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The Willimantic Chronicle - Year of 1884

Published every Wednesday.

McDonald & Safford, Editors and Publishers.
Office, Hall's Block, Main & Union Sts.
$1.50 per year.

M. Wallen, A.H. Freeman, O.G. Hanks. Prompter: O.M. Richardson.

Chronicle, June 1884:

The Willimantic Chronicle June 1884:


974. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: About Town.
Prof. T.H. Rollinson of Waltham, Mass. is spending a few days in town.
Mrs. Martha Ashley and Mrs. Milton Shew are visiting friends in Hartford and East Windsor Hill.
Lama M. Snow has bought a building lot of C.W. Raynes at the corner of Walnut and Summit street.
Go and see Juno the Mammoth Heifer on Johnson's Park. She will remain until to-morrow at three o'clock.
The Merchants and Bankers Telegraph company are painting their poles white and brown. It improves them.
Conductor Saunders' train on the New London Northern road now runs to Amherst instead of stopping at Palmer.
Sheriff Osgood made a raid on several restaurants and stores last Wednesday and captured a number of bottles of lager.
The "Cross house" in the town of Mansfield, owned and occupied by John Curry was burned last Thursday at 3 o'clock. Loss fully covered by insurance.
June, the mammoth heifer, is on exhibition on the Johnson lot this afternoon and evening. She is only four years old and weights 3,500 pounds. Admission 10 cts., children 5 cts.
A lady recently lost a gold bracelet, probably on Main street. C.H. Dimmick at the Opera House barber shop will give the finder a liberal reward on delivery of the article to him.

975. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Sheriff Osgood has reappointed Charles B. Pomeroy as his deputy for the town of Windham. This will give very general satisfaction here as Mr. Pomeroy has made an efficient and unbiased officer.

976. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Ned Lyons, the South Windham burglar was sentenced to three years in state prison last Thursday at Springfield for a burglary at Palmer which occurred just before the affair at South Windham.

977. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Nye Howard while at work with Joel Fox on a staging at Silas F. Clark's house, Temple street, fell to the ground a distance of fifteen feet, this morning and dislocated several bones. Dr. Hills was called and rendered the necessary surgical aid.

978. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Mr. P.A. Wilson has made an arrangement with Barker & Kellogg of Hartford, and will hereafter have charge of their
Willimantic office which will be open day and evening. The ladies of Willimantic and vicinity are invited to call and inspect the "New Home" and "Household" sewing machines.

979. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: The celebrated clairvoyant trance medium, Mrs. Eliza Moore, has taken rooms on Union street near Main. Don't ring,
$1,000 challenge to any astrologer or medium who can excel her in her wonderful revelation of the past, present or future events of ones life. Call early and avoid the crowd. Sign on the door.

980. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: The Baptist Sabbath School was reorganized on Monday evening, the following officers being chosen: Superintendent
Philo W. Thompson, Assistant Fayette Goss, Clerk and Treasurer, W.N. Potter, Librarian, Lucien B. Baldwin. An amendment to the church constitution was also adopted, changing the election of the officers from the Sabbath School to the church society.

981. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: The horse on Blanchette's bakery team got frightened at the cars this morning on Main street and completely demolished the thills of the wagon.

982. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Miss S.J. Radcliff a blind resident of this state will on Tuesday evening June 10 illustrate the mode of teaching the blind in the Congregational chapel. The choir assisted by Mrs. Minnie Hedley Hall and Miss Emma L. Aldrich will furnish music. Doors open at 7, begin at 8. Tickets at Wilson & Leonards.

983. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Wonder why the Court of Burgesses do not cause the east extension of Valley street to be built? The people in that section of the village are entitled to a highway through the "new village" and it ought to be built. The borough has voted to build a part of it, at the least, and why don't the officials go ahead? If the west-end extension was a necessity this is certainly more so.

984. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Freight train No. 13, which left East Thompson at 12:45 a.m., Monday struck and killed a man named Benjamin Hare who was walking on the track of the New York & New England near the crossing. No inquest was held. Dr. Hammond and Coroner Seward made an
examination and found that the right hip and the right leg was broken. The deceased, it is said, was going to Providence. His age was sixty-eight years. His remains was taken charge of by his brother who lives in Woodstock.

985. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: That pair of dapple grey horses belonging to D.H. Clark we spoke of last week have been sold to New York parties at a good round figure. Fred Barrows of Chaffeeville also sold his young mare to the same party at a good price. She showed considerable better than
three minutes to a buggy down on the track the other day, which is pretty good time for a young horse. Isaac Sanderson has just invested in a fine pair of speedy young horses which George Rood brought from the West.

986. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Complaint has been made to us from various parties during the past week of a nuisance of the vacant lot on Maple
avenue, belonging to the Williams heirs - which, by the way, they are not responsible for. The drainage from property on Oak street collects in a pool there and creates a very perceptible stench all over the neighborhood. It is detrimental to the public health. The authorities have been notified of it repeatedly, but neglect to move in the matter (it is said on account of the parties who are responsible for it). Gentlemen of the city government, it is time that you moved in the matter.

987. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: The musical entertainment at the opera house last Monday evening was not largely attended owing to the fact of its not being widely known. There were about one hundred in the house. The talent represented was of an unusually high order and the selections were duly applauded. Mrs. Minnie Hedly Hall is a beautiful singer, and her efforts were regarded with the greatest favor. Prof. J.H. George is an accomplished tenor and well known in this section. Miss Aldrich is one of the finest pianists in eastern Connecticut. Mr. Case did fairly well for an amateur elocutionist. The two ladies have recently taken up the teaching of music in this village.

988. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: The frost last Thursday night was a very destructive visitor to Nurseryman Lewis' fields. Notwithstanding he kept fires blazing around his strawberry patch until 2 o'clock in the morning the berries were about three-quarters blasted. He estimates his loss at about $1,000. The damage to his other stuff was in a much less degree.
A.S. Whittemore calculates that he will not have one-third of a crop of strawberries, and that the frost cleaned him out of about $600. The grape crop hereabouts will be next to nothing this year. In many places on low lands the leaves of forest trees were nipped so badly that they turned black. We estimate the damage in this state at about $1,000,000.

989. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Burgesses Meeting. At the regular meeting, Monday evening, it was voted to instruct chief engineer to extend fire alarm system by purchasing seven new boxes and to erect poles and run necessary wire to put same in position.
Bonds of E.B. Sumner and Geo. W. Burnham as water commissioners were presented and accepted.
Following bills were paid: Library appropriation, $100; J.M. Alpaugh, quarters salary, $62.50; Lincoln & Boss, wood for fire department, $21; C.L. Billings, expense and care fire alarm, $31.50; S.B. Ford & Co., labor, $3; labor bill, May $586.90; police force, salary, $186; Durkee, Stiles & Co., gasoline, $47.96; Robert Fenton, surveying, $11.07; J.D. Willis, wood for fire department, $1.75; Killoury Bros., lighting street lamps, $65.60; Gas Co., gas, 75c., S.A. Comins, paving gutters, $3.69.

990. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: The Allen Spool Printing company's works at Norwich Falls, of which J.H. Morrison, formerly partner in the Morrison
Machine company of this place, is manager, and in which Ira Dimock is interested, was burned to the ground last Friday night. All the machinery used was designed, patented and manufactured by Messrs. Edwin Allen and J. Henry Morrison, who in five years have built up a large business in printing spools, tape rolls and cards in two colors, and on both sides with one impression. The origin of the fire is unknown. Thursday evening a small order was filled for a New London firm, so that the mill could stop Memorial day. Mr. Morrison took a package from the mill at 8 o'clock in the evening, and returned to the mill at about 10 o'clock. He tried the door but did not enter the building. No fire had been used in the shop during the day excepting a small fire at the forge. The Marvin safe in the second story fell to the wheel pit and was burst open by the fall, and it is probable that the books were destroyed. The loss is $40,000. There was an insurance of about $30,000 on the property - $10,000 on the building and shafting inn North British Mercantile, Germania, Queen and Hartford companies, and $18,650 on the machinery and stock, distributed among twelve companies. The machinery cannot be duplicated, and if the business is re-established it will be fully a year before it can be made as complete as it was when left
Thursday night.

991. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: List of Candidates for Jurors - The selectmen have nominated the followwing electors of the town of Windham to serve as jurors in the superior court: F.D. Spencer, Edwin E. Buck, E.L. Burnham, Silas F. Loomer, W.W. Follett, Thomas R. Congdon, Bradford Larkin, A.B. Carpenter, Marcus L. Tryon, O.A. Sessions, Charles T. Barstow, Amos T. Fowler, E.H. Holmes, Jr., Albert Barrows, Jonathan Hatch, Giles H.
Alford, William Moulton, Ezra Stiles, Henry Page, Amos B. Adams, William Swift, F.K. Rodgers, Waldo Bingham, W.G. Cummings, William Wales, George Spafford, James G. Martin, Elisha Hammond, Lloyd E. Baldwin, James B. Robinson, G.C. Martin, Geo. B. Abbott, Mason Lincoln, Geo. V. Alpaugh, George Lincoln, Lucius C. Kinne, Don. F. Johnson, Wm. B. Avery, James E. Murray, Horatio N. Bill, Henry Boss, Wm. P. Stevens, Edwin Bugbee, Chester Tilden, Edwin E. Burnham, O.S. Perkins, Arthur Williams, Michael Hickey, Henry E. Capen, Charles Larrabee, Wm. H. Cranston, Alexander L. Fuller, B.F. Bennett, Wm. C. Fuller, Roderick Davison, Geo. E. Stiles, Wm. H. Osborn, C.W. Raynes, A.B. Green, J.A. Lewis, James E. Hayden, Joel Fox, Frank M. Lincoln, Roderick Young, Van. B. Jordan, Ernest P. Chesbro, George Lathrop, Frank S. Fowler, L.J. Hammond, Albert R. Morrison, Edward S. Lincoln, Geo. W. Burnham, Luke Flynn, John B. Carpenter, Isaac Sanderson, Edwin A. Barrows, Thomas Ramsdell, Henry F. Barrows, John R. Root, Albert Whittemore. Charles A. Capen, J.H. Moulton, Selectmen. Windham, Conn., May 30, 1884.

992. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Decoration Day. Memorial day opened raw and chilly, but about half-past seven a detachment of Francis S. Long Post
G.A.R., under the command of Commander Crandall and the Marshal J.D. Willis started to perform their customary duty of decorating the graves
of fallen comrades at Windham, North Windham and Mansfield. Just before entering South Windham the procession was organized with the South
Windham Band at its head and the march to the old Windham cemetery began. There, after decorating the soldiers graves at the tap of the drum and a selection by the band, prayer was offered by the Post Chaplain, B.E. Smith and address by Principal Merrill of District No. 1.
At North Windham similar exercises were performed and a short address given. At both these places some floral offerings were placed in memory of those who never came back from the battlefields or prison pens.
At Mansfield, Rev. K.B. Glidden gave the address. At North Windham a supply of hot coffee was furnished the visitors by Mr. Freeman Spencer, a kindness which was fully appreciated by the recipients.
About two o'clock the procession took up the line of march to the Willimantic cemetery. The exercises were attended by a large company notwithstanding the cold weather. The exercises at the cemetery were as follows: Decoration of Graves. Music by Willimantic Band. Prayer by Rev.
S.R. Free. Address by C.F. Merrill. The subject of Mr. Merrill's address was "The Mission of our Country."

993. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Police Notes. Last night between 11 and 12 o'clock Timothy Regan was accosted in a saloon by a fellow named Robt.
Wilson who was discharged from Robbins' circus yesterday. The two left the saloon and walked towards the circus ground when Wilson asked the
time of day. When Mr. Regan took out his watch and told him the time, Wilson grabbed the watch and ran. Regan found Officers Shurtliff and
Clark who soon had the culprit in custody in company with a youth who had the watch in his possession, having received it from Wilson. The two
prisoners had a hearing this afternoon and Wilson was bound over and the other discharged for lack of evidence.

994. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: From Florida - A letter from Arthur T. Hills, Sanitaria, Florida gives some account of the free and easy customs of that vicinity. He states that he went to church last Sunday, and that the meeting was postponed two hours to allow the congregation to go down to the lake to go in swimming. He gives the following description of a wedding: "The best man came in from work with his old clothes on, and his pants tucked in his boots, and after the ceremony the bridegroom caught the chickens for supper, and killed them, while the bride did duty at the kitchen range, and the parson made eggnog for the guests to drink." Arthur says he likes the country first-rate. There is an abundance of game, furnishing good sport for hunters and fishermen, and plenty of flies to bother.

995. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Scotland.
Warren Little is building a new barn in place of the one destroyed by a cyclone last winter.
Rev. L.D. Place offers his fine Morgan mare for sale. She has a record of 2:23 ½.
We clip the following item from the Ulysses (Nebraska) Dispatch of May 27th: "Arthur Gager who came to this place last week from Connecticut, died on Sunday last, of consumption, at the farm residence of John Ashley. The funeral took place yesterday at the Bethesda church."
The Scotland telephone line gave out last Friday and an examination showed that the wire was on the ground for two or three miles. The wire was strung on the old poles of the Western Union, and a gang of workmen had used the poles to prop up the main line. The line is now working on
fences, stumps and bushes, but in a few days a new lot of poles will be set and the line will then be all right once more.

996. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Messrs. Edwin Allen and J. Henry Morrison have decided to resume the spool printing business, and will begin at once to rebuild their machinery. The have not decided upon a place for the reestablishment of their business, but have looked at buildings in New London and Providence. They will rebuild their machinery here. They do not expect to be able to resume business for a year.

997. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Charles Derby who disappeared with another man's wife from Branford was on Friday arrested in New Haven for
embezzlement. Derby was a year or two ago a prominent man in the Congregational church at Fair Haven. Suddenly it was found out that he had stolen fro a former employer at Plainfield, that he had a wife there besides the one in Fair Haven and that he had misused funds belonging to a lodge with which he was connected. He disappeared and before long sat up as a minister in Branford. Before long he eloped with a woman from that place and nothing was heard of him until about a week ago when he came back openly to Fair Haven where he was arrested; apparently to his surprise. What rudimentary ideas Mr. Derby may have had as to the law of the land and the danger of appropriating other men's money and their wives does not appear, but he is likely to be a good deal wiser after a little while.

998. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: J.B. Ensworth, Scotland, Ct., dealer in Horse Powers, Thrashing and Wood Sawing Machines. Also the Ross Ensilage and Fodder Cutters.

999. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Eastford.
The decoration of the graves of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon and of six other soldiers, in the cemetery at Phoenixville, was postponed by request of the Marvin Waite post of the G.A.R. of Killingly, who wished to take part in the exercises Sunday as it was not possible for them to do so on the 30th of May. The day was lovely, and by 10 o'clock the people began to assemble at the yard, and by 12 the members of the Grand Army arrived, escorted by the Babcock band of Ashford, followed by a large delegation from Putnam, Killingly and surrounding towns in carriages and on foot. A fine lunch was furnished by the ladies for the band and others in the yard to refresh the inner man before the commencement of the exercises, after which the graves of Gen. Lyon and the other soldiers were strewn with beautiful flowers. C.M. Brooks, Esq., was appointed president of the day by the committee of arrangements, and well he did his duty. The meeting was then addressed by Randolph H. Chandler, Esq., of Thompson, Dr. Hammond of Killingtly, Col. Judson M. Lyon of Putnam, N.W. Kennedy of the Putnum Sunbean, after which a poem was read by the chairman which was composed by a friend soon after the funeral of Gen. Lyon, and has never been made public before. It was a day which well be long remembered by the people as it was the largest gathering that has assembled at the yard since the funeral of Gen. Lyon. Fully five hundred people were in attendance. Gen. Lyons mother was a niece of the brave Col. Thomas Knowlton of Ashford, who fell in the battle on Harlem heights in the revolutionary war.

1000. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Canterbury.
A very large concourse of people assembled at the Congregational church on Sunday morning to pay the last tribute of respect to the late and much lamented Mrs. Ross. The funeral service was participated in by the Rev. Messrs. Hewitt, Smith and Brewster, the latter of Danielsonville. The burial was at Danielsonville.
Sunday afternoon, the funeral of Mrs. House, an aged lady, was solemnized at the residence of Charles Bennett.
On Sunday, the death of George Palmer was announced. He was a farmer, living in the north part of the town, and died suddenly in the prime of life.

1001. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Dwight Webber, town clerk and treasurer of Coventry, Ct. and probate judge of the Coventry districts, has left town, and a shortage of over $6,000 is reported in his accounts.

1002. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Mansfield.
The Rev. Mr. Ellis of Gurleyville has asked to be dismissed from his charge on account of failing health.
Judge of Probate, Ralph W. Storrs, met with an accident last Saturday, breaking one of his arms.

1003. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Columbia.
S.F. Ticknor in passing from his kitchen into the hall opened the wrong door thereby participating himself down the cellar straightway, fortunately without serious injury.
A severe frost visited this section last Thursday night causing considerable damage to those who had early crops. Edward P. Lyman had a piece of potatoes just ready to blossom that were ruined, Horace R. Frink's corn and potatoes and others on a less scale, while those who reside near the reservoir were not affected by this coldwave. The thermometer at 6 o'clock a.m. being at 28 degrees.
Hon. G.W. West and family of Rockville were in town over Sunday also Fred Avery of Hartford and C.E. Little of Willimantic.
Samuel Brown of Portland was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. F.P. Collins last week.
Sheriff O.C. West has appointed James L. Downer of this place as one of his deputies and Downer will be an efficient man in the position.
Prof. E.L. Richardson of Windsor Locks was in town over decoration day calling on his friends.
Carlos Collins has manufactured for C.W. Ely a fine substantial team truck weighing about 1520 built for two pair of horses and is an excellent specimen of the work that is sure to come from Collins shop.
On Saturday Wm. Sweet was brought before Carlos Collins Esq., on complaint for assaulting Ephram Thompson and wife but after hearing testimony the prisoner was acquitted.
On Saturday an examination of the Willimantic river was made relative to the erection of a central pier in the river for the support of the new iron bridge. Sixteen feet of soft mud was found which will necessitate caution in the preparation of the foundation for the masonry.
Decoration day at the West Street cemetery was well remembered by the ladies of that place, who turned out en masse to visit that silent city with a profusion of flowers for the honored dead. A large collection of flowers intermingled with a choice variety of pansies, lilly-of-the-valley, callas, etc., were tastefully arranged upon the graves of all soldiers that lie resting there. The first at the entrance was that of the late Geo. W. Thompson, a veteran of the 7th Connecticut Vol. His grave was literally covered with beautiful flowers and ferns. Nearly four years of his life was spent in service for his country. I found two more of the late war - Lucien C. Thompson of the 10th, C.J. Fitch, regiment unknown; one soldier of the revolution, Edward Yeoman, and three of the war of 1812. All were kindly remembered.

1004. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: North Windham.
Improvements seem to be the order of the day among a few of our people. Wm. Sibley has graded the grounds around his house, thereby making altogether a new place of it, and now the house itself, which last year was thoroughly remodeled, is receiving coats of paint from Adin Clark's skillful hands. Geo. Spafford's premises resound with the combined music of hammer and saw, he evidently believes in yearly improvements, and a look about the place assures us that the desired results have been reached. Horace Snow's house is receiving an addition on its eastern side for the occupancy of Geo. E. Bennett and family.
The cemetery has been restaked and cleaned under the supervision of F.D. Spencer, so that on Decoration day, when most of the villagers met
there to welcome the living soldiers and leave tokens of grateful remembrance and love for the dead, it presented a very neat appearance.
As we read obituary notices of the Rev. Lucian Burleigh thoughts of sadness and regret arise for the loss of so good a man, one who possessed such strong powers of both body and mind, qualities seldom united in one person. Pleasant recollections also come, for in years past North Windham was another of his stopping places on his way to or from his various charges. He was an intimate friend of Porter B. Peck, and was many times invited by him to his home, often delivering a lecture, preaching a sermon or addressing the children in Sunday-school concerts, or week day schools. He will long be remembered by many who live in this community at that time. Mr. Peck does not seem to gain strength as rapidly as we had hoped when warm weather came.
The Rev. Glidden and Free preached to good audiences on the last two Sabbaths, and it is rumored that next Sunday we may hear the Rev. Father
Lovejoy of Baltic. A variety of beliefs here demand a variety of speakers. Those who like changes in the pulpit will find their wishes gratified, and all are welcome who come. House and seats free for all.

1005. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Died.
Chappell - In Willimantic June 2, Vina D. Chappell aged 11 yrs, 7 mos.
Harvey - In Mansfield June 2, Samuel C. Harvey, aged 80.
Giard - In Willimantic June 3, Ritcher Giard, aged 18.
Moran - In Willimantic June 3, Agnes Josephine, daughter of Bartholomew Moran, aged 3 yrs.
McNulty - In Willimantic June 4, Bridget McNulty aged 45.
Sheehan - In Willimantic May 29, Bridget Sheehan aged 16.

1006. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Wanted - A housekeeper, capable of taking charge of household. Apply at Blanchette's Bakery, Congdon Block, Church St.

1007. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Wanted - A woman to do the housework for a small family. Apply at 41 Spring St.

1008. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: For Sale - A Stylish, fast trotting Morgan Mare, Harness and Sleigh, together or separate. L.D. Place, Scotland, Conn.

1009. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Mr. Gale, who has kept the Pequot house will be unable, on account of ill health, to manage it this year and it will be run by Charles A. Waite of the Brevoort house, New York.

1010. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: A Norwalk paper wanted to be witty and printed that there was a great run on a Norwalk bank. It meant a gravel
bank, but the people took it the other way and drew $25,000 out of the Norwalk savings bank, which is perfectly solid and saves a lot of interest by the proceeding.

1011. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: North Coventry.
At the annual town meeting last October, a committee was appointed to investigate the accounts of the selectmen and treasurer of the town for a period of several years. This committee was composed of E. Kingsbury, Charles Robertson and H.P. Topliff. After a vast deal of labor the committee reported to a town meeting called in April of the present year. The committee began their labors on the accounts for the year 1876, and found in that year that the treasurer owed the town $21.21 more than he reported. In the year 1877 they found a balance of $339.28 due the treasurer. In 1878 $180.23 due the town. In 1879 $548.92 due the town. They also reported three town orders falsely reported, paid in 1882, amounting to $768.98. Also orders in 1883 falsely reported paid amounting to $3,000, making a balance of $4,637.67 due the town from the treasurer. The report showed that a very careless system of keeping accounts had prevailed during these years on the part of the town officers, and in some instance it was very difficult to arrive at the truth of the matter. The report was accepted. Dwight Webler, the treasurer stated that he could meet these charges, and he was given four weeks to prepare his report and the meeting was adjourned for that length of time. At the adjourned meeting Mr. Webler made an explanation, acknowledging carelessness and neglect in keeping his accounts, and attempting to explain the deficiencies reported by the committee. His report was not satisfactory to the town and was not accepted. At this meeting it was voted to instruct the selectmen to settle with the treasurer forthwith, and a committee consisting of the selectmen, to be assisted by the treasurer and the chairman of the investigating committee was appointed to ascertain the indebtedness of the town and report at a meeting to be held May 31. At the meeting last Saturday the committee reported the indebtedness to be $14,271.10,and reported defalcations of the treasurer to the amount of $4,957.50. Some two weeks since, the selectmen called on Mr. Webler for an increase of his bonds, but he was unable to furnish additional bonds to their satisfaction. His
bondsmen are Wm. Bradbury and Daniel O'Brien to the amount of $10,000 each. Last Thursday Mr. Webler went to Willimantic, and has not been
heard from since. Consequently he was not present at the meeting on Saturday, and it was voted that the selectmen be instructed to prosecute his bonds, and apply the proceeds towards the payment of the indebtedness of the town. Mr. Webler held the offices of town clerk, and registrar, judge of probate, treasurer of town deposit and school funds. These offices have been declared vacant and the selectmen have appointed James Morgan to fill the town offices until an election may be held. A question has arisen in regard to the liability of the bondsmen. It seems that Mr. Webler has taken up some of the outstanding orders this year with money paid him by the collector, and his present bondsmen claim that they are not responsible for the loss, as the defalcation occurred when the orders were falsely reported paid. Unless the parties can agree among themselves in the matter, the courts will have to settle the question. It is stated that Mr. Webler owes considerable money in Norwich, one firm having a claim against him of $500. The firm of Hull & Sweet, general merchants has made an assignment to Dwight H. Clark.

