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"To the Government the Minimum of Power, and to the Citizen the Maximum of Liberty, Consistent with the Order and Safety of Society."

$1.50 per year.

McDonald & Safford, Editors and Publishers

1. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: About Town.
Henry N. Wales, town clerk elect, assumed the duties of that office last Monday.
Prof. Miller is forming a dancing class here. As soon as practicable operations will begin in Excelsior hall.
Misses Lottie and Carrie Buck who are attending a ladies' seminary in Tarrytown N.Y., are spending a two weeks vacation at home.
Merrit E. Gallup held the lucky number which drew the handsome doll offered by Chester Tilden to his customers during the holidays.
The schools in district No. 1 are closed today on account of the cold weather. The heating apparatus is not in proper working order.
Miss L. Anna Chesbrough, who is engaged as principal of a Hartford school, has been spending the holidays at her home in this village.

2. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: It is rumored that the Linen Company are thinking of adopting the Willimantic band and run it in their interest, following the example of some of the sewing machine companies of this state in that respect. It would be a good thing for the band, but the rumor is not much credited.

3. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: The Rapid Telegraph Co. will immediately remove their quarters from the post-office to the small brick building opposite the National house. Mr. Dolan has received instructions to open the office for business as soon as possible, which is very good news to offer to the public.

4. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: The Willimantic Farmers Club will meet at the residence of M.P. Perkins, Pleasant Valley, Friday evening Jan. 6th. A question box will be prepared and all are invited to bring in questions appertaining to some special crop; or relating to the feeding of stock; preparing the ground to receive the seed, etc. etc. The club will then answer and discuss such questions.

5. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Episcopal service was suspended Sunday on account of the illness of Rev. Mr. Ashley.

6. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Otis K. Dimock, who has been connected with the Holland Silk Company for a number of years past, went to New York Tuesday to engage permanently in the sale of silk in that city. Otis has many warm friends in this village especially among the young people who will regret his departure and who will wish him much success in his new undertaking.

7. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Lawyer Clark and Rev. McBurney accompanied by another gentleman were out fox hunting yesterday. They traversed the wilds of Chaplin in search of Reynard and frightened three from their hiding place. After an exciting chase one of them was brought to a standstill on a rock offering a beautiful shot. One of the professional gentlemen failed to bring down the game and the other did not try, but the other gentleman with unerring aim accomplished what they did not. It was a fine specimen of the race, weighting thirteen and a quarter pounds.

8. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Our enterprising coal and lumber dealer, Hyde Kingsley, has for the last six years been looking for coal direct from the mines, loaded at the mines and brought through to Willimantic without break of bulk, and at last he has been gratified. The black diamonds arrived Tuesday morning and are now on exhibition and for sale at his yard. The coal was brought in the new gondola cars of the New York and New England railroad, fifteen tons to a car. It is the Delaware, Lackawana & Hudson Canal, the brightest, clearest and best coal mined. When the transportation of coal without breaking bulk shall become permanent, it must have the effect of scaling down prices.

9. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: At the adjourned burgess meeting held last Friday evening the following bills were voted to be paid: Assessors, $110,00; A Humphrey, for stone, $32; C. Holbrook, for lumber, $26; M. Sullivan, $36. In accordance with a vote passed at a previous meeting the police force was reduced, Luke Flynn and Wm. P. Worden were retained on the force. The power to employ police is conferred by the charter upon the court of burgesses, and the vote passed by the borough as a special meeting was entirely out of place until the charter has been amended. At a Burgess meeting held Monday evening the following bills were ordered paid: James Walden, rent, $92.00; R. Davison, rent, $56.25; Mrs. A. B. Adams, rent of hall, $5.00; Keigwin, Loomer and Stiles, rent. $25.00; Luke Flynn, Wm. P. Worden and C.T. Brown, $62.00 each; labor bill for December, $62.63.

10. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Henken & Brown have dissolved partnership. Mr. Henken will continue the business.

11. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: The Post Office Trouble. It had been surmised, but no outsider had the authority for saying that at the expiration of Mr. John Brown's commission he would be succeeded by another. His lease office held until the 11th of last December, but few were acquainted with the fact and consequently speculation as to who would assume the postmaster's shoes was indulged in to little extent. The few who did know had it within their power to install in the office whomsoever they chose to select, and were wielding their power as best suited their taste without regard to any preference the people might have. The rumor, however was soon afloat that a change was soon to be made and that Mr. James Walden and Mr. W.H. Alpaugh were the only avowed aspirants for the office. Inasmuch as the matter had been made public it was then necessary that an appointment should be made and thus cut off all other aspirants with a public backing who might spring up for the position, and Mr. Walden's name was sent in and immediately confirmed. This made a rupture between Messrs. Walden and Alpaugh for it seems there had been an understanding between them. The circumstances are as follows: About the middle of November application was made by a friend of Mr. Alpaugh to Mr. E.S. Boss asking him to use his influence to secure a place for the first named gentleman as messenger at the capitol. Mr. Boss replied that the chances for getting such a position were very slim and suggested that he accept the head clerkship in the post-office under Mr. Walden whom it was understood was to succeed Mr. John Brown. Mr. Alpaugh readily fell in with this idea and there the matter dropped for the present. After a few days Mr. Walden called on Mr. Boss at his residence and in their conference the former said that he had concluded not to take the post office. This must have been much of a surprise to Boss, for we are told that he had agreed to support Walden for that office and had persisted in doing so. They returned together and on the way over Mr. Walden suggested the name of Wm. H. Alpaugh for the position of postmaster. This met the approval of Boss who could not, of course, make objections to his brother-in-law, and it was then agreed that he should be urged for the position. The next move was to inform John M. Hall of this proposition and get his views, Mr. Walden, we believe, first saw him and the mention of Alpaugh's name in connection with the postmastership was vehemently opposed by Hall, Mr. Boss met Hall on the street and we understand received the same negative reply. Mr. Alpaugh, who had agreed to accept the office with the stipulation that he should let it remain at its present location, was informed of the opposition of Hall and was told that this was the only thing that lay in the way of his confirmation. He visited Hall with the intention of inducing him to withdraw his opposition, but was surprised to learn that instead of Hall's being opposed to him he was in his favor,--a direct contradiction of the impression conveyed by the other gentlemen. It is evident that somebody misrepresented the facts. After this matters were tried to be satisfactorily arranged in the manner told by Mr. Alpaugh in his letter to the public and which it is unnecessary for us to repeat.
The stories as told lack the element of plausibility to have them credited without a question. If Mr. Walden died not want to be postmaster, why were Boss and Hall urging him for the position? It was certainly from no motives of love that Hall wrote a letter favoring Walden; it might have been the fruit of an agreement touching the November election. Boss could have counted on the support of Walden without making any promises, and especially to urge him for that which he did not want, but yet he was for Walden to be postmaster first, last and all the time. Why should the name of Wm. Alpaugh be mentioned for Postmaster if he had never aspired to the position? Why not let Mr. Walden's name go to Washington without a rival? There is a mystery about it which has not as yet been satisfactorily explained. Our opinion is that Walden did want to be postmaster; that Hall agreed to favor him if he would overcome hostility to Hall and work for his election to the legislature; that Boss also agreed to support him if he would engage actively in his election to the senate. It is further our opinion that Hall assured Alpaugh if he would work among his friends and get Hall nominated for the legislature and work for his election he would favor him for postmaster. It is still further our opinion that after election Hall went to Boss and told him that he really favored Alpaugh more than Walden and sought to prevail upon Boss to join him in recommending his (Boss) brother-in-law instead of Walden. It would be only natural for Mr. Boss to agree to this if they could get Mr. Walden's consent, but he himself got euchred! This is our theory about the matter.

12. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Lebanon.
The Misses Gay are spending a few days with friends in Franklin and Colchester.
The "Society" at Miss Mary Dutton's on Friday evening, last, is said, by those who attended, to have been a very enjoyable occasion. The introduction of acting charades and literary exercises is a feature which it is hoped will be continued.
The severest punishment that could be inflicted upon Guiteau for his dastardly crime, would be to take him about the country and oblige him to listen to the way people pronounce his name. After hearing himself addressed as Git-aw, Git-taw and Guy-taw, he would soon beg for death by hanging, and cry for it.
Checker playing at Stedman's continues to be the popular amusement. Almost every evening the arena is crowded with spectators, who, eagerly and with absorbing interest, watch every move of the contestants, be they professional experts or amateurs. Of course all hands acknowledge the supremacy of Capt. Brown (more familiarly known as "Uncle George") and "Professor" Henry W. Smith. When these two veterans take their places at the board, the sudden and remarkable change that takes place in the assembled multitude, forcibly reminds one of the calm that frequently precedes the tempest. It almost seems as if nature herself recognized the importance of the impending struggle. Old men cease their garrulity; the young and middle aged their lovity; children even suspend their boisterous mirth and frivolity, and everything becomes as hushed and still as the burial of Sir John Moore. The strife between these two worthies for the championship, has been long continued and persistent, but as yet with such varying result as to entitle neither to the prize; although of late the "Professor's" star seems to be in the ascendant.
Mr. George D. Spencer, for many years an honored and respected inhabitant of Lebanon, who some two years ago sold his farm and moved with his family to Deep River, where he now resides, is in town visiting his many friends and attending to the duties of his office. Mr. Spencer enjoys the anomalous position of a man living in one county and holding three offices in another. Fortunately or otherwise, the law as interpreted makes it possible for the people of Lebanon to avail themselves of Mr. Spencer's services if they choose. It is claimed that the law permits a man married or single to elect his home wherever he sees fit. Mr. Spencer therefore elects Lebanon and Lebanon elects him. This is mutual and undoubtedly fair. As holding the office of judge of probate for this district and residing over the river in Middlesex county necessitates considerable outlay in the course of a year for traveling fees, a vote of the town, if it could be legally passed, authorizing the removal of the probate office to Willington or Mt. Archer, would by dividing the distance, save the judge considerable travel, lessen his expenses and add but little to the inconvenience of the people. By all means if possible let this be done.

13. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Lucius M. Sessions after working desperately to be retained in office in both this town and borough was cast out by the people last fall. He has now received an appointment at the capitol as messenger of the senate. He worked hard for the election of J.M. Hall as representative and for E.S. Boss as senator. L.M. Sessions, E.M. Thorne, John M. Hall, a worthy trio. Windham should be proud of her representation in the halls of legislation. Bah!

14. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: A Little Egotistical. We noticed in the last issue of our esteemed contemporary an article couching remarks by Col. W.E. Barrows, Treasurer of the Willimantic Linen Co., before the New England Cotton manufacturers' Association. It is an interesting production in many respects. He starts out by saying that the exhibit of the Linen company at the Atlanta Exposition was purely an advertising scheme; and we presume in so much it was a success, for it is said to have cost the company a fabulous sum. From this he goes on to describe the utter ignorance of the planter in relation to cotton growing and quality of the article produced, after remarking that he had never seen cotton growing and made the acquaintance of these planters for the sake of getting information. The reviewing his observations at some length he comes to the conclusion that these men who have raised and dealt in cotton all their lives know comparatively nothing about it, and that it all lies with the people of the north to teach them. This seems to us a very broad statement, and not very charitable to the people of the south, for it has generally been supposed that these people did know how to raise cotton, and its quality, even if there was among them much indolence and illiteracy. We are inclined to think that Mr. Barrows has been deceived in the impression which he has got of cotton culture in a brief investigation of not many days. There doubtless might be larger crops and a better quality on the same lands if they were more liberally enriched; and the same might be said of the products of the north. It, however, stands to reason that the cotton raiser and dealer should know as much about that product as any other class of men, even if there are a few ignoramuses among them. It is a fact that there are but a very few men in New England who are considered authority on cotton, and those few men obtained their information not from a few weeks of study, but from a life-long, experience in handling it. No doubt Mr. Barrows saw enough in and about Atlanta to furnish material for a nice little theory, but theories that are formed in haste are apt to be faulty-like new-fangled theories in architecture or mathematics. The ideas advanced might stand the criticism of after-banquet utterances, but when they are mapped out on paper and presented to the public for judgment they reveal a very contracted knowledge on the subject. He says that "if I am to remain with the Willimantic Co., I have learned enough of the way cotton is grown, and what to do to pay for all the trouble we have been at," and we give this question for what it is worth.

15. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: John M. Hall of Windham, is a scratched man, and the Day knows it. He would need to have a good deal more of the veneering knocked off, however, before that paper would acknowledge the flaw. Mr. Hall has always been a would be pensioner of the republican party, but he has never succeeded in having his ambition gratified until the present moment, when his prospects for the speakership, it must unhappily be confessed, are excellent.--New London Telegram. (rep.)

16. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Born.
Lewis--In Willimantic, January 1st, a son to B.F.G. and Hattie T. Lewis.

17. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Married.
Chappell-Johnson--In Willimantic, Dec. 31st, 1881, by Rev. G.W. Holman, Charles Chappell and Mary J. Johnson both of this place.

18. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Died.
Barrows--In Mansfield, Dec. 31st, 1881, Harry P. Barrows aged 13 years.
Richmond--In Ashford, Jan. 1st, 1882 Michael Richmond, aged 95 years.
Sweeney--In Windham Center, Jan. 3d, 1882, Thomas Sweeney, aged 78 years.
Hickey--In Willimantic, Dec. 29th, 1881 Kate Hickey, aged 22 years 9 months.

19. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: For Sale. By Order of the Court of Probate we offer for sale the desirable property known as the __stead, belonging to the estate of the __. Joseph N. Dow (deceased), situated in the flourishing village of South Coventry, Conn. on Main street, not over five minutes walk from churches and post office, and about one third of a mile from the Lake. Said property consists of a two story frame dwelling house with ell, suitable for one or two families, two barns, large woodhouse, and about two acres of land. Nice fruit and shade trees, water supplied from a never failing well and aqueduct. Terms cash to close the estate. H.D. Dow, I.L. Dow, Administrators. 106 Seymour Street, Hartford, Conn.

20. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: For Sale--A Good Sleigh and Lumber Wagon. Apply to J.H. Gray, Willimantic, Conn.

21. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Ashford.
Seldom has it fallen to our lot to record the death of so prominent and honored a man as the Hon Jared D. Richmond who was born in the town of Ashford and who had always resided here up to the time of his death, which occurred Dec. 27th, at his residence in the village of Ashford at the age of 77 years. After receiving all the advantages of a common school education, he entered Brown's University at Providence, R.I., where he graduated with honor. Having decided to enter upon the practice of law, he at once commenced the study of that profession and was admitted to practice in the courts of the state, where he became somewhat noted as a counselor, and some of the students who studied with him and received his instructions are among some of the ablest lawyers and jurists of the state, prominent among them is Judge Earl Martin, now on of the Judge off the superior court. He opened a law office in his native town where he acquired a reputation of honesty and fairness in his practice which seemed to be his highest aim all through life. He at one time held the position of Judge of the county court for Windham county, the duties of which he discharged with honesty and impartiality. He held the office of Judge of Probate for many years, was elected representative several times and senator of the 14th district, and filled nearly all the offices in the gift of the town. As a judge, he was fair and candid and brought to the office, sound learning and untiring patience, acute discrimination, and a sacred regard for the rights and interest of all parties concerned. As an advocate, although not exceedingly brilliant or eloquent, yet was earnest and sincere, and always confined himself to the principles of equity, justice and the law, rather than low blackguardism and ribaldry; as a counselor he was practical and conservative; as a legislator he was constant in his attendance, a careful adviser, a rigid economist, and the supporter of all measures tending to secure the equal protection of all citizens of the state; as a christian he was devoted and faithful and scrupulously zealous in the cause of christianity, a constant attendant at church and a liberal supporter of the cause; in the domestic circle, he was kind, affectionate and sympathizing; as a man and citizen he was honest to a farthing, conscientiously so, upright and manly in all his dealings, he was an ardent, constant and true friend and companion ,acting well his part in every station he was called to fill, and closed life's great drama without a stain upon his noble character, having been plucked and gathered like a "shock of corn fully ripe."
The grain that seems lost in the earth below.
Will return many fold in the ear,
By death comes life, by loss comes gain,
The joy for the tear, the peace for the pain!
But hardly has the ink dried upon the page of the foregoing paragraph and the tears ceased to flow from the eyes of sympathizing friends before we are again called to mourn the loss of another one of Ashford's prominent citizens. On the morning of the last day of the week, and the last day of the last month in the year Michael Richmond, the last surviving brother of the late Judge Jared D. Richmond, passed quietly into rest at the ripe age of 95 years. He had been all his life an active business man until recently, when the infirmities of age had prevented him from attending to business in his accustomed way. He was born in the town of Woodstock, but removed to Ashford at an early age, where he constantly resided up to the time of his death. He early identified himself with the business interests of the town and engaged in manufacturing and mercantile pursuits which by industry and perseverance he acquired a fortune which justly entitled him to be called the wealthiest man in Ashford. He was possessed of a very active mine and great decision of character, which at once recommended him to the confidence and support of the community in which he lived as a man to be trusted and honored. He had represented the town in the general assembly for several years and held most of the offices in the gift of the town. Having early espoused the cause of religion he was very influential in the erection of the church at Westford, having borne the greater part of the expense, he became a constant and earnest supporter of the gospel frequently paying fully one third of the expense of supporting the gospel. He leaves a family of three sons and four daughters all in good circumstances in life, death having removed his wife some three years ago. Well do I remember the last interview with him. Having been called to transact some legal business with him and nature being to weak for him to arise, I stood by his bedside to receive the instructions which he wished to give. Though the body was so much enfeebled yet I could see the brightness of his intellect sparkle up with all the fervor and clearness with which he was gifted in former years, and which I am told held out to his last moments. Whether the sudden death of his only and dearly beloved brother was too great a shock for his enfeebled frame to bear, or whether he had lived out all the days of his appointed time, I am unable to say.

22. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Mansfield Center.
Joseph P Barrows, who several weeks ago had his foot and ankle badly crushed by the wheels of a heavily loaded ox wagon passing over him, is still confined to his rooms, but slowly recovering from his injuries. He and his family are doubly afflicted at present, four of his children having diphtheria. Two of them are very severe cases, one of his sons, Harry, died last Saturday from the disease. Harry was a bright and intelligent lad, thirteen years and six months old; he had for some two or three years past carried and delivered the mail from the post office and been the general errand boy for the neighborhood,; he was faithful and trusty, and had won the confidence and esteem of all. Harry will be missed. The diphtheria is confined to a small locality north of the brook. The school at the Center which commenced with thirty scholars is reduced to twelve and is nearly broken up. It is a fearful disease when developed in its worst form, and requires the best of medical talent to treat it. There have been several severe cases which are recovering under the skillful treatment of Doctor Flint of Coventry, assisted by Doctor Bennett of Willimantic.
The cunning and sagacity of the fox is proverbial, and renders him difficult to trap yet Walter Barrows, of this place, caught one.

23. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Dissolution of Copartnership. The partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Henken & Brown is this day dissolved by mutual consent. D.H. Henkin will continue the business at the old stand, and will collect all debts and pay all bills of the old firm. D.H. Henken, O.D. Brown, Willimantic, Ct., Jan. 4th, 1882.

24. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: To Rent--Two stores on Church street, the suite of room in Commercial Block lately occupied by Dr. Houghton, the photograph rooms in Commercial block will be rented to good tenants on favorable terms. Thomas Turner.

25. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: To Rent.--Two Pleasant Front rooms conveniently located, with or without board. Enquire at this Office.

26. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Notice--The Assessors and Board of Relief of the Town of Windham, will meet in Town Rooms, Hayden Block, on Monday, January 16th, A.D., 1882, at 1 o'clock, p.m., for the abatement of polls of the indigent, sick and lame, who are by law exempt. Geo. Lincoln, E.H. Holmes, Jr., Albert Barrows, Assessors. F.D. Spencer, John Hickey, F.S. Fowler, Board of Relief. Windham, Jan. 3d, 1882.

27. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Notice--The Board of Relief of the Borough of Willimantic will hold adjourned meetings in Town Rooms, Hayden Block to hear appeals on Monday, January 9th, Monday the 16th and on Monday the 23d, A.D., 1882, from 9 o'clock a.m., to 5 o'clock, p.m., on each of said days of meeting. The time for appeals is limited by law to twenty days from and after the first Monday in January. John H. Moulton, John Hickey, J.D. Wheeler, Board of Relief for Borough of Willimantic, Willimantic, January 2d, 1882

28. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Blood-Atonement in Utah.
A letter from Salt Lake City to the Chicago Tribune says: With regard to blood-atonement I am assured that it is practiced today as frequently as it was twenty-five years ago, though not so openly. There are no coroners in Utah and when a body is in death it is simply buried. Poison does the work and there are no inquiries. When a man gets tired of his wife he poisons her. One crime, which was committed here only a short time ago, I must describe. Mrs. Maxwell came to Salt Lake City with her husband in 1869. Two years afterward her husband took another wife and one year subsequently he was sealed to a third. Mrs. Maxwell had two sons, aged respectively fourteen and sixteen years. Their father urged them to go through the Endowment house and become Mormons, bound by all the oaths of the church. Mrs. Maxwell, having led a life like that of Mrs. Hunt, objected, and in order to prevail over her sons she told them the secrets of the Endowment house.
The penalty for revealing these secrets is dismemberment of the body, the throat cut and tongue torn out. Mr. Maxwell overheard his wife, being in an adjoining room, and forthwith he informed the elders, who sent for the unfortunate woman and her town sons. They were taken into what is called the 'dark pit" a blood-atoning room under Brigham Young's house. Six members of the priesthood then performed their terrible crime; they first cut off their victim's tongue, they then cut her throat. The sons were compelled to stand by and witness this dreadful slaughter of their mother. The sons went directly to the house of a friend, to whom they related the butchery of their mother, and obtaining a package of provisions they started; but on the following morning they were both dead - they had met the Danites.

29. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: North Windham.
The Sabbath school in this village wish to extend their thanks to Mrs. F.M. Lincoln of Willimantic, for her gift to them of a book, entitled, "The Pocket Measure," also to Mr. Philander Willis for his gift of a huge basket of pop-corn balls, which were distributed to the school on Christmas day, also to Rev. K.B. Glidden for his original Christmas poem, delivered under the spreading branches of their Christmas tree.
The steam sawmill, which has been stationed two miles above us, at the Corners, is now one mile below us, on the Beaver Hill road, making that part of the village quite lively. It is on land of E.L. Burnham, the timber having been bought by Walker and Lincoln of Willimantic.
The property formerly owned by Samuel Card, has been purchased by D.F. Terry, and he is already making repairs with a view to sell or rent. It is a pleasant location and the grounds are well shaded and fruited.
A meeting of the Young People's social is called for Saturday evening, Jan. 7th, at the home of the president, Mrs. M.A. Bates, to choose officers for the ensuing year. A full attendance is desired.

30. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Columbia.
The funeral of Mrs. Emily Webler, wife of Elphalet Hall was attended from her late residence at Hop River on Sunday afternoon, Rev. F.D. Avery officiating. Mrs. Hall was well known in this community, having always resided here, and was highly esteemed by her friends. She was possessed of remarkable energy, a fine disposition, one of her acquaintances remarking that in speaking to her children for correction, she never raised her voice above its ordinary tone, but was always gentle in her reproof;--blessed remembrance for those three motherless little ones.

31. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: At A Court of Probate holden at Windham, within and for the District of Windham, on the 27th day of December, A.D., 1881. Present, Huber Clark, Esq., Judge. On motion of Frederick W. Cunningham, Administrator on the estate of William Cunningham late of Scotland, within said district, deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the said Administrator, and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Windham and by posting a copy thereof on a public signpost in said Town of Scotland, nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record. Huber Clark, Judge.

32. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Buildings Lots for Sale.--The subscriber offers to sell Building Lots on each side of the road running from George H. Williams' and Dennis Rourke's to South Windham road. People wishing to buy a building lot will do well to call on or address G.C. Chapman, Willimantic.

33. TWC Wed Jan 4 1882: Farm for Sale.--Situated in the town of Columbia, within three-fourths of a mile of the Air Line Railroad Station, containing 70 acres, well divided into mowing, pasture and woodland. Will keep six head of cattle. House, barn and other buildings all in good repair. Price $800. Enquire on the premises or of Horace Gallup, Pleasant St., Willimantic, Conn.

34. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: About Town.
Mrs. Ellen Nash is building a two tenement house on Jackson St. near L. Freeman's.
Rev. S. McBurney desires to sell a large bay horse, carriage and harness. Inquire of David H. Clark.
Rev. S. McBurney will consider the question, "should women vote--as seen through bible glasses," next Sabbath evening. All are cordially invited.

35. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Geo. H. Andrews who has driven the milk wagon of J.J. Andrews for the past 8 years has purchased the Oak Pond Farm and will move his family to his new home.

36. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Rev. Mr. Ashley has recovered from an illness, and will be able to hold Episcopal services at Franklin hall next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock and each Sunday thereafter at the same hour.

37. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: John Killourey, the Jackson street liveryman, received on Tuesday a new hearse which is very elaborately and attractively finished. Mr. Killourey is now able to furnish an entire funeral equipage equal to any in town.

38. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Mrs. Hyde Kingsley was called to Vermont last week by the news that her mother had met with a serious accident. In walking about the premises at her home she received a fall which broke her hip, and her advanced years render the injuries dangerous.

39. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: The Rapid Telegraph company have opened their office to receive public business. This is a very good thing for people having an amount of telegraph business to do, for the moderate charges will be an advantage to them. The office is located opposite the National house.

40. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: W.H. Alpaugh has received an appointment from the government as postal clerk on the New England division and assumed his duties last Monday. He takes the place of Francis Frost, who a short time ago resigned and has since rented the billiard room connected with the Brainard house.

41. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: It is claimed for the New Hartford sewing machine that it is the best machine all things considered that there is in the market. IT has just been invented and competition has pronounced it the best yet. H.M. Morgan is the agent for this section and he would be very glad to verify these statements. The machines are on exhibition at J.M. Alpaugh's store.

42. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Selectman Lincoln is looking after the pauper poor in a sensible way. People calling on him for wearing apparel he has satisfied by giving cast-off clothing that is of value, until now his supply is exhausted. He suggests that the poor of the town might be well cared for in this aspect if well-to-do people would take the trouble to send their old clothing to the selectmen, and we agree with him. This would be doing a practical missionary work and right at our own doors too, which would avoid the hazard of having your charity misapplied by strangers.

43. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Huber Clark, Esq., slipped on the sidewalk yesterday and sprained his ankle badly.

44. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Mr. P. Ward, superintendent of the gas works, slipped on some ice last week Tuesday near the gas works, and in the fall broke one of the bones of his left wrist.

