.; Daniel C. Card, Gen.; Chas. Broadhurst, Capt. Gen.; Charles J. Fox, prelate; John H. Ballard, S.W.; Charles S. Billings, J.W.; Edwin T. Hamlin, treasurer; Albert R. Morrison, recorder; Henry M. Graussner, standard bearer; John T. Bradshaw, sword bearer; Amos W. Bill, warder; Orlando D. Brown, third guard; Abel R. Burnham, second guard; John D. Baker, first guard; William Thompson, sentinel. After the ceremonies of election and installation were concluded, the Sir Knights sat down to a fine collation furnished by our caterer, Dumont Kingsley.


414. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: The young people of the Methodist church gave a very interesting entertainment at the vestry of that church last Wednesday evening consisting of recitations, readings and singings. It was well attended. A quartette composed of Miss Etta young, soprano, Mrs. L. Warner, alto, Messrs. Simpson, tenor, and L. Warner, basso rendered some very pleasing music. Mr. Simpson is a very fine vocalist and gave the audience a specimen of his talents in a song entitled "The Village Blacksmith" which was loudly encored.


415. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: The following is a list of polls and taxable property in the Town of Windham ratable by law on the 1st day of October 1883. 1143 dwelling houses, 1,410,306; 12800 ¼ acres of land, 227,982; 95 mills, stores, distilleries, manufactories, 1,920,320; 543 horses, asses, mules, 34,100; 830 meat cattle, 18,437; sheep, swine and poultry over exemption, 822.50; 225 coaches, carriages and wagons. 15090; farming utensils, mechanics tools, 1025; clocks, watches, jeweler, 4960; piano-fortes and other musical instruments, 8560; household furniture and libraries, 5100; quarries, fisheries and mines, 1300; bank, insurance and manufacturing stock, 252,930.12; railroad, city, and other corporation bonds, 870; amount employed in machinery and trade, 183,950; investment in mechanical and manufacturing operations, 63,950; money at interest in this state and in other states, 28,185; all taxable property not specifically mentioned, 5930; ten per cent additional on list not given in 33048.70. total value $4,266,866.85.415 polls at $1.00 each.


416. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Court of Burgesses. The regular monthly meeting of the Court of Burgesses was held at the borough office Monday evening. The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. Martin Mullin presented a petition asking that he be appointed superintendent of streets and "action deferred." The following bills were received and ordered paid: J.O. Sullivan, repairs fire department, $4.20; Killourey Bro's, lighting street lamps, $65.50; Jno. M. Alpaugh salary and expenses, $65.50; Labor Bill, February, $37.48; Charles T. Brown, policeman, $58; Fred L. Clark, policeman, $58; Dwight W. Shurtliff, policeman $58; Board of Assessors, services and supplies, $57.50; Carpenter & Fowler, supplies fire department, $4.50; H.H. Fitch, land damage, $20; Hugh Carney, repairs street lamps, $4.30; Keigwin & Clark, do, $3.75; Buck, Durkee & Stiles, gasoline, $109.49; Hall & Bill, printing library catalogue, &c. $170.50; R.B. .Truscott, repairs streets $1.50; D.E. Potter, do street lamps, $3.60; A.B. Green, overpaid tax list 1882, $5.40; E.E. Burnham, expenses to Hartford, $3; W.G. Morrison, do, $3; Robert Fenton, maps and surveying, $194.64. The matter of Lloyd E. Baldwin's claim against the borough was presented, and it was voted not to pay it. A vote was passed raising a committee of three, to consist of two members of the Court of Burgesses and one member of the Board of Engineers, to inquire into the needs of the Fire Department; Burgesses Morrison and Chappell and Chief Engineer Billings were appointed. Voted to instruct the Treasurer to borrow Fifteen Hundred dollars to meet current expenses. Voted to dissolve.


417. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: The Norwich Bulletin says: "Rarely has Norwich witnessed a more brilliant and interesting sight than that presented by the pupils of Prof. J.P. Millard at their reception in Steiner's hall last Monday night. A large and interesting company of spectators were present. The grace and accuracy shown by the little people in the various changes of the dances, reflected infinite credit upon their teacher. .... The popular verdict with reference to the entire programme was extremely flattering to both pupils and instructor; and also to the youthful managers, Masters Arthur Lathrop, [Al?] Beckwith, Ralph Carleton, W. Dowe, Frederick Johnson and Albert Fitch."


418. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Nothing of a new or startling character has been developed in regard to the murder of Harvey Chappell in Lebanon, and it bids fair to become one of the many tragic mysteries that already blot the fair fame of Connecticut. The arrest of Oliver Kingsley on suspicion is the only act that has been made public that seems to be capable of throwing any light on this terrible deed. His unwillingness or inability to give a straight account of himself on the night of the murder, is all the ground of suspicion that can be thrown upon him. His previous character seems to be conclusive evidence that if he had any hand in the business at all it must have been that of an accessory. Few believe he had the courage to plan and execute such a deed, and it is hardly probable that a man who has seen the inside of so many jails should commit such a deed to conceal robbery from the discovery. The most generally accepted theory is that while he and some unknown party were engaged in some crime they were discovered by the old man and to prevent discovery the unknown committed the fatal deed. Kingsley is a notorious sneak thief, but never has been considered a desperate character. In short, his whole career points to a man of low cunning and cowardly action, to whom a crime, such as he is accused of would be an impossibility unless some bolder mind stood behind. Is that man really innocent, or is he giving the red villain time to escape the hand of justice?


419. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Base Ball - The adjourned meeting of the Connecticut Baseball league took place at the rooms of the Hubbard Escort Hartford last Thursday and was attended by fourteen delegates, representing clubs from New Britain, Rockville, Waterbury, Meriden, Plainville, Willimantic and Hartford.....The following gentlemen were elected to the board: Charles Soby, Hartford; A. Bowers, Rockville; T.R. Hill, New Britain; T.H. Hayes, Waterbury; A. Boardman, Meriden, F.H. Frost, Willimantic; M.P. Ryder, Plainville.


420. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Lennon's Granite shop on Valley street is the place to buy a monument or headstone at first cost.


421. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Scotland.

Miss Sallie Tracy had a severe stroke of paralysis last Wednesday morning and lies in a critical condition.

Mrs. Isaac Palmer is in town visiting friends.

Mr. Penuel Sprague and wife of Danielsonville spent last Sabbath with his brother Samuel.

The young people had a surprise party last Friday night at Miss Etta M. Parkhurst's

The Perley Fuller farm has been sold to a man by the name of Jones for the purpose of clearing the woodland. He will put a steam saw mill on the lot.

A.M. Clark has a horse power in his shop and is now prepared to do jig sawing and turning at short notice.


422. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Windham.

As requested the Bankers and Merchants Telegraph Company placed their new poles on one of our side streets; they have removed their old wires and poles from our Centre, making a great improvement. It will be a long time before another telegraph company will be allowed to pass through our Centre. One would think by their movements that they controlled the highway but such is not the case.

The Doctors can find some pills by reading the speech of the Hon. Augustus Brandegee before the judiciary committee of the general assembly in opposition to the bid presented by the Connecticut State Medical society to compel under penalty the printing of formulas and receipts of patent medicines upon the labels so that they could be read and understood, to use a vulgar but somewhat appropriate phrase he went for the Doctors "bald-headed" the legislature rejected the bill.

Mr. Follett has received two more lots of trout eggs of seventy-five thousand each he is raising a large number of trout. It takes quite a capital to carry on the business.

Mrs. George S. Moulton and daughter have been spending several months in Boston, Mrs. M. is expected home the present week.

For a week past the weather has been unusually cold for the season, probably on account of leap year. Changeable weather necessitates caution, one of the best remedies for a cough or cold is prepared at the drug store from Dr. Huntington's prescription. A Chautauquan recently said of it is the best I have ever used.


423. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: South Coventry.

Mrs. Wm. A. Lathrop with her daughter and son met with quite an accident last week. As they were riding down street they were run into by another team and thrown out. No serious injuries however.

The farming utensils and household goods of Mrs. Hutchinson were sold at auction on Monday.

The Literary Society had a crowded house Monday evening as usual. The exercises were of the Shakespearian order. The play "Merchant of Venice" was read by home talent. After the reading officers were chosen as follows: President, John Isham; vice-president, Fred. Sweet; secretary and treasurer, Wm. Kingsbury; 2d on board of managers, Miss Fannie McChristie and 3d, Miss Sarah Stanley.

Dr. Flint has been away on his annual vacation and also to attend the Grand Lodge meeting of the A.O.U.W., at Boston.


424. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: North Windham.
School closed last week and the children are enjoying this second edition of winter hugely, more than their elders, in sleigh riding, coasting, etc. Prizes had been offered by the teachers, Mr. Ladd and Miss Flint, to their respective classes in spelling. The workers were many, but the lucky five were Robert Bates, Emma Bates, Abbie Dwyre, Gertie Farnham and Willie Harley.

Horace Upton is about to establish himself as a butcher, having been in that business before. Spafford's shop has just turned out a very nice cart for his use. Most of us will encourage home industries by patronizing Mr. Upton. M.M. Welch has been unable to attend to business for many months, but his route has been supplied by Messrs. Shippee & Wilson.

Mr. P.B. Peck has been confined to the house since January, and to his room for a month. His disease is an affection of the kidneys, and his condition is considered critical. He is daily attended by Dr. Bennett.

Mr. Austin Lincoln is in failing health, and the past week has not been up to the average of days.

Miss Sarah Peck returned from Montreal, highly pleased with the pleasures attending the Carnival. She was the sole representative from this village. A recent letter to her from Bloomfield, Mo., tells the sad story of her sister's house being struck by lightning, and two of the children, Genie and Charlie Crumb, severely shocked. Truly a narrow escape from death.

We understand that Rev. Mr. Free will preach here next Sabbath and presume due notice will be given in another column.

Surprise parties are quite popular with the young people. Miss Anna Spencer having received the benefit of the last.

Are glad to learn that Mr. E.H. Hall is considered out of danger again.

Mrs. H.D. Russ of Mansfield is spending the winter with her daughter in this village.

Mr. Levi Allen has taken up his abode with David Nichols.


425. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Mansfield Centre.

Charley Crane of Atwoodville comes to the front on foxes, he having last week unaided and alone captured four of the varmines in three days hunting. Two were caught in open field by his hound, and two he shot. The Kennels must repair their broken guns. Robbie, son of J.H. Stearns of Chestnut Hill, was quite severely bitten by his dog the other day.


426. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Columbia.

The young son of Christian Scherbaum accidently tipped a tea pot of hot tea over himself the scalding fluid running down his back causing a distressing burn which was taken care of by the Doctor and the little sufferer is doing as well as can be expected.

Miss Katie Downer is spending a short time with her sister in Hartford.

The Masonic fraternity have engaged Gurdon Cady to furnish their music at the repetition of their ball March 12th.

Miss Ella Hyde daughter of Anson Hyde died at her father's residence on Sunday the 24th of Consumption. The young lady was highly esteemed by her friends and especially the neighbors who knew her so well.

Victor Penre has recently moved into the house on the Button farm on Pine street.

Pillsburg agent for the new steam cooking apparatus is canvassing the town soliciting orders for the same.