1012. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Brooklyn.
The new Grand Stand at the agricultural grounds is to have a roof and other improvements. It will be 80 feet long when finished.
They are pushing the addition to the jail quite rapidly. Warren Blake has the wood work to do, has already put up the frame work to an addition to the main building, that is being made of wood.
Saturday, an alarm of fire startled our people, the double tenement house owned by Frank E. Baker, and occupied by Geo. Robbins and William
Potter took fire on the roof. Assistance arrived so quickly after the alarm was given, that the fire was subdued before much damage was done.
Rev. E.S. Beard was married Monday at 6 p.m. On his wedding tour he will attend the convention at Saratoga.

1013. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: Andover.
Luman C. Webster and Philo F. Parker have been chosen delegates to the Democratic State Convention.
Mrs. W.H. Blackman is much better and is now considered out of danger.
Mr. J.H. Marsh has received the appointment of deputy sheriff. Mr. Marsh has had much experience as an officer and is well fitted for his

1014. TWC Wed Jun 4, 1884: At a Court of Probate holden at Coventry in and for the district of Coventry on the 2nd day of June, A.D. 1884. Present F.E. Williams, Esq. Judge. The firm of Hull & Sweet of Coventry in said district, having assigned their property to Dwight H. Clark of
Coventry, County of Tolland, as trustee. This court doth appoint the 10th day of June A.D. 1884, at 10 o'clock a.m., at the Probate office in Coventry, as the time and place for the hearing relative to the acceptance and approval of said trustee, and it is as ordered by this court that public notice of such hearing be given by advertising this order in a newspaper printed in Willimantic once, previous to said day of hearing, and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign-post in said town of Coventry, and return make to this court. Certified from Record, F.E. Williams, Judge.

1015. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: About Town.
A company of Mulligan Guards is in contemplation here.
Mrs. Ellen Rohan has bought the "Maple house" near the camp-ground of John M. Hall, Esq.
A new street is being graded on Bassett Park and will be known as West Park street. It runs east and west.
Captain Stephen R. Morse was in town over Sunday. He has been running his schooner in the oyster business since last March, and is now
prepared to tackle the ancient quahaug for the excursion season.
Rev. John Holman, of Cape Cod, occupied the Baptist pulpit last Sunday in the absence of his brother, the pastor.

1016. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Miss S.J. Radcliff gave her entertainment at the Congregational chapel last evening to a crowded house. She
explained the method of teaching the blind in an interesting manner. The entertainment was enlivened by vocal and instrumental music by the
choir, Mrs. Hall, Miss Aldrich and others.

1017. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Yesterday afternoon a lad 18 years old named Wilbur, living in Turnerville, jumped on the caboose of a freight train while the cars were backing towards the depot, and losing his hold fell between the car and platform and had one leg cut off by the car wheels passing over it.

1018. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: In answer to the question in last week's Chronicle as to why the east extension of Valley street was not built, the Warden says that the extension was voted only two years ago, and he is working on a street that was voted four years ago.

1019. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Chas. L. Ross of Norwich formerly with the Willimantic Clothing Co., has bought out C.H. Townsend's Photograph
Rooms in the Commercial Block and will at once open a first class place equal to any in this section. This is not a new trade for him, but one he has followed previous to coming here. He has engaged Mr. Pieper as operator and is ready for business.

1020. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Geo. E. Bean has been in town for some weeks on a six month's leave from his homestead in Florida. He is making
preparations to introduce his Rheumatic pad on a larger scale than before. This pad has worked some remarkable cures, and Mr. Bean claims to have been completely cured of rheumatism and catarrh of seventeen years standing by its use.

1021. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: A party of Gypsies have been scouring the town for plunder for a number of days. The women sell baskets, "tell
your fortune," and are "sassy." The men laze around, trade horses, and capture whatever they can lay their hands upon.

1022. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Miss Jennie Ryder of Noline, Ill., exhibits a very fine collection of oil paintings in Mrs. Vera A. Bartlett's millinery store, all specimens of her own work. She is on a visit for a few weeks to friends in this village and during her stay here will occupy her spare time in giving instructions in the art of painting to a few pupils. Miss Ryder is well known in this vicinity where she formerly resided.

1023. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: The marriage of Mr. John B. Leonard and Miss Fanny M. Babcock occurred at the residence of the bride's parents
on Babcock hill, last Thursday morning at 8 o'clock in the presence of only relatives of the contracting parties. Rev. S.R. Free performed the
ceremony. They took cars at Coventry depot for Montreal and will make a Canadian tour of a fortnight. Both have a large circle of friends here
who wish them all manner of future success, in which also the Chronicle joins.

1024. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Next Wednesday will be Buckingham day at Hartford. The Chronicle will be issued as usual, although we suppose
that everybody will be out of town. Let our caterers remember that on the evening of Battle Flag day it took the hungry crowed dumped out at hour station just ten minutes to eat every available crumb to be found in the village. It is promised that better facilities for transportation will be provided this time, and the many who wish to go devoutly hope the promise will be kept.

1025. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: The Bankers' and Merchants' Telegraphy company and the Postal Telegraph and Cable company have united together, with a view to harmonize action and reduction of expenses, and hereafter the two companies will be conducted under one management. The union of these two companies brings under one control about 9,000 miles of pole lines and about 55,000 miles of wire now completed and in operation, and there will soon be completed 3,000 miles more of pole line and 21,000 miles additional wire, making a total of 12,000 miles of pole line and 76,000 miles of wire.

1026. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: The army worm is said to have appeared in Tolland county in great numbers. One account says: - One body of the
pests marched through the outskirts of the village of Willington on Friday night. At John Brown's farm nearly two acres of grass were destroyed. It was cut down to the roots, as though by fire. The selectmen at once too measures to cut off the advance of the worms. A large number of men were called out, who hastily dug a trench partly about the field, but abandoned the attempt when they found that the adjoining lots and pastures were alive with the marching enemy. The army appears to be marching north, and detachments have been seen along the northern limit of the county.

1027. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: The regular annual convention of the Ashford Baptist association will be held at Brooklyn tomorrow, (Thursday) June 12th. The following programme will be carried out: 1. Opening exercises - singing. 2. Address of welcome, Rev. O..T. Bessey. 3. Elements in successful teaching, Rev. G.W. Holman. 4. How to keep our older scholars in the Sunday school, Rev. R.H. Sherman. 5. Organization and other business. Recess. 6. Secretary's report; Treasurer's report. 7. Imperfections of present Sunday-school methods and possible improvements, Deacon G.M. Morse. 8. Paternal obligation to give Bible instruction, Rev. W.C. Walker. 9. Sunday-school concerts - their nature and advantages, Rev. F.L. Knapp. 10. Relations of Sunday schools to the church, Rev. E.G. Sumner. 11. The rewards of our work, Rev. J.R. Stubbert. 12. Closing exercises.

1028. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Marvin Knowlton, who has been doing business in Canada for the past 15 years, but at present is at his old home in Ashford, will delivery a temperance lecture at Loomer Opera House next Sunday at 5 o'clock p.m. Under the auspices of the United Temperance Workers, whose executive chairman W.H.H. Bingham is working the matter up and respectfully invites all temperance organizations and our citizens generally to attend. Expenses will be borne by voluntary contribution. Mr. Knowlton is well and variably known by some of our heaviest business men, especially those hailing from his town, and comes highly recommended and our people will do well to embrace this favorable opportunity to hear him.

1029. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Arthur T. Hills, son of Dr. T.M. Hills, of this village, writes to the Chronicle from Sanitaria, Florida, as follows: "Edward T. Stiles caught out of Lake Elouisa, the lake we are located on, a black bass that measured 24 inches long, 7 inches deep through the body. The head was 7 inches long, and the open mouth measured 6 inches between the upper and lower jaw and 5 ½ inches across. We had no scales to weigh it. Its weight was estimated to be at least 15 pounds. We are all well and enjoying ourselves. There are plenty of alligators in the lake. I saw one about 15 feet long the other day and waded out a short distance to try and kill him with an ax, but he drove me out. Oliver Carpenter shot one about 5 feet long which I skinned and expect to send the skin home to be stuffed."

1030. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Police Note: - John Burke 60 years old or thereabouts was up before dockrail of Justice Sumner's court Saturday
morning for intoxication. He presented a most abhorrent and sickening sight, by a phase of physical disability. Justice Sumner ordered him to leave town in the quickest time possible. He said he wanted to go to Albany, N.Y., and it is presumed he started for that city.
Officer H.C. Whitford on Monday night of this week scooped in Leon Boucher, a Frenchman, for intoxication and breach of the peace. Yesterday morning he was a candidate for magisterial honors, which Justice Sumner extended in his usual pleasant manner in the shape of $1
and costs.

1031. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Commencement. - The commencement exercises at the Storrs Agricultural school will take place Thursday, June 19th, at 1 o'clock p.m. The following is the programme of the graduating exercises of the senior class. Clifford S. Barnes, Collinsville, "The
Physiology and Chemistry of Cattle Feeding." Jerry L. Fenn, Plymouth, "The Laws of Dew, Frost, and Storms." Frank S. Hubbard, Glastonbury,
"Insects Injurious to the Apple." Andrew Hyde, South Glastonbury, "The Feet of the Horse and Ox, and their Diseases." F.C. Leavens, Wauregan,
"Irrigation and Drainage." Samuel Q. Porter, Jr., Unionville, "Health in our Homes." After the graduating essays, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher will give our address. A telegram from Gov. Waller announces his acceptance of the invitation to be present. The Home circle orchestra of North Coventry and North Mansfield will furnish a part of the music for the occasion. On Tuesday night of this week this Orchestra gave a most enjoyable concert to a crowded house at the Storrs School. The excellent musical taste and skill displayed and the superior quality of the music rendered made it a most delightful evening for all who heard it.

1032. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: The Bulletin's Danielsonville correspondent says: "The publication of the Putnam Daily Sunbeam has been suspended 'until the dull summer months have passed.' It has cut quite a respectable figure during each of its twenty-three visits to Danielsonville, the last of which was Tuesday evening." Putnam is an ambitious town, and our neighbor seems to have caught the contagion - but it costs money to run newspapers. Willimantic, although of nearly twice the size and three times the wealth of our sister village, with a fair out country, could not support a daily newspaper.