45. TWC Wed. Jan 11 1882: A new series of socials will commence at Excelsior hall, Bank street, on Friday evening at 9 o'clock. Music by Rollinson's opera house orchestra. Geo. L. Wheeler, prompter. Dancing tickets, 50 cents. Admission for ladies, 5 cents.

46. TWC Wed. Jan 11 1882: An athletic club has been formed to be known as the Young Men's Athletic club, and have leased St. Joseph's hall with the following officers: President, Thomas F. Somers; Vice-President, James Fay; Secretary and Treasurer, John Sweeney; Captain, Owen Ronan; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel Killourey; 2d Lieutenant, William Steel. The club starts off with thirty members.

47. TWC Wed. Jan 11 1882: The firm of Buck & Durkee has taken in Mr. George E. Stiles as partner and the firm name will hereafter be Buck, Durkee & Stiles. Mr. Stiles was formerly engaged I the same business at the same place and is considered shrewd and capable, and he will add solidity to the already solid firm. The will carry on an exclusive wholesale grocery, flour and grain business. It will be proper in this connection to call the attention of the country merchants in this section as well as home retail merchants to the fact that they can buy their goods as cheap if not cheaper than of the travelling salesmen and obviate the delay in transportation. An establishment of this kind here is destined to do a mammoth business.

48. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: At a meeting of the court of burgesses last Monday evening, the following business was transacted: Voted, to pay E.B. Sumner, Esq., $134.17, for services as attorney. An application was received from Chief Engineer Billings desiring the board to procure 1000 feet of rubber lined hose, four rubber coats for hosemen, and to change the steering apparatus of the hook and ladder truck. Warden Baldwin, Burgesses Miller and McCracken, were appointed a committee to ascertain the necessity for these wants. It was voted that the policemen pay into the borough treasury such foes as were awarded to them while on regular duty. The treasurer of the borough was instructed to borrow $800 to meet the current expenses. The board were unanimously opposed to the passage of the Hayden water charter by the legislature in its present form, and Warden Baldwin and Burgess Clark were appointed as a committee to oppose it before the General Assembly, and this committee was further instructed to procure an amendment to the borough charter which would give the borough authority to introduce water on its own account.

49. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Very little disturbance was occasioned this morning by an alarm of fire which occurred about quarter of seven o'clock. The fire was found to be located in a house owned by Roderick Davison at the corner of Jackson and Union streets. It was ascertained that it originated in a closet on the second story close by a chimney and was discovered by the issue of smoke from the closet. Michael O'Brien, who occupied the tenement endeavored to smother the flames with a blanket and failing in this tried water, but the fire was under too much headway to be extinguished. In the meantime an alarm had aroused the fire companies and in quick response streams of water were poured upon the burning building, flooding it from attic to cellar. The damage by fire was not large but the water will swell it to about $300 or $400. The building is insured by the Tolland County Mutual. It was occupied, the first story by Miss Ellen Connor, a dressmaker, and Mrs. Hannah Keirnes, a widow lady, and the upper story by Michael O'Brien. They are all poor people and the loss falls heavily upon them, especially the family

50. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: One year ago last August Jerry S. Wilson was injured while in the employ of the Linen company. By the falling of a shaft he had a leg broken and badly lacerated, and the best surgical treatment that this locality affords has been unsuccessful in restoring the member to its former usefulness, and it is now probable that amputation will be necessary. Some time after the occurrence of the accident we are told, Mr. Wilson applied to the officers of the Linen company soliciting their aid in meeting the obligations which were brought against him in consequence of the accident received while in their employ. They never visited him to ascertain the extent of his injuries, and it is said paid no attention to his requests, even after he had written Mr. Barrows, manager of the company, a very respectful note desiring him to call. It has been customary in very many instances for the company to provide for persons injured in their employ, but no assistance whatever has been rendered to Mr. Wilson. It is asserted that the company were responsible for the negligence which caused the accident, and if this be so the company were neglecting their legal and moral duties in not providing for the necessities of their unfortunate victim. After refusing to do this a suit has been brought against them by Mr. Wilson, claiming damages to the extent of $25,000,--but which if awarded will not bankrupt the company, even after building that elegant, new mill over eight hundred feet long, nearly two hundred feet wide, one story high and about all glass. We refer to this case at this time because the young man has no means of support and is really in a pitiable condition. If the company do not satisfy his claim against them he will have to be cared for at public expense, for in relieving his father from their service, who had been a faithful and competent overseer for them for about eighteen years, his support depends upon other means. We believe public sympathy is with him and against the company. The Linen company is a grand institution, and the people of Willimantic glory in its possession, but shortcomings like these of its officials will neither be approved by the people or by its stockholders. We take up this case not from any hostility to the company, for as a citizen of Windham we are proud of its greatness, but simply to prod the officers to show some sympathy for this young man.

51. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: South Windham.
The new telegraphic line was connected at this office last week and there are now two instruments in the office. This is to be used exclusively for railroad business unless something happens to the other. The next thing in order will be to pay the operators who now get nothing for telegraphing.
G.A. Murdock is local agent for the Day and the News--the former a morning and the latter an evening paper.
A lot of pickerel and perch were caught from the reservoir one day recently by two of our fishermen.
Prof. J.H. Porter and Tom Collins gave a variety show in Music hall one evening last week for the benefit of the band. It was quite well attended and the band obtained about 8 dollars as their share of the proceeds.
Henry Ormsby has so far recovered from the effects of his severe injuries that he was carried to his home last week where he continues slowly to gain. A paper circulated for his benefit was generously signed throughout the place and quite a literal sum was raised.

52. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Warrenville.
A goodly number of the parishioners of Rev. C.N. Nichols paid him a donation visit on the evening of Monday, Jan. 2d. Valued gifts were received, good music was rendered, and it was a very pleasant occasion.
The Ladies social circle of the Baptist church intent giving an entertainment in Mathewson Bros' hall on Wednesday evening, Jan. 25th. A pleasant time is anticipated.
The health of Rev. P. Mathewson, is somewhat improved.

53. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Phoenixville.
A.D. Baker gives a dance in the Shop hall on next Friday evening and the tickets for dancing will be twenty-five cents. As oyster supper will be furnished by Lee Lyon at fifty cents per couple. H.M. Lawton, will furnish confectionery for those who wish.
Mr. S.A. Wheaton, is spending a few days in Hartford at the capitol is representing our town for us.
We expect this week to see our new paper by the name of the Phoenix Advertiser.

54. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Lebanon.
Mr. H.M. Loomis recently killed a hog that weighed 613 lbs for which O.M. Larkham paid him $49.04. This beats all the hogs in the north society so far, excepting perhaps, the one butchered by Ex-Sheriff Cummings on Liberty Hill.
Mr. D.T. Gager has a light Brahma pullet that recently produced a remarkable egg. It was supposed to be double-yolked and was considerably larger than a goose egg. It was broken while in the act of measuring it and was found to contain another perfectly developed egg of ordinary size. The space between the outer and inner shell was filled with albumen. Have any of your correspondents every seen one like it?
A remarkable and unaccountable phenomenon in connection with the moon was witnessed by at least three persons on Tuesday evening Jan. 3d. It occurred just after sunset, the moon being near its full and about three quarters of an hour high; the atmosphere being perfectly clear at the time. The appearance at first consisted of two pyramidal protuberances upon the moon's upper limb, and which apparently, were a part of the moon itself. This singular illusion, or whatever it might be termed, gave the moon a striking semblance as described by one, of a horned owl, but which to your correspondent more nearly resembled the head of an English bull terrier. The projections in a few minutes after they were discovered, gradually faded away; the one on the right and southeasterly quarter disappearing first. Some two or three minutes after, two black triangular spot or notches were seen upon the edge of the lower half of the moon in the same relative position as were the projections upon the upper half, and apparently of the same size. These notches gradually moved towards each other along the moon's edge and seemed to be cutting off, or obliterating nearly a quarter of its surface, until they finally met, when the moon instantaneously assumed its usual proportions. When the notches were nearing each other, the part of the moon seen between them was in the form of a dove's tail and altogether presenting an appearance that will be long remembered by those who were fortunate enough to see it.

55. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: John Killourey, Hack, Livery, and Boarding Stable. Has a fine new hearse. Jackson Street. Carriages furnished for Funerals, Weddings, etc. Horses boarded by the Day or Week. Prices Reasonable.

56. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: For Sale--New and Second-hand Horse Powers and Machines for sawing wood and thrashing. J.B. Ensworth, Scotland, Conn.

57. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Born.
Stanley-In Brooklyn, Conn., a son to Edward and Mary E. Stanley.

58. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: Died.
McDonough--In Willimantic, Jan. 6, Mary McDonough, aged 45 years.
Kelley--In Willimantic, Jan. 9, Aggie Kelley, aged 6 months
Burnham--In Hebron, Jan. 6th, E.J. Burnham, aged 64 years.
Spencer--In Mansfield, Jan. 7th, James S. Spencer, aged 76 years.
Lee--In Windham, Jan. 10th, Ann Lee.
Jackson--In Northampton, Mass., Dec. 15th, Emma, wife of Jerome A. Jackson, aged 36 years.
Cook--In Preston, Dec. 29th, Lila May, daughter of Calvin I. and Sarah J. Cook, aged 5 years.