Samuel Brown has been in Portland caring for a sick friend but returned Saturday.

John Davenport is actively engaged disposing of onions in various localities for different parties.

Miss Lizzie Brown will commence the spring term in the North district in a couple of weeks.


427. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Names. Surnames are frequently derived from trades or occupations. The Baxters belong to the same class as the Masons, the Carpenters, the Taylors, the Smiths, the Gardiners and the Fullers. Others represent obsolete trades, or, at least, obsolete-trade terminology, like the Fletchers, or arrow-makers, the Arblastars, who manufactured cross-bows or arblasts (arenbalistae), and the Tuckers, who worked in the tucking mills where cloth was prepared for market. Nowadays a man who bakes is called a baker; but in earlier times a woman who baked was called a bakester or baxter. So a man who brews is a brewer, while a woman who brews is a brewster. In the medieval English termination "ster" was a feminine one, and it still survives with its primitive signification in spinster. A huckster was originally market-woman, but the word has now come to mean anybody, male or female, who hawks goods in the public streets. The same change has come over malster, throwster and many other analogous words. But sundry surnames will show us the two forms side by side, as in Webber and Webster. Hence, we may conclude that the ancestor of all the Baxters was a woman who kept a bake-house. Why her descendants should take their name from her, rather than from her father, is easy enough to understand on a number of natural hypotheses. Joan Baxter may in one place have been a widow woman, whose children would, of course, be called after her; in another place she might be a person of some character, while her husband was a field laborer or a ne'er-do-well, and in another, again, there might be two Piers, Gardners, or two Wat Carters in the same village, so that it might be more convenient to address the youngsters by their mother's calling than by their father's.


428. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: William A. Harris, has again located at his old stand under W.L. Harrington & Co's store, and will be pleased to do anything in the way of Cleaning, Repairing or Dyeing Clothes. Goods may be left at W.L. Harrington &Y Co.'s. prices Low and work well done. Goods left here for Henry Smith's dye house, at Conantville. W.A. Harris.


439. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Money Wanted. A load of two thousand, seven hundred dollars ($2,700) secured by first mortgage on valuable real estate in Willimantic borough. For particulars inquire of Henry N. Wales, Town Clerk.


440. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Death of Ex-Governor Hubbard. Hartford, Ct., Feb. 28. Ex-Governor Hubbard died at 1:30 this morning. He was born in Berlin, Ct., December 7, 1858, and graduated from Yale college in 1839. He was elected to congress in 1867, and governor of Connecticut in 1877, being the first governor under the two year term.


441. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Andover.

The Social which was to halve been held in the house of Mrs. L.H. Porter last week had to be postponed on account of the weather.

Mr. Henry Phelps of Cleveland, O. is visiting his father the Hon. Gurley Phelps.

The Telegraph Co. have arranged with Judge Lucius J. Hendee in regard to the location of their poles past his place, and now have a force of men engaged in stringing wires in the north part of the town.

The roof of Mr. J.C. Topliff's elder mill fell during the late heavy snow-storm, from the great weight of snow which had accumulated on it. In falling it crushed a buggy, and some other property stored in it.


442. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Married.

Demming - Blish - In Willimantic, March 2, by Rev. S.R. Free, Frederick W. Demming of Providence and Mrs. Emma Blish of this village.

443. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Died.

Stimpson - In Windham, Feb. 27, Mary A. Stimpson, aged 52.

Merrow - In Eagleville, Feb. 28, Emeline B. Merrow, aged 64.

Williams - In Willimantic, Feb. 29th, Faith Williams, aged 65.

Sullivan - In Willimantic, Feb. 27th, Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, aged 70.


444. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Wanted. A situation as Gardener and to do common work, by a middle-aged single man of experience. Address Gardener, care Chronicle office.


445. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Wanted - A Capable Young Lady to take charge of a Millinery Department and who has a knowledge of Fancy Goods at Somers Bros, Willimantic.


446. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Housekeeper Wanted - An American woman to take charge of farm house and dairy. Small family, work light. A good home for the right party. Apply at Chronicle office.


447. TWC Wed Mar , 1884: Dissolution Notice - This certifies that the firm of Foley & Brennan is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business heretofore conducted by the aforenamed firm will hereafter be carried on by Patrick J. Brennan who will collect all bills and pay all indebtedness of the aforesaid firm. W.A. Foley, Patrick J. Brennan. Willimantic, Conn., Feb. 29, 1884.


448. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: To Whom it May Concern. I hereby certify that, early in the fall of 1882 I allowed one of the New Improved Singer Machines to be place in my shop on trial with no intention of buying, as I already had four machines, and that on account of its superior merits, I decided to buy it, and it has been in constant use ever since with perfectly satisfactory results, and I consider the improved Singer decidedly the best machine in the market. John Bowman, Merchant Tailor.


449. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: At a Court of Probate holden at Mansfield, within and for the district of Mansfield on the 3d day of March, A.D. 1884. Present, Ralph W. Storrs, Judge. On motion of Ashley Dunham, executor of the last will and testament of Emeline H. Merrow late of Mansfield within said district deceased. This court doth decree that six months be allotted and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the executor, and directs that [ ] notice be given of the order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said town of Mansfield nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from record, Ralph W. Storrs, Judge.


450. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Collector's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons liable to pay taxes in the Town of Windham on the list of 1883, that we will meet them to receive said taxes as follows: Thursday, March 27th, 1884 at the store of William Swift in Windham. Friday, March 28th at the store of Johnson & Williams, South Windham. Thursday, April 3d at the office of E.H. Hall & Son, North Windham. Friday and Saturday

March 28th and 28th [sic], and Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 3d, 4th, and 5th, at the Town Clerk's office, in Hayden Block, Willimantic, from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. on each of said days. On all taxes unpaid one month after legal notice interest will be charged at the rate of ¼ of once percent a month until the same are paid with all legal charges. A.B. Green, E.H. Hall, Jr., Collectors. Windham, March 5th, 1884.


451. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: The Express Business. In B----, recently, writes George Alfred Townsend, I met a son of the founder of the Adams' Express Company, who gave me some interesting points. His father began the express business with literally nothing, and was his own carrier and distributor, and had so few customers that he could attend to them personally, delivering parcels, whether of money or merchandise, at their rooms. The further he proceeded into the business the darker grew the path, and his wife was unable at one time to go to church or make visits, because she had no bonnet or gown that would do her husband credit. Yet Mr. Adams was sure that he had a great thing, though he had also to face a rival, Harnden's Express Company, which was somewhat earlier in date. In this emergency Mr. Adams found a man with means, Mr. Dinsmore, who is now at the head of the organization, and who is said to be worth anywhere from three to four million of dollars. He put his shoulder to the wheel, brought Mr. Adams out triumphantly, and the Harnden Company, for want of a similar methodical sponsor, lapsed into poverty, while the Adams Express magnates lend money by millions to the railroad companies.


452. TWC Wed Mar 5, 1884: Lebanon.

The heirs to the Chappel estate are to be congratulated upon the appointment of Mr. Isaac Gillette to the administratorship. Mr. Gillette is capable, energetic, straight haired and deals "on the square."Many of our citizens are inclined to the belief that a coroner's inquest, under the present law, is of more importance to the coroner than to any one else. "What does all this amount to? Was the question frequently asked during the examination on Monday. "Twenty dollars a day" was as often the whispered reply.

At the nightly gatherings in Barker & Co's store the sooth-sayers, gossip-mongers and weather-friends are now taking back seats upon the sugar barrels, while the advocates of a creamery occupy the grand stand in front of the post office and do all the talking. It is judged the enterprise will be pushed to a completion as those who have hold of the matter are known to be men - financially speaking - of ample wind and bottom.

We received a very pleasant call from Mr. Walter Warner and his accomplished lady of Springfield, Mass., who were in town for a few days last week visiting relatives and friends. The immediate cause of their visit was to attend the funeral of their relative Mr. Harvey Chappel, but did not reach here until the services were over. Mr. Warner is a grandson of the late Joel Chappel, formerly a resident of this place, and a grand-nephew of the deceased. Mr. W. is a skilled engraver, being one of the most expert workmen in Springfield. If no will is found - which is not probable - he will inherit one third of the murdered man's estate.The tediousness of the coroner's investigation was occasionally relieved by the brilliancy of the inquiries propounded. The following is a specimen of the questions asked and information elected. A miller was on the stand: "Did you see Mr. Chappel on Tuesday last." "I did." "Where did you see him?" "At Isaac Avery's grist mill." "What was he doing there?" "He brought a grist to mill." "What was it?" "Provender." "Of what was it composed?" "Corn and oats." "How much did he bring?" "Six bushels." "Was it all in one bag." The idea of an old man nearly eighty years of age - or any one else for that matter - carrying a six bushel grist to mill in one bag, was too much for the gravity of the old grangers present, and they "smiled a smole [sic]" unanimously. Your South Windham correspondent should not lend a too willing ear to corner grocery remarks prejudicial to our good name. The selectmen of the town immediately offered $200 for the detection of the murderer or murderers of Mr. Chappel which was all they were legally empowered to do, and called a town meeting which was holden on Thursday last, for the purpose of offering a more adequate reward. The day was very stormy and but few attended but $1000 was voted in addition to the $200, already offered by the selectmen. There have been no hands uplifted in "holy horror" in consequence, nor fault-finding by any excepting that the reward of $1200 should have been increased to at least $2000 and it probably would have been could anything like a full expression of the town been had. Those "true blues" alluded to and whose memory tradition still keeps alive, and are all dead, if they ever lived and today it is safe to say that none entertain a greater admiration or higher regard for the beautiful village of South Windham ad its enterprising citizens than the people of Lebanon. Should South Windham ever be called upon to respond under similar circumstances (which we trust may never occur) they would undoubtedly name a sum at once creditable to their generosity and desire to protect the lives and property of their citizens; And if before such fact could be known here, some crossgrained old curmudgeon should mutter, "Catch them giving away anything, or offering to give. Why they were never known to give anything but the small pos." We should certainly regard it as an ill-natured remark and let it pass unheeded.(crowded out last week) The funeral of Harvey Chappell the murdered man, took place at the Baptist church on Saturday, Rev. S.L. Putnam officiating. Notwithstanding the severe storm that was raging at the time a large concourse of people were in attendance. It is earnestly hoped that the murderer or murderers may be speedily captured and swift justice meted out to them.

Mr. Petit, a bible peddler is in town visiting the families of the pious and prayerless and will gladly supply their wants regardless of age, sex or "previous condition." He will - Providence smiling - reach Mansfield while the dog star ragees, nevertheless a remarkably "cold day" is predicted when he strikes the Center.

Mr. John Caswell of Liberty Hill is canvassing the town taking orders for trees and other stock from the nursery of Stephen Hoyt & Sons New Canaan Ct. Mr. Caswell is a man who makes good his promises, and those who give him their patronage will find he is the sort of a tree agent. "They long have sought and mourned because they found him not."

Mrs. R.P. Burgess met with a painful accident on Friday. While coming from the cellar with a jar of lard in her arms, her foot caught against some obstruction causing her to fall head foremost against the cellar wall rendering her senseless for a time and inflicting a severe wound upon the forehead.


453. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: About Town.

Fresh salmon and bluefish at Holmes Friday.

The plate glass window of Wilson & Leonard has been replaced by O.A. Sessions.

Miss Annie Tingley will address the United Temperance Workers in Franklin hall next Sunday.

The funeral of Henry Brainard will take place at his residence on Maple avenue, Friday at 2 o'clock.

Henry F. Royce has sold the place owned by Francis Dougherty on Basset Park to Waldo A. Snow of Hampton for $1500.

The Adams express company have abandoned their intentions of removing their office from Card's block to Railroad street.

Rev. J.G. Gammons of Fall River, Mass., is expected to preach at Gurleyville on Sunday March 16th, in the church of which he was formerly pastor.

There is a notable absence of rail road accidents on the New England road since Receiver Clark took charge of the concern. We note the change with pleasure.

E.L. Knowlton, West Ashford, will sell a lot of live stock, wagons and farming utensils Tuesday, March 25th at 9 o'clock. Property enumerated in another column.

Two sisters of mercy arrived from Europe two weeks ago Friday to enter the convent at St. Joseph's church. They will be engaged as teachers in the parochial school.

Ex-selectman W.B. Avery has rented the fine residence of the late E.C. Potter on South Main street and will occupy it immediately. It is however still held for sale.

Mrs. Rev. George W. Holman and son Frank arrived home Friday morning after six weeks visit to her father's home in Philadelphia, whither she had been for her health.

A.D. David & Co., the uptown druggists keep a first-class assortment of drugs, patent medicines and toilet goods, and have a registered pharmacist to compound prescriptions.

Charles Barker for a number of years clerk at Hotel Commercial has resigned that position and engaged in the dry goods and boot and shoe business on his own account in Providence.

It is seldom in this life time that nature has given us the opportunity of witnessing so grand a spectacle as it afforded Sunday and Monday. The trees and shrubbery with their coating of crystal were dazzlingly beautiful.


454. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Buck and Whitemore will soon remove their plating business to more convenient quarters, and will build if they cannot rent. The new business of O.S. Chaffee & Son's mill on Church street will occupy the whole ground floor.


455. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: All ladies interested in the formation of a Relief Corps, auxillary to Francis S. Log Post G.A.R. are requested to meet at the residence of J.D. Willis, 225, Main street Friday evening March 14th, to elect its officers and perfect its organization.


456. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: The Linen company's office horse did not relish being left standing front of the post office on one of those raw days last week and without driver made a quicker trip than usual toward the lower village bringing up at the company's barn. He did not damage.


457. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Edmund Ellison who resides a little way over the line into Mansfield while felling a tree in the woods Tuesday, struck the axe into the instep of his foot leaving a deep and frightful gash. He called upon Dr. McNally to dress the wound and will be inconvenienced some time with the injury.


458. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Cashier O.H.K. Risley represented this town on the grand jury at the last term of the United States district court held in New Haven.


459. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: The meeting of the Farmer's club called for last Saturday at David Jacobs' was adjourned on account of the bad weather to Tuesday evening the 11th, when the following officers were chosen: President, V.D. Stearns, Mansfield; Vice-president, W.B. Hawkins, Windham; 2d Vice-prest. Arnold Warren, Coventry; 3d Vice-prest. Merrick Barton, Chaplin. Secretary and Treasurer, N.P. Perkins; assistant, D.H. Jacobs.


460. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: The telegraph men are a jolly, good-natured crowd, but sometimes they imbibe to excess, and such was the case last Saturday. The weather compelled them to lay off and Main street was rather a picturesque and resonant thoroughfare on that day. By the way, the company have some very fine musical talent among them and when they were driving into town Monday night our people were treated to a chorus which was really beautiful.


461. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: The Bankers' and Merchants' Telegraph company have enlarged their force by 16 men, making a total of 66 who are setting new poles through this section. This company paid out during the month of February in town the sum of $7,275 of which $860 was board for their men, and about every farmer who owns a wood lot got a slice too. What a fine line of poles they have erected along Main street, averaging 75 feet in length.


462. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Police Notes. Daniel Lines was arrested Monday evening in front of Franklin hall, for uproarious behavior and intoxication. It took the united efforts of officers Shurtliffe and Brown with a citizen to bring him as far as Church street, when a passing sleigh was pressed into service. Lines was bounced in and carried safe to the cooler. Tuesday morning he had a hearing before Justice Sumner, who after the evidence was all in imposed a sentence of 30 days in the county jail, whither he was soon taken.


463. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: The young Men's Athletic club will give their third annual minstrel and variety entertainment at Franklin hall on Monday evening March 17th, leading off with a grand overture comprising comic and sentimental songs and funny sayings. They have a fine array of talent and will be sure to give a first class show. Mr. John Crawford has had the management of its preparation, which is a guarantee nothing will be lacking in make up and stage business. The entertainment will conclude with a laughable farce entitled "The Arrival of Dickens." Music by Wheeler's orchestra and the Willimantic band will give an open air concert at 7 p.m. Admission 25 cents, reserved seats 35 cents. Seats now on sale at R.W. Hooper's store. Tickets are for sale by members of the club.


464. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: The Lyceum Dramatic Association will repeat the drama "One Hundred Years Ago" at Excelsior Hall, Bank street Tuesday evening March 18th at 8 p.m., with the following cast of characters:Obed Sterling, Wm. C. Fuller Ephriam Sterling, Fred Williams Elmer Granger, Chas. Little Uriel Bosworth, Wm. Clark Pretzel, Herbert Stearns Ginger, Frank Reid Tory, Chas Williams Rachael Sterling, Juliette Caswell Ruth Sterling, Lizzie Lyman Prudence Granger, Flora Melony An intermediate act will be introduced consisting of spring-flax, wool, hatchling, carding etc, after the manner of "Ye Olden Grandmother" from machines over one hundred years old. Price of admission, adults 25 cents. Children under 10 years 10 cents.


465. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: There are now but five inmates in the "Children's Home," says the Putnam Patriot, places having been found for three of the children since the visiting managers were appointed. Through the influence of Miss Dexter, of Danielsonville, we suppose, a family in that place sent for one of the little children this week, and it has been taken away. Such incidents as these must remind good people how much is being done for the Lord's wards.


466. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Next Tuesday, the 18th March occurs the anniversary of the death of Rev. Father Arnold Van Wersch, the former faithful and pious assistant of Rev. Fl. Debruycker and who was so much beloved by the Catholic people of this village. It will be noticed by the people of that parish in a public and solemn manner at St. Joseph church. Solemn requiem mass will be said for the departed at 10 o'clock and Rev. Father Broderick of St. Peters church Hartford will deliver a sermon in memoriam. It is expected that a large number of priests of this diocese will be present and assist in the services, and it is announced that the Right Reverend Bishop McMahon will be present at the ceremony. At the close of the religious services the monument erected from the contributions of parishioners and friends will be unveiled by the Bishop. We are requested to announce that the general public are invited.


467. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: The Connecticut Dairymen's association held its third annual convention Tuesday forenoon in room 50 Capitol building Hartford. The meeting was called to order by Mr. W.M. Wadsworth, of Farmington, the president, who made an interesting address. A committee of five were appointed to make nominations, and reported as follows: President, Winthrop M. Wadsworth, of Farmington; vice-president, Alexander Warner, of Pomfret; secretary and treasurer, J.S. Kirkham, of Newington; county vice-presidents - Hartford, E.A. Peck, of West Hartford; Litchfield, Lyman Hall, of Goshen; New Haven, Isaac E. Mansfield, of North Haven; Fairfield, Philo Clarke, of Newtown; New London, J. Nelson Borland, of New London; Middlesex, Walter E. Hart, of Durnham; Windham, Alexander Warner, of Pomfret; Tolland, E.H. Hyde, of Stafford. They were all elected. The sum of $20.02 was shown to be in the treasury. The subject of creameries was extensively discussed.


468. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Death of Henry Brainard. Departed this life at his home on Maple Avenue in this Borough on Tuesday, March 11th, at 9 o'clock p.m., Henry Brainard aged 89 years 2 months and 11 days probably the oldest person at the time of his death in town. Mr. Brainard was born in the town of East Haddam on the 29th day of December, 1794, he grew to manhood under circumstances similar to those surrounding young men of that period. He married early in life Miss Almira Blish of Marlborough in this state where he resided until the year 1829 when he came to Willimantic and entered into the employ of the Windham Manufacturing Company until 1841 a period of twelve years. No more prominent a figure was seen upon our streets in these early days of Willimantic than our old friend, mounted upon his elevated seat on his wagon with his six horses, on his way to or from Providence or Norwich transporting the raw material and the manufactured products to their destination. All transportation at that time was done by teams and no man during that time carried over these routes more value in goods and money than our friend and with greater fidelity to the responsible trusts reposed in him. In 1841 Mr. Brainard removed to Marlborough but again returned to Willimantic in 1845 and resumed his old position for a short time. In the month of April 1846 Mr. Brainard purchased the Tremont Hotel property now known as the Revere of which he was the proprietor for some seven years. In March 1854 he purchased what is now known as the Brainard Hotel property and became the proprietor and remained so until 1862. No hotel in Eastern Connecticut was more noted for its substantial, well-cooked meals than these Hotels under his management for a period of some sixteen years. Mr. Brainard held the offices of selectman of the town, warden of the borough and other responsible positions. His wife a most estimable woman died 1866. He leaves three daughters and one son, thus passes away one of our old and most honored citizens, an honest upright man, beloved and respected by all who knew him, his familiar form and kindly greeting will be missed by his friends and acquaintances. His memory will be green in the hearts of his friends - his rest is peace.


469. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: A.C. Andrew our popular music dealer, is going into the manufacturing business, having just invented a cabinet organ which he can sell for $27.20. He has rented a shop on High street and after putting in steam power he will soon be in readiness to begin operations. The Chronicle wishes him abundant success.


470. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: The Town Agent Problem - a number of answers to the problem have been received. Correct answers have been received from Wm. A. Fuller, Liberty Hill, J.A. Gager, Lebanon, Milton Hall, Willimantic, Merritt Smith, Mansfield Depot, A.E. Bitgood, Voluntown. The Postmaster at Voluntown telephoned the correct answer this morning. Herbert N. Loomis, Liberty Hill also handed in an answer to one f the questions but failed to give the other through a misunderstanding of the requirements of the question, not from any error in his working of the problem.


471. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: The next lecture in the course at the Storrs Agricultural School will be given by George A. Bowen, M.D. of Woodstock, Conn., of Friday night March 14th. Subject: Physical development of the farm, showing how far the farm is conducive, and also detrimental to it, influences of food, sleep, labor, etc.


472. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Col. George D. Post has sold out his ready made clothing and furnishing goods business in Putnam and will remove to Bridgeport where he will engage in the same business. Colonel Post is a well-known and popular gentleman in this county and his friends will bid him the highest degree of success in his new location.


473. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: North Windham.

Mr. Peck remains in nearly the same condition as last week. .Some days seem to bring strength and others weakness.

M.A. Bates closed his school in the S.E. District, Chaplin, last Friday. He will soon be succeeded by Miss Clark of Hampton as teacher.