1033. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: The old depot has been sold to E.A. Buck and it has been demolished by a force of men under J.H. Picknell and the
greater part of the material carted away. All the roads now use the New England depot.

1034. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Base Ball.
The base ball board of management ahs been re-organized by the choice of Edwin F. Burnham president in place of Samuel Bingham resigned, and
Thos. F. Foran and J.W. Web directors in place of G.M. Harrington and T.J. Kelley. A special meeting of contributors was held at the town hall
last Thursday evening and it was largely attended and as rich and lively as a specimen borough meeting where all the local orators get in their
work. It was left with the directors to choose a manager and they have made choice of Thomas Foran. Captain Thomas is a fine base ball player, and he seems to be in dead earnest every game. If the team don't make a good record it won't be his fault.

1035. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Columbia.
Miss Esther Porter has been visiting at A.O. Wright's, but left Saturday for Hartford.
Miss Lillian I. Fuller closed her school last Friday, and it was spoken of as a very successful term.
Joel Tucker is erecting a new horse barn, adding another to his extensive out-buildings.
J.L. Downer is in South Coventry this week, painting the residence of Mrs. Babcock on South street.
Repairs have been made on the highways during the past week, and as conducted in this district we consider road scrapers a nuisance, taking off all the shoulders of the road, sidewalks, etc., instead of going into the ditches and taking soil from there with which to make repairs.
Geo. L. Dewey of Norwich was in town over the Sabbath, and was cordially welcomed by his friends.
Elber Little has been spending a week in Montville and Norwich.
Childrens' day was observed at the Congregational church on Sunday, and the exercises in the evening were of a varied character, consisting of remarks by different individuals, singing, etc. There were several bouquets and baskets of flowers around the desk, and after all were seated the exercises were opened by singing "Precious Promise," Miss Jennie L. Fuller presiding at the organ, followed by prayer offered by Deacon Leander Richardson, reading of Scripture by the pastor, remarks by E.P. Lyman, superintendent, followed by a song, "Children of the Sabbath School," sung by ten little misses and lads under the instruction of Miss Jennie Fuller and which was a very pleasing feature of the occasion, being well done for such juveniles. Miss A.J. Fuller, assistant superintendent, then read a report on the State Sunday-school convention held at Waterbury, the key note seeming to be more and earnest work in the Sunday school. Address by Deacon Wm. A. Collins, followed by singing "Jewels;" also remarks by Joseph Hutchins and Geo. L. Dewey of Norwich, a former resident here. Closing words by the pastor, who then announced a collection would take place for the purchase of new books for the young members of the school. All the congregation joined in singing "Coronation," and after benediction by the pastor the services were closed, all being of one opinion that the exercises had proved very interesting.

1036. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Andover.
The event of last week was a tea party given at the house of Mr. Henry I. Dorrance, Wednesday evening, for the benefit of the library. The evening was perfect, and our people turned out, old and young. The supper provided by the ladies of Andover, was an excellent one, and included plenty of oranges and ice cream. It cost too much for profit, but was very much enjoyed by all present. The net proceeds, however, amounted to nearly $15. Among those present from out of town were Mr. Clarence Bissel and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Phelps of Hebron, Mrs. A.C. Woodworth of Willimantic, and Master George Woodward of Rockville.

The committee of the First Ecclesiastical society have made a contract with Mr. E.F. Reed of Willimantic to shingle and paint the church and paint the conference house. After this is done the Ladies' society and the Helping Hands society intent do have some needed repairs made to the interior.
Aggie Smith, daughter of Mr. F.W. Smith, is very sick, and her physicians, Drs. Dean and Flint, fear that she may not recover.

1037. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Mansfield. (Received too late for insertion last week.)
The main driving pully in the cotton mill of J.L. Ross at Eagleville burst one morning last week soon after starting the wheel. The pully is eighteen feet in diameter and runs three thousand feet per minute, or nearly a mile in one minute. A piece weighing upwards of three hundred pounds crashed into a spinning machine and falling to the floor, cut nearly through a three-inch planking. A French girl standing near the machine narrowly escaped instant death by being just one side its course. She had the bones in one hand dislocated and escaped further injury except being badly frightened. Dr. Sweet was sent for who replaced the bones and the girl will soon be well. The breaking of the wheel will cause the stoppage of the mill for about three weeks to give time for the casting and replacing of the same. The casing is being done in Providence.
Ralph W. Storrs, Esq., met with a singular and painful accident Saturday, afternoon of last week by which the bone of the left arm was broken above the elbow. He took his rifle and went out to shoot crows that were foraging in his cornfield, and in getting over a high wall he placed his left hand on a stone that rolled off, precipitating him head foremost to the ground with the result above stated. The fracture was a bad one, the bone protruding through the skin. He managed to get to the house without help and Dr. Sweet was sent for who dressed the fracture.
Rev. Irving W. Coombs of Bristol, Vermont, preached at the Baptist church Sunday to an unusually large and attentive audience. It is understood that the church will invite him to become their pastor.

1039. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Democratic State Convention. The democratic state convention which met at Peck's Grand opera house New Haven last Thursday was fully attended, every town in the state being represented. The four delegates-at-large were chosen as follows: First district,
Alfred E. Burr, Hartford; second, John C. Byxbee, Meriden; third, Thomas M. Waller, New London; fourth, Wm. H. Barnum, Salisbury. District
delegates were chosen as follows: --Hartford county, Clinton W. Cowles, Manchester; Tolland, Charles A. Andrews, Mansfield; New Haven, Homer
Twitchell, Naugatuck; Middlesex, Charles A. Elliott, Clinton; New London, Wm. H. Shields, Norwich; Windham, Joshua Perkins, Killingly;
Litchfield, Augustus H. Fenn, Winchester; Fairfield, David M. Reeds, Bridgeport.

1040. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Reparation for a Cruel Joke. Norwalk, Ct., May 30. Mr. Maples, editor of The Hour, which published the alleged
funny article relating to a sand bank the other day, and which caused a serious run on the Norwalk Savings bank, announces that on July he will
pay all the interest lost by depositors who drew out their money. He adds that he did not sufficiently notice the item, and should not have allowed it to appear.

1041. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Obituary. Providence, R.I., May 31. Father William B. Cleary, a prominent member of the Society of Jesus, and
pastor of St. Joseph's church here, died Friday night, aged 47 years. He was born in Alexandria, Va., and has taught at the society's institutions at Baltimore, Washington, Frederick, Md., and Boston.

1042. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Woodstock.
Mrs. Robert Sherman and daughter have returned from Norwich.
H.C. Bowen and family are in town for the summer and is looking after his park, his farms and the fourth of July.
Rev. Mr. Southworth and wife and Mrs. Thurston Child were at Saratoga at the meeting of the Am. Missionary Society.
G.C. Williams was reappointed commissioner of the Superior Court at the May term. The cases of Olmstead vs. Wilcox and Wilkins vs. Wilcox,
which have been pending some time have taken may people to Brooklyn against their will. It still drags its disgusting length along with some
prospect of a close this week.
The New England Co., is putting a very heavy stand of telegraph wires through Eastford, Woodstock and Thomson. The poles are unusually heavy,
and will require little repairing.
Rev. J.L. Strenach (or Stronach), a Scotchman of large culture and linguistic attainments who has been nearly half a century a missionary in China has been sojourning here with his wife. He has supplied the pulpit and given lectures on China. He is associated with Welles Williams formerly American minister to China in translating the Bible into Chinese.
The farms and little places along the road east of Woodstock pond have nearly all passed into the hands of New Yorkers, who enlarge the houses or build anew. Dr. Mathewson, occulist of Brooklyn, N.Y., has been large influential in bringing them here. He is a native of the place.
This region is becoming quite a favorite with nurserymen. Linderman, Miss Fox and Chas. H. Porter, an Americanized German are all located within a short distance of one another. Porter sent in response to Decoration day demands 4,000 pinks, 8000 roses to Boston and Providence. The "freeze" brought out 400 more after the bushes had been all stripped. He deals largely in pinks, roses, smilax, tuberoses and camellias.
Some of the boarding houses have their quota of guests engaged for the summer. Elmwood house is not yet full. Blackmer adds the Lyman house
to the list this season. In West Woodstock there will be the Powhatan house, Fargo's, Corgin's, Deacon Hammond's, Mrs. Williams' and Mrs.
Washburn's and some in Woodstock valley. The picnicking at Black pond has begun. Many houses in Pomfret are let for the season.
The "freeze" did considerable damage here in the valleys to planted and growing crops. Not much had been planted on the hills. Dan'l Leonard had hoed his corn and potatoes, which were spoiled. Cherries, apples, pears, grapes, strawberries, ash, hickory and chestnut trees were the principal sufferers. Although grass in pastures and hay fields looks better here than elsewhere in the county the prospect is a very discouraging one to farmers for present and winter feed. There is almost a panic about hay. If the rains do not come the droughts of the past two years leave the roots in a bad condition to withstand the drain of development during the rest of the season. The growth started early because the rots had so little covering of aftermath, and the dryness leaves them without nourishment.

1043. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Mansfield.
The canker worm has put in an appearance and is busily engaged in destroying what fruit the late frost left us. The large orchard of Ziba Warren, consisting of twelve hundred choice apple trees, has been denuded of every green leaf, and his cherry trees, the largest in number and variety in town, are sharing the same fate. The same orchard was eaten in the same manner last year but the pests did not extend their ravages to neighboring orchards. Whether the carnivorous pests will be content to forage where they are or extend their work of destruction remains to be seen.
For some reason the repairing of many of our road has been delayed belong the time required by vote of the town and to the inconvenience of the public travel. We have often urged the policy of repairing our roads early in the season while the earth is loose from the effects of the frosts of winter, when it can be easily moved and readily packed, making a smooth, hard road-bed that will last through the whole season. In the interest of economy this should be done and for the benefit of public travel.
H.B. Willis lost a valuable cow a few days since.
Mr. Charles Crane is very low with that most dreaded of all complaints, cancer. He expresses himself as being anxious to depart and be at rest, having already lived longer than the allotted time for man.
Mr. James Slat has lost two wintered shotes valued at $40. Cause, eating too much veal.
Mansfield has been particularly noted for the longevity of many of its inhabitants. But one by one the old landmarks are being removed. Samuel C. Harvey an octogenarian, died at his residence on Monday, June 9th, after a brief illness from pneumonia. Mr. Harvey was born in East Haddam, Conn., May 31st, 1804, and consequently had just passed his 80th birthday. In the year of 1827, at the age of 23, he removed to this town ,occupying the same house in which he resided until his death. Two years later - 1829 - he was united in marriage to Miss Delia Shepard, who survives him. Eleven children were born to them, seven of whom are living. Among this number are Ellen, wife of Rev. Adelbert Chapman of Putnam, Conn., Mrs. N.A. Waldo of this town, Mrs. J.C. Dimock of Somers and Mrs. Albert F. Hanks of Colorado City. Two daughters, unmarried, reside at home. The only son, Horace, is a resident of Chaplin, Conn. Soon after Mr. Harvey's removal to this town, he commenced the tannery business which he followed many years, the business steadily increasing until it became a prominent branch of industry, from which by his persistent energy and enterprise he amassed a comfortable fortune. A few years since he gave up the business and has since lived a quiet and retired life. He will be greatly missed, from the community and family circle, and the loss will be more keenly felt from the fact of his brief illness and sudden death. His funeral was attended from his late residence on Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. N Beach officiating. His son and three sons-in-law acted as bearers. His remains were interred in the Mansfield cemetery.

1044. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Died.
Curry - In Willimantic June 6 Ellen, daughter of Mathew Curry aged 1 year 9 months.