59. TWC Wed Jan 11 1882: For Sale--A Large Bay Horse, Carriage and Harness. Enquire of D.H. Clark, at his stable.

60. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Dr. J.D. Bentley is having his dental office re-fitted.

61. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Natchaug lodge, No. 2, K. of P., has installed the officers for the ensuing term; C.C., H.A. Adams; V.C., J.H. Parker; P., Geo. H. Parinton; K.R.S., H.R. Alford; M.F., W.N. Potter; M.E., John Bowman.

62. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Orders came from Washington Tuesday to postmaster Walden that he and all of his clerks must be vaccinated immediately. This, it is supposed, is to prevent the small pox from becoming contagious among the government employees.

63. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: R.H. Squier, administrator, will sell at auction at the last residence of Henry N. Squier in Westford, on Wednesday, Jan. 25th, at 10 o'clock, five tons of hay, farming tools, household furniture, etc. If stormy, sale next fair day.

64. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: We are indebted to Mr. Edward F. Hovey for copies of San Francisco papers. In the newspaper line they don't do it by halves. The Sunday Chronicle two weeks ago published thirty-two pages of reading matter each page equal in size to half the Chronicle.

65. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: The boy-bear on exhibition at Franklin block is a genuine curiosity. He has the nearest resemblance to a bear possible and at the same time not be one. We have been invited to examine him closely and are convinced there is no humbug. We should advise others to see him.

66. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: At the annual meeting of the First national bank the following officers were elected: Wm. C. Jillson, president; O.H.K. Risley, cashier; I.A. Culverhouse, teller; W.C. Jillson, Ansel Arnold, S.G. Risley, A.T. Fowler, E.S. Henry, Hyde Kingsley, S.F. Loomer, O.H.K. Risley, directors.

67. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: O.D. Brown, formerly of Henken & Brown, has bought out and taken possession of the grocery business of A.J. Kimball in Melony block.

68. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Chester Tilden had on exhibition the other day, the jewels of the Commandery of Masons just formed in this place, of which he is the chief officer. They were purchased by him of a Worcester firm and are said by masons to be the finest they ever saw.

69. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: There will be a grand opening of the Willimantic roller skating rink at Armory hall under different management tomorrow evening. The Willimantic band will be in attendance and a good time is assured. Prof. F.F. Billings will act as tutor and give an exhibition of fancy skating.

70. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Frank Cheney and James McGarey have an insatiable appetite for sardines. These are a luxury too expensive, however, for their limited means, and to steal is much cheaper than to buy. They were caught in this act Friday morning at the saloon of Peter Happ. Officer Worden introduced them to Justice Sumner who let them off by the payment of the costs of court.

71. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Complaint has several times been made to us of the negligence of the physicians in this vicinity in making their returns to the registrar of births and deaths. The law says that the certificates of births and deaths shall be returned to registrar monthly and provides a penalty of ten dollars fine for each neglect. The disregard of the law makes no less work for the physicians, but involves considerable extra labor on the registrar. The official returns to the state, of the births, marriages and deaths in 1881, just be sent to Hartford on or before Jan. 25th and the Willimantic physicians who wait till the end of the year before making any returns would do well to profit by the suggestion in this article.

72. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Last Friday evening the following officers of Radiant Chapter, No. 11, O.E.S., were installed for the ensuing year by Past Matron Mrs. C.L. Robbins at Masonic hall:--W.M., Mrs. C.S. Billings; W.P., Dr. C.J. Fox; Assoc. M., Miss Helen Battey; Treas., Miss Eunice Ripley; Secy., Mr. David Clapp; Cond. Mrs. E.T. Hamlin; Adah, Mrs. O.B. Clark; Ruth, Mrs. D. Clapp; Esther, Mrs. C. Tilden; Martha, Mrs. G.W. Phillips; Electa, Mrs. C.P. Brann; Warder, Mrs. C.E. Congdon; Tyler, Mr. C.S. Billings.

73. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Another Temple of Honor lodge has been organized out of the ruins of the old Fidelity lodge and will be known as the Willimantic lodge. It is composed of members who are sincere in the work of temperance and who will sustain the institution. The first meeting was held Tuesday evening and was presided over by G.W.T. of the state, Geo. A. Slade of Stonington and P.G. W.T., William O. Buckley of Hartford; G.W. Recorder., Sage, of South Norwalk, were in attendance. The lodge starts out with a membership of nineteen. The following officers were elected and installed last night: E.L. Fornay, W.C.T., J.A. Gardner, W.V.T., A.J. Lawton, W.R., W.A. Kelly, W.A.R., H.K. Brown, W.F.R., W.C. Cargel. Treas., Levi Frink, Chaplain, Geo. Cahoon, W.U., Joseph Hood, W.D.W., F. Jones, W.G., S.F. Morrison, W.D.

74. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: An ugly altercation occurred between railroad men last Thursday evening on Union street. Patrick Fitzgerald and Frank Grimes assaulted John Murphy and gave him a severe beating. Fitzgerald was conductor and Grimes brakeman on a stone train which was hauled into the railroad yard Thursday afternoon. They were evidently laboring under alcoholic hallucination and a dispute occurred between them and John Murphy the yardmaster, occasioned by their refusal to proceed with the train. Murphy reported to Station Agent Bolander and he telegraphed to Boston and received instructions to discharge them. This was the cause of their subsequent trouble. The matter was brought before Justice Arnold and settled by the trainmen's paying $2 and costs amounting to about $13 each.

75. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: The meeting called one week ago last Wednesday of the incorporation of the Springfield and Ponagansett railroad was not literally attended and was adjourned till Friday of last week. Senator Henry Hammond, of Danielsonville was chosen chairman of the meeting and A.E. Converse of Stafford secretary. The following gentlemen, corporators of the road, were present Edwin A. Buck, A.J. Bowen, Willimantic; Henry Hammond, O.P. Jacobs, E.R. Burlingame, Danielsonville; E.L. Crandall, E.L. Preston, C.G. Williams, Elias Maine, P.B. Sibley, Brooklyn; E.A. Converse, R.W. Andrews, Staffordville; J.R. Washburne, West Stafford; J.H. Simmonds, Ashford; Messrs. G.M. Prentice and Theo. B. Talbot of Providence were present as corporators of the road in Rhode Island and spoke assuringly of the building of the roads. Messrs. Edwin A. Buck, Thomas S. Marlor. Oliver P. Jacobs and A.E. Converse were appointed a committee to open books to receive subscriptions to the capital stock, and were given authority to act for a majority of the corperators.

76. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Of the thirty-six members of the Utah legislature thirty-two are officers of the Mormon church and twenty-eight polygamists.

77. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: It is proposed that we should have a new national holiday. The proposition made in Congress is to set apart for commemoration the day on which Columbus discovered America.

78. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Columbia.
Mrs. Harriet Woodward was quite ill during the past week but is reported convalescent.
Inflammation of the eyes is quite prevalent among the pupils of the Center school.
W.H. Yeomans spend several days last week with friends in Norwich.

79. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Died.
Purdia--In Willimantic, Jan. 18th, Agnes A. Purdia, aged 22 years.
Malbery--In Willimantic, Jan. 15th, Michael Malbery, aged 24 years and 4 months.
Sullivan--In Willimantic, Jan. 11th, Michael Sullivan, age 60 years.
Geffery--In Willimantic, Jan. 11th, James Geffery, aged 35 years.
Lanphear--In Chaplin, Jan. 17th, Jerusha Lanphear, aged 84 years

80. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: South Coventry.
After a lingering illness, Mrs. Leonard Dunham entered into rest last Wednesday night, aged 68 years. The funeral ceremonies were held at the M.E. Church, of which the deceased had long been a member, at 12 m., Friday the 13th inst. There were many present to pay the last sad tribute of respect to the deceased who was long identified with and loved by the church. Many expressions of sympathy for the bereaved companion are heard on every hand.
The members of the South Coventry Library association, held their annual meeting in the lecture room of the Congregational church on Friday evening, the 18th inst. A large number were present. The officer of the past year with but one exception were elected. N.C. White, President; H.W. Mason, Vice President; E.A. Tracy, Secretary; R.W. Barber, Treasurer; Mrs. D. Webler, Librarian. The reports of the last year show the library to be in a prosperous condition.
The ladies of the M.E. Society gave a supper in the vestry of their church last Thursday evening. A large number gathered around the festive board and enjoyed a bountiful spread which the ladies know so well how to provide. We are prompted to give a word of cheer to the members of this society for the laudable manner in which they have responded to the urgent requests of their pastor, Rev. W.W. Ellis, for funds to liquidate the church debt of over $1700, which has been a burden for several years. The ladies aid society have also raised the past year the sum of $266, with which they have made many improvements in and around the parsonage.
A discourse was given in the Congregational church by the pastor, Rev. I.H.B. Headley, on Sunday evening, upon the subject of our homes and their divine nature. Whatever the opinions of the different people who listened to him regarding the so called worldly amusements, the earnestness with which Mr. Headley present as his views, is commendable and no one can doubt that they are his sincere convictions.

81. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Willington.
South Willington is the scene of a sensational drama with the accompaniments of love, marriage, faithlessness, separation and tragedy. A little more than a year ago there dwelt in this village a beautiful young lady, Miss Edith Howes, who had many admirers in her train, but among them all two only were favored with a smile or glance from the proud young beauty. The rivalry between those two was strong and deep, and both were unremitting in their attentions to the adored object of their desires, who seemed to delight in her power, and for a long time divided her favors so equally that neither had cause for either despair or hope. At length the lady, with the caprice for which she was remarkable, suddenly accepted the offer of one of her two devotees and without unnecessary delay became Mrs. Dwight Newcomb, leaving the rejected one to the agonies of despair. The honeymoon and the following months passed and apparently brought no cloud to mar the happiness of the newly wedded couple until a short time ago when the demon jealousy entered the domicile, and peace in that household was no more. It is rumored that the husband, with or without reason, took umbrage at the attentions of Mr. Thomas Denham, his rival before marriage, and forbade him the house. Mr. Denham paid no heed to the charge but continued to meet Mrs. Newcomb at her home and elsewhere, the husband meanwhile becoming quite friendly with the supposed destroyer of his peace. Things went on in this way until last Thursday, when Mr. Newcomb went to spend the day at Willimantic, where he purchased a demijohn of whiskey. Returning to his home at night, he found Mr. Denham visiting his wife, and after conversing a while he invited the former to gout to the barn with him, as he had something there to give him. Denham unsuspectingly accepted the invitation and was rewarded for his confidence by a deep, deep draught from the demijohn and Mr. N., in his newly born generosity further loaded him up with a pint bottle of the fire water, and saw the now jolly Denham on his way rejoicing. Some time afterward a company of young men returning from a pleasure party discovered the apparently lifeless body of Mr. Denham stretched by the roadside, and they took him to his home, where Doctor Kelsey, of Willington, was soon in attendance. It was found that the unfortunate man was suffering from strychnine poisoning and the proper antidotes were administered. He was very low for some time, but on Saturday evening there was a slight improvement and hopes are entertained of his recovery. Scandal, with her thousand tongues, is busy in the village and all kinds of rumors are afloat, but the stories are so wild and improbable that it is impossible to separate the truth from the fiction. It is probably that an investigation will be held which will throw further light on some facts which are now hid in obscurity.

82. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Westford.
A general feeling of sympathy prevails for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Nichols, who have lost within a week two bright and pretty little girls by that terrible scourge diphtheria.
On last Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Connell delivered a sermon to young men. It is spoken of by many as being the most eloquent discourse delivered in the Baptist church for years. Mr. Connell is a man of sound common sense, and above all he practices what he preaches, and that is a rare thing in this world now.
The singing school here under the instruction of Mr. Davison, of Woodstock, is doing finely. As your correspondent went by last Monday night, many voices could be heard shouting "do" very lustily.
Work on the gold mine is to go on with increased vigor in a few days. The company are to have some old and experienced miners from New York, under the direction of Captain Davis, a man well known in mining circles in Colorado.
Westford will have to go to building before long as all the tenements that can be hired are full, among them we notice that Mr. Adam Ward, the present foreman of the mines, has hired the Amasa Chapman place. Also a young man from Webster Mass., has hired the tenement owned by Joseph Williscraft.
Orrin W. Smith and C.B. Corbin have killed nine foxes this winter.
Mr. John Lyar, who has been living in Rockville for two years, it is understood, has bought the farm owned by the late Henry N. Squier.

83. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Scotland.
Rev. S. McBurney of Willimantic, preached at the Congregational church last Sunday morning.
Private letters received from the family of Rev. A.A. Hurd, our former pastor, report the family in excellent health, and well pleased with their new home in Minnesota.
There have been several cases of scarlet fever in the lower part of the town.
Letters received from Rev. E. Byron Bingham, state that his health is somewhat improved. He is spending the winter near Boston.
The grist mill belonging to the estate of the late William Cunningham is running steadily in charge of Fred W. Cunningham.
Otis K. Fuller put his arm on a saw at the sawmill last week and received an ugly wound.
H.M. Morgan is pushing things with his new sewing machine, and appear to be doing a good business. All who have seen the machine, speak in its praise.
F.R. Bellows, who purchased the Lewis Smith farm last spring, now offers it for sale low, as he intends to move to the city.

84. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Woodstock.
Our friend, Albert L. Litchfield, is spending a week or so in Boston and Worcester.
The Adventists gave a donation visit to Elder Perlin P. Butler last week, with the usual accompaniments.
Henry Sherman is selling his saw mill and farm with a view to go west.
Mr. W.G. Clark of Boston is refitting and refurnishing the Powhatan house for hotel and boarding purposes. A fine summer retreat.

85. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Unsafe Buildings! Any person having knowledge of any building that they consider as unsafe or liable to take fire from any cause, will please notify the undersigned at once. A.L. Fuller, Inspector of Buildings.

86. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Seventh Dividend. First National Bank, Willimantic, Conn., Jan. 16th, 1882. The Directors of this Bank have today, declared a Dividend of Four per cent, payable January 21st. Oliver H.K.Risley, Cashier.

87. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Farm For Sale.--Situated in Scotland, known as the Lewis Smith place contains 50 acres of good land, suitably divided into mowing pasture of woodland, with buildings thereon. Will be sold at a bargain. Address F.R. Bellows, Scotland, Conn.

88. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: At a Court of Probate holden at Canterbury, within and for the district of Canterbury on the 16th day of January, A.D. 1882. Present M.H. Sanger, Esq. Judge. On motion of Pearl Williams, Executor on the estate of Emblem L. Williams, late of Canterbury within said district deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the said executor, and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Windham and by posting a copy thereof on a public signpost in said Town of Canterbury, nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record. M.H. Sanger, Judge.

89. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: The Eighth Wonder of the World. A Human Being in Flesh and Intelligence, and the perfect Bones and Movements of a Bear. This, The Only Man Bear is one of the most astounding monstrosities ever beheld. Will exhibit for a few days only in Alpaugh & Hooper's Store, in Franklin Building, Main Street, Willimantic. Open from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m.

90. TWC Wed Jan 18 1882: Sketches by Sitting Bull. A collection of sketches by Sitting Bull, representing the principal events of his life, the whole constituting a pictorial autobiography, was purchased in 1870 by Assistant Surgeon James C. Kimball for $1.50 in provisions from a Yanktonnais Sioux, who took it into Fort Buford. These sketches, of the authenticity of which there has been considerable doubt, have been in possession of the war department for several years. The collection was recently sent to Colonel Andrews, commanding Fort Randall, where Sitting Bull is a prisoner, in order that the fallen brave might certify to their authentic character and explain their significance. This Sitting Bull has done with most of the sketches, explaining that a few of them relate to his brother, Jumping Bull. The exploits depicted are only such as redound to the martial glory of the artist, according to his estimate of greatness. In drawing, composition and coloring the pictures are grotesque and barbaric to the last degree.

91. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: About Town.
Holmes has the only fish market in the village.
The aurora borealis was in full blast Thursday night.
Dr. Martin's genuine vaccine virus is for sale at the post office drug store.
Warden Baldwin exhibits his practical ideas in the construction of a substantial railing, which it will take an age to destroy, along the embankment of Mansfield avenue.

92. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: The mercury has been having a regular picnic for the last three or four days. During that time it has ranged from zero to twenty degrees below. It has come on to us rough shod.

93. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: The family of Michael O'Brien desire to express their hearty who have rendered material aid and extended kindnesses to them since their heavy loss by the recent fire which destroyed their household goods.

94. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: The roller skating rink opened at Armory hall last Thursday evening under the management of Messrs. Baker, Webster and Billings, what they promise shall be a series of assemblies for this amusement. Their announcement brought out a good crowd who seemed to enjoy themselves. The exhibition by Prof. Billings was very entertaining, and the Willimantic band added the attraction of music to the occasion. The next assembly will be held on Thursday Feb. 2d, and at that time the band will be present.

95. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Joseph Avery's hack met with a damaging mishap while in charge of George Blish on Saturday who was driving along Church street. Near the junction of Spring street the gutter at one place juts down about two feet. The hack was run into this and came out with broken springs and a demolished glass front. The damage was about $50.

96. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Putnam is having a hearing on the court house question today. The town will be ably represented by the following gentlemen who presented their case last year. The Hon. G.W. Phillips, chairman; the Hon. Geo. Buck, the Hon. J.W. Manning, Wm. H. Pearson, Esq., E.A. Wheelock, Esq., Col. J.M. Lyon, and H. Johnson, Esq.; and by the new committee recently appointed: H. Johnson, Esq., L.H. Seward, Esq., and Wm. H. Pearson, Esq. it will be no go, however, for the thing has been fixed.

97. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: On Saturday evening last about fifteen of the young Sabbath School friends of Mr. Henry W. Avery surprised him by a visit to his residence on Spring street. The object of their unexpected visit was to present him with a beautiful easy chair well calculated to be a source of much comfort in weary hours. Some thirty or more had arranged to participate in the presentation but the inclement weather detained many. The evening was pleasantly spent by all in games and literary exercises. A collation was partaken of and at a reasonable hour they took leave of their worthy Sabbath school superintendent satisfied with the evening's enjoyment.

98. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: A very happy event occurred at the residence of Mr. James Walden last Thursday afternoon. It was the marriage of his only daughter, Jessie to Mr. H.C.H. Palmer, a young and successful merchant of Sing Sing N.Y. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. McBurney of the Methodist church. Only a select company of nearest friends were present on the occasion:--Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Palmer of Sing Sing, N.Y., Mrs. D.K. Tucker and Fred A. Tucker of Springfield, Mass., Mr. Henry Walden of New York, Mr. & Mrs. Huber Clark, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hempstead and the Misses Walden of this place.

99. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: The New London Day says:--"A home correspondent wants to know why the Day keeps saying good things about Willimantic, and is afraid that village is being "cracked up" and glorified at the expense of New London. The Day naturally feels kindly toward the "village" of 8,000 or 9,000 inhabitants, but it isn't aware that it has said anything about Willimantic that will not be born out by facts and figures, and if complimentary allusions to the coming city make the shoe pinch somewhere else, the Day can't help it. Let the other localities wake up and show some go-ahead, or else they must expect to get left, not only in the columns of the Day, but in reality."

100. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: An exchange says that Rev. J.H. Kobb is editor of the Gleaner,a new seven-column folio printed at Canterbury, Conn.

101. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: The Farmers club held a very interesting meeting last Monday evening at the residence of David Jacobs, Pleasant Valley. After discussing the matter of removing the Experiment station it was unanimously decided that the club preferred its location at the Mansfield Agricultural rather than at New Haven. A committee was appointed to circulate a petition for signatures asking the legislature to appropriate $10,000 for its establishment at Mansfield and that $5,000 a year be appropriated thereafter for its support.

102. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: From the annual report of vital statistics for 1881 we get the following facts: Number of marriages, 75, number of births, 188, the month of January having the most, (23) and November the least, (5). Whole number of deaths, 161, of which 32 were from consumption, 7 from lung fever, 7 from typhoid, 5 from old age, 3 committed suicide, 1 killed by the cars. By months the report is as follows: January, 26, February, 21, March, 7, April, 11, May, 15, June, 10, July, 19, August, 12, September, 14, October, 12, November, 6, December, 8. Nativity as follows: Connecticut, 86; other states, 12; Ireland, 33; Canada, 13; England, 6; Germany, 1; birth place unknown, 10.

103. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: The small-pox scare throughout the country has prompted our selectmen to advise general vaccination. Inasmuch as this village is exposed to the contagion from the fact of its being a large railroad center we think this advice opportune and suggest that it be heeded. The national board of health has pronounced the disease at the present time an epidemic which is news not at all encouraging to the case of mind of the general public. This being the case it will be wisdom to embrace the only means known to medicine of preventing its spread should the disease crop out in this locality. Those people who are not able to meet the expense of vaccination may have the operation performed by the town physician by applying to the selectmen.

104. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: At a court of burgesses meeting at the borough rooms last Monday evening. To act conjointly with the committee appointed by the board at its previous meeting a committee of private citizens was appointed to oppose the passage of the Hayden Water charter by the legislature. The following gentlemen constitute the committee: Geo. W. Burnham, Thos. C. Chandler, Allen Lincoln, Henry N. Wales and E.A. Buck.

105. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: North Windham.
Our new society committee are just the men for the place, and the year begins favorably. We have already listened to excellent discourses from Revs. Glidden and Barlow and hope the year may be as prosperous as the one just closed.
E.H. Hall and Son, have already secured their ice, but this weather indicates a bountiful harvest for all.
The steam mill, on Beaver Hill, is undergoing repairs.
Many of the children are afflicted with hoarse colds, and sores eyes.

106. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Mansfield.
Much sickness prevails in Worm Wood District for a place usually so healthy.
Mrs. G.W. Parker had a severe attack of what was called Heart disease Friday night. She came near dying before assistance could be procured. She is better now though somewhat weak.
Conrad Fisher, residing near Gurleyville, has been acting rather strange for some months past. Last week he made some threats in his family that savors of insanity. It is the request of one of his sons that he be sent to the retreat before he gets too raving.

107. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Lebanon.
A good deal of feeling is manifested and indignation expressed in consequence of the proposed attempt to place a conservator over Mr. Wm. S. Peckham one of our well-to-do citizens and an old resident of this place. Mr. Peckham has been summoned to appear before Judge Spencer of Deep River, at the Town hall on Tuesday Jan. 31st, ad who cause why he shouldn't be subjected to such an indignity. From present indications he will be fully able to do so. Except in perhaps a few extreme cases, such a proceeding is an insufferable outrage upon the natural rights and prerogatives of the individual, and should be resisted to the very uttermost.
Your correspondent recently received a very entertaining letter from a friend who is traveling in Georgia: an extract from which I send you for publication, if you deem it of sufficient importance. Writing from Atlanta under date of Jan. 12th. in reference to the present condition of the South, he says: "have also got hold of some inside points of the workings of the reconstruction acts here and in other parts of the south. Having met and talked with on this subject men from almost every southern state, I have, contrary to a previously formed opinion, deliberately reached the conclusion that it, so far as their own internal government are concerned, was an intolerable outrage on the southern people. The negroes not only being entirely unfit to govern themselves, but from their ignorance, vanity and susceptibility to evil influences much more incompetent to take part in political affairs. I think it is to this reconstruction business more than to any other one thing that the present bankrupt condition of several of the southern states is due. They, the negro tax officers, would go on year after year, laying a heavy tax and collecting the same, without paying any of the public indebtedness with the money, so that the white planters had to revisit them with force, to save themselves from utter financial ruin. This is not imagination, but an actual state of affairs as they existed in Mississippi, as related to me by one of her most honored citizens, a Mr. Carson of Greenville, in that state.
Some thirty-two copies of the history of New London county were subscribed for here, and they were distributed last week. They have been received much as similar histories of other counties, with a good deal of criticism. Of the seventeen likenesses, steel engravings and wood-cuts, some are good, others bad. Of the history of this town little need be said, as most of it was taken word for word from another history, and the acknowledgement is made, covering a part at least. It was not to be expected that a stranger in a few weeks could adequately write up the history of any town in the county, much less the history of all the towns.
The shouts of the ice gatherers are now heard at Lock's pond. Ice is six inches thick, and several have their supply already harvested.
Mr. E.L. Cummings of Exeter, met with a runaway accident on Liberty Hill Sunday of last week. He was driving a spirited colt at the time, accompanied by his wife and child, when in consequence of the breaking of the thill bolts the horse suddenly became detached from the sleigh and started to run making desperate plunges to get away. Mr. Cummings is an excellent horseman and a powerful man, and in his efforts to hold the now thoroughly frightened animal, pulled him over backwards into the sleigh, the cold (weighing 1,100 pounds) falling upon himself and wife. Mr. Cummings was at first completely stunned, and on returning to consciousness found himself on his back upon the bank by the roadside without knowing how he came there; his wife and child under the sleigh, and his horse taking tremendous leaps in the direction of Tobacco street. Both Mr. Cummings and wife were somewhat bruised, but received no serious injury. The little child escaped without a scratch. The cold was found unhurt in Mr. Ansel Hyde's door-yard, the thills having caught upon an ox-sled holding him fast. Altogether it was a lucky escape.

108. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Canterbury.
There were two funerals of well known citizens in different parts of the town at the same hour on Sunday, the 22d inst., which was an unusual occurrence. One was that of Daniel H. Parks, father of Geo. H. Parks who recently owned a livery stable in your village, who died on Thursday last after a short illness, having reached an advanced age. He resided in the Backus neighborhood (so called) and was one of the few householders in that quarter of the town that belonged to a past generation. His father before lived and died upon the same farm. Mr. Park will be much missed in the quarter of the town in which he resided. The other funeral was that of Henry Reynolds, who died suddenly on Friday morning last, probably of heart disease. He was out of doors a few minutes before he died. He had been suffering from a broken ankle for some weeks and had partially recovered at the time of his death. The deceased was one of the firm of Reynolds Brothers', engaged in the manufacture of woolen carpet yarn and lumber. Their place of business is on Little River in the west part of the town. Mr. Reynolds was a good business man and is spoken of as a man of excellent qualities as a neighbor. He was a bachelor and lived in the family of his brother.

109. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Danielsonville.
Rev. James Dingwell:--Sir,--In your communication to the Transcript of Dec. 7th, last, entitled 'A further explanation" referring to James H. Potter Esq, correspondent of the Norwich Bulletin, you make the following statement viz: "Your correspondent [Mr. Potter] in his reports of the temperance movement in this place represents and expresses the sentiments and sympathies of but one class in the community, namely the rum-sellers and those in sympathy with them, and seeks through the columns of the Bulletin to justify this cause as a lawyer in so zealously defending them," and "the attempt of your correspondent to bring reproach upon Deacon J.W. Stone, who is the justice referred to in his report of the Bennett case" etc. Many citizens in this village, friends of Mr. Potter, myself included, respectfully request that you insert in the Chronicle of next week the reports from Mr. Potter you allude to and specifically point out in said reports the words or sentiments in said reports on which you predicated your statements as above quoted, and also further state the basis on which you made the charge, or charges in the petition to which you placed your name, which charges on full inquiry have been proved, as you are well aware wholly untrue. Justice to Mr. Potter as well as to yourself demands either an explanation or an acknowledgement. Yours, Joshua Perkins.

110. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Andover.
Prof. W.O. Turner is giving a course of music lessons here, and our singers are making excellent progress under his instruction.
Mr. Pixley has recently moved his steam saw mill, and has set it up on the land of Mr. R.E. Phillips, of whom he has purchased a large tract of standing timber.
Mr. Thomas E. Porter of New York, a native of Coventry, has presented the Andover library Association with one hundred and twenty-seven volumes of books. Among which are Homes' history of England, Gibbons of Rome, and complete works of Scott, Hawthorne and Cooper, together with other equally valuable works. Our people feel deeply grateful to Mr. Porter for this magnificent gift.

111. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Montville.
O.W. Douglass, Esq., and J.M. Austin improved the strong wind by securing a very fair catch of clams. "It is an ill wind that blows no one good luck."
Mr. Robert Staplins, the parent of one of the parties in the reported youthful elopement, emphatically denies the statements which were published about the affair. Several libel suits are seriously talked of.

112. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Scotland.
Gilford, youngest son of Henry Greenslit is home from the west for a visit. He is engaged in farming in Nebraska, and is thoroughly weaned from his old Connecticut haunts.
Birthday surprise parties are popular among the young people of Pinch street.
Henry Reynolds, of the firm of Reynolds Bros. manufacturers of carpet-warp on Little river, died quite suddenly while sitting in his chair Thursday night. He had been confined to the house recently by a broken leg and was suffering from an affection of the stomach but was able to be outdoors on Thursday and his death was quite unexpected. He was a very worthy citizen, capable in business and greatly beloved by the family of which he was a member. He was between fifty ad sixty years of age.

113. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Judge Cox having refused Guiteau permission to speak before the jury, the assassin gave the address that he intended making to the press for publication. In a letter which accompanies the address he calls it "an historical document," desires that it be "sent broadcast to the American people" and says he would not trust the best man in American to close his case. The address is a long, rambling document, much of it having been heard before in his testimony when he appeared as a witness in his own behalf. The speech starts out with the declaration that he stands before the jury as a patriot, suffering in bonds for an act that was done fort he good of the American people. Some rhetorical passage that it contains have appeared again and again in his utterances in and out of court. He reasserts that the Deity inspired him, pictures the political situation at the etiem, declares that there have been several interferences by Providence in his behalf, and threatens dire things to the American people if he, as the representative of the Deity, is injured. He tells the jury that it is their business to acquit him and so vindicate his inspiration. He clams he was insane when he shot the President and that as soon as it was done the pressure on his mind was relieved. So rash an act, he argues, could only have been the work of a madman. The assassin reiterates his blasphemies and expresses great satisfaction with the political results that have followed his crime, which, he says, go to prove his claim of Divine inspiration. He claims to be a patient hero, worthy to be ranked with Washington and Lincoln, and appeals with a proud confidence to the jury for vindication and freedom.

114. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Columbia.
Several invitations came into town last week for friends to attend the wedding of Miss Ross A. Post at the Park church, Hartford at 2 o'clock Tuesday.
Some of the friends of Walter Palmer, West street gave him a surprise on Thursday evening last week.
On Tuesday evening of last week the 80th birthday of Mr. Simeon P. Downer was celebrated by a surprise given him at the residence of his son Mr. James L. Downer. About 7 o'clock p.m. the grandchildren and great-grandchildren were ushered into his presence and had the satisfaction of enjoying the complete surprise of the old gentleman. After a few moments of pleasurable conversation they were invited to repair to the dining room where a beautiful spread awaited them which was richly enjoyed by all. Mr. Downer even at this advanced age is healthy and vigorous and gives promise for a long continuance of life. The evening was pleasantly spent and with an exchange of congratulations the company dispersed with pleasant remembrances of the occasion.
James L. Downer and W.H. Yeomans attended the annual session of the Grand lodge in Hartford, last Wednesday and Thursday.
Dea. Amasa B. Fuller died at his residence, of pneumonia Sunday evening at eight o'clock. His wife was absent in Meriden caring for a sick daughter and was telegraphed for on Saturday, but failing to receive the message a messenger was dispatched for her and she arrived at her home about an hour after her husband had breathed his last.

115. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Woodstock.
We are in receipt of a complimentary copy of the 57th annual report of the Society for the Reformation of juvenile delinquents for New York, situated on Randall's Island, in New York harbor. It performs very much the office of our state reform school. Aside from fine illustrations, business like reports and tables, so gratifying to the moralist and statistician, these reports respond to an interest local to Woodstock, in the present or recent membership of the staff of the institution, as for years Woodstock has been creditably represented on it, either among the executive officers or among the teachers. When it is recollected that the institution has aided in reforming nearly 20,000 boys and girls, and during the past year nearly 1400 were inmates of its walls, its importance will be understood. Mr. Sam Gildersleeve is the storekeeper and general purchasing agent, Mrs. Gildersleeve was a daughter of the late Chas. Child and a teacher. Mr. Frank Perrin is assistant superintendent and clerk, his sister Sarah was a teacher. Miss Esther Child, Luther Leavitt, Chas. And Mrs. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Rowlu (lately Miss Julia Killam) and Miss Sarah Bishop have been recently, or are at present on the staff- most of them teachers. Miss Mary Osgood, a daughter of ex-Sheriff Osgood of Pomfret, has been also engaged in teaching there a portion of the year.

116. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: South Coventry.
A candy pull on a grand scale was held in Kolb's hall on Friday evening. Many were present and a delightful time is the universal comment.
D.W. Huntington has been suffering with sciatica.
A new meat market is to be opened in the store on Main street, owned by Wm. Bradbury, by Walter Boynton and C.H. Cummins.
Wm. Bradbury has been quite sick but is reported as improving.
A kerosene lamp was accidentally broken in the carding room of John M. Wood's mill on Thursday evening. The prompt action of employees extinguished the flames and prevented a serious fire.

117. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Married.
Palmer-Walden--In this village, Jan. 19th, by the Rev. S. McBurney, Mr. H.C.H. Palmer, of Sing Sing, N.Y., to Miss Jessie Walden, of this village.

118. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: Died.
Flang--In Willimantic, Jan. 19th, Willie E. Flang, aged 1 year.
Parks--In Canterbury, Jan. 19, Daniel Parks, aged 63 year.
Hutchings--In Willimantic, Jan. 19, Sarah Hutchings, age 22 years.
MacFarlane--In Mansfield, Jan. 19, John Macfarlane, aged 75 years.
Thomas--In Meadville, Jan. 20th, M.E. Thomas, aged 85 years.
Barton--In Willington, Jan. 21, Gibson Barton, aged 75 years.
Fuller--In Columbia, Jan. 22, Amasa B. Fuller, aged 55 years.
Haywood--In Windham, Jan. 20th, Elson Haywood, aged 75 years.

119. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: At a Court of Probate, holden at Columbia, in and for the District of Andover, on the 17th day on January, A.D., 1882. Present, William A. Collins, Esq., Judge. Edward C. Worth, of Columbia, in said District, having assigned his property to William H. Yeomans, 2d, of said Columbia, in the County of Tolland, as trustee. This Court doth appoint the 31st day of January 1882, at ten o'clock, A.M.; at the Probate Office in said District as the time and place for the hearing relative to the acceptance and approval of said Trustee and it is ordered by this Court that public notice of such hearing be given by advertising this order in a newspaper printed in Willimantic and by posting a copy thereof on the public signpost in said Town of Columbia at least six days previous to said day of hearing, and return make to this Court. Certified from Record, William A. Collins, Judge.

120. TWC Wed Jan 25 1882: At a Court of Probate, held at Lebanon in and for the District of Lebanon, on the 11th day of January, 1882. Present, Geo. D. Spencer, Judge. Estate of Mrs. Ruth A. Peckham, late of Lebanon, in said District deceased. On motion of Wm. W. Peckham, administrator on said estate. Ordered that six months from this date be limited and allowed for the creditors of said estate to present their claims to said administrator, and the administrator is directed to give public notice of this order by publishing in a newspaper printed in Willimantic and posting on the public signpost in said Lebanon nearest where the deceased last dwelt and make return to this Court. Attest. Geo. D. Spencer, judge.

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