Calvin Lincoln has his logway full, the farmers having taken advantage of the fine sledding and doubtless the buzz of the saws will be heard for many a day.


474. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Mansfield.

The Rev. N. Beach has received the trunk that was in possession of his daughter Lizzie at the time of her death on the ill-fated Columbus. It was found several miles from the wreck. The contents were badly damaged.Edward P. Eldredge of Talcottville ahs leased the farm belonging to Henry Noble, near the "Four Corners," and expect to remove thither April


Mrs. I.A. Rigby of Forestville and Mrs. George Karrmann of Pine Meadow, Ct., are visiting friends on Worm Wood Hill. Mrs. Rigby's is a professional call.

Mr. Henry White of Mount Hope was called last week to see his son Truman who has been sick with measles at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. It is feared that he may have to give up his school there for awhile.If the parties that broke into the Mount Hope School House and use it as a trysting place are not more sly and burn less brooms ad books to kindle fire they will hear from the District Committee. The parties are well-known - beware.


475. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Andover.

The telegraph Co., have taken down their old wires and shifted them into their new poles north of the railroad. They have cut down the old poles, so that our street through the Center is freed from an unsightly obstruction.

The Rev. Mr. Barbour of Bolton occupied the pulpit of the Congregational Church Sunday. The Ladies Society will give a social at the house of Mrs. Arthur Brown next Thursday evening. The sociable at Mrs. L.H. Porter's last week as quite well attended notwithstanding the storm.

Sheriff-elect West has decided to appoint a deputy sheriff in Andover and Mr. J.H. Marsh will probably be the man. Andover has never had a deputy, except for a short time while Sheriff Woodward lived here.

The Ladies Society will probably give an entertainment at the house of Mrs. L.D. Post some evening during the last week in March.Birthday Party. Invitations were given to about twenty of the young people of this place to help celebrate the sixteenth birth-day of Miss Nellie S. Thurber, at the residence of her grandfather, Mr. Wm. Babcock, on the evening of March 6th. A team was provided by Messrs. White & Kenyon, and nearly all the young people went in it. The evening was mild, the sleighing fine, and all things favorable :for a good time." Arriving at the place of destination the party were soon enjoying themselves in games of various kinds, which was followed by the presentation to Miss Thurber, of a handsome caster by Mr. William G. Tarbox, in behalf of the gentlemen in a brief and appropriate speech. A number of handsome and useful gifts were presented by the young ladies and other friends. The party were then invited into another room, where a long table with its load of cakes, among them a large and tastefully trimmed birth-day loaf, besides an abundance of candies and nuts presented an "appetizing" sight that was fully appreciated. After refreshments a half hour was very pleasantly spent in listening to some good music by the ladies, among other pieces, one entitled "Peek-a-Boo" played and sung by Miss Minnie Thurber, which was excellent, and received with applause. It was a very enjoyable party, and will long be remembered by all who were present.


476. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Columbia.

Miss Lucy Sawyer who has been engaged in teaching in Ellington is spending her vacation in town.

J.E.H. Gates visited the Hop River School on Friday in the capacity of acting visitor.

Ref. F.D. and Mrs. Avery enjoyed the sleighing Thursday in making calls on their parishioners.

Henry Little whose residence is in the near vicinity of Boston and who has recently been bereft of his wife is visiting at his old home with Mrs. Roger Loomis.

The young friends of Addison Frink gave him a pleasant surprise on Thursday evening the anniversary of his 21st birthday at his father's residence and about 9 o'clock sent for Frank Holbrook, who, with his violin furnished music for them to dance.

The Masonic Ball at Bascom Hall this evening with Gurdon Cady for promptor is anticipated to be the event of the season.

A valuable addition of 110 volumes from Saxton B. Little to the Free Library of this place received last week, also 26 volumes from Dr. C.N. Gallup, all of which are highly appreciated by the reading public.

Miss Clara Sawyer and Miss Lida Hutchins are spending their usual vacation at home.

A party of fishermen with Uncle Sam Brown taking the lead captured a mammoth string of fish last Thursday at the reservoir.

A wedding at Henry Richardson's the 5th inst. The contracting parties being Walter E. Palmer and Miss Alice Richardson. About thirty guests were present and the ceremony was performed by Rev. F.D. Avery. The bride was remembered by a variety of presents and entering upon new duties in life she has the best wishes of all her friends that she may

find her future life all she expects it to be.

477. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: South Coventry.

Miss Hattie Albro has returned from New York where she has been spending a few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Mason write that they were a little sea sick on their journey to Bermuda but finally arrived in the land of orange trees and other tropical fruits.

478. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: John Conolly, the victim of Bridget McCue, who last summer threw vitriol in his eyes, at Southington, rendering him totally blind, was sent to the blind institute at Philadelphia Saturday. The town of Southington gave him $2,000 and his relatives $1,000. The town's action was caused by the fact that it was intimated that it was through carelessness of the Southington officials that the girl whom he had betrayed escaped.

479. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Another Case for the Coroner. Mrs. Nancy Wright of New London who died last Thursday is supposed to have been a victim of malpractice by a Norwich practitioner. Physicians who were called before her death agree to the evidence, and she herself told her husband that she had gone to the Norwich "doctor' who performed an operation upon her and gave her some medicine. Mr. Wright thereupon went to Norwich and had an interview with the man, when the latter, after admitting that Mrs. Wright had called there for treatment, said it was for something altogether different to what he suspected, and that the only treatment he gave was prescribing medicines adapted to the case.

480. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: The only morning democratic paper in the state The Hartford Telegram! Only two cents. A spicy Willimantic letter every day. Delivered at your door before six a.m. For sale by Wm. Sweeney, S.B. Ney, 138 Main St., and James Walden.


481. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Thrown Down a Ravine. New Haven, Ct., March 11. Thomas Breman, of Seymour, while driving home from Ansonia, was thrown from his sleigh down a ravine by his horse taking fright, fracturing his skull. It is thought he cannot recover.


482. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Died.

Hurley - In Hartford, March 5th, Mrs. Ellen Hurley aged 50 years.

Tracy - In Scotland, March 8th Sally Tracy aged 78 years.

Arnold - In Mansfield, March 10th, Fannie Arnold aged 80 years.

Lynch - In Willimantic, March 7th, John Lynch aged 69 years.

Smith - In Windham, March 9, Jane F. Smith, aged 66 years.


483. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Born.

Metcalf - In Coventry, Mar. 6, a son George Edward, to E.P. and Jennie E. Metcalf.


484. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: For Sale. A well located house with building lots for sale on easy terms. Enquire of A.S. Turner.


485. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Wanted. A situation as Gardener and to do common work, by a middle-aged single man of experience. Address Gardener, care Chronicle Office.


486. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Notice. All persons having claims against Francis Dougherty or Charlotte Dougherty, formerly of Willimantic, will please present them to the undersigned at once. H.F. Royce. At Willimantic Savings Institute.


487. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Dissolution - the firm of Foran Shea & Courtney is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The undersigned will continue the business at the old stand under the firm name of Shea & Courtney, and will pay all debts and collect all bills of the late firm. Public patronage respectfully solicited. John P. Shea, Daniel Courtney,

Willimantic, March 11, 1884.


488. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: At a Court of Probate holden at Mansfield, within and for the district of Mansfield on the 3d day of March, A.D. 1884. Present, Ralph W. Storrs, Judge. On motion of Ashley Dunham, executor of the last will and testament of Emeline B. Merrow late of Mansfield within said district deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the executor, and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said town of Mansfield nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from record, Ralph W. Storrs, Judge.


489. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Auction. Will be sold without reserve to the highest bidder at the residence of E.L. Knowlton in West Ashford, March 25, 1884, at 9 o'clock a.m., the following described property; 2 cows, 1 horse, 1 ox wagon, 1 cart, 2 buggies, 1 new top carriage, 1 business wagon, 1 sleigh, 1 horse rake, 1 ox sled, harrows, yokes, plows, chains, shovels, hoes, axes, forks, household furniture, chairs, tables, stoves, tin-ware, all kinds of tools usually used about a farm and other articles too numerous to mention. If said day be very stormy, sale the next fair week day. West Ashford, Ct., March 11, 1884.


490. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: Auction Sale - Will be sold at public auction on Tuesday afternoon and evening, March 18th, 1884, at the grocery store corner of Main and Walnut streets, Willimantic, Conn., a large lot of store goods and furniture as follows, to wit: Show cases, scales, stove, safe, coffee mill, and other fixtures too numerous to mention, 100 bushels of potatoes in lots of 5 bushels each, tea, coffee, spices, tobacco, cigars, soap, crockery, Yankee notions, and other merchandise too numerous to mention. Sale will commence at [ ] o'clock sharp. Come and secure bargains. Everything will be sold at your own price. A.J. Bowen, Trustee. S.B. Lyman, Auctioneer.


491. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: To the Board of County Commissioners for Windham County. I hereby apply for a license to sell ale, lager beer, Rhine wine and cider at basement of Meloney's block, on the south side of Main street in the borough of Willimantic in the town of Windham. I hereby certify that I am not disqualified to receive such license by any of the provisions of the laws of this state and that the place in which said business is to be carried on has no means of access to any part of the same building used or occupied as a dwelling house. Dated at Windham this 3d day of March, A.D. 1884. John Moran. We the undersigned, electors and tax-payers of the town of Windham do hereby endorse the application of the above named John Moran, and we hereby certify that we have not since the first day of October 1883 endorsed any other application for a license. Dated at Windham this 3d day of Mar, A.D. 1884. I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers of the Town of Windham. Henry N. Wales, Town Clerk. Dated at Windham this 4th day of March, A.D. 1884.


492. TWC Wed Mar 12, 1884: To the Board of County Commissioners for Windham County. I hereby apply for a license to sell spirituous and intoxicating liquors, ale, lager beer, Rhine wine and cider at Melony's building, Main street Town of Windham. My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a church edifice or public schoolhouse. Dated at Windham, this 5th day of March. A.D. 1884. Thomas Haran. E the undersigned electors and tax payers of the town of Windham hereby endorse the application of the above named Thomas Haran, for such license. Dated at Windham this 5th day of March, A.D. 1884. I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electros and tax-payers as defined by law, of the town of Windham. Dated at Windham this 12th day of March, A.D. 1884. Attest, Henry N. Wales, Town Clerk.


493. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: About Town.

Isaac Sanderson takes possession of the Brainard house property April 1st.

Rev. K.B. Glidden will preach at the free Chapel North Windham next Sunday at 2 o'clock p.m.

Henry Edgarton has disposed of his bottling business to Henry Smith and L.H. Rollinson.

Patrick Henry in Hampton will sell at auction Tuesday March 25th at 10 o'clock a lot of live stock and farming implements.

The Boston shoe store, James Clune, proprietor, is selling out the balance of beaver and rubber goods at cost. Good chance to buy.
Dr. Jacobs took half of a sewing needle form the hand of Frank Lewis a ten-year-old boy Tuesday, which had worked about two inches through that member.

Mrs. C.F. Morrison will open a fancy goods store in Cranston block occupying the room which was formerly the candy kitchen Friday March 21st. See her advertisement.

W.E. Magee has formed partnership with a man from Birmingham and another from Hislop, Porteous & Mitchell, Norwich, and will open a dry goods store in Easton, Penn.


494. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Mr. Porter B. Peck's symptoms have been decidedly better and he may recover.
Mr. Charles E. Congdon was again stricken with his old trouble Friday and is in a very precarious condition.


495. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: People in this section who are contemplating building, will find the advertisement of C.L. Alexander relative to brick of particular interest. The brick manufactured at this yard have no superior.


496. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Thomas Somers son of M. Somers dry goods merchant of this place, has launched out with the fancy and dry goods jobbing business on his own account in New York under the firm name of Atwood, Geiger & Somers at 361 Canal street.


497. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Mr. M. Stevens of Greenville, N.Y. has been visiting his brother Wm. P. Stevens for a few days. He's the feller that captured the nomination for assemblyman by acclamation in a strong democratic county out there in New York.


498. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Frank Bennett in trying to make a short turn with his team on Church street last Thursday morning, upset and was tenderly laid on his back in the mud - no damage, but the horse stood and sadly gazed upon his prostrate owner.


499. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: The Bankers and Merchants telegraph company are stretching their wires on the massive poles which have been erected through the village, which brings lots of observers to the curbstones to see the novel idea of hanging the wires 75 feet above the walks.


500. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Ephraim S. Herrick the veteran truckman, follows his late associate Benjamin Cook to the silent tomb, a victim of the same disease. After but a few day's confinement he died on Thursday and his funeral occurred on Sunday. It is said that he leaves an estate worth $10,000.


501. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: The revolutionary drama "One Hundred Years Ago" was presented to a liberal audience at Excelsior hall Tuesday evening and was well rendered. The stage furnishings were suggestive of that olden time. A feature of the entertainment was the drumming of J.G. Freeman and fifing by L. Warner.


502. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Rev. L.H. Wells preached his farewell sermon last Sunday to a large and interested congregation. He left for his far away western home Monday morning, and many friends bade him a feeling adieu at the depot. The Episcopal church will be regularly supplied until a permanent pastor shall be appointed.


503. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: John Lennon was the designer and manufacturer of the fine and costly monument erected in St. Joseph's church yard to the memory of the late Father Arnold, and the workmanship is a credit to his abilities. He has the facilities at his Valley street yard for erecting all kinds of marble and granite work.


504. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: The town meeting Monday was attended by about twenty-five persons, and E.E. Burnham was moderator. It was voted to leave the matter of rebuilding the bridge over the Willimantic river, near Robert Brown's residence in the hands of the selectmen. It as voted to sell a strip of land to O.S. Perkins in front of his residence, the price to be agreed upon by the selectmen.


505. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Arthur C. Everest inspector of thread in mill No. 4 was married Thursday evening to Alice K., youngest daughter of Sheriff C.B. Pomeroy, at the latter's new residence on South street. Miss Helen B. Avery was the bridesmaid and Edward Hatheway the groomsman. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Bissell of Hartford in the presence of a number of relatives and intimate friends of the bride and groom. The presents were many and valuable. A fine steel engraving entitled, Far Away, was much admired. The happy couple started on the 9:15 train for a short bridal trip. Many friends wish them all happiness in their new relations. They have a cottage already furnished near The Oaks and will immediately launch out into housekeeping.


506. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Our obituary of the late Henry Brainard said that he was probably the oldest citizen in this town. Judge Wm. Swift of Windham informs us that we were in error in that statement, for his father Justin Swift is yet alive at the remarkable age of ninety years, four months and fifteen days. One important point which was omitted in the history of Mr. Brainard was the fact that he was a pensioner of the war of 1812.


507. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Isaac Sanderson is going to sell at auction on Monday March 24th at 10 o'clock his desirable and well located farm of sixty five acres near horse shoe bridge. It will be struck off to the highest bidder regardless of the figure. This will be a good opportunity for somebody who wants to purchase a farm suitable for raising early vegetables. P.S. Mr. Sanderson has sold the farm at private sale to a gentleman from Baltimore.


508. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: We enjoyed a pleasant call from and chat with Thomas A. Weaver editor of the Hartford Evening Post Friday, and Tuesday Arthur C. Bowers local editor of the Rockville Journal, and Charles S. Atwood of the Atlanta Journal paid us a fraternal call. Mr. Atwood is a native of this town and a graduate of Natchaug high school class of '75. His many friends here will be glad to learn that he has very successful both socially and financially since his settlement in the sunny south, and does not hesitate to advise other young men to emigrate thither. To any who may be inclined to make such a change he will be glad to furnish liberal information about the country and people.


509. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: John Congdon, a railroad laborer, from Putnam called at the house of Thomas Sullivan on Carey Hill about 1:30 last Wednesday afternoon and asked his daughter Bridget 13 years old for a drink of water. The girl started toward the kitchen to supply the fellow when he grabbed her by the throat and tried to tear the gold ear rings from her ears. The girl screamed for help and her eldest sister, Kate, who was sewing up stairs, came running down and grasping a stove lifter went for the brute, who hastily decamped. Later in the day Miss Katie, identified the fellow at the depot and had him arrested. He was brought before Justice Bowen at 8:30 the same evening who, after hearing the evidence of the Misses Sullivan, given in a straightforward manner, imposed a fine of $2 and costs amounting to $10 in all, which failing to pay he was next morning carted to Brooklyn to stand committed until worked out.


510. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: The anniversary services commemorative of the death of Reverend Father Arnold Van Wersch were attended by a large congregation at St. Joseph Catholic church Tuesday morning. The service which is usual on such occasions was feelingly read by the pastor Rev. Father DeBruycker. An eloquent and appropriate eulogy on the deceased was delivered by Rev. Thomas Broderick of Hartford. The people of this parish have but once before had the privilege to listen to an address by Mr. Broderick, who is a native of this town, and on this occasion he was listened to with deep interest. Bishop McMahon and twenty-five priests were present at the ceremony. A gothic style monument cross shaped, with granite base covering the resting place in the church-yard of Fathers old and Princen was unveiled and consecrated by the bishop. On the ront it bears the inscription: "The faithful of Willimantic to their friend and father, Arnold Van Wersch a victim of sacredotal zeal and charity."


511. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: News and Comment on the Lebanon Murder Case. There are few persons acquainted with Oliver Kingsley who believe him to be guilty of the murder of Harvey Chappel. Those who have known him from the day of his birth say he is incapable of perpetrating such a crime, that he hasn't the courage and determination requisite for such an act. Occasionally one is met who, although unwilling to believe him the murderer, is still inclined to think he knows something about it and will eventually turn state's evidence. Kingsley's criminal course thus far has been characterized by acts of low cunning, rather than deeds of brutality and desperation. However there is a general feeling that the community is safer when he is in jail than when roaming and prowling about the country. There will probably be no very earnest protest against his incarceration however, long, be he ever so innocent of the charge brought against him. There is really no evidence whatever in this case, that would keep other than an absolutely worthless character in prison twenty four hours. The well known desire of the Wilcox family, with whom Kingsley lived, to be rid of him, is thought to have given color to some of the testimony at the coroner's investigation. It is stated by good authority that Kingsley's whereabouts from six o'clock until nine o'clock p.m. on that eventful night are known and can be proved. This being true, Oliver Kingsley could not have been the murderer, as all the surrounding circumstances point conclusively to the murder, as having been committed in the early part of the evening. It is believed by those living nearest the scene of the tragedy and east of the murdered man's dwelling that the person or persons who are guilty of the crime went toward South Windham about half and hour past midnight, as their dogs made uncommon demonstrations barking and growing in an unusual manner. Mr. Pendleton testified before the coroner to his getting up and looking out the window to ascertain the cause of the disturbance, and to his having heard something strike the wall that sounded like a piece of iron or a bottle that he believes was thrown by some person at his dog. Another man was arrested Saturday for the crime. His name is Frank M. Larkin, a Rhode Islander. He has relations of the same name living in Lebanon and Windham, and in 1881 worked as a farm hand for Eldridge Brewster, who, at that time was running Chappel's farm on shares. At the time of his arrest Larkin was living on a farm in Prudence Island, Narragansett bay, where he had gone to seek the restoration of his health, impaired by a siege of typhoid fever and its consequent evils. When the sheriff confronted him with the charge of being concerned in the murder of Harvey Chappel he denied all knowledge of the crime having been committed, but after being closeted with the officer for a little while he admitted having heard the tragedy made subject of conversation by his mother and brothers. Suspicion was first directed toward him by the fact of his having been in the neighborhood of Lebanon for a few days preceding the murder and having left the vicinity early on Wednesday morning, the day after the murder was committed. To the sheriff's question, Have you been in Connecticut recently, he answered, No; but upon being pressed again changed his story and admitted his journey to Lebanon and gave a detailed account of his whereabouts from Friday the day he left Rhode Island, up to and including Wednesday, the day of his departure from Lebanon. On Friday night he arrived at James Stedman's, on Lebanon Green, having left Green Hill, Rhode Island, that morning; Saturday night he spent at Francis Tucker's; Sunday night at James Pendleton's, who lives almost directly opposite the Chappel place; Monday night at the house of his uncle, Welcome Larkin; and Tuesday night again at the house of James Stedman, a relative by marriage. On Tuesday evening he left Edward Card's, at South Windham, somewhere to the neighborhood of 7 o'clock, and took the new road through Pidgeon swamp and arrived at Barker's store in Lebanon, where he remained a while afterwards going over the town hall; where some entertainment was in progress, and thence to the Stedmans, which he reached about 9 o'clock. The Steadmans [sic] live near the steam saw mill. Larkin explains his leaving early Wednesday morning by saying that his uncle, Welcome Larkin, was in want of a yoke of oxen and that they knew of a sale to take place by auction at the Wm. Huntington place, at Green Hill, and that by his uncle's request he hurried on to the sale to see if the oxen would meet his requirements. He is a young man not more than 20 years of age, of good appearance. His father and mother and 12 brothers and sisters are living. After consultation with State Attorney Thayer, Coroner Parks decided to hold Larkin and he was committed to jail. In the meantime a rigid investigation will be set on foot to trace his whereabouts during the interval between his leaving Card's an arriving at the Stedman house on the night of the murder. The account of Larkin's arrest, copied into several papers from The Providence Journal, says he made a desperate resistance to the officer. Sheriff Hawkins wishes that to be corrected as it is utterly untrue. Larkin accompanied the sheriff willingly and is anxious only to have the matter cleared up.


512. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Windham.

We are pleased to note that Mrs. Annie Wilbur will continue as landlady at the Hotel Windham. Really she has been the motive power in conducting it for several months past or during the latter part of Mr. Wilbur's sickness, in addition she has attended to him personally. Guests stopping with her will be well cared for. We see no reason why her house should not be filled with boarders the coming summer.

W.C. Woodworth's new Fairbanks improved hay scales operate like clock work, they are very accurate as everything is new. Being centrally located they are a great convenience for local business also for through traffic to Willimantic; the present "Short Haul Bill" now pending before the Legislature will not affect this line as Fairbanks & Co control the "right of way" and are legalized by government as "The Standard."

The Chautauqua circle will meet with Miss Julia A Swift this (Wednesday) evening 19th inst., for literary and scientific entertainment. During the past week Miss Swift received a new upright piano.