1045. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: The marriage of Miss Lizzie Leonard, daughter of Ralph Cleveland of Edgartown Mass., to Truman W. Greenslit,
associate editor of the Hartford Telegram, was solemnized at the residence of the bride's parents Thursday morning, the Rev. N.H. Walker officiating. The bride was dressed in a cream satin elaborately hand painted dress, the design being wild roses. It was cut in court train. Her ornaments were diamonds. The residence was very highly decorated with flower streamers. After the ceremony had been performed, the couple
held a reception until the departure of the Nantucket boat. They will be at home at Sigourney House Mondays in June.

1046. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Henry C. Work, the noted song writer and composer, died at Hartford last Sunday evening, of heart disease.
"Marching Through Georgia" "My Grandfather's Clock" and "Dear Father Come Home With Me Now," were written by him.

1047. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: Major Kinney's staff for Buckingham day will include Dr. Archibald T. Douglas of New London, sergeant 10th C.V.,
and Dr. Charles M. Carleton, 18th C.V., Norwich, on the general staff; Colonel Wm. H. Tubbs of New London, among the aids; and Private Henry M. Durfey, 18th C.V., Norwich, and Captain John Bishop, 2d C.V. and 1st H.A., New London, among the assistant marshals.

1048. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: The Springfield Republican says: Mrs. Clement T. Hanchett, a returned missionary living in New York, was cured
last spring of a nervous trouble by Faith Curer Arthur Sloan of Stratford, Conn. Her little girl broke her arm recently, and so impressed were the Hanchetts with the faith cure that for three weeks they refused to call a doctor, relying on their faith to knit the bone. The boarders took the case up and Assistant Bishop Potter wrote the father a letter suggesting that he hire a doctor. This didn't move the man, but when the society for the prevention of cruelty to children took it up the faith enthusiast 'tumbled," two doctors were called and found the bone only partly broken after all.

1049. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: D.E. Dimock has purchased the Springs house property at Stafford Springs, for the Main brothers of Florence, Mass.

1050. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: For Sale. A Newfoundland dog, weight 150 lbs. Perfectly save; good watch dog. Enquire at Chronicle Office, or
address P.O. Box No. 244.

1051. TWC Wed Jun 11, 1884: $15 will buy a good Farm Wagon. Enquire of S.C. Davis.

1052. TWC Wed Jun 18, 1884: About Town.
In paper hanging, curtains and general window fixings, Willard W. Hayden leads.
H.C. Hall comes out with a nobby new delivery wagon. People buy groceries there.
The thread mills are stopped to-day to allow the help to attend the exercises at Hartford.
The Banker's and Merchant's Telegraph company have furnished their office here with a switchboard having double the former capacity.
Rev. C.H. Dalrymple formerly of the Gurleyville Methodist Episcopal church, now of Jewett City was married on Tuesday of last week to Miss
Delia M. Eaton of Chaplin.
W.J. Hastings, the expressman left this morning for Canada on a visit to his mother who is dangerously ill. Mr. Hastings will be absent three or four weeks.
The grading for the new fence in the rear of the cemetery was completed some time ago, and now a substantial row of granite posts have been set the entire length of the yard.

1053. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Benjamin Sharp of South Windham died last Friday morning. The funeral services occurred at the Universalist church in Scotland on Sunday, Miss Anna Tingley of this village officiating as speaker.

1054. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: S.B. Kenyon, the harness maker, has a new patent called the "deflecting button shield" to prevent the horse from
getting his tail caught in the buckles of the harness, which he is introducing. A few of those $18 hand-made harnesses left.

1055. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: A good audience gathered at the Loomer opera house Sunday afternoon to listen to the temperate address by Mr.
Mr. Marvin Knowlton. Mr. Knowlton is a businessman, but has found time to give this subject considerable attention, and gave a very interesting

1056. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Master Walter F. Wilbur who lost a leg by being run over by the cars in Turnerville one day last week, died of his
injuries last Monday morning, mortification having set in. Deceased was a brother of Mrs. Wm. B. Oliver of this village.

1057. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: A horse belonging to Geo. Tiffany stumbled and fell in a heap in front of the opera house, Tuesday afternoon. The
driver jumped from the wagon and sat on the horse's head until he was unfastened from the wagon, and the damage was only a broken thill.

1058. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: W.Y. Buck, who started the plating business in this village, and invented the combination plate used by this firm is
now in the firm of E.M. Roberts & Son at 68 Market street, Hartford, where he has greatly increased facilities for doing that class of work.
He has an advertisement in this paper.

1059. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Two boot-blacks went into W.N. Potter's store yesterday and while one bought a box of blacking, the other stole
two blacking brushes. Mr. Potter missed the goods soon after, and set officer Clark on track of them. He soon found the brushes and the boy, who owned the theft. Promising good behavior in the future he was dismissed with some good advice which he promised faithfully to follow.

1060. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: F.W. Reynolds of Mount Pleasant, Pa., arrived here last Friday afternoon, having made the trip from Providence
to this village on a bicycle in about eight hours running time. Mr. Reynolds is a student at Brown University and will make the trip to his home on his wheel via New York, Philadelphia, Washington and Pittsburg.

1061. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: The town of Ulysses, Neb., where many of our Windham county people are settled, did not hang out the Blaine flag.
The Dispatch gives the following explanation of this omission: "The flag was not flung to the breezes in Ulysses over the nomination of Blaine, for the reason that the rope on the liberty pole had not been replaced since taken down for the purpose of hanging Richardson."

1062. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Barney Doyle of Bristol, Conn., offers $5.00 reward for the recovery of two boys who ran away June 10th. One, John Doyle, aged 14 years, wore a dark suit, cloth cap, narrow crown and button shoes. He is dark with brown hair. The other is named Freddie Poach aged 12 years, wore dark clothes, light complexion and light hair. Two boys answering the description were seen in this village Friday night.

1064. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: The Ladies' Friendly society of the Methodist church will hold a strawberry and floral festival in the vestry Friday evening, June 20th. An entertainment will be given consisting of music, readings, and recitations. The colloquy of the Summer Queen and Frost King will be presented by twenty young ladies and gentlemen. Supper, consisting of strawberries and cream, cake and pastry, tea and coffee, will be served from 6 to 10 o'clock at 25 cents. Ice cream and cake will be on sale. Admittance, 10 cents. Music will be furnished by the choir, assisted by Miss Etta Young, and Messrs. Bradbury, Clark and Simpson.

1065. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Police Notes: - Officer Clark last evening about 10:30 arrested Robert Moran, a young out-of-town rough, for
intoxication and disorderly conduct on Jackson street. An attempt was made to rescue him, but officer Clark threatened to make it warm for those that interfered. This morning Justice Bowen imposed a fine of $1 and costs - $6.98 in all. The prisoner being but 19 years of age was in law a minor, and Justice Bowen appointed officer Clark his guardian pro tem. Friends however paid his fine, and his release was ordered by Justice Bowen.

1066. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: A picture in the show window of SW.L. Harrinton & Co's store is attracting much attention just at present. It represents a game of base ball, a nine composed of politicians with presidential bees in their bonnets. Arthur is wielding the ash, while Grant has slipped up on second base in his endeavor to get to third. Blaine is in the pitcher's box with Tilden behind the bat. John Kelly is skirmishing around short stop, Ben Butler covers first base, "Black Jack" Logan is in the difficult position of second baseman and Payne watches the third bag. The outfielders are the great unknowns. Conkling umpires the game. It is altogether a comical and interesting illustration.

1067. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Miss Mary Lewis, daughter of J.A. Lewis of this village, was thrown from a coach at Clinton, Mass., where she was
teaching, Memorial day, and very badly injured. The horses ran away with thirteen ladies in the coach, but she was the only one seriously hurt.
She struck on her head and remained unconscious for four hours after the accident. She is now at home slowly improving and able to be about the
house. Advices from Clinton say that great sympathy was manifested for her there, where she is highly esteemed as a cultivated lady and fine

1068. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: A large iron vault for the Dime Savings bank arrived Monday and the difficult task of conveying it to the new building was accomplished Tuesday. It was drawn on rollers through the streets by means of a capstan, while the usual quota of gentlemen of leisure took a hand at bossing the job. It is a monster, and fire to have any show with it must be of the sulphuric order and burglars to gain admission will have to have a close relationship to his satanic majesty.

1069. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: The Japanese tea party at the Baptist church last Friday evening was a unique affair and proved very successful in every way. The young lady waitresses, about twenty in number, were prettily arrayed in oriental costumes and their toilets closely resembled those of the Japanese ladies. The supper provided was quite elaborate, much superior to the usual church festival spread, and was liberally patronized. After supper an entertainment consisting of charades was an attractive and amusing feature of the party. It was altogether an original affair and very creditable to the young ladies who arranged it.

1070. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Those Crossings Again. It is surely almost like riding into the jaws of death to cross those railroad tracks. Another victim yesterday. W.L. Stearns, a clothing dealer of Norwich, drove up here yesterday with his wife. They attempted to pass over the Main street crossing but a freight train insisted as usual upon the right of way, and they turned to cross at Union street. The train had stopped and the gate tender, as they say, beckoned them to come on. When they were nearly over the gates began to descend and frightened the horse. He shied and the carriage struck a post making a bad wreck of that and throwing both occupants out. The horse ran at full speed to Turner & Wilson's stable where he stopped without doing damage to himself. The gentleman was not hurt and Mrs. Stearns came out of the accident with only bruises about the face. It was almost a miracle that the brains of both were not dashed out against the curbing and sidewalk. Well, what do the people propose to do about the matter. "The public be d---d," says the mighty Vanderbilt, but we hope this railroad company does not follow suit.

1071. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: On Sunday morning there occurred in some parts of the state the unusual appearance of a frost in June. In parts
of eastern and western Connecticut it was quite pronounced. In Mansfield a field of eight acres of growing corn belonging to Mr. Augustus Storrs
was cut down and killed, roots and all, while other places, up and down the Willimantic valley, from Stafford to Willimantic, and parts of Windham county, showed the effects in blackened potato vines, beans, etc.

1072. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Sad Affair. Officer Shurtliff while going his rounds about 1:30 or 2 o'clock last Monday morning, had his attention attracted by a strange noise in the vicinity of the European house, and on going there found a man lying on the pavement directly in front of the driveway on Railroad street. The officer supposing it a case of intoxication took hold of the man and was horrified to find him dead and his skull crushed in. Obtaining assistance the body was taken into the European house, where the deceased had boarded for about a year, his occupation being yard switchman. His name was Thomas Bray, age 30 years. Inquiries elicited the following facts: Mr. Bray had suffered from fever and ague which confined him to his room for about a month, and he was at times quite delirious and acted strangely, so much so that it required the services of an attendant. At times he would get out of bed and rush out doors yelling "take them off," "don't you see he is going to kill me with that big sword!" But his attendant generally succeeded in quieting his fears and inducing him to return to his bed. It is supposed that he was seized with one of these paroxysms last Monday morning during the temporary absence of his attendant, and in his delirium, not knowing what he did got out of his window on to the roof and rushing to the edge fell or jumped to the pavement below and dashed out his brains. This sad occurrence created quite a sensation and was the prevailing topic of the day. Undertaker Sessions took charge of the body and after composing it, delivered it to a brother of the deceased who took it to Stamford where Bray formerly resided. Mr. Bray when alive was generally liked by those who knew him, and he will be missed by many friends. An inquest was considered unnecessary.

