Killingworth Town Seal

Saybrook VS. Killingworth

It appears from the Town Records of Killingworth, vol. 1, p. 192, that there was in the early history of the county a quarrel between the towns of Killingworth and Saybrook. In regard to this matter the following from the records may be of interest:

"Whereas there hath been a difference between Saybrook and Kennelworth Respecting the Land they do possess the Inhabitants of Saybrook being from the Consideration of a peaceable Issue and that So there be unity and unanimity between us both the Inhabitants of Saybrook & Killingworth have therefore agreed and concluded on the Respects aforesaid & Thirty Pounds made sure by obligation bearing date herewith all & this underwritten Conveyanceis, a full and final Issue between the towns as above s'd---

"Know all ye therefore that we whose names are hereunto subscribed do in the name & on behalf & by order from the Town of Saybrook alienate & Make over unto the Inhabitants of Killingworth all our Right title, claims & Interests which they possess falling within the boundaries of that Line which Runs north & South being by Mr. Nathaniel WHITE & to deac'n John HALL both of Middletown which was Run by Court order unto Hammonasset River and from the sea to Haddam Bound from us our Heirs and Successors to them their Heirs & Successors forever, To have hold & quietly possess & enjoy without let trouble or molestation the aforesaid Land Either by us our Heirs & Successors or any for us in our names the meaning of Right title, Claim & Interest as above mentioned in that which we have Rec'd both from Indians & English-also that Land that the WRIGHTS now enjoy which was sold them by Saybrook town before the last Running of the divided Line between Saybrook & Killingworth the S'd WRIGHTs are quietly to enjoy according to the tenor of the Deed of Sale which they had from Saybrook without any molestation from the Town of Killingworth or any of them their Heirs or Successors. "This Deed of Conveyance is made over to Mr. Edward GRISWOLD, Samuel BUELL, John KELSEY, In the behalf & for the use of the Town of Killingworth by us Samuel JONES John CHAPMAN & John WHITTLESEY.

"In Witness whereof we have hereunto set out hands and Seals this 12th Day of Sept. A. 1684.

"Samuel JONES [Seal]
"John CHAPMAN [Seal] "John WHITTLESEY [Seal] "Signed Sealed & Delivered In the presence of us " "Joseph BLAGUE "Ephriam HOWARD.

"Samuel JONES, John CHAPMAN & John WHITTLESEY, each & all of them this 12th Day of Sept. 1684 Declared the above Instrument to be their act and Deed Before me.
"Robert CHAPMAN, Assistant."

The Town of Killingworth "by their vote March ye 16th 1687 ordered that the Recorder should make Record of what was Disbursed for the Purchase of Land within their Township of Saybrook town & the names of those that Did Disburse monies to the sd Purchase & the Respective Sums that each man paid-this to be entered in the book of Record for Land."

It appears from page 138, vol. I, that the following persons "Did Disburse money for Saybrook purchase," viz.:

£. s. d.
"Captain ALLEN 2-0
"William PALMER 1-0
"Widow WILLCOX 1--10
"Samuel BUEL sen. 2
"Jonas WESTOVER 1-0
"Nathaniel HAYDON 2-0
"Daniel Kelsey 0--10
"Azariah BEACH 0--10
"Christopher TOOLEY 0---7---6
"William STEVENS 1--10
"Thomas STEVENS 0---6
"Joseph HULL 0---6
"John HULL 0--15---0
"Andrew WARD 1-0
"Josiah ROSSITER 0--10
"Mr. BAILEY 1-0
"Will'm BARBER 1-0
"Henry CRANE 1--10
"John KELSEY 1--10
"Augustine WILLIAMS 0---5
"Peter FARNAM 0--10
"Serg't Thomas STEVENS 1-0
"Joseph WRIGHT 1-0
"John NETTLETON 0--15
"Wm. GOLDSMITH 1--10
"Wm. WELLMAN 0--10
"John ROSSITER 1-0
"Samuel SHETHAR 0--10
"James STEVENS 0--10
"John LEE 0---7---6

The following is from Vol. I, p. 176, Killingworth Records:

"We the underwritten being appointed by the Court to run the line of the bound between Saybrook & Haddam & betwixt Saybrook & Killingworth & the West line of Killingworth unto Guilford bound have attended the same as followeth-first we begun betwixt Saybrook & Haddam at an Oak tree by the River Side before agreed on by both Towns which tree is marked with the Letter H on the North Side & with the Letter S on the South Side from whence (record ends suddenly).

"April ye 4th A. D. 1699-We whose names are underwritten being appointed to Run the line between Guilford and Killingworth have agreed that the heaps of Stones that we have this day made in the branch of Hammonasset River against a White oak tree with a heap of Stones at the Root of it & a stone in the Crutch of it s'd heaps of Stones it is the North easterly corner of Guilford & the said Branch to be the Dividing Line between s'd Towns according to the Running thereof till s'd branch falls into the Sea.

Joseph HURD Sen'r.
William STEVENS.
Samuel BUEL.
John Crane.

Source: The History of Middlesex County 1635-1885, J. H. Beers & Co., 36 Vesey Street, New York, 1884, Pages 417 - 434

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