Mr. Henry West and wife form New London have been visiting with their relatives Mr. Waldo Bingham and family.

We understand that the house now occupied by Madame Palmer has been placed in the paws of a broker to rent.

Mrs. Lucy P. Hull has returned from her winters sojourn.

Mrs. Watrous from Hartford is now with her parents and assisting in the care of her aunt Mrs. Louisa Greaves.


513. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Mansfield Centre.

Miss Fanny Arnold who died at the Centre, March 10th, was eighty years of age, and a daughter of Mr. Isaac Arnold a former resident of this place long since deceased. Miss Arnold was a sister of Mrs. George B. Armstrong of the Centre with whom she resided at the time of her death although formerly living part of the time with her niece Mrs. Bishop of Norwich. Her death was caused by a cancerous condition of the stomach caused by age, and loss of vitality. Her remains are interred among the evergreens in the old cemetery, a place to her familiar from childhood, and where rest others of her family that have gone before. Some years ago Miss Arnold had the misfortune to break her hip, from which time she had remained a partial cripple, but never murmuring or complaining. She was a member of the congregational church at the Centre and one of the oldest thereof. Socially she was amiable, never esteeming herself better than others, and always adorned her Christian profession by an exemplary and consistent life. "Aunt Fannie" will be missed from her home circle, and her death removes another of the older and well known landmarks of society in this community.

Frank Freeman of Spring Hill and Wm. H. Crane near Atwoodville, spent two hours fishing through the ice one day last week on the latter's private pond; which by the way covers about an acre of ground with the following result. Twenty-five pickerel, one weighing three pounds and the rest hanging from one pound and upwards. Good for a small pond.


514. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Andover.

Mr. H.C. Gilbert has broken up housekeeping here and is thinking of moving to New York.

Me. Joseph Potter of Lebanon having disposed of his farm there, will move into Judge Andrew Phelps' house.

The Rev. Mr. Ward has accepted a call from the Baptist church in West Suffield and will move there about the 1st of April.

Mr. Henry Ware will return from Hartford and take possession of his house here this week.

Mr. Peter S. Clyde is very sick.

The Rev. Mr. June occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church last Sunday. His sermon in the afternoon was a notable one; forcible, earnest and full of practical suggestions, for the guidance of every day working Christians.

The Ladies' Society will give a dramatic entertainment at the house of Mrs. L.D. Post, Thursday evening, March 27th.


515. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: North Mansfield.

During the recent ice storm the barn belonging to George Adams, in Ashford collapsed under the pressing weight of the glacial element, killing ten hens and badly injuring his horse, which was caught by the neck between two timbers. The other stock was uninjured.

A part of a huge rock maple was broken off during the same storm and lodged on the roof of the house owned by Mr. Pellet, in Mansfield, greatly endangering the building.

James Still has removed to Hartford.

Last Wednesday night a barn belonging to John Bolles in Ashford was burned to the ground together with two horses. It is supposed to be the work of incendiarism by some malicious person, as he had a short time previously found his harnesses badly cut up. Mr. Bolles is well known as the veteran stage driver, now controlling a route from Ashford to

Willimantic, with a branch route to Chaffeeville. He is a brother of Representative E.T. Bolles of Mansfield, and is a man of kind and genial manners, toward whom no one could consistently have any cause for provocation.

A literary entertainment was held in Mathewson Bros' hall, Ashford, Thursday night, in which the comedy, "Our best society," was acted. The bad traveling limited the number in attendance to one hundred, but everything passed off pleasantly. The play was wholly by home talent, Willington furnishing a considerable share. Henry Sparks of this town furnished violin playing, being an adept in that line.

Henry Felch, residing in East Willington has fallen heir to $3,000 by the death of an uncle in New York state.

Ezra Knowlton, an old resident of West Ashford, contemplates selling off his stock, tools, etc., at auction, and removing to Willimantic.


516. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Columbia.

Miss Lizzie Brown is spending the interval between the two terms of school with friends in Worcester.

Mr. David D. Little, a former resident of this place died at Lincoln, Nebraska, Mar. 14th, about 7 o'clock A.M. and the telegram announcing his death was received by his brother N.P. Little about noon showing how quick messages can be transmitted from such a distance.

Dr. Julian La Pierre and wife from Greenville were in town Thursday, guests of N.H. Clark.

Jonathan Tucker intends to go to New York soon for another operation on his eye. Two soft cataracts have already been successfully removed and a film has appeared on one eye that the surgeon predicted would appear and advised his return in about six weeks. His eyes are very much improved and after the next operation he hopes to derive still greater benefit and have his sight permanently restored.

Mrs. J.F. Seaman of Turnerville has been visiting her sister Mrs. F.P. Collins for a few days.

Miss Edith Ticknor of Willimantic was with her cousins the Misses Fuller a part of last week.

A party of fisherman consisting of Samuel Brown, Abbot Little and Warren Collins fished through the ice on Tuesday and were successful in securing 110 fish and on Thursday J.L. Downer and Uncle Sam Brown hauled in 120 fish and from their description of the day's work we should judge they were kept busy. Seven of these were black bass the heaviest weighing 2 lbs.

The calico ball given by Lyon Lodge on the 12th inst proved a success and was attended by quite a number out of town. The ladies looked their best in their fresh new dresses and with Cady's music are seemed to be in the best of moods.

N.P. Little has rented his premises and will occupy his farm in Hebron and engage in the lumber business also. Mr. L. has for many years been connected with this people and we regard the loss of him with his family but feel that Columbia's loss will be Hebron's gain.

Another donation of books from Mrs. Isabella Wilcox of Exeter a former resident of this town to the Free Library.


517. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Mansfield.

The old Farwell homestead is to be occupied the coming summer by Mr. Snow brother in law of Isaac P. Farwell, of the firm of I.P. Farwell & Co., silk manufacturers, Newton, Mass.

Eagleville and Merrow Station have telephonic communication with Willimantic.

Mr. Truman White who was taken sick at Poughkeepsie arrived home last week in a much worse condition than at first reported having in connection with the measles, erysipelas, which has settled in the limbs. His friends are sorry to learn of his bad condition.

Perry Holley who has been demented for so long a time seems to be gradually failing.

The announcement that the Rev. Mr. Gammons was to preach at Gurleyville last Sunday had the effect to crowd the house to the utmost and his hearers had the pleasure of listening to one of his old time sermons such as he is adapted to preach. Some of his hearers might think he was somewhat sarcastic but it was put in such a gentle manner that all were pleased with it. In the evening he preached more particularly to the unregenerated to a large audience, not be understood that all were unregenerated. It is the general feeling of both saint and sinner that if any change is to be made in the preachers, that Mr. G. will come and stay with us.


518. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Born.

Lambert - In Willimantic, Feb. 22, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lambert.

Fowler - In Willimantic, March 8, a son to Frank S. and Jennie Fowler.

Burnham - In Willimantic, March 9, a son to Abel R. and Mary Burnham.


519. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Died.

Herrick - In Willimantic, Mar. 13, Ephraim S. Herrick; aged 69 years.

Connor - In Willimantic, March 14, Eddie, son of Jeremiah Connor; aged 1 year, 7 mos.

Kelly - In Willimantic, March 14, Timothy Kelly; aged 52 years.

Cyrne - In this village, March 16th, Mary Cryne; aged 75 years.

Welden - In this village, March 16, Robert Welden; aged 32 years.

Bullard - In this village, March 17, Betsy Bullard; aged 82 years.

Lacomb - In this village, March 19, Mrs. Anne Hinchy Lacomb; aged 21 years.

Chappell - In Chaplin, March 13th, Althea Chappell; aged 70 years.

King - In Columbia, March 13, Susan King, aged 72 years.

Pollard - In Mansfield, March 15, John Pollard; aged 92 years.

Lyon - In Coventry, Mar. 16, Martha J. Lyon, aged 24 years.

Turner - In Turnerville, March 16, Hannah Turner, aged 93 years.

Price - In Eagleville, Mar 17, Julia A. Price; aged 82 years.


520. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: All persons liable to pay taxes in the Town of Ashford, Westford Society, are hereby notified that I will meet them at Lyon Bro's store in Westford, on Thursday the 10th day of April A.D. 1884, from 9 o'clock a.m., until 12 o'clock ., and at the house of Barnham B. Pierce in said Westford, from 1 o'clock p.m. until 5 o'clock p.m., on said 10th day of April, for the purpose of receiving said taxes. All persons neglecting to pay their taxes on said day, will be charged legal fees for collecting. Ralph H. Squier, Collector. Ashford, March, 18th, A.D. 1884.


521. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Wanted - A first class Milliner and Two Good Hands for Underwear and Fancy Goods at Somers Bros. European House Block.


522. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: For Sale - To Close an Estate. The House, Barn and Lot situated in the southwest part of Columbia, formerly the residence of the late Thomas Chapman. 2 acres of land may be had with the same if desired. Enquire of J.E.H. Gates, Administrator.


523. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Dime Savings Bank of Willimantic. At a meeting of the Directors of this Bank held March 17th, a dividend at the rate of Four Per Cent per Annum was declared from the earning of the last six months payable on and after April 10th, 1884. J.L. Walden, Treasurer.


524. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Eighty-Fourth Dividend. The Directors of the Willimantic Savings Institute have this day declared the regular semi-annual dividend from the earnings of the last six months, at the rate of Four Per Cent per annum, payable on and after April 10, 1884. H.F. Royce, Treasurer, Willimantic, Conn., March 10, 1884l


525. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Fancy Dry Goods. Mrs. C.F. Morrison will open the store formerly occupied by the Candy Kitchen, 146 Main street on Friday, March 21st with a new and select stock of fancy dry goods. This stock has been carefully selected from one of the largest wholesale houses in New England, and includes many new and desirable spring goods. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine goods and compare prices. Mrs. C.F. Morrison, 146 Main Street.


526. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Lebanon.

A so-called clairvoyant has been in town investigating the Chappel murder, and much open mouthed wonder among believers in that kind of nonsense has been exited thereby. It seems that there were three participants in the crime, Oliver Kingsley being one who stood outside and watched, while an old gray haired villain with a limp in his gait, who lived near a large stream of water (probably the Shetucket river) committed the deed. Queer people, those who having eyes to see, give them a rest and look through the top of their heads. Abnormal thickness of skull even is apparently no obstacle to clearness of vision being able to see the invisible - as Celestial John would put it - "allee samee." The numerous friends of Mr. D.T. Fuller, who has been confined to his house for several months past by sickness, will be pleased to learn of his continued improvement and prospect of speedy and entire recovery. Mr. Fuller's disease was at first a puzzle to his physicians, the cause of which for a time being quite obscure. A skillful practitioner, Dr. Curtis of Hartford was called professionally, and after a very thorough examination of the case expressed the opinion that in due time the patient would recover, but did not deem it advisable to change the treatment he was then receiving at the hands of Dr. Barber, his regular attendant.

Your correspondent spent a very pleasant afternoon on Friday last at the "Hill milk farm" in South Coventry. It's present occupant Mr. R.P. Burgess has been in possession but a short time but has already got the "hang of the barn" as 'twere, and the business well in hand. Mr. Burgess has a fine herd of excellent milkers to which he proposes to add as the rapidly increasing demand for their products shall require; and if there is any virtue in good care, good hay, wheat, shorts and corn meal the lacteal fluid will soon be flowing from Babcock Hill like spring freshets down the Ohio river.