1073. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Mansfield.
Mr. C.A. Gurley has purchased a farm of fifty-five acres opposite his residence of Wm. Reynolds and is making improvements thereon. The house and lot owned by Austin Holt, lately deceased, has been purchased by Washington I. Swift. It is reported that editor Hall has purchased the house lately occupied by Mr. Jones at Conantville and will make it his future residence.
The herd of Jerseys on Wormwood Hill is in a thriving condition, the herdsman giving them the best of care, but whether like Jacob he will claim the ring-streaked and spotted of the increase for his share, remains to be seen.
Wm. Reynolds has purchased the pine timber on the Doyle place and it is being hauled to H.W. Storrs' steam mill near by and converted into
The Baptist church being without a pastor last Sunday Deacon C.W. Hill edified the audience with appropriate remarks.
The Eagleville mill was started up Monday, having been idle for upwards of three weeks in consequence of the breaking of the main driving pully.
C.G. Cummings has sold one of his farms, known as the Carter place, to a German family just over from the old country.
A.W. Storrs' broken arm is improving and he is able to ride out. His two sons take care of the farm, and as they understand the work before them nothing is neglected.
Mr. Walter Storrs is buying veal calves and mutton and sending them dressed to parties in Hartford.
We are glad to observe the improvements that are being brought out in some sections of our town. We refer now to the more central portion, which is as good if not the best portion for farming. While it is quite uneven and stony, yet the soil is deep and rich. Beginning at the Storrs Agricultural farm, something is being done in the way of getting out stone; others partaking of the improvement spirit such as Mr. C.A. Gurley, Frank Freeman, Dewing and others are digging, blasting, and removing rocks, putting them in line by the roadside, making strong and durable fence, besides giving more surface for cultivation. The success that has attended some of our young farmers in rearing cattle, horses and hops has led others to embark, and we hope to see in the near future great advance in this line. Why should not the young men of our towns strive at home rather than relinquish home and home efforts, and transfer themselves, their families and capital to the West? The same efforts and deprivations they would have to encounter there would bring success at home. "True," say many who have tried it.

1074. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Columbia.
Mrs. Dr. C.N. Gallup spent several days last week in Plainfield and the Sabbath with her sick father in Colchester.
The widow of the late John S. Yeomans is quite ill from the effects of a partial stroke of paralysis.
Miss Esther Porter has returned from Hartford and is with her niece, Mrs. Downer.

1075. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: South Windham.
Burglars attempted to enter the residence of E.H. Holmes, Jr. on Sunday night by unlocking a door from the outside by means of pincers. They were heard by the inmates, and finding they were discovered, fled. It is a pity they could not have received a charge of shot apiece before leaving.
The death of E.B. Sharp, which occurred Friday morning last, took from our midst one of our most prominent citizens. His sickness extended over a period of five years, and several times during this period he was hardly expected to live from one hour to another, yet he would so far recover that he was able to be around the house and yard. His sufferings were intense and he no doubt looked upon death as a release. The funeral was attended from his late residence in this village and from the Universalist church in Scotland on Sunday. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community in their affliction. A Card - To the many friends who endeavored to render more pleasant and comfortable his long months of sickness, and who assisted in the last sad rites to the dead, the family of the late E. Benj. Sharp desire to return their heartfelt thanks, and assure these friends that their acts of kindness are fully appreciated.

1076. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: The Mormon church in Utah receives about $2,000,000 a year in tithes.

1077. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: One of the oddest complaints made against the National traits and characteristics of the American people is that
they are too artty for their own good. In other words the accusation is that as a people they cultivate art to such an extent as to give the Americans a habit of flippancy, superficiality and shallowness in speaking and writing, even upon public affairs. Unfortunately we have reason to think that there is more truth than poetry about the charge.

1078. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: The Fourth of July at Woodstock. Woodstock, Ct., June 16. - At the Fourth of July celebration at Roseland park,
ex-Gov. John D. Long, of Massachusetts, will preside and make the opening speech, and a poem will be read by the Hon. George H. Boker, of
Philadelphia. Addresses will be made by Benson J. Lossing, LL.D., on "Columbus, His Place in History;" the Rev. Henry A. Stinson, of
Worcester, on "Aggressive Reformation;" Agricultural Commissioner George B. Loring, on "Parks and Highways;" J.H. Vincent, D.D., on "The Every Day College;" ex-Gov. J.R. St. John, of Kansas, on "Prohibition," and Joseph Cook, of Boston, on "Ultimate America." There will be no
political addresses.

1079. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Hiram B. Browning, a Bridgeport policeman, has eloped with a married woman named Rowe, leaving two broken and
destitute homes.

1080. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Emil Shultheiss, of Bridgeport, Ct., aged 11 years, was fatally paralyzed while playing with electric wires.

1081. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Older than Grandfather's Clock. Norwich, June 16. - Van Buren Chapman, of this city, in response to a request of
H.P. Hall, editor of The St. Paul Globe, for historical woods to be employed in the manufacture of the gavel to be used by the president of the democratic national convention at Chicago next month, has forwarded to him a portion of the frame of the clock which did service in Jonathan
Trumbull's house on Lebanon Green during the revolutionary war. Mr. Chapman is a descendant of Gov. Trumbull on the maternal side, and
possesses many relics of historical value. This clock frame is of mahogany, and well preserved. The clock is still in good running order.

1082. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Ashford.
Wm. D. Carpenter and John Mathewson returned Monday from a week's trip to Virginia, where they visited Newport News, Norfork and other
places, returning by way of Washington. They express themselves as highly satisfied with their trip, and greatly admired the country through which they passed, but were not fully in sympathy with the colored portion of the population.
Some rascal has been committing depredations on the Baltimore and Ohio telegraph line that has just been put up through the town, three of their poles having been sawed off. The company propose to make it hot for the parties if they find them out.
Quite a number of our citizens are intending to visit Hartford on Buckingham day, and some will visit the Storrs Agricultural school at Mansfield on Thursday to hear what Waller and Beecher know about farming.

1083. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Gatherings from Martha's Vineyard. We reached our new and pleasant home on the Vineyard, May 23d and received a very cordial earnest welcome, from a loving, kind-hearted people who have already rendered us valued aid. It is very pleasant here, and we have large and interesting congregations. The air is cool and bracing, and the sea food delicious, The cottages at the camp-ground are filling
up, and soon the busy season will come. It is a lovely spot, its beauty cannot be told. Hope to see many of our Connecticut friends here this
summer. C.N. Nichols.

1084. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Died.
Bray - In Willimantic June 16, Thomas Bray aged 30.
Green - In Lebanon June 15, Frank Green aged 70.
Wilbur - In Turnerville June 16, Walter F. Wilbur aged 17.
Graves - In Windham June 13, Louisa L. Graves aged 76.
Sharpe - In South Windham June 13 Elias Benjamin Sharpe aged 83.
Sullivan - In Willimantic June 15th, Kate Sullivan aged 21
Doyle - In Willimantic June 14, Maggie Doyle aged 5 years 4 months.
Healy - In South Windham June 14, Maggie Healy aged 16.
Delcourt - In Willimantic June 14, Arthur Delcourt aged 2 months.

1085. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: W.Y. Buck, who established the Plating business in Willimantic, has removed to No. 68 Market Street, Hartford
(with E.M. Roberts & Son). Where he has much larger and better facilities for doing work than ever before.

1086. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: District of Coventry Probate Court, Coventry, May 26, 1884. Estate of Erwin P. Hutchinson late of Coventry in said district, deceased. The Court for Probate for the district of Coventry hath limited and allowed six months from the 7th of December, 1883, for the creditors of said estate in which to exhibit their claims against said estate. It now appearing that said estate is insolvent and the same is by the administrator represented insolvent. Therefore this court doth appoint Eugene A. Tracy and William F. Sweet commissioners to receive and examine said claims. Certified by S.M. Webler, clerk. The subscribers give notice that they shall meet at the Probate office in said district on the 25th day of June and the 9th day of July next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, on each of said days, for the purpose of attending to the business of said appointment. Eugene A. Tracy, Wm. F. Sweet, Commissioners. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to William C. Latimer, Administrator.

1087. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: District of Coventry, Probate Court, Coventry, May 26, 1884. Estate of Nancy P. Hutchinson late of Coventry in said District, deceased. The Court of Probate for the district of Coventry hath limited and allowed six months from the _th day of January, 1884, for the creditors of said estate in which to exhibit their claims against said estate. It now appearing that said estate is insolvent, and the same is by the administrator represented insolvent. Therefore this court doth appoint Eugene A. Tracy and William F. Sweet commissioners to receive and examine said claims. Certified by S.M. Webler, clerk. The subscribers give notice that they shall meet at the Probate office in said district on the 5th and 26th days of July, 1884, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, on each of said days, for the purpose of attending to the business of said appointment. Eugene A. Tracy, Wm. F. Sweet, Commissioners. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to William C. Latimer, Administrator.

1088. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: At a Court of Probate, holden at Coventry within and for the district of Coventry on the 17th day of June A.D. 1884. Present, F.E. Williams, Esq., Judge. This Court doth direct James S. Morgan Esq., trustee on the assigned estate of Hall & Sweet of Coventry in said district, debtors represented to be insolvent, to give notice to all persons interested in the estate of said debtors, to appear if they see cause before the Court of Probate to be holden at the probate office in said district on the 24th of June at 10 o'clock a.m. to be heard relative to the appointment of commissioners on said estate, by posting said order of notice on a public sign-post in said town of Coventry nearest to the place where the debtor last dwelt, and by advertising the same in a newspaper published in Willimantic.

1089. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Scotland.
Scotland, though a small town, has been noted for its social gatherings and the past winter for its surprises. The old roomy mansions of many received a call from old and young, grave and gray, where they would pass the evening in merry making. But quiet came at last. The men betook themselves to the fields and the gude wife stayed in doors as the house cleaning season was at hand. But too much work and no play, they
thought. So the people in the south part of the town and Jerusalem agreed to meet at one Andrew Maine's on May 11th, as it was the 10th
anniversary of their marriage, or tin wedding, and also agreed to "sup" with them. They day was nice and near forty gathered, bringing with them
not only good wishes but tokens of friendship, such as silver, glass, tin, wood, etc. - neither was the cake forgotten, but furnished plentifully. When the guests arrived they found the groom in the field holding the plow, the bride at home caring for the infantry - two in number - teaching the young ideas how to shoot. She soon donned the identical dress of ten years ago, the husband came from the field, and all went merry until near the hour of midnight, when they bade the host and hostess good-night, wishing them many returns, then wended their way to their respective homes.

1090. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Montville.
Matt Welch, a boy employed in the carding room of Palmer Bros. Mill caught his left hand in a card on Saturday. The flesh was torn from his fingers and the thumb was terribly mangled, having to be amputated below the first joint.
Hugh Latimer, an eleven-year-old son of Mr. J.S. Latimer, the other day took a notion into his head that he would give the calf a little out-door exercise. He tied one end of a rope to the calf and tied the other end around his own body to better enable him to control the motions of the calf. As soon as the calf began to sniff the fresh air it made a bee line for the orchard, and Hugh soon found out that the controlling power was at the calf's end of the rope. It dragged Hugh round the orchard through the long, wet grass and a sink drain. Fortunately he was not much injured and a suit of dry clothes repaired the damage.
The Rev. W.H. Walden baptized three persons on Sunday, a father, son and daughter.
Mr. E.R. Eaton, station agent, has gone into the chicken raising business. He has now 250 chickens and eight more hens to hear from.

1091. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: A second dividend of ten per cent, in liquidation of the Sprague notes has been declared by Z. Chaffee, trustee. An application to restrain its payment by Evan Randolph in the United States circuit court, Saturday, was denied. It is understood that the amount thus put in circulation will exceed $800,000.

1092. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: A man driving a buggy willfully ran against the bicycle of Cyrus W. Kellogg of New Haven, Friday, ran over the
machine and drove away before the rider could learn his name. Mr. Kellogg leaped from the saddle before the machine fell.

