Tolland County Connecticut
USGenWeb Project



Family Web Pages


Family Specific Web Pages

All of these links lead to off site locations. Please let me know if a website becomes unavailable and should be removed from this listing. At this time there is only one good web link. Instead of removing the information, I will remove the broken web links in hope that the owner(s) will notify me with a valid link. If you find that an email is no longer valid, please let me know.

Amidon Family
The Amidon Ancestry of Andrew Huntington Amidon

Andrews, Washburn, Cushman, Avery, Fairman, White, Bocker, Ledoyt, Patten, Beckwith & Elliothorpe families
Sue Andrews Sinclair

Bradley Family
Robert Bradley has a page with the family of Dr. Roswell Bradley & Sarah Isham, Capt. Jabez Bradley & Hanna Lathrop, George Bradley & Hannah Braman.

Delano Family
Tolland, Paulette Deleno Dias

Hawkins Family
Jan (Wilson) Ramos - Researching the Wilson, Rust & Hawkins families of Coventry, 1712-1819

Howard/Hayward family
Work, S.M. Howard

Jones Family
(Samuel & Lydia): Hebron, Diana Carmack

Judd Family
Newago County Michigan USGENWEB Page has some Judd family members of Hebron, CT.

Kibbe Family
Kevin Kibbe, owner

Lathrop Family
Robert Bradley has a page with the family of Hanna Lathrop

Rockwell Family
Beverly Schonewolf has some articles about the family of Benjamin Rockwell of Stafford.

Root-Coleman families
Coventry, John Shuck

Shuck Family
John Shuck, Root-Coleman lines.

Stanley, Edwards, Fuller, Millington Families
Werner Stanley

Ticknor family
Nola Johannes

Tooley Family Genealogy
Tooley and allied families

Whitehouse Family
The Whitehouse Ancestry of Bert Winfred Whitehouse

Whitney Family
Robert Ward has a page with the Whitney Family of Willington, CT.

Mansfield, all families before 1750
George Waller


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Last Updated:  June 29, 2013