A call upon Mr. Norman Babcock who resides across the way from and the former owner of the farm above alluded to afforded an opportunity of seeing those fancy jerseys about which we had heard so much. Mr. Babcock has at present a few very choice specimens of pure bloods from the most aristocratic families - whose title to nobility can be traced by direct descent from the old king of all, the jersey himself - each of which has been selected with much care regardless of cost, and for which he has already been offered and refused prices that to dealers in ordinary stock would be deemed fabulous. Although in the opinion of the owner not the most valuable, still, the two years old heifer, Lady Jane Gray, from dam Princess Beatrice, by Duke of Connaught, (if rightly we remember name and pedigree) with her beautiful gazette-like [sic] eyes, black ebony colored horns and skin of old gold, is the animal that in our judgment most nearly reaches imagination's ideal of perfection, and stands to-day queen of the herd peerless in Tolland County.


527. TWC Wed Mar 19, 1884: Chaplin.

The Centre school, taught by C.E. Griggs, closed with an examination on Tuesday March 11th. Besides the branches usually taught in common schools, there were three classes in algebra, three in Latin and one in philosophy. One class in Latin commenced "Nepos" and read eight characters, which is thought to be doing quite well in a term of twelve weeks. At this school several young ladies have already fitted for Mt. Holyoke seminary; some of whom have graduated, two are now members of the seminary, and others are expected to enter at the commencement of the next school year - all receiving their full preparation for admission at this ungraded common school. All the districts have engaged teachers for the summer terms. Mrs. M.D. Griggs is to teach in the Centre; Miss Alice M. Hunt in Bedlam; Miss Estella Clark in Natchaug; and Miss Iola M. Clark in the Southeast district.


528. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: About Town.

J.A. Lewis brought cabbage plants into market last Friday.

Dentist Jillson has been sick for a week - threatened with fever.

Governor Waller has designated Friday the eleventh day of April as Fast Day.

Henry H. Flint is able to attend to business again after suffering a fortnight with quinsy.

Mrs. L.M. Sessions who is blind, fell down stairs yesterday and cut her face quite badly.

Mrs. D.K. Tucker of Springfield is visiting Mrs. James Walden and other friends in town.

Principal Welch is talking of a teachers' institute to be held in this place some time in April.

The demand for tenements is about equal to the supply. And dull times do not seem to affect rents.A.J. Bowen has sold the Frank Ford place near Horse Shoe bridge, for which he traded recently, to Cornelius Hicks.

The milkmen by common consent will reduce the price of milk beginning April 1st from eight to six cents a quart.

John A. Gardner has retired from the head of the boarding house at Mansfield Hollow and will remove to this village.

W.H. Latham & Co., have contract for doing the woodwork on the new bank building and this is a guarantee that it will be well done.

Rev. George Griswold of Guilford Conn. Supplied the Episcopal church last Sunday and also officiate for a number of Sundays in the future.


529. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Charles Bradeen is making a complete change in the internal arrangement of his store on Main street. It will be a very attractive restaurant when finished.


530. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Walker & Carey have removed the partition from the middle of their store and put in a stock of clothing which fills the entire store - which is one of the largest in town.


531. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Florence Donnelly who a short time since sold out his business with the intention of taking a trip to Europe for his health died Saturday night of quick consumption.

532. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Mrs. W.H. Strong an elderly lady residing on High street tripped and fell on the floor Thursday and dislocated her shoulder. The injury was attended to by Dr. Card and son.


533. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Prof. Sautelle's "dog show and parlor of fun" at Franklin hall was lightly attended last night, but he gives a good show and prides himself on not humbugging the public and he does not.


534. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Messrs. Chas. N. Martin and A.W. Dunham have opened a shop on Bank street and will carry on a plumbing, steam and gas fitting business and will also do all kinds of machine repair.


535. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Augustus Storrs has sold the S.D. Anderson place in Mansfield to S.O. Barrows, foreman for L.D. Brown & Son silk manufacturers Middletown, Conn. Mr. Barrows is a native of Mansfield and intends to return thither in the near future.


536. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Ashley Durnham, executor will sell at auction at his residence a mile east of Eagleville, on Wednesday April 2nd, all the household effects belonging to the late Emeline B. Merrow. If very stormy, next fair day.


537. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Joseph T. Fanning Esq., will remove his law office to Norwich this week. Mr. Fanning for a young man, has made a good reputation here as a lawyer, and has also made a large number of friends who esteem him highly in a social way.


538. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: J.A. Lewis makes his usual spring announcement in our advertising columns. He deals in all kinds of fertilizers. His nursery stock is always of the best quality. His advertisement is of special interest to farmers and real estate owners.


539. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Andrew Hammond overseer in the carding room in the Linen Co's mill No. 2 has bought Marshal Tilden's place on Pearl street advertised in the Chronicle. The advertisement has brought Mr. Tilden many applicants. Moral apparent.


540. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Mr. Browning of Norwich will deliver the lecture on "Certain Legal Rights and Liabilities of Forms," next week Friday, April 4, at the Storrs school. This is the one postponed some weeks ago on account of Mr. B's sickness.


541. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: J.O. Blanchett will open his new bakery in Congdon block Church street next Saturday. The place has been provided with all the improvements for baking purposes and has been fitted up in a very substantial and attractive manner.


542. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Lieut. A.A. Burnham, landlord of Hotel Commercial, is on the reception committee of the art loan exhibition given by the Veteran City Guards of Hartford. This display is said to excel many similar ones which have been given in New York and Boston.


543. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Letters received from Prof. D.G. Lawson state that he will sail from Scotland for this country in about a month. He has just been giving entertainments in London and Manchester, Eng., and the big papers of those cities are giving him very favorable criticism.


544. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Rev. S.R. Free devoted Sunday evening giving his congregation an interesting and instructive lecture on El Mahdi and a history of the war in Soudan. It was out of the general rut but so applied as to be very appropriate for a Sunday discourse and was listened to attentively.


545. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Rev. Mr. McLaughlin who is talked of as the successor of Rev. E.H. Wells as rector of the Episcopal church in this place will preach at the church on Walnut street next Sunday morning and evening. He comes from Hollowell, Me., highly recommended as an able and efficient pastor.


546. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: J. Henry Greenslit is closing out his personal property preparatory to going west. He will sell at auction on Saturday March 29th, at 9 a.m. at his residence in Scotland, farming tools, vehicles, hay, grain, one horse, one cow, cider, vinegar, household goods, dairy utensils, etc. If very stormy, next fair day.


547. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: An adage says that corporations have no souls and an incident occurred here Sunday which would seem in a measure to prove the saying. The linemen of the Merchants and Bankers telegraph company were busy all that day stretching wires on the poles through Main street and they made a noisy time of it too.


548. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Miss Ida Hicks of South Coventry was married to Mr. William L. Hyde of this village at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. S.R. Free, Tuesday afternoon. The young couple are both well-known here and have a large circle of friends who will bestow their best wishes on Mr. and Mrs. Hyde for a long life of happiness and prosperity.


549. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: John Moore, for twenty nine years employed on the New London Northern railroad, resigned Friday night. During these long years he has been on Conductor Downer's train, most of the time as baggage master. Mr. Moore was one of the beast known men on the road and held in high esteem by the officers, employees and his many acquaintances along the line of the road. The vacancy is being filled temporarily, by William Geer.


550. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: The presiding officer opened the meeting at Franklin hall on Sunday evening by a short address in which he showed by illustrations the danger of beginning to drink intoxicating liquor when we may not be able to stop it. He was followed by Mr. Cobb with an earnest appeal on behalf of temperance after which Mr. Edgerton gave a short address in which he spoke of the success of temperance in other places which encouraged him to work more earnestly in the cause. The meeting was interesting and profitable and was listened to attentively by those present.


551. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: The handsome pug dog "Dot Sooty" which Mr. Isbell recently received as a present from a friend came of blooded stock, and his pedigree can be traced away back. He is a son of the famous pug "George" the first thoroughbred that was imported from England. In Philadelphia where his owner resides the papers have been

publishing long obituaries of him, his death having recently occurred there. Mr. Isbell holds the documents giving a complete pedigree of his favorite. He will report the ownership to the Boston Kennel Club.


552. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: William M. Gorry, proprietor of the iron foundry is making a large addition to his works on Mansfield avenue. The foundation is laid for a building 25 x 45 feet two stories high. He is about to add another branch to his business, that of manufacturing farming implements and this building will be needed for the wood working. Mr. Gorry seems to be one of those thrifty sort of men who, while making no great furor in a community are constantly branching out and building up a substantial industry. Such men are of incalculable benefit to any village. Twenty workmen have been employed in the foundry and now seventeen are on his pay roll. We hope that before many years his help will be numbered by the scores.


553. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Mrs. Betsy P. Bullard died very suddenly at the residence of her son in Willimantic, Monday morning March 17th. Her death was wholly unexpected, being in her usual health with the exception of a hard cold; she sat the table with her son and family at tea the evening before. Mrs. Bullard was a long and highly respected resident of Eastford, where she was a prominent and influential christian lady. She came here to live with her only son Mr. J.H. Bullard, two years and a half ago. She was 82 years of age November last. She was an active, consistent member of the M.E. church for more than half a century. The family feel they have lost a near and dear sympathizing friend. After the services at the house her remains were carried to the family cemetery in Eastford and laid beside her husband.


554. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Police News: - Phillip Magee of South Coventry, John Shannahan and Martin O'Brien of this place were brought before Justice Sumner on Monday morning by Officer Clark, charged with intoxication and breach of the peace. They were fined $1 and costs each $25.94 in all. At noon the same day Officer Shurtliff brought up Jeremiah Lee for being drunk and fighting, Justice Sumner fined him $1 and costs amounting to $7.98. Paid.

The same officer also brought up Pat Rohan a 16 year old lad, for beating and maltreating his aged mother. Justice Sumner imposed a fine of $1 and costs $7.28 in all which was paid by his too indulgent and much abused parent who also had made the charge against him.
Phillip Magee, after a penalty of $9.48 for intoxication on Monday, was re-arrested by Officer Clark on Tuesday afternoon on the same charge, and raising a disturbance in Holmes fish market. At his trial this morning Justice Sumner fined him $1 and costs and in default he was taken to the county jail.


555. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: There was a large crowd at the skating rink last Friday night to see the Midgets. The pair are not so large as a "pint of cider" and it was really wonderful how such midgets could handle the rollers. Last evening the leap year calico party by Misses Mary Rollinson, Lena Herrick, Lina Little was the attraction and it was thoroughly enjoyed by the large number in tasty costumes of various designs.


556. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Mr. Fuller's Problem [puzzle]. A number of answers to this problem have been received and all are correct. Answers have been received from F.P. Davoll, Robert M. Kean, Geo. Storrs, E.A. Barrows, Willimantic, O.P. Waldo, Tolland, A.M. Clark, Scotland, J.A. Gager, Lebanon, "Miles", Andover, Charles L. Crane, Willimantic.


557. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Mrs. Virginia T. Smith, city missionary of Hartford, with Mr. H.E. Benton of the state board of charities, and Miss Annie H. Tingley, committee in this town for the children's home, inspected the alms house here Monday. They made a thorough investigation of the house and its management. They were very favorably impressed with the condition of things there and were quite complimentary of Mrs. Lyman's efficiency. A representative of the Chronicle accompanied the party and never having inspected the house before was agreeably surprised with the general air of comfort and cleanliness which prevails there. Our poor certainly have a pleasant home and the outward indications are that they are well treated.


558. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Mansfield Centre.

A lad, the son of George Stevens of Mt. Hope had the misfortune to bring his hand in contact with a circular saw last week, making some ugly wounds. Dr. Marsh of the Centre dressed it and at the last account it was doing well. Doctor Marsh came here about a year ago, a comparative stranger and since that time has established a good practice, and won the confidence of a large circle of friends, both as a physician and citizen. He graduated and received his diploma from the Cincinnati Medical College, Ohio, the oldest and best institution of the kind in the country. He is a thorough medical student, and came here thoroughly recommended, and his present reputation fully sustains his recommendations. He intends to make the Centre his permanent residence, and as there is but one other physician in town, and he located at the north part several miles distant the Doctor has a wide field for practice, and his settlement here is a great convenience to the public.

The Rev. Mr. Gammons from Fall River, Mass., preached at Gurleyville Sunday March 16th. It will be remembered that Mr. Gammons was formerly pastor at Gurleyville, and left there last spring. He is a popular man with the masses, and on his return to his former pulpit was greeted with a full house. Mr. Gammons is universally liked in the pulpit and out, and if he could be persuaded to return to his old charge, and arrangements could be so made it would be a source of gratification to a host of his friends. But we strongly suspect that a man of Mr. Gammons ability would be more useful in a less "pent up Utica" than Gurleyville. At the close of the evening's services a collection was taken, and

tendered to Mr. Gammons to defray his traveling expenses, the disposition of which the resident pastor at that place thinks a little defective. That Mr. Gammons may return to his former charge "is a consummation devoutly to be wished."

The ice storm of a few weeks ago proved disastrous in some places to the honey bees, H.B. Wyllys near Eagleville losing eight swarms from suffocation, the ventilation of the hives having been closed by ice.

Mr. John B. Caswell from Lebanon (that land of affairs mysterious,) a tree agent representing the firm of Stephen Hoyt's Sons New Canaan, Conn., has been canvassing lately in the town. Mr. Caswell's reliability is assured, and as he delivers his sales himself, there can be no mistake made, or fraud practiced upon his customers. He is a man of

gentlemanly deportment, pleasing address, and eminently qualified for his business, judging from his success during his short stay here. He has a large assortment of fruit to select from and it is to be presumed that he can furnish anything in the line from an "honest John Peach" to a George Washington cherry, the stock of the latter having been obtained directly from the old and original "little hatchet" tree.


559. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Lebanon

The Lebanon Creamery is to become an established fact. Its location will be a few rods south of Hickley's mill on the premises of L.L. Huntington and near the old distillery site. Capt. Huntington offers to sell the land necessary for the purpose, for $300, per acre which is cheaper than gold dust. The report that E.N. Hinckley had proposed to furnish a building lot free of expense for the privilege of running his saw mill with butter milk during seasons of drought, proves to be premature and without foundation.

Coroner Park having struck a good job, evidently intends to work it for all it is worth. Monday (17th) was devoted to the adjourned inquest. The great public rallied early and strong. Taking complete possession of Barker's store, they sat, lounged and stood around, swapping talk and munching crackers and cheese until Jo rang the bell for noon; whereupon the multitude with the coroner at its head marched over to the town hall (bringing forcibly to mind the good old familiar words, "See the mighty host advancing, Satan" etc., etc.) where a short session was held, with no new developments, and again adjourned two weeks. Mrs. Jeremiah Wilcox of Exeter with whom Oliver Kingsley lived, produced an old queen's arm bayonet that in her opinion was the weapon used in committing the murderous deed. Nearly as many different theories are held in regard to the affair as there are people to entertain them. One person, a relative of the unfortunate man, but not an heir, stated publicly and boldly that in his opinion "the old man was murdered not for what was inside of the house, but for what was outside" intimating that there was a woman in the case and indulging in blind talk about somebody being greatly disappointed in consequence of there being no will found. This, in the absence of any further explanation the Chappel heirs might very properly characterize as a diabolical insinuation.Since the Chappel tragedy many timid and nervous people have become exceedingly distrustful of strangers and when alone take unusual precaution to prevent intrusion. Some days since a peripatetic bible peddler while plying his vocation in the vicinity of "Short Hills in Exeter - and who is described as being powerfully built and possessing a somewhat formidable appearance - approached on his peaceful errand, a laarge two story dwelling causing great alarm and perturbation on the part of its single male occupant (who shall be nameless) and who mistook him for a tramp intent upon deeds of outrage and plunder. Knocking loudly at the door without gaining admittance and peering into the windows to make sure that there was no one about the place shrouded in darkness and perishing for want of light, the bible peddler passed on quite unconscious of having nearly caused the death by fright of the unseen person within. On the return of the proprietress of the premises, who was temporarily absent at the time, she found the doors doubly bolted and barricaded, the windows securely fastened, the blinds pulled down and her terrified and demoralized companion in a thoroughly collapsed and un-Button-ed condition.


560. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Andover.

Mr. Peter S. Clyde died last Wednesday and his funeral was attended Friday afternoon. He was seventy-two years old and leaves a widow and three children, a son and two daughters.

Mr. Ware moved his family here last week.

Mr. E.K. Post of Bristol was in town over Sunday.


561. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Died.

Fitch - In Windham, March 19th, Jerusha S. Fitch, aged 84 years.

Clyde - In Andover, March 19th, Peter S. Clyde aged 72 years.

Forsyth - In South Windham, March 23d. James M. Forsyth aged 57 years.

Jacobs - In Willimantic, March 23d. Ernest L. Jacobs aged 4 yrs, 6 months.

Porter - In Coventry, March 22nd, Sarah M. Porter aged 85 years.

Amidon - In Westford, March 23d, Prudence Amidon aged 73 years.

Smith - In Willimantic, March 25, James Smith aged 58 years.

Cronley - In Willimantic, March 20, Joseph F. infant son of John Cronley, aged 1 year.

Donnelly - In Willimantic, March 22, Florence M. Donnelly aged 35 years.

Elliott - In Willimantic, March 23, Annie Elliott, aged 21 years.


562. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: 50 Bushels of Redtop Seed for sale, warranted free from foul seed. Also 75 bushels of Seed Oats. Egbert Bass, Scotland, Conn.


563. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Wanted - A Desirable Tenement of about ten rooms. Must be handy to place of business. Marshall Tilden.


564. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Wanted - A Boy from 12 to 15 years old to do general work around place. Boy from the country preferred. Enquire at A.C. Andres's Music Store.


565. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Wanted - Situation as Fireman on a Locomotive, or Engineer on a stationary Engine. Address Peter Fountain, So. Coventry, Ct.


566. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Ashford Tax Notice. All persons liable to pay taxes in the town of Ashford, old society, are hereby notified that I have a warrant to levy and collect a tax of 15 mills on a dollar, on the list of 1883, together with a poll or military tax payable April 1, 1884, and for the purpose of collecting said tax I will be at the post office in Warrenville on Saturday, April 5th, from 10 to 12 a.m., and the same day at D.B. Clark's from 2 to 4 p.m. R.D.W. Knowlton, Collector, Ashford, Mar 19, 1884


567. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Columbia.

The Free Library seems to be appreciated by the reading public as 1590 volumes have been drawn in fifteen weeks during the two hours of one day in each week that the library is open.

Miss Amy Thompson visited her young friends in Pine St. last week.

The Ladies' Society met with Mrs. Harriet Yeomans last week. The unfavorable weather and the condition of the roads have interfered with a full attendance at these gatherings for several weeks past.

Jo Clark spent a few days last week in New Haven with his brother Charles who is a Sophomore at Yale and at present Miss Jennie L. Fuller is with friends in the same city.

Miss Annie Hutchins is engaged to teach school in Lebanon.

The steam whistles at N.P. Little's and Chas. W. Ely's steam saw mills gathering in and dismissing the employees at regular hours of work gives the appearance of considerable business being transacted which is really the case.

The school in Pine St. Elisha Spafard teacher closed on Thursday reflecting credit upon instructor and pupils. Mr. Spafard taught a fall term of nine weeks and most of the older scholars attended making a term of 27 weeks with one week's interim. Howard W. Yeomans and Sadie Holbrook were present every day of the term.

S.S. Collins vacated his home premises in favor of his son on Tuesday, he now occupying his new residence on Town St. where in his declining years he can take things easy and his farm be successfully cared for by his only son.

Charles Robinson will occupy the tenement vacated by Warren Collins at the homestead.


568. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Canterbury.

Mr. James E. Odlin a student from the theological seminary in Hartford, preached in the Congregational church last Sunday. He is expected again next Sunday.

Norman and Elmer Bushnell brothers still in their teens, expect to leave on Wednesday morning for western Nebraska. They have secured employment with substantial and well known business men in that state. The kind wishes of many friends will follow these young men.

Miss Ruth F. Sanger after a sojourn abroad of 15 months, expects to sail from Liverpool April 3d on the steamer Britannic of the White Star line, and with a favorable voyage expects to reach home Monday evening April 14.

Irving Frink son of Mr. C.C. Frink on Friday last\, cut an ugly gash in one of his feet. A favorable report comes from the injured foot.

The musical peep frogs were heard for the first time Monday evening.

Mr. LaFayette Eaton has advertised to sell at auction his farm and personal property. It is said he will leave town.


569. TWC Wed Mar 26, 1884: Willington.

Intelligence has been received of the illness of Deacon Harvey Merrick, of the firm of H. Merrick & Son, Bristol, Conn., caused by a paralytic stroke. Mr. Merrick is a native of Willington, and for many years an honored resident. He was prominently connected with the Willington Glass company. His removal from town several years ago was deeply lamented by a host of warm friends.

Mrs. Hannah Gurley Turner died Sunday, the 16th, at the residence of her son, P.W. Turner, at Turnerville, Conn., at the advanced age of 93. Mrs. Turner was a native of Mansfield, where for many years she resided with her husband, Anson Turner who died some years since. She was a Christian in the truest sense of the term, having humbly served her Master for three quarters of a century. She leaves two sons, Henry Turner, residing at New York, and the one above mentioned, who is a well known silk manufacturer. Her only daughter died several years ago in Mansfield.

There are nine school districts in this town with 231 children, against 262 last year.

The Rev. C.W. Potter of Sterling, Conn., has been revisiting friends in his old parish here.

William W. Burwell, jeweler at Stafford Springs, has purchased a house there. Price paid $3,000. Mr. Burwell resided in this town when a youth.

Bertie McFarlane has taken a position in a fruit and grocery store in Hartford.

Perry Holly of Mansfield is reported failing.

S.O. Barrows of Middletown is so to erect a nice barn near his newly purchased residence in Mansfield.

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