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The Willimantic Chronicle - Year of 1882

Published every Wednesday.

McDonald & Safford, Editors and Publishers.
Office, Hall's Block, Main & Union Sts.
$1.50 per year.

248. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: About Town.
Warden Baldwin has been confined indoors for a few days by sickness.
The number of dependents at the alms house was increased on Tuesday of last week by the arrival of a ten pound boy.
Fred L. Clark has removed his meat market into the store on Railroad street recently occupied by G.G. Cross' restaurant.
J.C. Bassett tells us that he raises about eight hundred pounds of grapes in their season about his residence on Pleasant street.
Edwin H. Hall of this village was re-appointed county commissioner of this county by the legislature last week. There were a number of other aspirants for the position.
Louis Striby's little boy fell from a sleigh on Friday and dislocated the elbow joint of his right arm and fractured one bone at the same elbow. Attended by Dr. Houghton.

249. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: The small pox scare has completely died out and with few fatalities anywhere, it has been a harvest for the doctors, and from all accounts vaccination has been more fatal than small pox.

250. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: A dog having all the symptoms of hydrophobia was shot by Arnold Warren near the residence of Eliza Fitch on the South Coventry road Friday. The animal was running in a circle not more than a rod in diameter and frothing at the mouth. The owner is unknown.

251. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: J.J. Dempsey, Esq., will deliver an address in Emmet hall, McAvoy's block, on Sunday evening March 5th. His subject is "Emmet and the cause for which he died." The lecture will be delivered under the auspices of the Emmet Club. The public is cordially invited. Admission free.

252. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: By solicitation a handsome sum has been received and deposited in bank for the purchase of a piano to be used at the Congregational church. A literary and musical entertainment will be given at that church next Tuesday evening the proceeds of which will be to increase the piano fund. Readings by Miss Sawyer, of Providence, and music by Miss Mary W. Burleson, C.B. Adams and others will constitute the entertainment.

253. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: The scholars of the high school department of Natchaug school presented to Principal Welch last Friday, a handsome album containing most of the photographs of the pupils as a token of the esteem in which he is held by them. In accepting the gift Mr. Welch made a short address to the school. It is intended that before the end of the term a likeness of all his scholars will be added to the collection already in the album.

254. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Ire E. Hicks of New Britain, department commander of the Grand Army in Connecticut, has appointed John T. Crary of Norwich, chief mustering officer; and E.L. Kenyon of Colchester, Charles E. Woods of Dayville, William E. Hyde of Danielsonville, Samuel J. Miller of Willimantic and Asael Young of Voluntown, aides de camp.

255. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: The Boston Journal of Commerce says: The Willimantic Silk company of Willimantic, is a company that was formed some years ago, but has never put forth much effort to do business. They have lately appointed E. Oldfield of Norwich, their agent, have hired one floor in the Holland Manufacturing company's mill at Willimantic, put in new looms, and will soon commence the manufacture of narrow silk fabrics. There seems to be quite a demands in the market for these goods.

256. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: We are happy in the addition of new and unsolicited subscribers each week to the Chronicle, and this week has not seen an exception. We open an envelope and take out a V which prepays for three years A.J. Nichol's paper, who was formerly superintendent of the Smithville mills. If any others of our friends are overburdened in lucre we guarantee as good a paper up to that date as can reasonably be expected--Allee samee.

257. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: A wrestling match was an episode in the history of Saturday which made the day interesting to about fifty persons. It occurred in Bank building between Dennis Moran and Charles Cypher, the latter hailing from Danielsonville, and was a contest of catch-as-catch-can best two in three falls. It took three quarters of an hour to decide between the powers of the athletics, and the victory was awarded to Moran. Another match by other parties has been arranged to come off at the same place next Saturday afternoon.

258. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: At the annual meeting of the Willimantic Farmer's club held at room No. 4 Bank building, last Saturday, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: Arnold Warren, South Coventry, president; David H. Jacobs, Mansfield, A.S. Chapman, Scotland, W.B. Hawkins, Windham, vice-presidents; N.P. Perkins, Mansfield, secretary and treasurer; Geo. H. Andrews, Windham, assistant secretary and treasurer. The meeting was very harmonious and the subject of fairs was discussed and the club was unanimous for continuing the annual exhibition. The next meeting will be held at the residence of Arnold Warren in South Coventry, next Tuesday evening. The subject for discussion will be "Feed for farm stock in winter" and everybody is invited.

259. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Mr. Isaac Sanderson has disposed of the Brainard house to W.W. Perry of Milford, Mass., who takes possession today, though Mr. Sanderson will have charge of the house until about the first of April while the new landlord is making arrangements for his removal to this place. Mr. Perry comes with a high reputation as a hotel man and will no doubt keep the house up to the high standard maintained by his predecessor. Mr. Sanderson came here from Norwich six years ago and leased the Brainard house when it was not in a flourishing condition and was little patronized by the traveling public. He immediately inaugurated a method of repairs and renovation and paid special attention to the comfort and entertainment of his guests. His six years proprietorship has effected a great change in improvements and has made the house one of the best. The price paid for the hotel business exclusive of the livery stable connected was $7,000. Mr. Sanderson has been very successful in this village and has accumulated a snug little fortune. He expects to erect new buildings on his farm in the lower village and remove there when they are completed. P.S.--Since the above was composed we learn that the property has been bought for Mr. S.C. Hooker, proprietor of the Hooker house in Colchester. This is certainly a guarantee that the house will continue first-class, for his Colchester house bears an excellent reputation. Mr. Perry will have the management of that house instead of this.

260. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: The New London Telegram says: "A Willimantic young man was in town yesterday, seeking a marriage certificate, but as his best girl was a minor, he was admonished that he must secure the parents' approval. He declared that he would be married, certificate or no certificate, and departed on that errand, after explaining as a reason why he did not get married in Willimantic, that "it was Lent up there."

261. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: During the storm of Tuesday last week a thunderbolt fell on the railroad track near the round house and assumed the shape of a ball of fire as it passed along one of the rails. It did not damage on account of the steel being a good conductor of electricity. The parties who saw it did not see it fall and there is no knowing how far it followed the track. Lightning in this shape would be extraordinary in the summer time, much more in winter.

262. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: The Ashford post office and dwelling adjoining were burned about 2:30 Sunday morning. The office was kept in a store at what is known as the old Joseph Phillips stand, but the property is now owned by A.T. Walker of this place. A brother of Mr. Walker occupied the dwelling house, and Washington Whittaker kept the store and post office. Mr. Whittaker was in the store about midnight, when everything was all right. The origin of the fire is unknown. The building and the stock of goods were insured. Mr. Walker saved part of his household effects, but the contents of the store and post office were entirely destroyed. The building will be replaced at an early day. The property was insured by A.B. Adams & Co., the building for $1,500 and the stock of merchandise for $1,000.

263. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Mr. Ide of Gurleyville, allowed a horse to stand unhitched on Main street last Thursday morning and the horse took advantage of his liberty to run away. Mr. Ide succeeded in catching onto the rear of the sleigh, just out of reach of the reins, and as the animal sped down Union street he called out loudly and often to whoa, but the horse paid no heed and ran the faster. As they neared the railroad the owner and team parted company, for fear of a collision with a freight train which obstructed the crossing and the owner ploughed roughly through the snow but without damage to himself. The horse took a course down the railroad, jumping culverts and all, and turning on to the street near the Natchaug bridge where he was caught. Parts of the sleigh were strewn along the line and the body was left near Edward Taylor's lumber yard.

264. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: A young man named Charles O. Chappell dropped in an apoplectic fit last Thursday morning opposite the Boston branch millinery store and in a few minutes died. He was returning to work at the Linen company's from making a deposit of money in a savings bank when the runaway horse (spoken of elsewhere) dashed by him down the street and he started to into a run after him. He shortly dropped on the sidewalk and expired without apparent pain. He was taken into Dr. Houghton's office, but no medical aid could restore him to life. Drs. Bennett, McNally and Colgrove were present and it was the opinion of these physicians that death was caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. The young man had been married but about two months. The funeral was held at his home in the Oaks on Saturday.

265. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Contrary to custom, the weather during the continuance of the band fair last week was very pleasant. On the opening evening the concert by the band, interspersed with solos by various instruments, was of the first order. The violin playing of Miss Mary Beeman was listened to with greatest attention and heartily encored. She certainly knows how to handle a violin as well, perhaps, as any lady artist, and extracts the sweetest music imaginable therefrom. Her modest demeanor gained the good will of her audience and is a noticeable merit. Among the amusements which enlivened the fair free dancing was an attractive feature. The profits from the fair were about $75. The following prices were awarded: On penny votes--Miss Mary Rollinson, napkin ring, Geo. L. Wheeler, bunch cigars, L.H. Rollinson, jumping jack, Miss Annie Reed, spoon holder; By ballot: Miss Ella Clark, fancy table; wax cross and glass dome, Miss Alice Pilling; tin trumpet, O. B. Clark; easy chair, G.W. Melony, 45, John Elliot 40, Thos. Burke 22, G.G. Cross 19. Prizes drawn: T. Rollinson, box cigars, Nelson Wilbur, sewing machine, Thomas Jones, opera glass.

266. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: North Windham.
The N.Y. & N.E.R.R. have just placed an iron bridge on their road where it crosses the highway to Windham, near the house of Mrs. Austin Lincoln.
The entertainment given by the Dramatic club on Wednesday evening was a success. We hear of none present who failed to get their money's worth of enjoyment, and financially the bell fund was augmented by more than twenty-one dollars. After the exercises the club were treated to a little collation, given by the secretary, Miss Anna J. Spencer. At a recent meeting of the club, a bell committee was chosen, to make inquiries on the subject of bells etc., viz: E.H. Hall Jr., M.A. Bates, and Wm. Sibley. It was voted to give another entertainment in about two weeks, due notice of which will be given.
Mr. Authur Boyden, who married a daughter of A.P. Smith, has recently removed his family to Worcester. He is employed by the Boston and Albany R.R. as engineer.
Rev. Mr. Thomas, of Gurleyville, preached for us on Sunday. Next Sabbath we expect to listen to Rev. Mr. Barlow, of Willimantic, at 2 o'clock p.m.

267. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Brooklyn.
A large number were present at Mrs. S. Bradford's ice cream social, and report a very pleasant time.
Mr. Bush of New York, has bought the Dyer Hill property, owned by Chas. Maine Esq. Mr. J. Louis White is to run the farm and the cottage will be occupied by Mr. Bush and family as a summer resort.
Mrs. J.B. Whitcomb has moved back from Norwich.
The Rev. Thomas Terry, who has accepted a call to the Baptist church in Niantic, finished his ministerial labor with the church in Brooklyn last Sabbath. A large number were present to listen to his latest explanation of the truth. Mr. Terry has been with us the past thirteen years, and by his courteous bearing both in the pulpit and out, towards every one, also by the faithful performance of what he considered his duty, he has made many warm friends and gained the respect of all whether in his church or some other, and one hears nothing but regret on all sides.
Rev. Mr. Mathewson will occupy the Baptist pulpit next Sabbath

268. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Columbia
There is considerable sickness in town.
Mrs. Samuel F. West and granddaughter are visiting in Providence.
Mrs. Samuel B. West spent last week with her husband in Hartford.
Miss Sophia C. Yeomans is among friends in Norwich and Greeneville.
School in Center district, Chas. Richard on instructor closed last Friday, there were six students that had been neither absent or tardy during the term.
To dance or not to dance seems to be the question: the young people seem to answer it by dancing. One young lady remarked she much preferred to dance with certain gentlemen than to be kissed by them which was sure to follow if ladies participated in these ring plays which are introduced where parties are given. Dance by all means boys and girls where it is carried to a proper extent it is considered by reasonable people a very civil amusement.
Surprise parties seem to be increasing. One given to Mr. Boughton's son and daughter on Friday evening, and the ladies on the green met and surprised Mrs. John Davenport by spending the afternoon and taking possession of her tea-table ad a nice spread was enjoyed. The Ladies Society met with Mr. Samuel Ticknor on Wednesday evening, the Cornet Band was in attendance and all enjoyed the evening's entertainment.
Dr. Parker's friend Hillhouse is with him for a few days. The time draws near for the Doctor's departure and his friends exceedingly regret it.
A.H. Pitkin and another gent, from Hartford were in town last week looking up old fashioned furniture and a good supply was freighted from Hop River to the former place.
We noticed in the Day that Rev. Josiah Mack of Gilead has tendered his resignation. His mother has resided in this place for several years and the season previous to his call to Gilead he spent with her and in exchange with this pastor the people have listened with great attention to his scholarly discourses. We shall miss Mr. Mack as a friend and teacher.

269. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Danielsonville.
The dedication of the "Dexter Building" and the festival held therein last week was a local event deserving public mention and consideration.
The "Dexter Building" just completed at a cost of about $20,000, by Mr. Edward Dexter, is centrally located and contains two large and elegant stores, one of which is to be occupied by Mr. Dexter as a furniture store, and the other by Messrs. Geo. Jencks and Co. for hardware, stoves, and tinware.
Mr. Dexter very generously gave the use of his entire building for the benefit of the "People's Library," and the festival held therefore was a financial success, the proceeds being between three and four hundred dollars. The home talent gave great zest and success to the festival by their excellent "broom" and "fan" drill, and their burlesque, extravaganza of the "Peaks Family" was complete and would do credit to any theatrical company.

270. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Scotland.
Jonathan Anthony is to have a house warming at his place next Friday evening.
Henry K. Wood was in town over Sunday. He has closed up his business in Washington, D.C., and is at work for his brother, George Wood in his store in Centerville, R.I., whither he has moved his family.
Lewis Hopkins has bought a horse and meat wagon of Hiram Parkhurst and is to try the butchering business. Mr. Parkhurst is going into the fish business for a while.
A student lamp exploded in the house of Mrs. David Fuller last week causing damages to the amount of 10 or 12 dollars.
The Ladies society gave a short entertainment at the Parsonage Feb. 22d, consisting of recitations and tableaux. Jean Ingelow's "Songs of Seven,' illustrated, was the prominent feature of the entertainment and by good judges was pronounced very fine.
Mr. A.W. Maine is to teach the school in "Jerusalem" the ensuing term. He received a severe wound in the hand by a kick from his horse on Monday.

271. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Andover.
It was reported last week that we had a case small pox in town, but the story proves to have been without any foundation whatever.
The school in the South East district is to close the present week. Mrs. J.U. Marsh has been the teacher, and as usual has given entire satisfaction. Mrs. Marsh is one of the best teachers we have.

272. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Henry C. Bowen has been in Washington capturing lions for his next Woodstock Fourth of July celebration. The president will be there, if possible, and Senators Hawley, Frye and Aldrich also agree to come.

273. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Building in Pomfret will be very brisk the coming season. Contracts for a number of new houses have been placed, mostly with Putnam carpenters. That beautiful old farming town is becoming a popular summer resort.

274. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: The Baptist church of Putnam has extended a call to Rev. Mr. Stubbele of Suffield, to become its pastor: he has once declined a call from the church but a second expression has been made in his favor and he has the matter under consideration.

275. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Bookkeeper Henry Dale of the railroad freight office in Putnam has been appointed to the position of station agent at Manchester.

276. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: The Transcript has divorced the newspaper and job printing departments of that office and leased the latter to its competent foreman, F.W. Schofield. Editor Stone will devote his whole attention to the Transcript, but it will be hard for him to make it better than it already is.

277. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: D.P. Jordan, a Danielsonville meat dealer, failed last week with liabilities of nearly $6,000 and assets of about $1,200. Many farmers in that vicinity are victims, and some of them to large amounts. The failure is the topic of severe comment on the part of the people in that section.

278. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: The Transcript says: When the Ponagansett is built Danielsonville will have as good if not better railroad facilities than Putnam, and in ten years can beat it in population and business, if this people get walked up to their opportunities.

279. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: The Origin of the Sioux. The Sioux, if Indian tradition is to be believed, are a new people. The tradition is that a part of wild young men of different tribes banded themselves together to make a new tribe. This was in the Blackfeet country, near the head of the South Saskatchewan river, away to the northwest of Fort Benton. These Romans of the north marched on, conquering and absorbing the tribes they subdued, marrying such wives as pleased them. Their course was to the south and east, and was not interrupted until the whites came in from the east.

280. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Spring Hill.
Deacon Boynton of the Baptist church has been confined to his house for a number of days on account of sickness and we are pleased to hear that he is recovering.
O.W. Gurley Esq., has engaged to carry on the farm owned by the late J.W. Barrows the coming season.
Willie S. Monroe is to remain on the farm with Mr. Wm. Reynolds the coming season.
Mr. Edgar Storrs fell on the ice a few days since and received slight injuries.

281. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Woodstock.
As Welcome Barnes was feeding his hens at evening, the rooster have a hawk cry and all the fowls ran toward Mr. Barnes for protection. Glancing upward he perceived a huge bald-headed eagle hovering near the gable of the barn. Hastily snatching an old army rifle from its hooks over the kitchen fireplace, Mr. Barnes sent a ball flying after the monarch of the ether. The bird careened and then sped onward.
At the town meeting held in Fenner's hall on Thursday afternoon, the voters decided to allow the selectmen to use their discretion about buying a Poor Farm. By A.A. Paine's report, the Phillips farm where the paupers luxuriate, was very productive last year. All the store bills were paid, beside the rent, from the productions of the land. In addition, there remained a surplus over expenses of 100 bushels of potatoes, 100 bushels of barley and $100 worth of beef.
The subject of N.T. Adams' tax came up but was not finally disposed of.
Albert Weaver has bought the old Hosmer house in Hanisville, near the "light house" and will renovate it for summer boarders.

282. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Died.
Bennett--In Hampton Feb. 27, William Bennett, aged 75 years.
Searls--In Hampton, Feb. 28, Lydia H. Searls, aged 73 years.
Chappell--In Willimantic, Feb. 23, Charles O. Chappell, aged 20 years and 6 months

283. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: At a Court of Probate holden at Windham, within and for the district of Windham, on the 28th day of February, A.D. 1882. Present, Huber Clark, Esq. Judge. Upon the petition of Pearl L. Peck, of Chaplin, in the County of Windham, showing to this court, that he is Guardian of Timothy Lynch, Maggie E. Lynch and Katie M. Lynch, minors of Marblehead, Essex County, State of Massachusetts. That said minors are the owners of an undivided interest in certain real estate situated in the northerly part of the town of Windham within said district, and the southerly part of the adjoining town of Chaplin, viz: the Western division of the Lynch farm, so called, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Northerly by land of Charles Tacker, Althea Chappell and Frank W. Chappell; Easterly by land of heirs of Bartholomew Lynch, or the eastern division of said Lynch farm, and land of F.M. Lincoln and F.D. Spencer; Southerly by land of Edward L. Burnham, F.D. Spencer and Albert Hartson; and Westerly by land of Albert Hartson and Charles Tucker. Containing one hundred acres of land, more or less, with the buildings thereon standing, subject to the widow's right of dower and valued at about two hundred and twelve dollars. That it would be for the interests of said minors that said property should be sold and the avails invested and disposed of according to law; praying for the liberty to sell said property for the purpose aforesaid, as per petition on file. It is ordered by this court That said Guardian give notice of said application, by causing the same to be published in one of the newspaper printed in Wilimantic, in the County of Windham three weeks successively, before the hearing; and that said petition will be heard at the Probate Office in said district on the 23d day of March next, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon. Certified from Record. Hubert Clark, Judge.

284. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: State of Connecticut.--At a Court of Probate holden as Ashford within and for the District of Ashford; on the 18th day of February, A.D., 1882. Present, Davis A. Baker, Esq., Judge. This Court doth direct George Platt Administrator on the estate of Henry E. Knowlton late of Ashford in said District deceased, represented to be insolvent, to give notice to all persons interested in the estate of said deceased, to appear, (if they see cause) before the Court of Probate to be holden at the Probate Office in said District on the fourth day of March 1882, at one o'clock in the afternoon, to be heard relative to the appointment of Commissioners on said estate by posting said Order of notice on a public signpost in said town of Ashford nearest to the place where the deceased last dwelt, and by advertising the same in a newspaper published in Willimantic. Certified from Record. Davis A. Baker, Judge.

285. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Mansfield.
Feb. 22d, the birthday of George Washington our country's father. Some will suspend business on that day. But Standish & Thompson the boss boot and shoe dealers of Willimantic, with all due and proper regard for our Nation's parent, will still continue to give their customers bargains which will be sure to please and ensure future trade. Of the firm, Thompson is of Mansfield Parentage, which is a good recommend for any man in business, and Standish is a direct descendant, from his namesake Miles, of Puritanical fame, and inherits those sterling qualities which made our Pilgrim fathers a success--and parties wanting anything in their line and purchasing of them will be sure to get the worth of their money.
Oscar Jacobs, who for several years past has resided in town, has removed to Windham in the employ of Charles Larrabee. Mr. Larrabee has thus secured the services of a good and trusty man. Oscar knows how and can do all kinds of work incident to farming.
It is rumored that the National Thread company at Mansfield Hollow will build the coming season a large new mill and extend their business, to meet the constantly increasing demand for the article which they manufacture. May the report prove correct and may the company be successful in their efforts to enlarge their capacity for business and may the demands and price of spool birches increase in a corresponding ratio.
The ball given under the auspices of the Mansfield Fife and Drum Corps (the last of the season) at the Town hall last Friday night Feb. 24th, was a grand success and will long remain a memorable affair in the minds of those present. The music furnished by E. Jackson, F. Jackson, F. Bliss, A. Freeman and C. Cummings, was good and all that could be desired. Most if not all of the performers are members of the corps thus showing to the world that they have the talent and can furnish music suitable for most any occasion. The corps consists of fifteen pieces, drums and fifes, and are equal if not superior to any in the state. The general director was the pleasant and genial N.P. Perkins of Pleasant Valley. Floor directors: Geo. W. More, J.M. Wallen, A.H. Freeman, O.G. Hanks. Prompter: O.M. Richardson.

286. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Ashford.
Mr. Editor:--Quite a sensation was created here today, (Thursday) by an announcement by some of our knowing ones that Davis Baker, R.H. Squier, Ezra Knowlton, Will Platt, Capt. Sam B. and several others were about to get up a great fishing expedition, it also having been announced that B. was about to give a grand fish fry entertainment to the suffering community, and in order to get that supply that the case demanded it would be necessary to call on those experts already named.

287. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Lebanon.
Mrs. Maynard, relict of the late Sidney Maynard and mother of Mrs. Josiah J. Lock, with whom she had lived since the death of her husband, died on Tuesday the 21st, aged 82 years. Her remains were taken to Bozrah for interment.
The widow of Col. Rodger Bailey, formerly and for many years an inhabitant of this town, died at the residence of her son, Mr. Thomas F. Rodgers in South Coventry on Tuesday of last week, at the age of 84 years. Her body was brought to Lebanon and buried in the old cemetery.
Mr. W.C. Barker has received proposals to rent his new house for the coming summer from parties in Troy, N.Y., who wish to escape from the heat, noise and turmoil of the city, and enjoy the pure air and perfect quiet for which Lebanon has long been noted and Town street unrivaled.
Dea. David C. Westcott has contracted to make a thousand rotary clothes dryers for Mr. Horace Palmer the inventor. The really meritorious contrivance has been patented and will undoubtedly bring Horace a fortune, he having already received flattering offers from wide awake parties. In New York and Philadelphia. Mechanics who have examined critically Mr. Palmer's invention claim that it is far ahead of any clothes drying appliance that has yet been produced; and needs but to be seen to be generally adopted.
Since the victory of Slosson over Vignaux and the result of the Sullivan-Ryan prize fight became known, the checker mania has perceptibly increased as noticed in the augmented attendance at the evening entertainments held at Stedman's. The old and young alike succumb to the fascinations of the game. The great match between Capt. Brown and "Prof." Smith for the best in 3,000 games, and the championship is progressing as fast as the length of the days and the "Professor's" health will permit. As Stedman's is the only place of amusement in town the boys ought to "chip in" and give Jim a benefit. His good nature under all circumstances, and his uniformly cheerful and cordial greeting to all comers at all times, deserve suitable recognition.
The entertainment at Geer's hall given by the Goshen Literary Association on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week gave good satisfaction and was pronounced a success.

288. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: At a Court of Probate holden at Ashford, within and for the district of Ashford, on the 17th day of February, A.D. 1882. Present, Davis A. Baker, Esq. Judge. On motion of Abigail Richmond, Administratrix on the estate of Jared D. Richmond, late of Ashford within said district deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the administratrix and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic, and by posting a copy thereof on the public signpost in said town of Ashford nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record, Davis A. Baker, Judge.

289. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Lost or Stolen.--A Hound Dog, black and white, yellow ears, black spot on his back. Will weigh 65 to 75 lbs. Had on a black leather collar with copper piece. Marks on collar, "W. Savin, Mittineague, Mass." Answers to the name of "Spot." Any one who will return him to T. Spencer, Jr. Willimantic, Ct., or give any information that will lead to his recovery, will be liberally rewarded. P.O. Box 245, Residence on High Street, Willimantic, Conn.

290. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Old Papers.--Files of old political papers, files of story papers, newspapers for buttery shelves, newspapers for wrapping purposes, Newspapers to put under carpets, papers and papers. First come, first served. Apply at the Chronicle Office, Main and Union streets. No stairs to climb. Don't stop to rap.

291. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: For Sale Cheap.--On Standard Oil Cabinet. Nearly new. Capacity three barrels. Apply to M.D. O'Connell, Custodian, Colchester, Ct.

292. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: South Coventry.
The Champion quince is a new variety. It was found growing in a garden in Connecticut and is now offered to those who want the best variety of quince yet introduced. The fruit is very large, average nearly twice as large as the Orange quince growing beside it, and in productiveness, for surpasses that variety, young trees only one year from bud and first season after transplanting, are often loaded with fruit and young as they are, the fruit upon them often weighs a pound. This valuable quince is for sale by J.K. Hammond of South Coventry, agent for W. & T. Smith of the Geneva Nursery.

293. TWC Wed Mar 1 1882: Connecticut Patents issued to local citizens for the week ending Feb. 24, 1882.
William C. Babcock, South Coventry, assignor to Bishop & Babcock, Cleveland, Ohio; hydraulic air compressor.
Robert Binns, South Windham; machine for cutting paper.

294. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: About Town.
Somebody stole a clock from the office of Dr. I.B. Gallup last evening.
W.H. Lathan & Co. are making an addition to their carpenter shops.
A telephone has been constructed between G.W. Melony's office and the European house.
Miss Nellie Gavigan has disposed of her millinery store to Miss Annie Hall, who took possession Monday.
Isaac Sanderson has been induced to become landlord of the national house and took charge of the house on Monday.
Henry N. Wales our gentlemanly town clerk, is slowly improving from his sickness, but he is yet far from well.

295. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: The firm of E. Perry Butts & Co., has been dissolved and the business will be stopped when the present stock of goods is sold out as will be seen by the notice of dissolution in anther column W.H. Pearce closes up the business. A rare chance is offered to buy goods cheap as will bee seen by advertisement elsewhere.

296. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: The partnership of Lincoln & Smith, dealers in lumber and coal, was dissolved last week by mutual consent. Mr. Lincoln will continue the business and Mr. Smith will go to Providence to reside.

297. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: A union temperance meeting was held in the Congregational church last Sunday evening which was addressed by Rev. Alpheus Winter and largely attended.

298. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: A.R. Burnham is to remove his carriage shops from the rear of Hamlin's block to a new building which is being erected for him on Valley street by Geo. S. Moulton of Windham.

299. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Edward Taylor has purchased a steam engine, circular saw and patent wood splitter, and will hereafter furnish wood as well as coal for fuel. J.D. Willis, formerly proprietor of the Willimantic wood yard, will have charge of this branch of the business.

300. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: A fracas occurred in a downtown saloon Monday night in which a knife was used, much to the detriment of the countenance of one of the belligerents. Dennis Clifford and Timothy Leary were the actors in the fray, and when the latter's cheek was laid open with an ugly gash Clifford disappeared from the scene. No arrests have been made.

301. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Joseph Prew will sell at auction on Saturday, March 18, at the Safford Crossing, near Robert Brown's, one good horse, cow, heifer, wagon, harnesses, swine, hens, dairy utensils, farming tools, furniture, etc.

302. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: The sixth anniversary of the marriage of Henry H. Flint occurred last Thursday and in recognition of this event a party of about twenty friends surprised him at his home in the evening of that day. The evening was pleasantly spent with the usual entertainments until a late hour.

303. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Rev. John Sherman discourses on the subject of temperance this evening in the vestry of the Methodist church.

304. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: The variety entertainment to be given on St. Patrick's night in St. Joseph's hall, Valley street, by the Young Men's Athletic Club, promises to be first class. Tickets can be procured at the Boston Furniture store, C.M. Palmer & Co's., T.J. Kelley's, D.H. Henken's, Somers Bros'., Boston Boot and Shoe store, Foran & Shea and of members of the club.

305. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: The lecture given by J.J. Dempsey Esq. before the Emmet club last Sunday evening, was a meritorious effort and showed the speaker to be considerable of an orator. He spoke an hour and a half and was listened to with the closest attention by an audience of about four hundred people.

306. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Dr. I.B. Gallup has purchased of Mrs. J.H. French a house and double lot on Pearl street, and will probably move his office and residence thither.

307. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: At the regular meeting of Alert Hose company last Wednesday evening a handsome and costly easy chair was presented to Foreman, John Elliot. After the presentation, which was a perfect surprise to the recipient, the boys spent the evening in social pleasantry and refreshments.

308. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Johanna Driscoll had a hand badly lacerated by catching in a machine at Mill No. 2 last Friday. She was carried to the office of Dr. McNally for surgical treatment. On Thursday, Johnnie Royce caught one of his hands in the gears of a sawing machine at Sodom and had it badly jammed.

309. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: The pugnacious spirits have been uncommonly active the past week and some of them have come within the grasp of the law. Fred Hanover, a youth of about fifteen, was walking peaceably up Main street Monday evening and when near Levi Frink's building he was suddenly assaulted by two other youths named Hubert Clark and John Sullivan. The boy defended himself and when one took to his heels he gave the other a sound thrashing. Officer Worden got out a warrant for their arrest and Justice Arnold imposed a fine of $1 and costs which should learn them better behavior. The same evening Patrick Clifford imbibed too freely and vented his exuberant spirits upon the head of his wife. The service of officer Flynn were necessary to quell the disturbance, and Justice Sumner demanded of the offender a fine of $7 and costs for making it. He was committed.

310. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: The lecture of Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, the Iowa lady lawyer, occurs at the opera house next Tuesday evening. Her lecture will be on the subject of temperance which she handles in a masterly style. The admission will be 25 cents, and the proceeds will go to the needy poor of the village. The attendance of everybody is solicited. Tickets may be found at the stores of D.C. Barrows, Dr. F. Rogers and J.C. Lincoln. Mr. Loomer very generously donates the use of the opera house and for this he should be commended.

311. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Every musician in town should look in at Warner's music store window and see the beautiful title page on the new "Message of Love Waltz" and the music is just as pretty as the picture. Mr. Warner has employed Mr. J.J. Kennedy to look after the musical department and customers may rely upon being well served.

312. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: The concert at the congregational church last evening for the purpose of increasing the piano fund had an attendance unexpectedly large and the proceeds swelled the amount to a gratifying extent. The readings of Miss Sawyer were well selected for the occasion and she exhibited a fine elocutionary taste; while the piano playing of Miss Burleson displayed a perfect musical education. We were surprised at the good execution of Mr. Adams on the violin and compliment him on his playing.

313. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Rev. J.H. Sherman at M.E. church tonight. The seven-year-old cornetist Master Lyman Freeman, will be present and play the cornet. Come and welcome.

314. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: James Cuff of Killingly, who was sentenced to state prison for life for murder in 1860, is now on his twenty second year of confinement. He has petitioned the legislature nine times for relief without success. Since his incarceration twenty-nine life prisoners have been released unconditionally. The average time of the prisoners released was eight and one half years.

315. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Postmaster Shumway of Danielsonville, is making improvements in the post office at that village. They are catching.

316. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: E.H. Hall of Windham, gets the coveted prize (?) of the County commissionership for three years from July next. The troops fought nobly and the Court-house brother was plenty.--Transcript.

317. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Rev. Mr. Chapman, the new rector of St. Phillips's Episcopal church, Putnam, occupied the pulpit last Sabbath, preaching ably and acceptably morning and evening. Mr. C. expects to remove his family to Putnam during the next two weeks. The society considers itself very fortunate in securing so ably a preacher and desirable pastor.

318. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Columbia.
A very pleasant party at Henry E. Lyman's last Friday afternoon and evening to meet Mrs. Spencer Lane of Woonsocket, a sister of Mrs. Lyman.
Mr. Hillhouse left home for Montville on Saturday.
School in Pine St. closed Friday third inst., Miss Lizzie Brown teacher, there were six pupils that had been neither tardy or absent during the term: Burdelle Downer, Sammie Little, Clarence Little, Howard W. Yeomans, Georgianna Downer, and Genevieve Little. This makes nine successive terms that Yeomans has not missed a day.
School in Hop River closed the same day, Henry Hunt instructor.
Eugene Latham moves from Hebron to Columbia to engage in the business of peddling milk.
Mrs. Geo. W. Thompson has a calla blossom and bud both springing from one bulb.
Mrs. Harriet Woodward is at Mrs. Viola Loomer's for a few days.

319. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Scotland.
Walter Palmer of Chicago is in town on a flying visit to his parents.
Over one hundred were present at the oyster supper at Jonathan Anthony's on Friday evening. Another party is in prospect. The proceeds are applied toward paying for preaching at the Howard Valley church.
Wm. Gates will sell at auction on the Thomas Webb farm, on Wednesday, March 15, at 10 o'clock 4 cows, some young cattle, sheep, swine, hens, farming tools, dairy utensils and household goods. If stormy, next fair day.
John Stone has bought the Lewis Gager farm of Samuel B. Sprague.
Lewis Burlingham is pulling down the old Charles Smith house. The site is a fine location for a nice house, and we hope Mr. Burlingham will put one on it.

320. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Mansfield Center.
All is quiet along the Avenue. Church street remarkably so. Some little signs of activity on the Boulevards when the Ashford teams pass through; otherwise the place is dull. The principal event of last week was the return of General Cummings's coachman from New York with a horse and carriage--a splendid turnout, and recently purchased for the General's use when he returns to his villa at the commencement of warm weather.
Vaccination is a pastime that has been indulged in to some extent lately. It takes kindly with both old and young, and parties who have tried it seem to be well satisfied with their experience and ask for no more at present.
A.K. Brown and J.D. Chaffee, commissioners on the bankrupt estate of Charles Campbell, met at the office of Judge Felton, Monday, March 6th, and adjusted the claims against the estate. W. W. Hyde, Esq., of Hartford, trustee, was also present. The estate will not pan out very cheerfully for the creditors. The liabilities are $26,374,81; estimated assets $1,200,00, and the percentage after paying expenses, will hardly go around for a Sunday contribution. Mr. Campbell undoubtedly has the means to cancel all these liabilities but he suddenly one night last fall decamped with his family, rather than go before a court and disclose with regard to his property and his whereabouts has not yet been ascertained. The financial difficulty in which Mr. Campbell was involved was caused by discrepancies found in his accounts of the settlement of his brother's estate, of which he was administrator, also in the investment of the proceeds. Mr. Campbell had always borne the reputation of being honest, but very close, and somewhat slack in the fulfillment of his promises. He was a distinguished member of the church at the Centre, and his sudden disappearance caused a general surprise throughout the community. He had at first the sympathy of a majority of the public, they thinking that the action brought against him was a matter of persecution but as facts came to light, brought out by investigations, and the decisions and findings of the highest courts were announced, the feelings and sentiments of commiseration have undergone a change and many that thought him innocent and incapable of wrong are reluctantly compelled in view of evidence to believe that like Ananias he kept back a part of the price. The farm and other property belonging to the estate of Mr. Campbell, will be sold at public auction, Friday, March 17th, C.A. Atkins, auctioneer. Sale positive without regard to weather.

321. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Baltic.
This community was startled early Monday morning with the announcement that Edward Ladd had committed suicide by hanging. It seems that his hired man called him early to ascertain who was to drive hearse that was to attend a funeral at Occum. Mr. Ladd arose and went down into his store. A short time after his wife in looking for him found him in the coal cellar suspending with a rope from a beam. He was dead. Mr. Ladd had been in the store and livery business here for over twenty years and was doing a prosperous business. Some years ago a twin brother of his committed suicide with laudnum in the same store. A jury was empanelled and a verdict rendered in accordance with the above facts.

322. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Chaplin.
Origen Bennett, auctioneer will sell at auction at the residence of Charles M. Backus, on Saturday, March 18th, a lot of goods such as are usually found in a country store, consisting of crockery, glass, stone, tin and wooden ware, brushes, tools, etc. If stormy next fair day. Sale to begin at 9 o'clock.

323. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Hampton.
David Greenslit, Auctioneer, will sell at the Gould Clark place at Goshen Station, on Wednesday, March 15th, at 9 o'clock, on horse, cow, six tons of hay, wagons, farming tools, household furniture etc. If stormy next fair day.

324. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Colchester.
Backus & Spaulding have leased the Colchester steam mill and have for sale various brands of flour, all kinds of grain, meal and feed, ground bone, phosphates, plaster and other fertilizers. They buy for cash, and propose to sell at a small margin. We predict a large trade for them.

325. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: The case of the will of Calvin Hall which was tried in June last before a jury at Tolland, the jury rendering a verdict against sustaining the will has been heard by the Supreme Court upon questions raised in the trial and a new trial granted. Mr. Hall was a Spiritualist and it was claimed by the contestants of the will that Mr. Hall was insane and that he was directed by spirits in making his will and that it was therefore void. Mr. Hall was a believer in Spiritualism, but was a man of large business capacity and remarkably shrewd in his business transactions. It is rather late in the day to set up the claim that a man is insane because he is a Spiritualist.

326. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Dissolution of Partnership. Willimantic, Conn., March 5th, 1882. The co-partnership heretofore existing between E. Perry Butts and William H. Pearce under the firm name and style of E. Perry Butts & Co., of Willimantic, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. Wm. H. Pearce is authorized to settle said business. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to make prompt payment to Wm. H. Pearce and all parties holding claims against said firm are requested to present same to him for payment within fifteen days.

327. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Sprague.
Mr. George H. Corey, who has resided in this town for quarter of a century, but has acted as superintendent of the Arctic mill in Rhode Island for a few months past, is about to leave this town for good; and the announcement is received with much regret. His wife is here temporarily on a visit. Mrs. Corey is a daughter of the late Samuel Miller, and sister of Profs. J.P. and H.L. Miller, Norwich musicians. She has been prominent in church and musical circles; and both she and her husband will be greatly missed. Mrs. Corey's mother, Mrs. Miller, will go the new home.

328. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Gurleyville.
Little news just about here, except that Mr. Chaffee has arrived with his horses from the north, and some of them we must say, are beauties.
Our representative, Doct. Chaffee, goes to Norwalk to spend the Sabbath.

329. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Andover.
About the usual amount of moving is expected to take place the first of April. Mr. Charles N. Loomis who has been living the past two years at the Edgar Kingsbury place now owned by Hon. L.J. Hendee, has bought the Alvord farm on Bolton hill and will soon remove there. Mr. Loomis has recently received a legacy of $5,000 by the will of the late C.H. Northam of Hartford, Mr. Wm. C. White of Bolton, has rented the Kingsbury farm, and will move there as soon as it is vacated by Mr. Loomis. Mr. Henry Jacobs will move into the house of Mr. S.H. Daggett, now occupied by Albert Seeley. Mr. Eugene Harris will soon remove to Meriden.
Gen. Hawley has recently sent to our library fifteen vols. of public documents. Some of them are of a very interesting character. Our library, from a small beginning three yeas ago, has grown to contain 330 volumes of books, and 60 magazines.
The Ladies Society met with Mrs. W.H. Bishop last week, owing to the muddy condition of the roads the attendance was not large. The meeting this week will be with Mrs. H.F. Standish, on Thursday evening, if stormy, Friday evening.

330. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Married.
Rallo-Gabel--In this village, March 5th, by the Rev. S.R. Free, Mr. Lewis M. Rallo to Miss Hattie M. Gabel, both of this city.

331. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Boarding House Wanted--A lady of experience in the keeping of boarders wishes to hire a boarding house either in this village or in any of the surrounding mill villages. Address Daniel Shirtliff, Warrenville, Conn.

332. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: Dissolution.--Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Lincoln & Smith, is by mutual consent this day dissolved. All bills outstanding against the firm and all collections for the firm will be settled by M.E. Lincoln, who will continue the business. M.E. Lincoln, Edgar A. Smith, Willimantic, Conn. Mar. 2d, 1882.

333. TWC Wed Mar 8 1882: The pretexts upon which some life insurance companies seek to evade payment of their policies are as numberless as they are notorious. There have been few more ingenious or barefaced than that set up by a Pennsylvania company which refused to pay the policy of a man who was drowned while bathing, on the ground that he had rashly exposed his life. Of course, the absurd plea was promptly overruled by the Court, but the incident shows the chicanery practiced by these companies. Presently they will be forbidding their policy-holders to eat, because men have been choked by food.

334. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: About Town.
A coating of paint has improved the appearance of Warren Tanner's building.
Misses May W. Burleson and Lucy P. Young of Jewett City have been visiting at Mr. T.R. Congdon's for a week.
George Rood of Windham has been west purchasing horses and will arrive home tomorrow with two car loads.
John Bowman has received his spring invoice of woolen cloths and is prepared to make up nobby suits that will fit perfectly.
W.H.H. Bingham has exchanged his property on Church street for the house and lot owned by Mrs. S.M. Glazier on the same street.
A building is being erected on the open lot on Church street opposite Bingham's box shops by D.,H. Clark which will be used by Joseph Flour for a blacksmith shop.
A.B. Holmes, dealer in fresh and pickled fish, has taken a partner in his business--Mr. W.J. Walden of Niantic,--and the firm name will hereafter be Holmes & Walden.

335. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: The aged lady, Mrs. Goldsborough, who had a leg broken on the night that the barn at the Methodist parsonage was burned by falling down an embankment, is able to be about on crutches.

336. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Cooley's Weekly says that fourteen of the girls lately employed in the Preston silk mill have gone to work in the Willimantic silk factory, of which Edwin Oldfield, formerly of Preston, has charge.

337. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: The Willimantic Farmer's club will meet at the residence of David H. Jacobs, Pleasant Valley, next Tuesday evening, March 21st. The subject to be discussed will be "the cultivation of fruit in New England," and everybody is invited.

339. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: A little daughter of Adelbert Clark fell on her face at the old blacksmith shop near the Natchaug house Monday and inflicted a severe and deep cut across her nose. The child was taken to the office Dr. McNally who sewed up the wound.

340. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: G.H. Harris & Son of Eagleville are building up a large business in the bone, phosphate, etc., which they manufacture. The experiment station awards to their fertilizers as high a standing as any made, and it is for the interest of the farmers in this section to know this.

341. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Mr. John Crawford of this village is coaching a dramatic society in Jewett City. The society have in rehearsal the play, "Michael Erle," in which Mr. Crawford takes the leading character, and also a play of minor merit. They will be brought out next Saturday and Monday evenings.

342. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: John Haggerty Jr., a government scout of Fort Custer, Montana, and son of John Haggerty of this place, was severely wounded in the head Feb. 28th, at Crow Butte, Montana, while carrying dispatches from Custer to Keough. He is now at Fort Custer and at last accounts was recovering.

343. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: William Gorry is putting a new engine and boiler into his iron and brass foundry.

344. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Ryan & Lynch have added to the collection of express wagons at the depot a substantial and handsome team.

345. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: A.T. Walker has sold his ice business to John G. Bill of Danielsonville, son-in-law of Mr. Lorin Lincoln of this place.

346. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: J.L. Hunter Esq., has been trying an important case for Connecticut parties for over a week in the superior court at Worcester.

347. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Michael O'Brien has bought out the clothes repairing shop of A. Wilson & Co. and will carry on the same business at the same place.

348. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Rev. S. McBurney is a diligent seeker after ancient coins and he has an extensive and valuable a private collection as can be easily found.

349. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Tiffany & Congdon received today a car-load of horses from the north and will be for sale at their place of business on Church street.

350. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Mrs. Van Cott, the revivalist, is announced to preach at the Methodist church one week from next Sunday, and she may, perhaps, hold a series of meetings here.

351. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Hunn & Co., druggist, of New Haven have engaged the fine store in Commercial block now occupied by Turner's dry goods store. Turner is selling out his goods cheap and will retire the first of May.

352. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: The little grand-children of Mr. A.B. Palmer, who have been so sick that the doctors thought it beyond possibility that they could recover, we are glad to say have the bright prospects of getting well.

353. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: The Courant says there is a man living in Willimantic who has seen seven living generations in his own family, viz: his great-grandfather, grandfather, father, himself, daughter, grand-daughter, great-grandson.

354. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Everett D.C. Card who has been studying medicine at the New York University for the past three years was last week graduated and received the degree of M.D. He has not yet fully decided where he will establish himself in practice.

355. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Landlord Hooker is making extensive improvements in the Brainard house and when they are completed the house will attract the public. Besides the re-arrangements of the first story into a more convenient shape, gas will be put in throughout the house which will be a great convenience.

356. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: A seven-year-old son of Chester Taylor fell from a car on the Linen Co's road on Monday afternoon, and one wheel passed over both legs below the knees, breaking the bones in one leg and making a terrible gash in the other. The little fellow was carried to his home on the Mansfield road, where Dr. I.B. Gallup rendered the necessary surgical aid.

357. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: To have everything in first-class shape is a characteristic of Mr. Isaac Sanderson, and he is applying this spirit with great energy to the National house which he has christened the "Sanderson House." When the inside improvements are completed it will be a perfect hotel. He has made arrangements to run a free hack from the depot and has engaged a store in Bassett bock for a sample room, all of which will be to the advantage of the traveling public. When all the houses get settled down to business Willimantic will boast of the best hotel facilities in proportion to her size in the state.

358. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Sigmund Thallenger is establishing a reputation, if it be not already established, for manufacturing ladies hair work of the very best quality. The work is all done at his own hair dressing rooms, and the material used all comes under his inspection. He sets forth just what those who are in need of hair work will be glad to read in another column.

359. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: J.W. Webb and A.R. Burnham of this place and G. Mathewson of Warrenville accompanied the Putnam Phalanx to Springfield Monday to attend a concert given in that city the proceeds of which were contributed to a fund for the erection of a monument in commemoration of the battle fought at Bennington, Vt., one hundred years ago.

360. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: E.T. Hamlin has leased the store in Opera House block now occupied by E. Perry Butts & Co., and will move his boot and shoe business to that location April 1.

361. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Geo. F. Taylor met with a severe accident last week Tuesday while testing the new saw recently put into the wood and coal yard of which he is the manager. A stick of wood was hurled from the saw, which is run by steam power, and struck his leg just below the knee inflicting a severe injury to the bone although not breaking it. He has since been confined in doors.

362. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: The Willimantic band loses two valuable members in the departure from this place of T.H. Rollinson and E.E. Fox, though we hope their absence will not cripple the band. The former, who has been the leader, has made an engagement with the Cadet band of Boston as cornet player, and will go there about May first; the latter, who was president of the band, has a situation in Northampton, Mass.

363. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: The subject of silos is engaging the thoughts of many of our people who are interested in agriculture, and a number of the farmers in this section are contemplating building on their farms. It is a subterraneous store made air tight, and in this are placed green cornstalks which are pressed by heavy weight and the nutriment preserved. This makes excellent food for cattle and is called ensilage.

364. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: The sturdy maples which in past years have adorned Main street along the front of Commercial block fell before the axe Saturday. These trees have been dying for some time from some unknown cause, as have also nearly all the trees along Union street. By some, the cause it attributed to the escaping gas from the mains coming in contact with the roots. Their loss is to be regretted.

365. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Mr. Giles Taintor, one of the wealthiest and most respected inhabitants of this town whose home was at Windham Centre, died at the Brevoort house in New York on Tuesday of last week at the advanced age of 80 years. He was born and reared in this town and after graduating from Yale college entered business in New York but retired after a few years. He spend the remainder of his life in summer at Windham and in winter in New York. He leaves two sons.

366. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Court House Question Concluded.--For the present the county seat imbroglio is settled. It came up in the House last Wednesday and was passed, and has since passed the senate and when it receives the signature of the governor will be law. The bill gives Windham and Brooklyn alternate terms of the court and this arrangement will not impose any tax on the county. In going through the House it provoked a discussion which lasted throughout the day, and the speeches made are said to have been the ablest of the session. The vote was decisively in favor of the bill. We are inclined to think that that part which relates to Willimantic will not hereafter be disturbed, but it is evident that the eastern part of the county is not satisfied. A Danielsonville correspondent says: "Considerable dissention is expressed at the manner of disposing of the court house question in the legislature last week. The people here cannot understand why they should be taken to Willimantic half of the terms in the year to attend court, when that borough does not, confessedly, accommodate over one sixth, or at most one ninth, of the business. In other words, five sixths of the business for the superior court is from the valley of the Quinebaug, and much better accommodated at Danielsonville or Putnam. Instead of this action of the legislature "settling the question," it is apparent that it will not thus down, but will come forward to trouble the general assembly next year, and there will be no peace on this question in Windham county until the great mistake of last week is corrected."

367. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Detection of a Band of Burglars.--The indications are that an extensive gang of robbers has been unearthed by Mr. David Greenslit of Hampton and that their rendezvous is in Eastford. How many the gang numbers has not yet been discovered but that there are more than have already been captured--which is three--there is little doubt. The last who has come within the grasp of the law, Mr. Copeland by name, is probably the leader and he has evaded prosecution until last week, although suspected as being in league, when he was arrested in Warrenville, at the house of a brother, on complaint of Detective Greenslit who had procured evidence of his guilt of four different indictable crimes. He had a preliminary hearing before a justice of the peace in Mansfield, Mr. Fenton we believe, last week and sufficient cause was found to bind him over for trial at the next term of the superior court at Tolland and he was committed to jail. The two others are respectively named, Benjamin Andrews and Daniel Lyon, and have been in durance vile for some time, the former having been tried and sentenced to one and a half years term in the state prison, and the latter still remains at Brooklyn it being the intention of the authorities to use him in the conviction of the rest of the gang.
For nearly a year the proprietors of country stores, and others as well, throughout the western part of the county have been troubled by burglars and their plunder in a number of instances has amounted to a considerable sum in value. Early in the autumn a burglary was committed in Pomfret, and shortly after the Matthewson Brothers' store at Warrenville was broken into and a large amount of good stolen. The other day these gentlemen were informed of the detection of Copeland, and surmising that he might have been interested in burglarizing their store called on Mr. Horace Spink, with whom he lived in Phoenixville, and demanded of Mrs. Spink the missing goods. At first she was reticent about the matter, but after being admonished that she would save herself trouble she allowed and assisted in a search of the house, and convincing evidence of Copeland's guilt was established by the recovery of goods which had been stolen from their store. Following closely on the heels of the second a third burglary was committed at Hampton Station when the post office and store was entered and an offence against the general government was committed. At the same time the marauders entered the railroad station and took from a trunk a suit of clothing valued at $50, belonging to the Rev. Ira A. Smith, of Milford, Mass., who was at that time supplying the pulpit at Hampton Hill. Their next objective point was the store of L.H. Hooker, at Mount Hope, in Mansfield, where they made a haul of forty watches and other merchandise aggregating the sum not far from $500 . This was their most important transaction and the disposition of the booty is what caused their downfall. About the same time they purloined a number of harnesses from the barn of Minor Grant, at the same place.
Mr. Hooker was not content to let his property go without making some exertion for its recovery, and immediately engaged Mr. David Greenslit of Hampton, who is something of a detective as well as a shrewd man, to discover if possible who were the perpetrators of the crime. A patient investigation revealed the facts above related and has been successful in uprooting a lawless band that has given much trouble and uneasiness to the country people of the county.

368. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: South Windham.
At the calico ball two weeks ago Mr. Kingsley was taken suddenly and severely ill, and the ball brought to an abrupt termination. Word has been received from him that he is much better, contradicting stories which were circulated here.
Many of our citizens will be glad to learn that Dr. Huntington has so far recovered from his recent illness that he is able to be around again.
Many cases of vaccination caused considerable sickness here which is now about over I believe.
Reuben Burgess is agent for the Ferguson bureau creamery which he has used for a sufficient time to become convinced of its excellence. He considers it superior of any which he has seen. Mr. Burgess' butter is always in demand here and I have heard many praises heaped upon it, so that if the result is any test of the means I should say the bureau was excellent.

369. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Columbia.
It is reported that L. King has sold the Madison Woodward farm to parties in New York.
School in West street closed last Friday, Miss Porter of Hebron, teacher.
Charles Robinson lost his mare "Old Slip," last Thursday from an aggravated attack of kidney disease.
John Hammond of South Coventry, is in town this week soliciting for a firm in Geneva, N.Y.
Nathan K. Holbrook recently delivered an essay before the Hebron Literary association.
Mrs. Royal Thompson is seriously ill from an attack of pneumonia.
Albert E. Brown is engaged to teach the school in north district for the summer term.
Mrs. W.H. Yeomans leaves town this week for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Prince in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Mrs. J.E.H. Gates a victim for many years of consumption, died at her residence on Sunday.

370. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: South Coventry.
Mrs. Daniel Chaplin of Moosup has been visiting friends in the village.
Mrs. L.S. Day is spending a few days in New Haven.
At about 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, a dull heavy report was heard sounding through the village, and in a moment many were hurrying their way to the Phoenix Metallic Cartridge Co's works, as an explosion in their loading building had caused the alarm. The building is a small structure about twenty-five feet square one story high, and is used expressly for charging the cartridges with powder and ball. At the time of the explosion there were six persons at work in the building, and Mr. Eli Corey, was sitting near the stove, yet not one person was hurt which was truly miraculous. Mr. H.M. Waters who has charge of the building was thrown by the force of the explosion, upon the floor underneath the bench, Mr. W. is the same who was burned so badly in a similar explosion one year ago the 18th, inst. The damage done to the building will not exceed $100, nor will the accident impede the filling of the many orders with which the Co. are pressed at present.

371. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Lebanon.
In response to an invitation extended by the Bozrah band, the Literary association of Goshen gave an entertainment in Fitchville hall, Tuesday evening, the 7th. The evening was favorable and a large and attentive audience was present. After the entertainment an excellent supper was provided for the association by the band. Mr. Drowne, superintendent of the mill, won the sincere thanks of all the members by the many kindnesses shown them during their short stay in the place.
Sweet & Bill, who have been using a belt saw in their lumber mill, have laid it aside and put in a circular saw; the former did very true and smooth work, but running on a wheel not large enough, broke too often for profit. A considerable quantity of logs is waiting the successful going of the mill.
E.A Buck, & Co., of Willimantic have bought the timber on a number of acres of woodland in the north part of the town, and having set up a steam mill are extensively engaged in cutting timber. The present owners of timber land may derive advantage from the cutting off of the growth on it, but those who come after them and the country generally are sure to suffer seriously from the passion for denuding the land of forests.
William Lyman Huntington has sold his farm to Ludlow Lyman, has advertised an auction for the sale of farm implements and stock, and designs soon to start for the west.
Ezekiel H. Browning and Welcome H. Larkin will sell at auction on Monday, March 10, at 10 o'clock, on the farm owned by Mr. Browning on Babcock Hill, ten cows, horse, farming tools and machinery, dairy utensils, household furniture, etc. If stormy, next fair day.

372. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Mansfield. Chestnut Hill.
Mr. C.H. Andrews is building a barn while W.H. Barrows is newly covering his house and is now getting timber together preparing to move and raise his barn up so as to get a cellar under it, and thereby save the liquid manure which with him as with other farmers now largely goes to waste. If Mr. Barrows continues to have his health he will be a living witness to the fact that young men of temperate and industrious habits can run in debt four thousand dollars for a New England farm and pay for it from the products of the farm in fifteen years time.
There was a pleasant gathering at the residence of Mr. George Hibbard near the city last Friday evening. It was supposed by most of those present it was to be a surprise party, and many learned the fact at Mr. Hibbard's that it was the fortieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard. Some few who knew this fact brought them presents and many others would have done so had they known. It was a very pleasant party and the presence of Rev. Mr. Chaplin and estimable lady is no wise dampened the order for plays of the young people, while the older members of the gathering held social converse and talked of men and events long past and gone. We heard one gray-haired man congratulating Mr. Hibbard how well he carried his age, and thought "he did not appear so sleepy as he did forty years ago tonight." A bountiful oyster supper was served, while the table fairly groaned under the weight of the beautifully frosted and ornamented cake brought by the ladies. Fully seventy sat down to supper and there was an abundance and to spare. It was the hope of all present that Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard should live in good health to celebrate their Golden wedding.

373. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Brooklyn.
Not as much moving in B this spring as usual. Mrs. Holbrook and her son-in-law Mr. Byron Bingham will occupy the Davis Williams place. Mr. Edwin Stanley has hired parts of the Ben Palmer house and will move his family in the first of April.
Mr. H.M. Cleaveland and family returned last Saturday eve.
Mr. Vine Franklin will take possession of the homestead farm the first of April.
Rev. E.S. Beard exchanged with Rev. Mr. Carr of Danielsonville.
The Brooklyn band reorganized last Friday night. Mr. John Williams was chosen leader. With new instruments in new music, they will endeavor to surpass their efforts of last season.

374. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: A Singular Burglary--$7,500 in government bonds alleged to have been stolen--A hitherto respected and upright citizen arrested, tried, and the jury failed to agree.--Criminal proceedings repeatedly interrupted by the prisoner's attempt to escape. As the first regular session of court under the new law regulating the holding of courts in Windham county was held in Danielsonville Thursday, March 9th, and commenced with an exciting criminal trial, the event worthy of mention. It seems by the complaint as read by the prosecuting attorney was against an exemplary and highly respected citizen for burglary and robbery to the amount of $7,550. The trial began in school hall last Thursday. The state was represented by Messrs. John C. Bassett, and Frank B. Williams, of Danielsonville, and the counsel for the prisoner were Messrs. Frank D. Sanger of Canterbury, and Fred E. Bitgood of Danielsonville. After much delay in challenging and rejecting jurors on account of relationship and expressed sympathy for the prisoner finally a jury was empanelled.

375. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: The schools on the Brooklyn side in the borough closed last week with much deserved credit to teachers and scholars. The school under Mr. Wm. F. Palmer of Webster, a graduate of Williams college, has been satisfactory to the committee, parents, and scholars.

376. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Warrenville.
Rev. P. Mathewson preached a good sermon in the Baptist church last Sabbath afternoon. He has so far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to supply any church now desiring his services. He has wrought well for the master, and may future years of usefulness be granted him.

377. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Died.
Hughes--In Hampton, Mar. 11, Doctor Dyer Hughes, aged 84 years.
Bosworth--In Willimantic, Mar. 11th, Lucretia Bosworth, aged 76 years.
Gates--In Columbia, Mar. 13, Lucinda M., wife of J.E.H. Gates, aged 67 years.

378. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: Collector's Notice--All persons liable by law to pay Taxes in the Town of Ashford, on list of 1881, are hereby notified that I will meet them at the Hotel of Dyer H. Clark, April 8th, 1882, from 9 a.m. to 12 m., and at the house of Ezra L. Knowlton on said day from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. At the store of Henry Richmond, Westford, April 10th, 1882, from 9 a.m. to 12 m., and at the house of Barnum B. Pierce, on said 10th day from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. for the purpose of receiving said taxes. John A. Murphy. Ashford, March 15, 1882.

379. TWC Wed Mar 15 1882: The three Indian scouts who took part in the treacherous attack on General Carr's troops last September, and who were since sentenced to death, were hanged at Fort Grant, Arizona.

380. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: About Town.
Warren Tanner has a desirable store to rent.
Obliged to Hon. John T. Wait for Washington papers.
A handsome lot of western horses were received by Geo. Rood of Windham on Monday.
J.D. Jillson will sell his good at auction on Thursday, March 30th at 10 o'clock a.m.
The annual Fast Day proclamation has been issued by Gov. Bigelow and designates Friday April 7th as the day to be observed.
The proprietors of the skating rink Baker & Webster, will introduce that amusement into Colchester next Friday evening.
Edward Harris will remove his meat market to the vacant store on Union street formerly occupied by John Bowman the merchant tailor.
James E. Hayden has been appointed to the position in the Willimantic Cemetery Association formerly filled by the late Allen Lincoln.
Prof. Billings, the renowned fancy roller skater, suddenly took leave of this village Monday morning, and also of a miscellaneous collection of unpaid bills.

381. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Herbert French, inspector of agencies for the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine company, with headquarters at Philadelphia, is at home on a short visit.

382. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Louis Helm has disposed of his barber shop to John Harrington and will return to Stafford Springs and take charge of a livery stable which he has bought.

383. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: The store to be vacated by E.T. Hamlin, boot and shoe dealer, in McAvoy's block, will be occupied by Brennan & Clune, in the same business, and theirs in turn will be occupied by A.W. Turner, jeweller.

384. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: H.A. Adams, acting town clerk, may boast of the handsomest abstract that has been prepared for the town; and that is saying a great deal, for there are others which are handsome.

385. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Landlord Hooker prepared a sumptuous banquet today for the entertainment of the silk manufacturers invited to the exhibition of new inventions in silk machinery at W.G. & A.R. Morrison's machine shops.

386. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: F.J. Sawtelle the Providence architect who advertises in this paper has done considerable work for Willimantic parties satisfactorily. He is a brother of the amiable doctor at Pomfret who formerly practiced in this place.

387. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: William C. Jillson has nearly completed extensive improvements upon his mill property at Hop River that will cost about $8,000. Besides erecting a large tenement house he has built a capacious brick addition to his mill and put in an engine and boiler to supply power in case of insufficient or excess of water, and also for ___ting purposes. The Hop River warp company has now a valuable property.

388. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Landlord Sanderson, of the Sanderson house, drives a stylish coupe between the depot and his house for the convenience of his transient guests.

389. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Rev. S.R. Free, of the Congregational church, is on a few days leave of absence. Rev. S. McBurney, of the Methodist church, will supply his pulpit in the meantime.

390. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: A lot of surplus household goods belonging to A.A. Burnham, of Hotel Commercial, were disposed of by Auctioneer Fox on Railroad square Saturday afternoon.

391. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: R.J. McNally, formerly connected with silk thread manufacturing companies in this section and now superintendent of a large thread concern in Montreal, has been spending a few days in town with friends.

392. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Baker & Webster will give a calico party at the rink Thursday evening, march 30th. The rink will be open Saturday, afternoon and evening, this week.

393. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Isaac Champlin, of Liberty Hill, shows us a coin dated 1707 which he plowed from out the ground on the farm now owned by Chas. Larrabee, of Windham, on the day of President Harrison's death, forty-one years ago, and he has carried it constantly since that time. It is a silver piece of Spanish money very similar in appearance to other ancient coins, and in value is about twenty cents. It was perhaps dropped by the soldiers who encamped there in the time of the revolution.

394. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Frank F. Webb, of the clothing firm of Baldwin & Webb, has the plans an specifications for a new house which he will have built this spring on the lot recently purchased by him of Messrs. Buck and Lincoln on Prospect hill. The plans call for one of the handsomest houses in the village, and were drawn by F.J. Sawtelle of Providence. The tendency in the building of private dwellings seems to rather favor that locality on account of the pure, bracing air and healthy surroundings.

395. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: The public feeling in Mansfield regarding the case of Charles Campbell, who some time ago absconded to escape the payment of a judgement to recover from him about $25,000, seems to demand a clear exposition of the facts in order to eradicate the impression that an injustice has been done to him. Accordingly, to satisfy the large number of Chronicle readers in that town, we have prepared at a great amount of labor and public elsewhere an article setting forth the exact circumstances.

396. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: For about four years Mr. W.G. Morrison, of the firm of W.G. & A.R. Morrison, has been exercising his inventive genius to produce improved machines for the manufacture of silk thread that would be for the advantage of manufacturers and he has at last perfected two machines which it seems must revolutionize the old methods. One is a combination doubler and spinner which will perform the work heretofore requiring two machines. The other unites the matching and twisting processes. It will therefore be seen that the services of two machines are dispensed with and consequently half the number of hand will be required to operate them. It is claimed that the introduction of these inventions will save about twenty per cent in the manufacture of sewing silk, and if this is so it is a self-evident fact, they must come into universal use. An invitation has been extended to nearly all the prominent silk men in the country to witness the operation of these machines at the Morrison machine shops today, (Wednesday) and pass their judgment. The inventions will be patented as early as convenient, and we hope their manufacture will swell this worth concern into mammoth proportions.

397. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: A necessity which sooner or later must be attended to is the building of a sewer through Valley street which will be capable of carrying of the large amount of water that accumulates in the street on every occurrence of a heavy rain. A number of instances have happened in that vicinity when damage to a considerable extent has been accomplished by an excess of water which could not escape. There is objection by parties owning land near the Congregational church to having the street drainage turned on to their property and a water course made through it. The peculiar situation of Valley street makes it a receptacle for all the refuse water from its surrounds and this is particularly objectionable on account of the lack of a proper conduit. Apropos of the apparent demand for some sort of remedy in this matter the question of constructing a sewer was brought before the court of burgesses a fortnight since and a committee was appointed to investigate and suggest some feasible plan of meeting the requirement. We append to the report of the last burgess meeting the report of this committee which will commend itself to the good judgement of practical men. It was prepared by Warden Baldwin with the cooperation of Burgess Miller, and reveals the fact that this borough has had a head officer who is master of the situation. The borough will be called upon sometime to express its opinion relative to the matter.

398. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: It is rumored that there will be a new co-partnership in one of our lumber and coal firms about the first of April. Mr. C.L. Boss, head bookkeeper at the Linen company's office, will go into company with M.E. Lincoln, and together they will make one of the strongest business firms. The withdrawal of Mr. Boss from the employ of the Linen company will leave in the line of promotion to the vacant position Mr. Henry R. Lincoln. We shall be glad to see Mr. Lincoln occupying so good a position for he has been a faithful attache of the company for many years and is one of our best young men.

399. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: At a meeting of the court of burgesses held at their office on Monday evening, the following business was transacted: Voted to accept the bond of Luke Flynn as collector of Borough taxes. The following bills were ordered paid: G.W. Burnham, $7.50, Casey & Finnegan, $9.00, L.E. Baldwin, $27.15. Voted that the Warden be instructed to obtain prices for teams and men for such as may be needed for work on Borough roads the coming season and report to the next meeting. The committee appointed at the last meeting to investigate and estimate the cost of a sewer on Valley street made their report which was accepted and ordered published. Voted to adjourn to Monday evening Mar. 27th, at 7 o'clock.

400. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: A narrow escape was that at the Main street railroad crossing where a man, woman and horse came so near losing their lives last Thursday afternoon. Mr. K. Mitchell, of Warrenville, and Mrs. Harriet Harvey of the same town, were driving up Main street and when near the crossing a switching train compelled the driver to stop and wait until it had passed. When the passage was again open he started to cross supposing that the headway was clear for him. The flagman admonished him that the train would return immediately and that there was danger, but on the other hand the brakeman was waving a signal to the engineer and this was interpreted by the man in the wagon for him to proceed and he did so regardless of the flagman. The train came back at rapid speed and just as the wagon was about to leave the track it was struck by a car and thrown a number of yards down the side of the track. Man, woman and horse were commingled in the all but total wreck of the wagon and it was with difficulty they were extricated. The woman was bruised about the head and her foot was quite badly crushed, and was taken into a neighboring house where physicians attended her. Although the railroad is in no way responsible for the occurrence of this accident, the fact is that both that crossing and the one on Union street should be more securely guarded. We would suggest to the borough authorities that they invite the railroad company to construct such gates as are in use at dangerous crossings elsewhere.

401. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Andover.
Prof. Turner closed his singing school here Saturday evening.
Nathaniel Kinsbury from Coventry, has moved into H.B. Bailey's house on the old paper mill place.
Mr. E.S. Button will soon remove his family to Waterbury where he is employed on the N.Y. and N.E. railroad.
The noon express Friday, set a fire on Mrs. A.F. Brighams land a little west of station. The wind was blowing a gale, and the fire spread with great rapidity for a time, but a number of our citizens rallied and after about one hour of pretty vigorous work succeeded in stopping it. Among those doing efficient service were Mr. H.A. Brown a gentleman over eighty years of age, Masters Eddie Yeomans and Eddie Backus. Another fire started the same afternoon, a little further up the line, but was soon put out by the section men.
A number of horse sheds are being erected near the Baptist church; a much needed improvement.

402. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: North Windham.
Mr. L.M. Hartson is lengthening the ell of his house, his increasing family demanding more room.
M.A. Bates commenced his school at Bricktop on Monday.
Miss J.M. Peck is spending her vacation at home.
We are sorry to state that Mr. J.H. Edmond, has removed his family to Mansfield Hollow.
Mr. Samuel Chappell is making extensive alterations upon his house, situated on the Chaplin road.

403. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Warrenville.
Miss Celia Coates long a resident of this place, and universally esteemed and beloved, passed quietly and peacefully away to her heavenly home on Sabbath afternoon last after a long illness, at the advanced age of seventy-six years. Everybody loved "Aunt Celia" as she was familiarly called.

404. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Farmers' club will meet with D.H. Jacobs Tuesday evening next, March 28, by postponement. Subject, fruit culture.

405. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Mansfield Center.
The farm known as the Peter Campbell place was sold at public auction last Friday, March 17th. Ralph W. Storrs of Spring Hill was the purchaser, and he has since sold the part with the buildings, lying east of the road, leading from Mansfield Center to Chaffeeville, to T. Walter Barrows of the Center. The farm belonged to the trusteed estate of Charles Campbell who is an absconding debtor to the full extent and meaning of the law. Price paid, $1,175, and is reckoned by many to be a good bargain.
Judge I.P. Fenton of the Center has recently returned from a trip to northern New York where he has been buying furs, apples and potatoes, and will receive a car load of the tubers this week at Willimantic from Malone, (the home of ex-Vice President Wheeler). They are of the Early Rose and Prolific varieties and have been selected with care, and a part of them are for planting. Last season Mr. Fenton shipped a few of the Early Rose from the same place, and those that planted them side by side with the home seed found a large and wife difference both in quantity and quality. The Northern seed yielding abundantly, the same as it used to when the variety was first introduced and the quality was the same, they were smooth and large and in every respect superior to those raised from home seed. This was tested by several different places and the result was the same in every case. This is undoubtedly the result of changing seed and by bringing it from a section so far north, it would naturally improve in this vicinity. Mr. Fenton, at the request of several farmers and raisers about here, has shipped the present load mainly for planting purposes and they will be fore sale as soon as they arrive at Willimantic.
The Commissioners on the estate of W.S. Eaton, (deceased) have closed their labors and given their decision, and in allowing claims got up expressly for the occasion and duly sworn to, also those of the administrator presented as a offset, the commissioners have perhaps done the wisest thing they could do under the circumstances. And it is not yet definitely known how much will be left to be divided among the heirs after paying debts and expenses.

406. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Scotland.
There was a kitchen dance at the old Bingham house in Brunswick last Friday night, Gurdon Cady, prompting.
Mr. Challenger of Baltic, has leased the hotel property in this village, and Mr. Hughes has advertised his effects for sale at auction
It is said that Hiram Parkhurst has bought a fish and fruit market in Norwich, and will open business there soon.
The old Charles Smith house has been demolished, and only the bottoms of the chimneys, plastered with clay mixed with hay, remains. They were built before mortar and hair became fashionable.
David Wilson Jr. is to improve the Gallup place, for several years occupied by Alfred Simonds. Mr. Simonds is to move to Babcock Hill, near South Windham.
Wm. Gates is to move to Hampton Hill, to live with his father-in-law, Joel Searles.
A.F. Hebard has been laid up for two weeks with inflammatory rheumatism.
Preparatory to moving to Willimantic, Alfred W. Carey will sell at auction on Friday, March 31, at his residence at 11 o'clock, two cows, wagons, farming tools, household furniture, etc. If stormy sale next fair day.

407. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Columbia.
Nathan K. Holbrook is expected to appear with a new business wagon. It will be a good one and as inquiries will probably be made regarding its source we will say it will be from Charles Collins' shop.
John Davenport has been ill for some days threatened with pneumonia.
For about a week past James L. Downer has been engaged in inside painting and papering Oliver Fox's house, and now he is to commence upon the outside of his barn. Mr. Fox knows how to keep things in order.
Lyman E. Clark was engaged last week in renovating and repairing and basement of his house near the post office, preparatory to being occupied by Geo. B. Fuller.
Mrs. William H. Yeomans still continues her visit to New York, Brooklyn and vicinity.
John K. Hammond is doing a very satisfactory business in the line of his agency for nursery stock and flowering shrubs. If the originals compare with the picture representations he has some beauties on his list.
Howard W. Yeomans spent a little time last week soliciting subscribers for the Farm and Home, a sprightly and very readable monthly agricultural and homepaper published by the Phelps Publishing Co. of Springfield, Mass., and as a result, sent up a good list of subscribers.
Lucian H. Leonard, of Hebron, who has usually run a meat wagon through Columbia, states that in consequence of the great scarcity of beef, he shall not take his cart out before about the first of August.
N.P. Little is getting a bill of seven inch plank, which is rather unwielding stuff to handle.
H.B. Frink is so situated that he accommodates, such as desire it with suppers on the evenings of the dances. Last week his table was set out with oranges Verily Horace knows how to do it.

408. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: The First Live Stock in the United States. The following account of the first importation of live stock into the United States is taken from an old copy of the Irish Farmers' Gazette: In 1610 four cows and a bull were, after a long and dangerous passage by sailing vessel, landed in Virginia from Ireland. These were the first domestic cattle seen in America. In 1625 eighteen eyes and two rams were introduced as a novelty into New York by the Dutch West Indian company. The first horses landed in any part of North America were carried over to Florida by Cabeca de Vaca in 1527; they all perished. The wild horses found on this plains of Texas and the Western prairie are probably descendants of the Spanish horses abandoned by De Soto. In 1625 part of the trade of the Dutch West India company was the carrying of horses from Flanders to New York, and that year six mares and a horse were safely transported from France to America. The London company were the first exporters of swine from Britain to America; and in the year 1621 they carried on their vessels no less than eighty-four, which were all, on landing, allowed to roam at large, and feed and fatten on the mast, which was very abundant in the woods. They increased so fast that in 1627 the colony was in danger of being overrun with them; but the Indians acquiring a taste for fresh pork, and the novelty of hunting hogs, that calamity was averted .So important was it considered at that time that the cattle, horses and sheep introduced into the infant colony should be allowed to increase, that the governor issued an order prohibiting the killing of domestic animals of any kind, on pain of death to the principal, and to the aider, abettor or accessory. In 1739 horned cattle, horses and sheep had increased to 30,000. In 1879 there were over 40,000,000 sheep, 30,000,000 cattle (of which over 12,000,000 were milch cows), 15,000,000 horses, 2,000,000 mules and 30,000,0000 swine in the United States.

409. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: The propriety of rising when the "hymn before sermon" is sun is suggested by a writer in one of the religious journals, on the ground that "it gives relief to the muscles and fits one the better to listen to the sermon."

410. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Canterbury.
There is quite an exodus going on from the young men of our town seeking employment.
Dea. A.C. Green and son left on Tuesday for Illinois.
Wendell Waldo and James Appley leave on Monday for Big Springs, Nebraska. Mr. Waldo returns to his business in cattle on the plains. Mr. Appley goes on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Walrath, who went to that region visiting in 1881.
The telegraph conveyed the news last week of the death of young Will Thompson in Kansas of diphtheria. He had been in that state some two years or more. He has a mother in this town to mourn his loss.
Mr. Charles Pellett, in the vigor of manhood, is dangerously ill. His family and relations have the sympathy of very many friends.
Dr. George I. Ross is soon to occupy his new residence.

411. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Lebanon.
Eggs are worth a cent a piece; likewise potatoes.
Some of our farmers are having bad luck with their pigs. Eldridge Brewster has lost fifteen, Benajah Barker also recently lost a litter of fourteen; and, we learn that others about town have been equally unfortunate. The prospect is, that early pigs will be scare, and command high prices.
The Johnson Brothers are about to move their steam saw mill in Exeter, to a timber lot belonging to Daniel E. Abell at Brownsville near Williams' pond.
Sweet & Bill's steam mill at the Center, operates successfully and satisfactory since exchanging their band saw for a circular.
E.N. Hinckley's mill, although one of the old-fashioned, up and down, pod auger kind, has its share of patronage and is now doing some heavy work for Isaac G. Avery. Mr. Hinckley has some things to console and make him happy as he contemplates the more rapid work of his competitors; his saw seldom breaks, his boiler never bursts.

412. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Danielsonville.
Thursday evening the "Fan Drill" was given by thirteen of our village belles with much satisfaction and much amusement. The fan language of flirtation and coquetry is by no means a dead language. It is a very lively language and probably will never fall into such disuse as to become obsolete while youth and beauty grace and bless the world by their presence.
On Friday evening was given the popular "Broom Drill." There should be a law forbidding the "coming young woman" acquiring such rapid and precise use of the broom. As a household article of legitimate domestic use the broom is valuable, but when transformed into a semi-military weapon in the hands of an active young woman intent on household supremacy the confiding but erring young man may well tremble and seek peace in escape or submission.
The evening's entertainment concluded with the musical symphony of "The Sleigh Ride." This pleasing musical novelty was happily suggested by Mrs. Dr. Graves and under the always successful leadership of Prof. Marcus Wood of Dayville, was highly appreciated.
The most valuable prize in the list was an oil painting by Mr. L. Monroe Card of this Borough. This prize was drawn by Mr. J.H. Potter, Esq., correspondent of the Bulletin. The next most valuable prize, an oil painting of President Garfield, was drawn by the correspondent of the Willimantic Chronicle. These two prizes were valued at $25 and $15, respectively. Very good luck on two very modest but deserving men.

413. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Mansfield.
As the matter of Charles Campbell's sudden absconding from Mansfield, in order to avoid, it is said, an examination into his affairs before the Probate Court to ascertain whether he has property to satisfy a judgment obtained against him in connection with his management of his brother's estate, has created considerable interest hereabouts and as we have received the record bearing upon the case, we publish a part of it. It was claimed that Campbell had dealt dishonestly with the estate, and an action was commenced by the deceased brother's wife to recover what it was claimed Campbell had wronged the estate out of. The case was sent by the U.S. Circuit Court to a Master,--Henry E. Taintor Esq., of Hartford, --to examine and take an account of the transaction.

414. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Born.
Newell--In Willimantic, Feb. 24th, a daughter of Frank and Sarah Newell.

415. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Died.
Thayer--In Troy, N.Y., March 14th, Herbert E. Thayer, formerly of South Coventry, aged 22 years. Killed by the cars.
Daigle--In Willimantic, March, 22d, Joseph Daigle, aged 37 years.

416. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: At a Court of Probate holden at Canterbury, within and for the District of Canterbury, on the 18th day of March, A.D., 1882. Present, M.H. Sanger, Esq., Judge. This Court doth direct Elias Bennett, Administrator on the estate of Elias C. Bennett, late of Canterbury, in said district, deceased, to appear, (if they see cause) before the Court of Probate to be holden at the Probate Office in said district, on the 1st day of April, 1882, at 1 o'clock P.M., to be heard relative to the appointment of Commissioners on said estate, by posting said order of notice on a public sign post in said town of Canterbury, nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt, had by advertising the same in a newspaper published in Willimantic. Certified from Record. M.H. Sanger, judge.

417. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: To Rent--The centrally located and commodious store located at the corner of Main and North streets. Apply to Warren Tanner.

418. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Andover.
We wish through this medium to thank our kind friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in our recent loss by fire. May He who alone can reward, reward you fully, is the wish of Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Walker. Ashford, Conn., March 18, 1882.

419. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Auction-Will be sold at Public Auction on Thursday, March 30th, 1882, at 10 o'clock a.m., on the farm occupied by J.D. Jillson, on Babcock Hill, Coventry, Conn., the following named articles: 9 cows, 1 horse, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 one-horse four wheeled tip cart, nearly new, 1 two-seated express-wagon, 1 two-seated sleigh, 1 pair of heavy double harnesses, 2 single light harnesses, 1 corn sheller, 1 grindstone and bench rakes, shovels, ploys and farming tools. Also have some household furniture and other articles too numerous to mention. Everything to be sold without reserve. If said day too stormy, the sale will take place the next fair week day. J.D. Jillson. Origen Bennett, Auctioneer. So. Coventry, Conn., March 16, 1882.

420. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: At A Court of Probate Holden at Windham, within and for the District of Windham on the 25th day of February A.D., 1882. Present, Huber Clark, Esq. Judge. On motion of John L. Hunter, administrator on the estate of George W. Allen late of Windham within said district deceased. This court doth decree that six months be allowed and submitted for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the Administrator, and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Windham, and by posting a copy thereof on a public signpost in said town of Windham nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record. Huber Clark, Judge.

421. TWC Wed Mar 22 1882: Farm, Store and Tenement to Rent. The Farm known as the Metcalf Place, also the Store and Tenement lately occupied by Henry E. Knowlton, now deceased. The above property will be rented low to good tenants. For particulars, call on or address: Mrs. Hattie S. Knowlton, West Ashford, Conn.

422. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: About Town.
Town Clerk Wales is convalescent and has been out of doors.
The store in Turner's block on Church street occupied by Striby's bakery, is being divided and made into two.
The tracts of land opposite Lewis' nursery on Jackson street has been divided into building lots and they are offered for sale.
A Kindergarten school will be opened in Commercial block next Monday, April 3d, under the tuition of Miss Alice Medbury.
John E. Rollinson has resigned his position in the grocery department of the Linen company's store with the intention of accepting a situation as bookkeeper in a Naugatuck firm about the first of April.

423. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: There will be a special communication of Eastern Star lodge No. 44 at their lodge room Friday the 31st inst., at 2 p.m. The lodge will convene for the purpose of joining Warren lodge No. 50 in the burial of Bro. Stuteley M. Sweet.

424. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Messrs W. and J.E. Hayden have purchased the William Hosmer property on Pleasant street and the price reputed to have been paid for it is $12,000. The purchase included the residence, buildings and house lot lately occupied by the family of Jas. Martin, the deceased sexton, and about ninety acres of land available for wood, pasturage and building lots, and last fronting on Pleasant street. Around the base of Hosmer mountain, which is part of the property are numerous valuable springs, many of which are now used for supplying water to residences in the vicinity.

425. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Inspector Newcomb of the U.S. Mail service was in town yesterday shadowing a fellow supposed to be implicated in a recent post office burglary in this state.

426. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Dr. Hamlin desires to inform those in want of first class dental work that he personally attends to all desiring his professional services. He would also say that he has a thoroughly educated first class assistant, Dr. C.E. Strong, who is second to none as an operator. The best of materials always used and all work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction.

427. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: We are glad to announce that Mr. C.L. Bottom, who is so well and favorably known here, and who made and lost a fortune in the silk business at Conantville, again sees his way clear to enter into the manufacture of silk thread in company with a gentleman at Springfield. We hope he may be successful as he certainly deserves to be. The new inventions in machinery just perfected by W.G. & A.R. Morrison have been shipped to his mill.

428. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: A Board-Bill Jumper in Limbo.--A ripple of excitement was caused Saturday by the announcement that Sheriff Pomeroy and Sanford Comins had that morning arrived from Norwich having in custody a person supposed to be implicated in the numerous burglaries of last week. The prisoner came to this village on Tuesday of last week and registered in an illegible hand the name of J. Harkins. He remained about the town until Friday morning and in the meantime solicited work about the town as a slater and obtained a number of jobs. He took his departure clandestinely Friday morning and was tracked from this place to South Windham. There after finishing a small job which he had obtained he bought a ticket for Yantic, but it was ascertained that he did not leave the train at that place but continued to Norwich. Messrs. Pomeroy and Comins followed him to that city and gave to the police a description of the fellow which was forthwith communicated to all officers on duty. Shortly afterwards the information came to police headquarters that a man answering the description had been seen. A visit was made to all the public houses in the city and as they were about to enter the last house, which was of ill repute, the man Harkins was just returning from a dance and avowed his intention to keep them company by saying that he "had as soon take a glass of beer with them as anybody." He was arrested and taken to the station house and brought to this place by the early morning train. He was arraigned before justice Arnold Saturday at 2 o'clock nominally on the charge of defrauding Landlord Hooker out of the price of three days board, but in reality to extort if possible some remark which might lead to the detection of the Thursday night robbers. He however proved too wily for prosecuting attorney Hall and nothing was elicited but a disjoined outline of his transactions during his stay here. His testimony served to fasten to him the suspicion that he was an accomplice in the robberies, especially as he refused to satisfactory explain a number of mysterious movements. The justice found him guilty of an attempt to defraud the hotel keeper and sentenced him to thirty days in the county jail from which his lawyer J.J. Dempsey, Esq., took an appeal and the bonds were fixed at $100. Having no friends or collateral here he was conveyed to Brooklyn Saturday evening. He is in appearance about thirty, of light complexion and a mustache, of medium height and stout, wire built, and hails from Providence.

429. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: A Victim of That Crossing.--It ought not require any argument to convince the railroad companies that their depot is located in an extremely dangerous place to be reached by the traveling public. The accidents which have occurred from crossing this network of railroads have, perhaps, been comparatively few; but this fact is doubtless owing to the great caution which is naturally observed in traversing so dangerous a place. Stuteley M. Sweet, a well to do and respected farmer of South Coventry, was caught on his passage to the depot Monday morning between freight cars and fatally crushed. He was on his way to see a sick brother who resides in Washington, R.I., and had walked down from his farm intending to take the 10:35 a.m. train for that place. After whiling away what surplus time he had, about the village, he passed down the west side of Railroad street en route for the depot just before the arrival of the train he was intending to take. The switching train was employed about the crossing sifting cars to and fro and at the instant Mr. Sweet reached the tracks had detached two cars leaving a narrow opening. He evidently supposed the train had finished its work at this point, and was going to haul away from the detached cars and he endeavored to pass through the open space. He stepped upon the track, not aware of the approach of the returning train until it was too late. He was caught between the bunters just above the hips and crushed. When taken up he was thought to be in a dying condition and at one time his breathing could not be detected. Dr. Hills was called to the freight office where he had been removed and after an examination directed that he be carried to his office. All the aid that it was possible for physicians to render was administered but after lingering five hours in terrible agony he died at 3:15 p.m. A postmortem, at which were present Drs. Hills, Bennett, Cotton, Fox and Jacobs, revealed the fatal cause. It was found that while there was not bone broken, a bruise or a scratch, and not even a discoloration of the skin the smaller intestine was completely severed and the mesentery badly lacerated. The immediate cause of death was internal hemorrhage. His family was informed of the accident and were with him two hours before he breathed his last, up to which time he was conscious. The body was removed to his home. The deceased leaves a wife, three sons and a daughter, the last the wife of Judge Dwight Webler, of Coventry. His eldest son W.F., is a member of the present legislature, and is also in business with his youngest brother, Fred, at Coventry. Charles, the other son, lives at home. The deceased represented Coventry in the legislature a few years since. The funeral of the deceased will take place at his late residence in Coventry and the remains will be interred in the Willimantic cemetery under Masonic orders. Members of the Lyon No. 105, Warren No. 50, Union No. 24 and Eastern Star No. 44 are invited to attend.
This accident has awakened the public mind to the danger which is constantly undergone in passing to and from the railroad station and it has waxed indignant that the railroad should allow the danger to exist. The criticism is most severe and some express a belief that the officers of the companies are indictable for murder and it is a question in the mind of one of our leading lawyers if this is not so. Here are four tracks in constant use not only during the arrival and departure of trains but at all other times of day over which every patron of the different railroads must pass at the hazard of their lives and not even a flagman or a gate notifies them of the approach of a train, and the danger is doubly increased from the fact that in one direction the tracks are completely obscured until one is on the track, by the location of buildings. The parties who are directly to blame for this death-trap are the railroad commissioners who should have taken steps long ago to protect the lives of this people. To plead ignorance of its existence would be useless for one of their number, the handsome and useless Hayward, of Colchester, is perfectly acquainted with the surroundings of this station. The people say: correct this long-standing abuse, and that right speedily.

430. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882:Burglars make a good haul.--The absorbing topic of conversation for the past week has been the house robberies which were committed last Thursday night. In the early morning of Friday the news spread like wild-fire and was in everybody's mouth, and the excitement increased as the number of victims multiplied. Speculation as to who the burglars might be has since been rife but guesses have been the only solution to the mystery. It is probable that they had a resident confederate or else one of their number had been in the village making preparations for the raid. One thing is, however, generally agreed, and that is that they were adepts at the business of housebreaking. They had evidently laid their plans to do a job which would count them a handsome profit, and were not content until they had worked seven dwellings and probably were deterred there only by the approach of daylight. The indications are that they began the series of plundering on North street, near Summit, at the residence of Allen W. Gordon, which was entered at the front door of the ell. Access to the house was effected by an instrument which could be attached to the key so firmly that it could be turned and thus throw back the bolt in the lock. They proceeded to the sleeping room of Mr. Gordon and took therefrom his clothing and rifled them of all valuables, obtaining about $100 and a silver watch, and leaving them in the dining room. Miss Hattie, who occupies an apartment directly above heard the speaking of the door and enquired of her father if he was up. Receiving no answer she called again and awoke Mrs. Gordon who aroused her husband, and upon investigation he found what had happened and gave alarm to neighbors. He also informed Officer Worden but no clue to the burglars could be found. This about one o'clock. They doubtless next visited the house of Selectman M.E. Lincoln and effected an entrance through a rear window, passing through different rooms until his was reached. His pocketbook and a valuable gold watch lay on a table in the room but these were overlooked and his clothing carried to another room and searched. Mr. Lincoln thinks they were frightened from their work of plunder by the awakening of the baby. They obtained no booty there. The front door of Mr. Edwin A. Buck's house had been unknowingly left unfastened and they passed through the hall to the drawing room where they lighted their way by the use of a dark lantern the reflection of which attracted the attention of Mr. Buck, whose sleeping room is adjoining, prompting him to make the remark, "Is that you, Mrs. Durkee? The lady was attending her son who is sick with fever, and frequently arose in the night to render assistance. He, of course, received no answer to his inquiry and upon striking a light to look about found the doors wide open to the street. Unfortunately for the visitors a fine St. Bernard watchdog was confined in a back hall and could not do the good service which he otherwise would have done. They had their labor for their pains here, too. Suspicious circumstances about the premises of A.J. Bowen, on Prospect street, leads him to think that they called at his house but did not see fit to enter.
From there they probably circulated around to the residence of Edwin Bugbee and with a pair of pincers turned the key in a back door that leads into the dining room and reconnoitered the different rooms on the first story for valuables, One of the party--there doubtless was more than one of them--proceeded through the front hallway up stairs and pushed open the door of Mrs. Bugbee's sleeping apartment and entered. He made use of his dark lantern, throwing the light about the room and over the bed. She was partially awake at the time and this thoroughly aroused her. She lifted herself to her elbows and saw the figure of a short, thickset man wearing a mask and in loud voice shouted, "what do you want?" She repeated the exclamation and rushed to the door of another room occupied by J.A. McDonald and shouted, "Mr. McDonald! There's a burglar in the house, and Mr. Bugbee's away!" The young man instantly jumped from his bed, took up a revolver that way lying in a bureau and rushed out in the direction taken by the trespassers. He attempted to fire the weapon, but it had not been used for more than two years and was useless. He went no further in pursuit. When they left the house they took a sealskin sacque worth $250, a seal hat and muff, (but these they dropped), about $15 in money and some silverware. They did not trouble themselves to take the cumbersome silverware which was on the sideboard, but had they done so they would have made a profitable haul, for it was mostly solid. Next they broke into the house of E.F. Reed, on Oak street, but got nothing.
Probably the last to receive a visit from them was Mr. Sanford A. Comins, on High street, who was a victim to the tune of over $240 in money. They went into the house with pincers, as in other places, at a door in the ell, went to Mr. Comins' chamber and took his pantaloons and vest to the kitchen, where they were stripped of all valuables. Mr. Comins did not retire until about one o'clock because he could not sleep on account of a cough. In the morning his wife found the clothing in the kitchen, and asked him if he "had found a new place to undress." An examination proved the last to be true, and he found what was left --the wallet--out in the yard. The above history was early on Friday given to the officers, but no evidence has been discovered which will lead to the identity of the thieves.

431. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Mansfield Center.
Spring approacheth. The sweet carol of the robin is heard in the land, and soon the musical note of the peeping frog and the rattle of the croquet mallet will fill the air; the lovely arbutus will trail and everything with seem to gush forth spontaneously. And while old winter is loosening his icy grasp upon us, A.S. Turner is rapidly and surely clearing out his immense stock of dry goods, carpets etc.
The mail driver on the overland route from the Centre to Gurleyville via Spring Hill, became somewhat confused in his reckoning, and lost his bearings one night last week, and drove around for several hours in the darkness, not knowing whither he was going, and finally attempted to anchor in front of Dea. R.P. Barrows residence a short distance from the office where he started. Here he overturned his craft, spilled out himself and the mail promiscuously. This overturn seemed to clear of his obfuscations in a measure, and he obtained help, righted matters and things, took aboard a pilot and reach port safely. Question: Why re things "thusly."

432. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Alphonse B. Potter escaped from the Brooklyn jail Friday. A reward of $25 is offered for his arrest. He was tracked to Plainfield junction Saturday morning. Potter is a well appearing man, aged thirty, nearly six feet high, light hair and side whiskers, and wore a cut away coat and large brogan shoes, one of which was cut at the toe.

433. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: The Woonsocket Reporter is authority for the statement that J.B. White of East Killingly has raised a quantity of cotton from cotton plants. The southern planters needn't be frightened.

434. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Orton E. Coleman, aged 40, for eighteen years a buyer for the A. & W. Sprague Manufacturing Company, shot himself in the right temple at his residence in Providence last Wednesday, dying soon afterward. Discouragement at the condition of the Sprague matters is assigned as the cause. He was a native of Hampton.

435. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: The cheekiest measure now before Congress is the proposal to pay back salaries to the officers of the Union Army who deserted to join the Southern Confederacy. Instead of asking for money, they should thank Providence that they were not hung, as the laws of war provide.

436. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Columbia.
The question that naturally comes to the minds of the people here at this time, is, "What shall the harvest be?" This comes in consequence of the action of Willard B. Clark, Collector for 1881, who on Thursday levied upon a pair of cattle belonging to Seth S. Collins, on payment of taxes, a portion of which is in payment of certain orders that had been given in payment of costs in the noted horse case, in which Collins obtained judgment of damages and costs against Alanson Fox, a constable of the town.
It appears that Deputy Sheriff Arthur H. Little has been sued by John B. Scoville for his official acts. He was summoned to appear before Walter G. Kingsley of Lebanon, but being out of his town, and county too he concluded not to attend the little reception. Warren Palmer, another defendant, appeared and obtained an adjournment. It is very likely that if the officer has committed any trespass, he will have to be tried in the county where the trespass was committed.
Samuel F. West, collector of taxes, was in chambers at the town hall to receive the tribute money on Monday and Tuesday but the response was feeble in comparison with former years. The collections on both days was less than has been frequently on the first day. The trouble seems to be that it smells too strong of horse.
Arthur Whitcomb and George W. Thompson made a raid on foxes last week and succeeded in bringing in five on Monday. They proceeded to the town treasury and secured the bounty of ten dollars. All that have caught foxes should apply for the bounty in order to preserve the equality.
William P. Johnson, of Bozrah, married Miss Hattie E. Fuller on Wednesday afternoon. In the evening the "boys" gave the newly wedded pair a full sized "racket."
Charles A. Pearce has moved from the Alpheus Kingsley place to Plainfield.
Transactions in real estate have been unusually brisk for a month or little more and the following sales have been made; Asahel O. Wright to David O. Fuller, a wood lot; Henry W. Buell to Joel Tucker, a piece of pasturing; Louis Koenig to Johanna Oahler of New York, the Madeson Woodward place; William H. Stimpson to T.R. Congdon of Willimantic, the Carver place. T.R. Congdon to B.F. Bennett of Willimantic, the Orren Clark farm; Walter G. Kingsley of Lebanon, to Louis DeLude, the Asahel Kingsley house and lot; P.W. Turner & Co. of Turnerville, to Manley H. Wickham of Sheffield, Berkshire county, Mass., an extensive wood lot in the southern part of the town.
H.B. Frink had a horse that had its eye knocked out on Saturday.
On Thursday there was a meeting of the male members of the Church which was a sort of general election. Dea. William A. Collins was elected church clerk to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dea. A.B. Fuller. In the choice Dea. it was surprising to see how many were gratified, but after a struggle Edward P. Lyman was elected and peremptorily declined. Leander Richardson was next elected and also declined, but the meeting adjourned leaving the matter for his further consideration.
The Ladies Society met on Thursday evening at Henry W. Buell's where the young people assembled and enjoyed a right jolly time.
Mrs. Wm. H. Yeomans returned from visiting friends in New York and Brooklyn on Wednesday of this week.
Wm. H. Yeomans' tenement house was made vacant last week by the moving of Charles Robinson who has gone to Exeter. It is to be occupied by Simeon F. Tucker who comes from Lebanon.

437. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Married.
Martin-Hunt--In North Windham, by the Rev. Francis Williams, Mr. Frank Martin of Chaplin, and Miss Marcia J. Hunt of North Windham.

438. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Died.
Sweet--In Willimantic, March 27th, S.M. Sweet, of Coventry, aged 60 years

439. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Building Lots for Sale.--Inquire at Mr. M. Potter's, Center street, for F.C. Byers.

440. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Cess Pools, Sink Drains, and Privy Vaults cleaned and taken care of on reasonable terms. No slops left behind. Address or call on Earl S. Cranston, Willimantic, Conn.

441. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Lebanon.
Henry Hyde, one of the old 18th C.V. veterans, has rented of Mr. Albert Jackson the "Aunt Susan" cottage (so called) for the ensuing year.
Disciples of Oscar Wilde wishing to contemplate the beautiful, can do so with pleasure and profit by calling at the store of N.C. Barker & Co., where will be found on exhibition as complete an assortment of paper hangings, consisting of every variety of style, finish and design as one seldom sees outside of city limits.
Ed. Stiles' saw and shingle mill in the vicinity of "Short Hills," is doing a thriving and apparently a profitable business. Norton B. Loomis is having a large lot of lumber manufactured, consisting of shingles, plank, boards, and car timber. This establishment occupies the site of the old Huntley saw mill and is run by water power which--there being a fall of thirty feet--is abundant. Notwithstanding the discouragement attending the loss of his dam a few years ago by a freshet, Mr. Stiles has by his push, pluck and perseverance succeeded in rebuilding and bringing into successful operation a circular mill, which for good and rapid work is second to none in the country.
George Hoxie of Babcock Hill, is again running a butcher's cart and will supply his customers the coming season, as heretofore, at reasonable rates.
Lafayette Hyde, of Liberty Hill, having fitted up for the business, proposes to furnish our citizens, in their season, with all the different varieties of fish, fresh from their native element; while Joel Loomis will continue to serve us with the tooth some bivalve for our Sunday morning breakfast. It would seem that with such providers as Joel, George, and "Lafe," if the good people of Lebanon fail to "wax fat and kick," it will be because of their poverty or penuriousness.
Henry A. Race has set the underpinning for his new house. It is rumored that Mr. Race and wife are going to Watch Hill, in the employ of the Johnson brothers, for the coming season, having received a tempting offer to do so.
Joseph Stedman and wife have returned, after a week's absence from Rhode Island where they were summoned to attend the funeral of Mrs. Larkin, the mother of Mrs. Stedman.

442. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Scotland.
There was never a spring within the memory of the oldest inhabitant, when as many changes of place were made as will occur this season. By actual count, one-tenth of the inhabitants of the town are going out, and as many more change their residence in town.
A.W. and Andrew Maine have hired Mrs. Susan Wood's farm, and the Sweet family are to live on the place.
The Alfred Carey place has been sold to Mr. Weaver of Hampton.
A quantity of goods belonging to Mr. and Mrs. John Ashley was shipped to them last week. John has bought 80 acres of land of Joseph Palmer in Butler Co. Neb., built a small house, and will be ready for business when the goods reach him.
Luther Barstow sold several hundred dollars worth of stock and goods at auction on Saturday, preparatory to moving to Willimantic.
A lot of household goods, furniture, beds, bedding, utensils etc., will be sold at auction at the Davison house in the village, on Saturday, April 1.
We hear that Geo. Sanger Jr. of Canterbury will occupy the Thomas Webb farm this year.
Ben. Burlingame has moved to Rhode Island.
At the society meeting last week it was voted to extend a call to Rev. Mr. Pettibone of the Hartford Theological seminary. We understand that the salary is to be $800 a year with the parsonage thrown in.
Asher P. Brown has gone to Manchester, to work for his brother-in-law, Albert Gallup.
A.W. Maine begins a ten weeks term of school in Jerusalem this week. Miss Mellie Waldo is to teach in Lower Scotland, and Miss Lillie Smith of Hanover in Brunswick.
H.M. Morgan has just received a large stock of the New Hartford sewing machines, for which he is agent.
Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, from Mass. occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church last Sunday.

443. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: North Windham.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chamberlin have commenced housekeeping in one of Mr. Henry Spafford's tenements.
School opens next Monday with the same teachers, viz: Mr. C.H. Spafford, and Miss Hattie Flint.
The Sabbath school on Sunday last filled the office of Librarian, made vacant by the departure of Marcia J. Hunt. Miss Alice Hunt was appointed to the position, with Miss Nellie Lincoln as assistant.
Rev. K.B. Glidden occupied our pulpit last Sabbath, and very generously left his preaching fee as a gift to the Bell Fund. At a meeting held the following evening, the Young People's society voted to extend thanks to Mr. G. for his donation. Rev. Mr. Barlow is announced for next Sabbath, at 2 o'clock p.m.
Misses Hattie and Annie Hebard, who have been visiting for a time at P.L. Peck's, have returned to Norwich.

444. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Brooklyn.
The S.S. concert at the Congregational church last Sunday was a very pleasant affair, the recitations were good, remarks by Mr. King were to the point and full of joy, but the singing by the quintet was par excellent.
Rev. Mrs. James preached at the Unitarian, both morning and evening, and was listened to with pleasure by many of her old friends.
Miss Kate Seymour and Master Eddie Marlor returned from New York last Thursday.
In the Niantic news, the correspondent to the Hartford Times mentions Miss Emily Terry as chosen vice-president of the Band of Hope, a temperance organization.

445. TWC Wed Mar 29 1882: Woodstock.
Mrs. H.K. Safford has a calla which has borne eight flowers this season, showing five at a time. One of these is double. This fact is unusual, we believe. One flower is enveloped by another, each volute opening in opposite directions.
The taxes have been collected by Geo. A. Penniman with his usual promptitude, payments being made more fully than in average years.
The Henry Phillips farm, which has been occupied by the town for a year, has been bought by the selectmen, as directed by the town. It is the most elevated house in the county, commands a view of a beautiful panorama, is as healthy a locality as can be found. The farm is a very productive one in everything that a farm can grow. High living, elevated views, and a serene superiority to all the incidents of ordinary humanity can easily be attained now by all the unfortunate proteges of the town fathers. The buildings will need enlargement to accommodate all that will apply for hospitality at his Belviderean resort. It is central, easy of access, and yet isolated. It was purchased for about half what it ought to bring, probably because no Yankee could see any probability of a railroad ever running through the farm, or a prospect of selling corner lots.
Mr. Surpless and family move to Philadelphia this week, having rented his place to a Mr. Smith. His daughter will have better opportunities for musical instruction.
George F. Fox and wife are sojourning in Palmer, Mass.
A.L. Litchfield will not leave this week for Oregon as he contemplated.
Henry Sherman has sold his home place to Mr. Fitch of Worcester, Mass., in exchange for a western farm.
Oliver Sherman is low with a complication of maladies. Dr. Cotton of Willimantic has been called in consultation.
Mrs. Dea. Hammon, who is somewhat advanced in years, was sharply taken with croup last Sunday morning and but for the speedy and adroit ministrations of neighbors would have succumbed. She is better.
There have been a good many transfers of inconsiderable pieces of real estate.
Lumber mills are active, and car stuff is in lively demand. The great dam in Thompson across the Quinebaug requires a liberal supply. The Pomfret building operations consume a large lot, and some small houses which have been replaced by new ones, are to be removed from Woodstock to Pomfret.
Boarding house keepers are planning and prospecting for the summer campaign, and there are rumors of New York parties starting new houses.
The Arnold hills in South Woodstock have been a grievance to West Woodstock, Eastford, Ashford and Union for a generation of two, at least ever since the construction of the Norwich & Worcester railroad. A few influential people who in every town are ready to be dogs in the manger, have succeeded in defeating the turning these hills by a short side cut, again and again. In obedience to their policy, a great deal of money has been expended in lowering the grade, but with the result of opening springs and quicksands of the most formidable nature. Four horse teams are constantly stalled, even when doubled up, and have to be jacked out and the freight thrown off, and many make the detour by Woodstock village to avoid this maelstrom of land travelers. The distance to railroad can be much shortened by a new road, and these hills, and others also, avoided. Many interested parties are urging the idea, but believe no relief will be given except through the county authorities. The parallel railroad project, or a line from Massachusetts from Southbridge to Willimantic would supercede the necessity, and make a more desirable outlet for the bulky and heavy freight which the above named localities send to the railroad in large increasing quantities. Such a road would tempt a large population in western Worcester Co. to seek Willimantic or the Natchaug valley as their natural outlet, over the easiest grades possible to them.
Mr. Carlo May wound up his singing school with a gratifying concert in the Cong. church in West Woodstock last Friday evening.

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