1093. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: James E. Bidwell, fifty years old, probably the most prominent Odd Fellow in Connecticut and cashier of the Middletown National bank, attended to his business duties Thursday as usual and retired about 10 o'clock Thursday night in apparently good health. Friday morning about 4 o'clock his wife found him dead in his bed. It was a case of heart disease.

1094. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Editor Mabbitt, of the defunct Press Recorder of Meriden is adopting a novel method of resuscitating the corpse. He has issued a call for a popular loan from the friends of the paper to set it on its feet again as an "independent paper supporting Blaine and Logan." He says the income has been large enough to pay running expenses, but that payment for an expensive office plant crippled him sadly.

1095. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: Benjamin White of Pomfret, while handling a pistol on Sunday, discharged it accidentally, and sent a ball through
the fleshy portion of the little finger on his left hand into the inner portion of his left leg between the knee and the body. The doctor was unable to extract the ball, still he does not consider the wound necessarily dangerous.

1096. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: George Chase of Attawaugan (Killingly) while driving last Sunday in East Killingly stopped his horse and alighted from his wagon and attempted to step over a wall beside the road to pick some wintergreens, when the hammer of a revolver which was in his coat pocket struck the wall and discharged the weapon, sending a ball nearly through the body of the unfortunate man. He died in a few minutes in the presence of his father, who was riding with him. The deceased was about forty years of age and leaves a wife and children. Mr. Chase as the overseer of the carding room at the Attawaugan mill, was an industrious man, greatly respected.

1097. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: The oldest Baptist association in Connecticut - the Stonington Union - meets with the oldest Baptist church in Connecticut - the first Baptist church of Groton, at Mystic, commencing this morning at 10 o'clock. It is the 120th anniversary of the founding of the First church, and the 113th of the association.

1098. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: To Rent - a good tenement in Congdon block, Church street. Also stable room to rent and horses boarded. Apply to
C.F. Congdon & Son.

1099. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: For Sale or Rent - A nice new Cottage on the Rollison place. Enquire of James H. Picknell.

1100. TWC Wed Jun 19, 1884: To the Board of County Commissioners for Windham County. I hereby apply for a license to sell spirituous and
intoxicating liquors at Revere House on Main street in Borough of Willimantic in the town of Windham. I hereby certify that I am not disqualified to receive such license by any of the provisions of the laws of this state and that the place in which said business is to be carried on has no means of access to any part of the same building used or occupied as a dwelling house. Dated at Windham this 17th day of June, A.D. 1884. L. Van Voorhis & Rathburn. We the undersigned, electors and tax-payers of the town of Windham do hereby endorse the application of the above named L. Van Voorhis & Rathburn and we hereby certify that we have not since the first day of October 1883 endorsed any other application for license. Dated at Windham this 17th day of June, A.D. 1884. I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and taxpayers of the town of Windham. Dated at Windham this 17th day of June, A.D. 1884. Attest. Henry N. Wales, Town Clerk.

1101. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: About Town.
The matrimonial pot boileth. Five weddings in this village this week.

The pond lily season has arrived and the Willimantic river is receiving due attention.
L.C. Weaver has bought the billiard room and attachments of Frank Frost in Melony block.
Father DeBruycker is making arrangements for a Fourth of July celebration in the Oaks.
James H. Picknell has sold his cottage on the Rollinson place in the lower village to Robert Knott for $2,300.
A law which went into effect last spring prohibits fishing on Coventry lake for five years. Right!
Capt. Thomas Foran has a full line of fireworks at his restaurant on Union street which he will sell at wholesale and retail low.
Rev. W.W. Everts, pastor of the South Baptist church, Hartford, will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday afternoon and evening.
Dumont Kingsley is offering to the public a mammoth stock of fireworks for the coming Fourth at wholesale and retail. See his advertisement.
Burnham & Chesbro are supplying the Norwich market for fine carriages. They just supplied a fine side bar of their own manufacture to a prominent resident of that city.
The American party has nominated J.A. Conant of this village for vice-president of the United States. If he should be elected what would become of the Free Masons?
The St. Jean Baptiste society held a strawberry festival at their rooms in Commercial block Tuesday evening. A mammoth cake drawn by numbers was secured by H.C. Reed with No. 121.
The tramp nuisance is on the increase. For a fortnight past about every house near Maple avenue - and we don't know how much further it extends - has had daily calls from the fraternityy for alms.

1102. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: A. Burr Palmer has purchased through the real estate agency of S.F. Loomer, Mrs. H.F. North's desirable residence
on East Main street for $5500 which is considered a bargain. He will occupy it in the fall.

1103. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: S.G. Adams has started an additional two inch water main from his spring to this village. This will just double his present supply. He calculates on accommodating about three hundred consumers in all.

1104. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: D.C. Barrows, the jeweler, has just put in a large new burglar proof safe in order to meet the requirements of his
business. It was manufactured specially for him by the Hall Safe and Lock company of Detroit. By the way iron chests have been floating around here for a few days one would take finance to be the strong hold here.

1105. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Mattie Reardon, a young lad of about 12 years, fell into the Willimantic river back of the residence of Wm. C. Jillson, Tuesday. Wm. Steele and Wm. Bell, workmen from the Linen company promptly jumped in and swam to his assistance. They dove to the
bottom and dragged the little fellow ashore. Prompt medical assistance brought the boy out all right.

1106. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: William Vanderman, the steam fitter, has been granted a patent on his steam trap. He has given it sufficient test to prove that it is an ingenious meritorious invention. Money invested in their manufacture would in all probability pay a good return, and we
understand Mr. Vanderman is desirous to induce some capitalists to go into it.

1107. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock the residence of Mr. Albert Moulton on Milk street was the scene of a pleasant social event - the marriage of his youngest daughter, Miss Helen Moulton, to Mr. Frank LePard of Hartford. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S.R. Free, in presence of about thirty friends. The newly married couple left on the afternoon train for Palmer, Mass., en route for Wellington, Ohio. They have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. They will reside in Hartford.

1108. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Masonic Veteran Association. The fourth annual meeting of the state of Connecticut will be holden in Masonic hall in the city of Norwich, on Wednesday, June 25. This organization is composed of all masons who have been members of the order for the term of twenty-five years. The following members of Eastern Star lodge No. 44, of Willimantic, are members of this association: - Lloyd E. Baldwin, John G. Keigwin, Chester Tilden, Chas. Broadhurst, J.R. Abbe, John P. Wood, Henry F. Barrows, J. Griffin Martin, James Walden, George S. Rice, A.E. Brooks, Van N. Austin, Henry H. Holly, O.S. Chaffe, John Moore, J.E. Hayden, Charles H. Lillie, Roderick Davison.

1109. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Killed by the Cars. James J. Hollywood in attempting to jump from between two freight cars of a moving train on the New London Northern railroad at the depot Saturday afternoon fell under the wheels and suffered a fearful mangling of his right leg. He had that afternoon come in on the train from Baltic, and shortly after was much the worse from drink. He boarded the freight train intending to steal a ride to Norwich, but was ordered off by a train hand. After the accident he was taken in charge by town authorities and conveyed to the almshouse, and Dr. McNally, the town physician, found it necessary to amputate the limb, to prevent mortification, just below the knee. He had been without food for a number of days and his physical condition was too weak to survive the operation and he died Tuesday afternoon. He was a card grinder and machinist and worked for the Linen company about eight years ago. He had just finished work in a mill at Williamsville, Ct., and was expected to return here to work for Mr. Hammond. He was 38 years old but prematurely gray. He was an Irishman, but said he had not a single friend in this country.

1110. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Police Notes. - Thomas Sullivan, P.R.D. under the escort of officer Whitford after a comfortable night's rest in the hotel de lockup stepped gracefully up to Justice Sumner's desk this morning and deposited $10.98 thereon, being the sum total of the previous night's debauch, which his honor claimed was about right. Everett Spencer employed by E.A. Barrows as canvasser for the Domestic sewing machine, was arrested last evening on a charge of embezzlement, having pocketed the proceeds of some sales. The case was settled without formal trial on payment of $36.
About quarter past 12 last night officer Clark found smoke issuing in the alleyway between Hamlin and Union block, and on reaching the spot found an old coat well saturated with kerosene ablaze. The officer's promptness probably saved serious consequences as the fire was near some woodwork. An hour later the same officer found a horse with wagon attached mixed up with a wire fence, in the space between Bingham's block and
Babcock building on Church street. The team was put up in Clark's stable to await the owner.

1111. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Natchaug School. - The public exercises of the closing year at the Natchaug school began yesterday afternoon. In
addition to the usual exercises it has been arranged to have each grade of the school go to the high school room for half an hour to review the work of the term in some particular branch. A half-day is devoted to each study and the pupils from the lowest room show what they have learned about that branch, to be followed by the pupils from the higher rooms in their turn. This will enable visitors to note the progress made in that study in the school from grade to grade without going from room to room. The exercises are not designed to be an "exhibition" as that term is commonly used, but to show a bird's-eye view of the work performed in the various departments, an to give the patrons of the school an opportunity to comprehend its aims and methods. Prize Declamations. Monday, June 30, 8 p.m Frank Beybee,
"Thanksgiving Sermon," (Anon) Chas. Chappell.
"American Nationality," (Choate) Algeron Gallup.
"Buzfuz to the Jury" (Dickens) Woodford Royce.
"Declaration of Irish Rights," (Grattan) George Elliott.
"O'Connell," (Seward) Austin Boss.
"Invective Against Correy," (Grattan) Frank Alpaugh.
"Love of Political Power," Fred Turner
"Our Battle Flags," (Schurz) Arthur Gates, Clifford Alpaugh.
"Antony to the Romans," (Shakespeare) Fred Armstrong.
"Emmett's Speech," Everett Smith.
"The Bells of Shandon," (Mahoney)
Prize Readins. July 1, Tuesday 8 p.m.
"The Piano Mania," (June) Thibie Kiegwin.
"Helvellyn," (Scott) Clara Sibley.
"Angels of Buena Vista," Alice Johnson
"Nutting," Laura Bullard.
"His Last Court," Annie Smith
"Nauhaught, the Deacon," (Whittier) Josie Gallup
"Nauhaught, the Deacon Old," (Hoyt) Fannie Hatheway
"Under the Lamplight," Lillian Townsend.
"Greyport Legend," (Harte) Emma Lyman.
"Rivermouth Rocks," (Whittier) Florence Rogers.
"The Light-keeper's Daughter," (Goodman) Nellie Sumner.
"The Raven," (Poe) Ama Holman.
"The Lost Steamship," (O'Brien) Bertha Fuller.
"Death of Poor Joe," (Dickens) Sadie Andrew.

1112. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Personals.
Mr. John Leonard and wife have returned from their wedding tour.
J.D. Chaffee and family are at West Hartford, Vt., for awhile.
Mr. Arthur Bottum and wife have been visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Allen B. Lincoln of Providence is visiting at her father's, Hon. E.A. Buck.
Mrs. Alfred Kinne and mother of Windham will spend the summer at Cherry Valley, N.Y.
Mrs. James S. Parsons and children go to Sharon Springs this week for a few weeks.
Mrs. Ellen Lathrop is slowly recovering from a six weeks siege of rheumatism, and Miss Belle Brown is prostrated with erysipelas. Fortunately the dressmaking business of both goes on satisfactorily in the hands of their assistants.
Mr. Edward Woodman of Danvers, Mass. has been visiting his sister Miss L.P. Woodman, assistant teacher of Natchaug high school.
Miss Sarah Webb is visiting her sister in Danbury, Mrs. G.G. Standish.
Dr. F.H. Houghton is in town.
Rev. Henry B. Mead of Stonington was the guest of Mr. Henry F. Royce last week.
The familiar and cheerful face of ex-selectman Jas. H. French we noticed in town yesterday. He is now in the livery business in Bridgeport.
Ex-County Commissioner E.H. Hall rides out every day and has hopes of recovery.
Mr. C.H. Kenyon and family of Providence, R.I., are spending part of the summer at Mrs. Kenyon's parents. "Charley" has a string of trotters which he is handling down on the fair grounds. He has made a substantial reputation among the owners of flyers in that city.

1113. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Death of Rev. D.N. Bentley. The Rev. David Niles Bentley of Norwich and well known in this vicinity as the father
of the eccentric Rev. Dow Bentley, died Tuesday night at the age of ninety-nine years, at his residence on West Main street. He was born in North Stonington, July 27, 1785, and was the third son of Ezekiel Bentley of that place. He was "bound out" in the spring of 1800 as an apprentice to Barzillin Davison of Norwich, to learn the trade of goldsmith. Soon after he was converted at a Methodist meeting held by the eccentric Lorenzo Dow. He preached his first sermon at North Stonington at the age of fifteen. He was baptized in the Yantic cove in 1800. He began business as a brass founder and plumber in Norwich in 1805 and proved successful in his venture. He depended upon his business for the support of himself and family, and preached the Gospel free. Mr. Bentley was a very exact and methodical man, and kept a record of his doings daily until within a year or two. He discoursed upon over 2,000 texts. He married 514 couples, and buried 2,300 persons. He received compensation for none of his services, excepting marriages, for which the fee was always voluntary and usually small. He was a man of marked individuality and was celebrated in his day among Methodists as Elder Swan has been among the Baptists of this vicinity. His modes of expression were very original and always pertinent. He was the father of George W. Bentley of the Jacksonville, Tampa Bay and Key West railroad and formerly superintendent of the New London Northern, of the Rev. L.D. Bentley of Norwich, and Col. A.J. Bentley of New London, and Mrs. Henry Witter of Worcester, Mass., all of whom survive him. At the time of his death he was the oldest male resident in Norwich, and probably the oldest minister in the United States.

1114. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: South Windham.
The annual school meeting in this district (8th) was held on Friday evening of last week at which Robert Binns was re-elected district committee, C.T. Barstow clerk and treasurer, an office which he has held for many years, and E.C. Boden collector. Relative to the matter of procuring furniture for the higher room a committee consisting E.H. Holmes, Jr., and Robert Binns, was appointed to consider the case and report to a meeting July 2, as to the different styles and cost of the same. The general sentiment so far as I have heard it spoken seems to favor new furniture and I have no doubt that it will be voted to procure it. Mr. Geo. Ladd has given excellent satisfaction as teacher and the opinion is freely expressed that the district can do no better than to employ him during the coming year, if possible. 'Tis the general belief that he supplies a wont long-felt here. F.J. Tabor is raising some handsome strawberries this season.

1115. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Fatal Accident to a Yale Student. New Haven, June 24. A serious accident, which, it is feared, may terminate fatally, occurred on the gymnasium grounds at Yale. J.C. Oliver, the short stop of the Yale nine, was with several others practicing batting. Winston, of '87, having been asked to pitch, threw a ball with great swiftness, and although Oliver dodged he was not quick enough to avoid it, and was knocked senseless. Dr. Carmalt was called, when it was found that there was reason to fear that hemorrhage of the brain had set in and that Oliver's injuries must prove fatal. This will be the second victim of athletics at Yale this year, Dyer having come to his death during the last winter games. Oliver is a member of the junior scientific class and belongs in Pittsburg.

1116. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Columbia.
Mrs. Rev. James K. Hazen, D.D. and family of Richmond, Va., arrived this week at her father's Samuel Ticknor, where they will spend the remainder of the summer.
Supt. W.H. Yeomans was with his family over the Sabbath.
Dr. C.N. Gallup visited his sick mother in Plainfield on Friday necessitating his seeing some of his patients in the late evening.
The Cornet Band serenaded Joseph Hutchins on Friday evening.
Mrs. W.H. and Miss A.F. Yeomans gave their friends on Pine street a pleasant call last week.
There will be a picnic on Columbia Green July 4th, 1884. All are invited; bring all the children. The Columbia Cornet band will furnish music.

1117. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: North Windham.
School has closed and we think the last term has been a successful one. Miss Robbins the principal will be missed specially in the Sabbath school, where there are so few workers.
Our people had the pleasure of listening to another of Mr. Leavitt's earnest spiritual sermons on Sunday. Such preaching must be productive of much good.
Mr. P.B. Peck at present writing is very low, and the probabilities of his rallying are not considered favorable.
Mr. Tucker is able to take short rides.

1118. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Sterling.
About 12 last Friday night Mr. Augustus Sweet and family of North Sterling were aroused from sleep to find their house on fire. They could save but a little of their furniture and clothing, the flames had made such headway, and in a short time the house was destroyed. The fire originated in an ice house close by which was also destroyed. Mr. Sweet's loss is about $2,000; insurance $1,100. In the burned house Mr. Aden A. Tillinghast kept a store of goods and the North Sterling's post office. But a small part of the goods were saved, and the contents of the post office were burned, except about thirty dollars worth of postage stamps. Mr. Tillinghast's loss is about $1,200; his insurance $860.

1119. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Died.
Burnham - In Hampton, June 22, Alfred Burnham aged 86.
King - In Willimantic, June 19. Willie King, aged 10 years.
Scranton - In Willimantic, June 10, Elizabeth Scranton aged 74.
Hollywood - In Willimantic June 23, James J. Hollywood, aged 37.

1120. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Andover.
Mr. Abe Lincoln and his wife have gone to keeping house in Mr. Edward Reed's tenement.
Miss Ellen M. Sprague of Chicago is here on a visit to her mother and sister.
Miss Aggie Smith is still very low with not much hopes for her recovery.
A man giving the name of John Wilson was brought before Justice E.P. Skinner Monday morning charged with being a tramp to which charge he
pleaded guilty. He was bound over, and as he was unable to furnish bonds, Sheriff J.H. Marsh took him along to Tolland.
Mr. T.E. Porter was in town Monday morning on his way to New York.
Mr. E.F. Reed of Willimantic has commenced making repairs on the Congregational church. The Helping Hands Society are making an effort to
obtain a bell.

1121. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Adam Heffner, who was drowned in Lake Kenosia, Danbury, as already announced, lost his life indirectly through the common practice of rocking a boat to see how far it will go. He was out with two companions and they carried on their amusement till the boat filled. Then he and another tried to swim ashore. He was drowned and the other was rescued unconscious and revived with difficulty. The third man, who could not swim at all and stuck to the boat, had no other damage than a bad fright. Rocking a boat is only one removed from firing an unloaded gun. A young German at Round Hill tried the latter experiment and shot Johnny White, a boy 10 years old, who lies in a critical condition, though hopes of his recovery are entertained.

1122. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Reports of damage in the eastern part of the state by last Thursday's thunderstorm still come in. At Coventry a barn on the town farm was struck and Thomas Cahoon was killed. At Norwich, in addition to the damage already mentioned, a maple tree was struck and the lightning followed the trunk of the tree to the ground in a zig-zag course, gouging out a channel in the green wood three-quarters of and inch deep and nearly an inch wide. It then ploughed along beneath the turf to an iron post in a neighboring part and described a circle about it, as completely burning off the grass as if the post had been surrounded by a bonfire. Roger Williams, of Norwich, who was struck by lightning that afternoon had not on Saturday recovered his power of speech, but seemed to understand what was said to him, and hopes of his recovery are entertained. There are no marks on hi person, and it is believed that the shock resulted from the electric fluid passing near him through the open doors of Mr. Rudd's barn, where he was standing unloading hay. One of the men who was at work with Mr. Williams describes the effect upon him to have been the same as "if a person had suddenly dashed a large basket of shavings into his face."

1123. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: The Bay View house on Fisher's Island was burned Sunday afternoon. The house was owned by the estate of R.R. Fox, and occupied by Capt. C.E. Nash as a boarding house and grocery store. The fire was discovered on the piazza roof. Its origin is unknown, but
it is believed to have caught from fire accidentally thrown on the piazza roof. The building was partially insured, Capt. Nash had no insurance on either furniture or groceries and loses about $2,500.

1124. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Don't Forget It. Grand Fourth of July Entertainment at The Willimantic Fair Association Grounds. Base Ball, Military Drill, or Balloon Ascension, Rhode Island Clam Bake, Foot Races, Greased Pig and Greased Pole, Bicycle and Egg Races. Trotting in
3:00 and 2:35 classes, dancing afternoon and eve'g, good music.

1125. TWC Wed Jun 25, 1884: Insure Your Life in the Old Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company of Springfield, Mass...Examine the Policy contract of the Massachusetts Mutual Life before insuring elsewhere. All desirable forms of Policies issued, and all are protected by the
Massachusetts Non-forfeiture Law. E.W. Bond, President. Henry Fuller, Jr., Vice -President. M.V.B. Edgerly, 2d Vice-President. John A. Hall,
Secretary. Oscar B. Ireland, Actuary. James L. Johnson, General Agent. Chas. D. King, District Agent, Danielson, Conn. Send for Circular.

1126. TWC Wed Jun 26, 1884: Voluntown.
The body of Eliot Champlin was found Sunday in Voluntown, near Hopkinton, R.I., on the Land of Wm. Hawkins, Esq. Deceased stayed over night Friday at Hawkins', where he occasionally put up. He was intoxicated. He went to bed without supper, arose Saturday morning and without eating started off to go home, where he lived alone with his son. Not coming on Sunday the son started for Hawkins' place and found his father's body in the pathway of a field. Champlin was seventy three years old and in feeble health. A thin coat, umbrella, straw hat and whiskey bottle were found on a large stone beside the body, which latter was in an advanced stage of decomposition Sunday night having been in the sun two days. Dr. J.L. Gardner, medical examiner, took charge of the case, decided no inquest necessary, and gave the body into the charge of the town authorities for burial.

1127. TWC Wed Jun 26, 1884: Letter from Florida. Sanitaria, Polk Co., Fla. Editor Chronicle: - I received paper all right. The rainy season has just commenced and it rains every day, or rather pours. This is a good place to see plenty of lightning and hear the thunder - is the worst I ever saw. The sky is a perfect flame. But it only rains here for about two or three hours each day, and then the sun comes out and a nice cool breeze blows; so on an average we are as comfortable as the people home. You can take your fishing tackle any time and catch a good string. If they had such fish home they would put them in a show window, but when we go fishing we catch them to eat. We are living in our tent yet and enjoying coarse camp food. One of our neighbors by the name of D.M. Silkes shot an alligator that measured about twelve feet long. He had just attacked several bathers and there was some lively scampering. We are all fat and hearty and always have a good appetite. There is plenty of game here but very few deer. They are killed off very fast. They can't kill the deer in Willimantic, but they can catch a deer alive there any time. There are lots of quail, and you cannot go a hundred yards without scaring up a flock. We have agreed not to shoot them until fall and they are getting quite tame around the tent. I bought fifty orange trees and ten banana plants, and Stites bought fifty orange trees. I expect to get about fifty more. They set about twenty-five trees to the acre to make a good grove. I believe that Polk county is the healthiest place in the world. They don't have any grave yards here, at least that is what the people say, and I have never seen any. The people are hospitable and are ready to give you all the information you ask about the country. We are expecting to have a big time here the Fourth of July at a barbecue they are going to have. Yours, etc., A.T. Hills.

1128. TWC Wed Jun 26, 1884: Willard W. Hayden, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Paper Hangings, Curtains, Window Shades, American and Imported Hollands, Poles, Rings and Bars. The finest, largest and most elegant line in Eastern Connecticut. Court House Block, 173 Main St.

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